
CBI registers cases against 2 more shelter homes in Bihar for abuse of minors

Bihar shelter home,Child abuse,Bihar

There was national outrage last year following the alleged abuse of minor girls at a shelter home run by journalist Brajesh Pathak in Muzaffarpur in Bihar.(HT File Photo)

The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has registeredtwofresh FIRs pertaining to alleged abuse of children in two shelter homes inGaya and Bhagalpur. This is in addition to its ongoing probe into sexual assault with minor girls at the Muzaffarpur shelter home.

This comes after the Supreme Court directive on November 28 to the CBI to probe alleged abuse of inmates at 17 shelter homeslisted in the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) study.

The investigating agency lodged a case against director of Boy’s children home of Bhagalpur run by Rupam Pragati Samaj Samiti, while the second case was lodged against House Mother Children Home in Gaya.

Isabel Hövels findet mit Hilfe des Bischofs ihre leibliche Mutter Indisches Adoptivkind dankt Felix Genn

Special invitation for Isabel Hövels: The 29-year-old from Emsdetten will visit Bishop Felix Genn on Thursday. The background: The hairdresser and make-up specialist was adopted at the age of six months by a German couple from an orphanage of the Missionaries of Charity in India. For decades she tried, with the help of her adoptive parents and friends in vain to locate her birth mother. She always bounced off a wall of silence in the religious community. When Bishop Felix Genn wrote a letter to the Mother Superior of the Sisters in India in 2015, everything suddenly went very fast. A few weeks later she held all the important information in her hand.

"I am infinitely grateful to the bishop for having worked so successfully for me," says Hövels. But she also wondered how it could be, "that the sisters in India have been masonry for years and suddenly give out everything just because a bishop asks." Her picture of the church had been badly damaged in the years before. Again and again she was rejected and comforted. She learned of irregularities in the mediation of Indian infants by the sisters, of money that flowed illegally and of missing consent from parents.

New view of the church

Also about this Hövels wants to talk to the bishop. Recent developments have also opened up a new view of the church for her, she says, "If the system has mistakes, then it is individual people in the church who do much good."

To these people belong for them the Indian priest Father Theo Kindo, at that time in the Pastoralteam of the St. Nicomedes municipality in Borghorst, which intervened both as an interpreter as well as travel companion and connoisseur of the church landscape in its homeland. And the Osnabrück general vicar Theo Paul, who made important contacts as a friend of his uncle and also traveled to India to help. He was the one who made contact with Bishop Felix Genn. He then turned to today's Superior General of the Missionaries of Charity, Sister Mary Prema Pierick. She comes from the Westphalian Reken.

The legality of dual citizenship in Bangladesh

Barrister Sabrina Zarin, Advocate of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh and partner at the FM Associates/

Daily Observer

Having dual citizenship has become a matter of concern for many citizens of Bangladesh due to the high interest in migrating to different countries of the world from Bangladesh. People from Bangladesh are moving towards the western countries to avail a higher standard of living and better opportunities for earning their livelihood. Therefore, they must have the scope for getting dual citizenship when they migrate to different countries because being a citizen of Bangladesh is a right they acquire at birth, which should not be given up lightly.

The Citizenship Act 1951 generally does not allow ‘dual citizenship’. If a person is a citizen of Bangladesh and is at the same time, a citizen of another country, he shall, unless he makes a declaration in that other country renouncing his status as a citizen or national, shall cease to be a citizen of Bangladesh.

However, the Bangladesh Citizenship (Temporary Provision) Order 1972, (as amended in 1978) 1978, Bangladesh now permits dual citizenship under certain limited circumstances. Therefore, Bangladeshi-origin nationals of certain countries as specified by the government may apply to the government of Bangladesh for the reacquisition of Bangladeshi citizenship without having to renounce their existing citizenship of other countries.

Notorious celebrity faith healer John of God 'sold babies' to Australians

The Brazilian celebrity faith healer accused of sexually abusing hundreds of women is now facing allegations he sold babies to foreigners, including Australians, for up to $70,000 each.

Joao Teixeira de Faria, also known as John of God, was arrested in Brazil in December after hundreds of people came forward with allegations of rape and threats of violence. Many claimed they were underage at the time of the alleged abuse.

Now, John of God has been hit with stunning new claims that he operated a baby-selling and human trafficking ring from his spiritual compound in Abadiania, 130km south-west of Brasilia.

Prosecutors have reportedly been given information that an unknown number of adoptive parents from five countries, including Australia and the US, bought Brazilian babies for a price between $27,000 and $70,000, according to Brazilian newspaper Folha de S.Paulo.

The infants were said to be born to impoverished mothers who lived around John of God's compound, the newspaper reported.

The Department of Social Development removes adoption fees

The Department of Social Development removes adoption fees

13 January 2019 10:31 AM

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The Department of Social Development has changed the legislation process around adoption, saying fees should not be charged for adoption as it is not a business but a child protection measure.

The department stated that, although there was much public interest in the removal of the Adoption Fee Clause, as proposed in the Children’s Act Amendment, it must be noted that it began consulting on changes to the act as early as 2016.

Congress ratifies bill simplifying adoption process

Congress ratifies bill simplifying adoption process


Posted at Jan 13 2019 03:13 AM

Congress has ratified a measure eliminating a lengthy court procedure in adopting children. File/Jonathan Cellona, ABS-CBN News

MANILA—Congress has ratified a measure eliminating a lengthy court procedure in adopting children.

Congress ratifies bill simplifying adoption process

Congress has ratified a measure eliminating a lengthy court procedure in adopting children. File/Jonathan Cellona, ABS-CBN News

MANILA—Congress has ratified a measure eliminating a lengthy court procedure in adopting children.

In a statement Saturday, the Senate said the “Simulated Birth Rectification Act of 2018” aims to fast-track adoption and “grants amnesty and allow the rectification of the simulated birth of a child where simulation was made for the best interest of the child, and that such child has been consistently considered and treated by the person.”

“Birth simulation” refers to the tampering of the birth record to make it appear that a child was born to a person who was not the child’s biological mother.

Under the Domestic Adoption Act, however, penalties are due those who cause fictitious registration of the birth of a child.

Vrouw sleept Nederlandse staat voor de rechter om 'schimmige' adoptie

Vrouw sleept Nederlandse staat voor de rechter om 'schimmige' adoptie


Dilani Butink NIEUWSUUR

Voor het eerst sleept een geadopteerde de Nederlandse overheid voor de rechter, omdat ze vindt dat die meer had moeten doen om frauduleuze adopties te voorkomen. Volgens de vrouw zijn haar geboortepapieren in Sri Lanka vervalst, waardoor het voor haar onmogelijk is haar biologische ouders op te sporen. In een dagvaarding eist ze dat de overheid schuld erkent, haar schadeloos stelt en een dna-databank opricht voor geadopteerden uit Sri Lanka.

De 26-jarige Dilani Butink werd geboren in Sri Lanka. Toen ze een paar jaar geleden terugging naar haar geboorteland ontdekte ze dat het documentnummer op haar geboortepapieren toebehoort aan een ander kind. De adoptieprocedure in 1992 verliep dan ook schimmig. Haar ouders zouden een jongetje ophalen in Sri Lanka, maar die bleek bij aankomst niet meer beschikbaar. Een tussenpersoon regelde daarop dat Butink geadopteerd kon worden.

Delhi court allows woman to adopt 15-year-old ward

As per court records, the woman filed a petition in 2018, taking “shelter under this new phrase” of the JJ Act, 2015. The scope of guardianship is “limited” once the minor turns 18.

Written by Abhishek Angad |

New Delhi |

Published: January 11, 2019 1:21:28 am