
Abbotsford couple ‘heartbroken’ as African adoption stalls once again

WATCH: Another delay for Abbotsford couple adopting son from Ghana

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There has been another setback for an Abbotsford couple trying to bring their adopted son to Canada from Ghana.

Kimberlee Moran and her husband Clark have been working to bring the boy to B.C. for more than three years — a process that has stalled in recent months.

On Friday, they got a letter from the Canadian government dashing their hopes once again.

Hilfsprojekte aus unserer Region: Wo der Spendenfranken gut aufgehoben ist

Aid projects from our region: where the donation franc is in good hands

It's cold and uncomfortable outside. René Hofmann stands in the door of his family home in Safenwil and asks for a warm living room. Here Marcel Hauser sits at the dining table and looks at photos from Ethiopia on the computer. The Zofinger recently made them on a trip with René Hofmann. Hauser's son Julien (13) was also there. "He wanted to see Ethiopia and learn how people live there," says Marcel Hauser. The independent organizational consultant was with René Hofmann for the first time in the world's most populous landlocked country five years ago. The two men know each other through the Safenwil Association Aid Project Ethiopia. "The Reformed Church Oftringen has been supporting these projects for several years," explains Marcel Hauser, who works as a social deacon on a part-time basis. The 59-year-old is impressed by the wide-ranging commitment and direct help: "We live here like in the land of milk and honey, while the majority of people in Ethiopia have nothing." Hauser tells of the trip and the capital Addis Ababa.

In the shadow of luxurious hotels and shiny high-rise buildings, thousands live in the slums on the brink of existence. One-room corrugated iron huts often serve as homes for entire families. Not even that had a widowed mother, who lived with her four daughters on the street makeshift under a small tarp. Unprotected from violence and against cold nights and rain. "She was so friendly, calm and never asked for help," recalls Hauser and continues: "Thanks to René Hofmann and the association, the family now lives safely in a modest apartment." Like this family, many people in Ethiopia lack adequate access to drinking water and there is no sanitation or sanitation. Most are also excluded from state health care.

Helping people help themselves

The aim of the Safenwil association is to help people to help themselves. Since 2006, the focus has been on the construction of toilet facilities that improve the hygienic conditions of hundreds of people. The construction of wells and wells also guarantees hundreds of people access to clean water and helps reduce child mortality.

Aussies scammed by fake orphans scandal

Aussies scammed by fake orphans scandal

Aussies have revealed their “shock and sadness” after handing $480,000 to a charity that’s now been exposed as a shocking scam.

Gary Nunn

news.com.auDECEMBER 17, 201811:01AM

Forty Australians have been duped into donating more than $480,000 to a charity scam that coerced children into a fake orphanage.

In Landmark Ruling, Singapore HC Allows Gay Couple To Legally Adopt Their Son

In a landmark judgement, Singapore High Court has ruled in favour of a gay man who sought to adopt his biological son, whom he fathered through a surrogate. This judgement overruled a 2017 order, which said that he could not legally adopt his son, as he was born via in-vitro fertilisation in the United States- a process not allowed in Singapore.

“We attribute significant weight to the concern not to violate the public policy against the formation of same-sex family units on account of its rational connection to the present dispute and the degree to which this policy would be violated should an adoption order be made,” Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon said, reported ABC News.

Eligible to be Singapore’s citizen

Same-sex marriages are not recognised in Singapore and gay sex is illegal. The child was considered illegitimate in the eyes of law as the biological mother and father were not married. This judgement, not only gives legal parental rights to the couple but also make the child eligible for Singapore’s citizenship.

The mother of the four-year-old waived all parental rights during surrogacy. The egg donor was never identified. The 46-year-old man, who has been with his partner for the last 13 years, will now have legal rights over the child.

Aussies scammed by fake orphans scandal

Aussies have revealed their “shock and sadness” after handing $480,000 to a charity that’s now been exposed as a shocking scam.

Forty Australians have been duped into donating more than $480,000 to a charity scam that coerced children into a fake orphanage.

The Australians were fooled into thinking they were supporting Nepalese orphans when, in fact, the children were not orphans at all.

The Nepalese charity responsible had also deceived Australian charity Forget Me Not into supporting the cause by falsely claiming the kids had lost both of their parents. The Nepalese charity even falsified the parents’ death certificates to show to the Australian operation these were legitimate orphans.

The non-government organisation, Malai Na Birisu Bal Griha, hired child traffickers who manipulated illiterate parents in poor areas of Nepal and stole their girls away from them to live in a Kathmandu orphanage funded entirely by Australian donations.

Adoptive father can’t replace biological father on birth certificate

AHMEDABAD: A local court refused to replace the name of a child’s biological father with that of the adoptive father on a birth

certificate (https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/topic/birth-certificate), holding that it is the “legal right of a child to preserve his

or her identity, including nationality, name and family relations as recognized by law”.

This was after the woman divorced her first husband and remarried. A sessions court said, “It is not legal and valid to replace

the name of the biological father or mother with that of adoptive parents…”

'I've probably been traded'

Forty years ago, her overjoyed adoptive parents embraced Esther. She arrived on a KLM plane that had taken twelve other babies from Bangladesh to the Netherlands. Orphans who otherwise had no future, it was thought. The truth turns out otherwise. Esther was probably stolen from her biological parents and sold for a lot of money.

“My parents adopted me through Wereldkinderen, at the time it was called Bureau Interlandelijke Adoptie. There were only girls on my plane. I still have the photo, we came up with it in the Libelle then. My parents deliberately adopted through a reliable organization. Child Protection came to visit them, our family was fully screened. That gave them confidence that it was a reliable procedure. At the time there were stories circulating about a Flemish priest who made illegal adoption, but my parents stayed far away from that. ”

Shots next to the orphanage

When all the girls on her plane were in the Netherlands for twenty-five years, a reunion was organized. There adoption stories were exchanged. Then Esther thought it was already striking that her adoption story had a lot in common with all the other stories from the '78 plane. “The main lines were the same, but certain details were slightly different. One had been given up by an aunt, the other by an uncle and a third by the grandmother. But the situation was exactly the same. Father had died, mother died shortly afterwards, the family came from a poor rural village. The aunt, uncle or grandmother was too old and therefore gave up the child. ” Didn't Esther think: that must be a common occurrence in Bangladesh? “Yes, I did. But deep down I felt that something was wrong. I was pregnant at the time, and didn't think about it too much. But in the background it kept haunting my mind. Later we read a story from someone on the internet that the baby house I came from was a location for criminal settlements. The area next to the orphanage was a work area. Every now and then a whistle went off and the children had to go inside. Then shots rang out, and when the children came out again, all of the workers were suddenly gone. That story didn't bother me either. ” and when the children came out again, all of the workers were suddenly gone. That story didn't bother me either. " and when the children came out again, all of the workers were suddenly gone. That story didn't bother me either. ”

Lost children