
Minister seeks to reopen Vietnam for Irish adoptions

The Irish Times - Monday, April 4, 2011

Minister seeks to reopen Vietnam for Irish adoptions


THE GOVERNMENT will begin talks on securing a new administrative agreement with Vietnam shortly to help reopen the southeast Asian state for Irish couples pursuing intercountry adoptions.

An estimated 200 Irish couples seeking adoptions in Vietnam were left in limbo following a decision by the government last year to suspend all adoptions from the country. The suspension, which was announced in January 2010, followed international concerns about the process of adopting children from Vietnam.

Weekend to remember

t your paths." (Prov. 3:5-6)

02 April 2010

A weekend to REMEMBER!!!!!! March 26-28, 2010

Well, the journey to revisit the beginning years of my life has begun...I am not sure that I will have closure, answers or complete healing in the coming weeks or months that lie ahead...but I am trying to let God hold me through this journey. Last weekend, Don and I flew into Atlanta, GA for Ms. Betty Tisdale's An Lac Orphans Reunion in Columbus, GA!!!!!

My American Twin, Heather & me :)

After arriving into Atlanta, our dear friends that we met in Vietnam- 3 years ago - to adopt our babies met us at the airport to go to dinner. We have been blessed beyond words to have Jason, Heather and Rocco Willis to travel, bond and connect with during our adoption pregnancy & after. We got to see Rocco on his birthday weekend, reminiscing when we were coming home to the States with our babies on Rocco's longest and first birthday ever. Because of the time zones & traveling, March 29, 2007 ended up being like 36 hours :).

Kim-Lan with Ms. Betty Tisdale & Ms. Truc (Mdm. Ngai's niece)

It was an honor to meet and thank in person the woman that helped get me out of Vietnam, 35 years ago. I was in one orphanage then transferred to An Lac, then airlifted out with over 200 other babies. I arrived in the States mid April, landed in CA, then onto GA. I was then escorted to Detroit, MI on Tax Day = April 15, 1975 to my mom & grandma.
I had the pleasure of meeting Ms. Truc at the airport and finding our way to the Columbus shuttle together. Ms. Truc was Madame Ngai's niece, the VN Director of An Lac Orphanage. Mdm. Ngai came to the States after the fall of Saigon in 1975 and died 3 years later, 1978 at the age of 73. We had a memorial service for Mdm. Ngai at her grave site. Local & Fox National News covered the whole weekend.

There were over 50 adoptees gathered here to honor, thank and hug Ms. Betty Tisdale & Ms. Truc.

Well, I got to meet the FIRST, taller, prettier Kim-Lan in Ms. Betty's life!!! Betty's 4 daughters came to the GA reunion and they are so beautiful, precious and kind in person as I imagined they would be.
From Left to Right in the picture above: MaiLara, Kim-Lan (me), Ms. Betty, Xuan, TuVan, Kim Lan (Betty's daughter).
I am packing now for the next BIG trip to Saigon, Vietnam - in less than 2 days....WOW!!!! Yikes...I'm not sure what I'm feeling but I am thinking, I can't believe the time has come, months of planning, dreaming, praying, waiting...coming down to this moment in time. Posted by Picasa

A Sacred Mission: WSA Adoption Program in Ethiopia




We are proud to be directly licensed to conduct adoptions from Ethiopia. Please contact us directly for more information about our adoption program in Ethiopia. We also encourage you to watch our Ethiopia Adoptions Videos (A Sacred Mission and The Orphans of Ethiopia) and read about the services we provide.

You can download an Ethiopia Adoption Fee Schedule.

Bulgaria NOT Closing to Adoption

Bulgaria NOT Closing to Adoption


April 01,2010 / Anonymous

Rumors of Bulgaria closing to international adoption are untrue. Bulgaria continues to iron-out its program to place orphaned children internationally. In a March 23rd forum between Bulgarian Ministry of Justice (MoJ) officials, the Social Support Agency in Bulgaria , and representatives of Non-Government Organizations, it was agreed by all to work more closely in sharing information about special needs and older children. It was also established that many more children will be added to the adoption registry during 2010, in the hope of allowing these children to find permanency.

Due to the intensity of the work needed to thoroughly document each child's case before adding the child to the registry, it was acknowledged that patience must be exerted by each agency and prospective family concerned with the welfare of these children. The process will require many months before all children living in orphanages have a clear, documented case plan.

Petition 1120/2009 on Romania’s fulfilment of international conventions on children’s rights


Date: 01-04-10

Petition 1120/2009 on Romania’s fulfilment of international conventions on children’s rights

The Committee on Petitions of the European Parliament met the 22-23 of March 2010 to discuss and act on the request submitted by Amici dei Bambini through the petition No. 1120/2009 to take all measures necessary to ensure that the Romanian authorities recognise intercountry adoption as a legitimate and necessary way of finding families for abandoned children who could no be adopted in Romania.

The first petitioner, the President of Amici dei Bambini Marco Griffini, explained in his speech the reasons behind the petition and his disappointment for the lack of action of the Romanian Government for coping with the worrying conditions of Romanian abandoned children, whose number cannot be “absorbed” by the national adoption.

Adoption Blogs Kenya (Netherlands)

Adoptieblogs Kenya

Esther's blog op Hyves

Marc's blog op Hyves

Frank, Elise en Samuel

Lesley, Deborah en James

Consulate General Guangzhou Issues One Thousand Hague Adoption Visas

Consulate General Guangzhou Issues One Thousand Hague Adoption Visas

April 2010

The U.S. Consulate General in Guangzhou, China recently issued its1,000th Hague adoption visa since the Hague Intercountry Adoption Convention went into force for the United States on April 1, 2008. The Hague Adoption Convention is an international agreement which establishes international standards of practices to provide safeguards in the intercountry adoption process and works to ensure the best interests of children. Approximately 80 countries are party to the Convention.

The U.S. Consulate in Guangzhou has taken numerous steps to work closely with the Chinese Central Adoption Authority to usher in the Convention adoption process. The issuance of more than1,000 Hague adoption visas by the U.S. Consulate demonstrates an important milestone for the children being adopted by U.S. citizen parents in accordance with the rules of the Convention. It also demonstrates close cooperation between China and the United States to seek permanent homes for children when a suitable family has not been found in the child’s country of origin.

A Kinshasa, notre investissement est important dans les orphelinats avec qui nous avons noué des relations. (Vivre en Famille)

A Kinshasa, notre investissement est important dans les orphelinats avec qui nous avons noué des relations.

Nous avons d’ores et déjà effectué des livraisons de vivres et donné des fonds.

Nous apportons un peu de chaleur et d’amitié, les enfants nous reconnaissent, nous font fête quand ils nous revoient. Un atout : « l’appareil photo », magie de se voir dans cette petite boite !

Les sollicitations sont nombreuses : le Bandudu, le Kivu, etc… aujourd’hui un appel par émail pour 50 enfants dans l’Est et… et… et… ! mais il nous faut gérer les priorités.

En préparation depuis de long mois, la Convention de Partenariat entre le Ministère du Genre, de la Famille et de l’Enfant et l’Association Vivre en Famille a été signée au cours de ce séjour.

Summary Report: Haiti safeguards and Protection

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JCICS Summary Report

Category JCICS Haiti Adoption

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The Joint Council on International Children's Services (JCICS) has posted a "Summary Report on Intercountry Adoption in Haiti: Safeguards and Protections" on their blog. The report covers background on the adoption situation, a short Haitian adoption process outline, information from Haiti, and recommendations for moving forward with a Haitian adoption. Bethany Christian Services International has reviewed this report, and supports JCICS in their findings and recommendations.



Final programme – “Open Days” - 22. – 23. April 2010


English will be the only working language.

Thursday 22nd April: Open Day (half day)