
Allegations in News Reports of Inappropriate Child Care at Komanski Most

Statement Allegations in News Reports of Inappropriate Child Care at Komanski Most PODGORICA, March 26th, 2010 - UNICEF expressed concern about allegations in the media of the mistreatment of children in the Komanski Most institution. UNICEF noted that while much had been achieved this decade the work remained unfinished. The allegations, as well as the publication of the CPT report, were a wakeup call to end institutionalisation of children in Montenegro. UNICEF stands ready with other international partners to support speeding up Montenegro’s efforts to bring about reform in this area. Concerning the situation in Komanski Most, UNICEF and the Government are preparing and implementing plans for the remaining ten children in the institution to be cared for within family or community settings. Individual assessments of all the children in Bijela Children’s Home and Komanski Most institutions have been conducted and individual care and treatment plans have been developed to improve their social skills and prepare them for reintegration into the family or (in the case of the children from Komanski Most) for their movement into Small Group Homes. The two Small Group homes will be built with the support of the US Embassy in Montenegro. “The US, through the US Militaries European Command, will support the children of Komanski Most by providing funds for constructing Small Group Homes in Danilovgrad. We are delighted to contribute to the establishment of a new family-type model that will support the process of reform of the child protection system in Montenegro” says Ambassador Roderick Moore. UNICEF Representative in Montenegro, Noala Skinner said it was important to make the rights and needs of the ten children the first priority. Great care and caution needed to be taken with the children to ensure their move out of Komanski Most did not endanger them. Suitably trained and adequate staffing was required, and the children needed to have access educational opportunities, including attendance in classes at appropriate Centres in Podgorica. “UNICEF is confident that the Komanski Most children will have a better future. The challenge now is to reach every child in this situation in Montenegro so this never happens again,” Skinner said. “UNICEF is working with the Government to develop a comprehensive child care system including the dismantling of institutions.” The Country Programme Action Plan 2010-2011 signed March 24 by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the UNICEF Representative aims at increasing the percentage of children and families having access to family and community-based alternatives to institutionalization. The implementation of this programme will enhance support to biological families for prevention of separation and for formal child care in line with international standards. This will be achieved through the transformation of residential institutions and the development of local capacities for provision of family support and family substitute services. An example of this is the UNICEF supported Day Care Centre for Children with disabilities in Bijelo Polje that is now being replicated across Montenegro. “UNICEF welcomes the expansion of the network of Day Care Centres in the country, and urges complete coverage, with Centres in every municipality” says the UNICEF Representative. Substantial support for child care system reform is also envisaged by the European Union which attaches specific importance to child protection (including de-institutionalization) in the accession process. “ In the case of previous enlargement of the EU, reforming the child protection system was an important milestone on the road to the European Union and it will be no less important for Montenegro" says Clive Rumbold, Acting Head of the EU Delegation to Montenegro The overarching reform is to provide assistance to families needing support to care for their children. UNICEF believes that the best environment for raising children is within a loving and supportive family. Alternative means of caring for a child should only be considered when, despite this assistance, a child’s family is unavailable and unable to care for him or her. For children who cannot be raised by their own families, an appropriate alternative family environment should be sought in preference to institutional care. This can include small group facilities. But placing a child in any kind of institution should be a last resort and for the shortest time possible. “There is much to be done to develop a continuum of child and social protection services, and UNICEF is fully committed to supporting child protection reform” says Ms. Skinner. For additional information, please contact: Ms. Jelena Perovi?, Communication Officer, UNICEF Montenegro; Phone: +382 20 224 277 Ext. 3; Fax: +382 20 224 278; Mobile: +382 69 225 315; Email: jperovic@unicef.org; Website: www.unicef.org/montenegro https://www.google.de/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=127&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CFsQFjAGOHg&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.unicef.org%2Fmontenegro%2FKomanskimostStatement.doc&ei=kXsVVJKlKeXuyQOy1YGgCA&usg=AFQjCNH98PnwF_e4qTaKEQXTz7ob3yZc2A&sig2=YjMMnqRAq3czPkbggBxFoQ&bvm=bv.75097201,d.bGQ

Ethiopia revokes licences of nine charitable organizations

Ethiopia revokes licences of nine charitable organizations

APA-Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)

Ethiopia revoked the license of nine orphanages (charity organizations) who they claim to be involved in ‘illegal’ activities of child rights abuse, APA learns here on Wednesday.

The nine charity organizations have been working to adopt children for the past few years to Europe and America.

However, the office, which is in charge of registering charity organizations at the Ethiopian Ministry of Justice refused to give details as to what kind of illegal activities the organizations were involved with regards to child rights abuse.

Romanian Office for Adoptions suggests lifting some restrictions imposed on international adoptions

Romanian Office for Adoptions suggests lifting some restrictions imposed on international adoptions

25 Martie 2010Information in English

Articole pe aceea?i tem?

Romanian Office for Adoptions: Romania entirely observes law on international adoptions

Petition on international adoptions in Romania is put end to

An increase in number of applications for adoption

An increase in number of applications for adoption

Friday, 26 March 2010 00:11

By Lakna Paranamanna

The number of applications for the adoption of Sri Lankan children has increased in recent times, Probation and Childcare Department (PCD) Commissioner said yesterday.

“Each year we receive more than 5,000 applications for adoption but these keep increasing,” PCD Commissioner D.M.S. Abeyagunawardene said and added that the availability of children suitable for adoption was much fewer than the demand. The Adoption of Children Ordinance states it is compulsory to obtain the consent of the child’s biological parents for an adoption to be valid.

Adopted Alabama teen wants Bolivia to lift adoption restrictions

Adopted Alabama teen wants Bolivia to lift adoption restrictions

By Lisa Osburn • The Birmingham News • March 25, 2010

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BIRMINGHAM -- In her Bible, Sophia Powers, 13, carries a picture of a baby girl.

One look at the little face, and the teenager's mind returns to the South American country of Bolivia.

Seven Claim Adoption Agency Rolled Them

Seven Claim Adoption Agency Rolled Them



TAMPA (CN) - Couples trying to adopt children from Vietnam say the Little Pearls Adoptions Agency took $133,000 to "hold" children for them, then informed them it had a "license issue," and refuses to return the money. In the federal RICO complaint, the seven plaintiffs sued Debbie Fischer and Richard Feinberg, directors of Little Pearls, which formerly was known as "An Angelic Choice."

Little Pearls operates out of Tampa and South Pasadena, Fla., according to the complaint. The plaintiffs - three couples and a would-be mom - say the defendants took their money knowing that the adoptions couldn't be completed since the agency was not licensed.

Founder of Ethiopian Children's Charity charged with sexual abuse of 6 Ethiopian children in U.S. court

Founder of Ethiopian Children's Charity charged with sexual abuse of 6 Ethiopian children in U.S. court

Kennard, founder of children's charity, held without bail, ordered to hire attorney .

By Christopher Smart

The Salt Lake Tribune

Updated: 03/24/2010

Funding exclusion while promoting inclusion?

Funding Exclusion While Promoting Inclusion?

Funding Exclusion While Promoting Inclusion?



  • Organised by the European Coalition for Community Living in cooperation with the Open Society Institute-Brussels, this event will give participants the opportunity to consider the findings of research on the use of European Union Structural Funds in Romania and Hungary, and how it maintains the system of institutional care. Discussions include how Structural Funds can be better used to promote alternative services that enable disabled people to live and participate in the community as equal citizens.

The following questions will be addressed:

  • What are the human rights implications of using Structural Funds to maintain institutional care?
  • What are the main barriers to the development of community-based services?
  • How can Structural Funds be used to promote the development of community-based services for people with disabilities as alternatives to institutions?
  • What role can civil society play in this process?

ECCL carried out the research in cooperation with the Institute for Public Policy, Romania; and the Soteria Foundation, Hungary; with the support of the Open Society Mental Health Initiative.

For more information, please download the program below. A registration form is available on the European Coalition for Community Living website.


Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre
Avenue du Boulevard 17
B-1210 Brussels

Din Malta,cu dragoste:povestea unui copil adoptat

Mar?i, 23 Martie 2010. 3 comentarii, 2 voturi

Din Malta,cu dragoste:povestea unui copil adoptat

Autor: Oana Cr?ciun

Florentina tr?ie?te de 14 ani în Malta, la peste 1.300 de kilometri de ?ara natal? ?i de familia care a abandonat-o din cauza s?r?ciei. Vine îns? în România an de an.

1 /2.

H.R.4986 - North Korean Refugee Adoption Act of 2010

H.R.4986 - North Korean Refugee Adoption Act of 2010

To develop a strategy for assisting stateless children from North Korea, and for other purposes.

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