
Onderzoek naar illegale adopties rijt oude wonden open in Tuitjenhorn

Onderzoek naar illegale adopties rijt oude wonden open in Tuitjenhorn

Tientallen Nederlandse stellen adopteerden begin jaren 80 illegaal een baby uit Brazilië. Een opvallend groot deel kwam uit het dorp Tuitjenhorn. Was het een wanhoopsdaad, edele daad of misdaad?

Tonny van der Mee < 05-01-19, 10:30


In de woonkamer hangt een foto van een gelukkig gezin. Piet en Greet Blankendaal uit Tuitjenhorn poseren met hun adoptiekinderen Marco (1980), Alex (1982) en Wilma (1983) en de kleinkinderen. Afgelopen zomer vierden ze hun vijftigjarig huwelijksjubileum.

Justitie stopte illegale adoptie in doofpot

Justitie stopte illegale adoptie in doofpot

Justitie heeft in de jaren 80 illegale adopties uit Brazilië verzwegen. In een strafrechtelijk onderzoek bleven diplomaten, tussenpersonen en malafide bemiddelingsbureaus buiten schot. Het besluit om 42 echtparen niet te vervolgen werd door de top bewust stilgehouden.

Tonny van der Mee 04-01-19, 05:00 Laatste update: 08:02


Uit onderzoek van deze krant blijkt dat het ministerie van Justitie en het Openbaar Ministerie in de jaren 80 worstelden met het stijgende aantal illegale adopties. Naar buiten verkondigden ze hard op te treden tegen ouders en bemiddelaars, maar achter de schermen lieten ze hen ongemoeid.

Lesbian couple got children together - now woman wants to be deleted as a fellow

Lesbian couple got children together - now woman wants to be deleted as a fellow

04 Jan. 2019, 5:30

The Declaration on co-existence is binding, Vestre Landsret has previously stated. Photo: Maria Hedegaard / Scanpix Denmark



Orphan rip-off deceives Bundy’s McDonald’s owners|News Mail

FORTY Australians, including the owners of a Bundaberg McDonalds, have been deceived into contributing more than $480,000 to a charity scam that pushed children into a fake orphanage.

The Australians were fooled into thinking they were supporting Nepalese orphans when, in fact, the kids were not orphans at all.

The Nepalese charity responsible had actually likewise deceived Australian charity Forget Me Not into supporting the trigger by wrongly declaring the kids had actually lost both of their parents. The Nepalese charity even falsified the parents’ death certificates to reveal to the Australian operation these were genuine orphans.

Hervey Bay businesswoman Mel Manley with some of the ladies. Contributed

The non-government organisation, Malai Na Birisu Bal Griha, employed child traffickers who controlled illiterate moms and dads in poor areas of Nepal and took their girls away from them to reside in a Kathmandu orphanage funded completely by Australian donations.

Jansma’s op de bres voor adoptie

Jansma’s op de bres voor adoptie

Geplaatst op Thursday 3 January 2019 09:16

ignore touch

Anne en Meine Jansma met adoptiekinderen Leela (links) en Alemayehu. - Rens Hooyenga

Haule - Rond adoptie van buitenlandse kinderen komen steeds meer misstanden naar buiten. Moet het daarom worden verboden? Nee, vinden Meine en Annie Jansma uit Haule. Met vier geadopteerde kinderen uit India en Ethiopië zijn zij ervaringsdeskundigen.

The stolen children: 'Hundreds' of babies were taken from their mothers to be adopted in Sweden... through an agency later run b

The stolen children: 'Hundreds' of babies were taken from their mothers to be adopted in Sweden... through an agency later run by the man readying himself to become Prime Minister

EXCLUSIVE: Chilean babies were 'stolen' and trafficked to U.S., UK and Sweden

'A majority' of all foreign adoptions in Chile during Pinochet feared illegal

Adoptions of 630 Swedish citizens are being investigated by the Chilean state

Maria Diemar and her adoptive brother taken from their mothers in hospital

Lapses by child welfare body blamed for sexual abuse of 13-yr-old girl by foster father in Assam

School children during an awareness rally against sexual violence

School children during an awareness rally against sexual violence | Burhaan Kinu/Hindustan Times via Getty Images

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Bombay HC Allows Surrogate Mother To Abort 24-Week Foetus With Consent From Intended Parents

The Bombay High Court recently allowed a surrogate mother to abort her 24-week foetus, as the foetus had numerous heart abnormalities and was expected to require multiple surgeries if born. The petitioner had entered into an agreement with a Pune-based couple, for carrying their baby. She had, however, approached the court after a routine check-up and screening had revealed serious defects in the heart of the foetus. The court had then referred her matter to a medical board, consisting of doctors from the BJ Medical College and Sassoon General Hospital, Pune. This board had confirmed that the foetus indeed had several cardiac abnormalities. Having perused this report, Justice Bharati H. Dangre had thereafter sought permission from the intended parents, in view of the peculiar facts and circumstances of the case. "It is informed by the learned counsel for the petitioner that the team of doctors who examined the surrogate mother is made aware of the risk involved and the procedure to be complied with. However, this is a peculiar case where the petitioners before the Court are also joined by the intended parent, since the child is to be conceived by applying the Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). "In such circumstances, it would be appropriate to obtain the consent of the intended parents and they are appraised of the report which is tendered today," the court had directed. During the next hearing, the intended father was present in court, and consented to the abortion in view of the medical report. Allowing the petition, the court then ruled, "In such circumstances, since the expert team of doctors comprising the Heads of various departments have opined that there are multiple cardiac complication in the baby and that the pregnancy be terminated, this Court grants permission to terminate the pregnancy of the petitioner no.1."


Adoption Advocate No. 127 | publications - National Council for Adoption

Subsidiarity Made Simple: Understanding the Hague Convention’s Subsidiarity Principle



Subsidiarity Made Simple: Understanding the Hague Convention’s Subsidiarity Principle