
Child abduction by the youth welfare office : Who will give me my daughter back?

A court finds: The city of Duisburg should never have taken her little Lara away from Janine S. But the girl has been living with foster parents for years. What now?

There is an elementary school directly opposite the orange apartment building in the south of Duisburg where Janine S. lives. Red clinker bricks, handicrafts on the windows, children's noise during the breaks. If her daughter were still with her, she could start school there next year, simply run across the street home after class and call out: "Mom, I'm back!"

But in all likelihood Lara, whose real name is different, will go to another school in another city, accompanied by other parents, her foster parents, the people she has been living with for five years.

Janine S. often looks over in the direction of the school. "It hurts me," she says. She often shed tears. It's a look at a parental life that hasn't been lived. "I missed everything. All the milestones: learning to walk. Speaking. Riding a bike. The youth welfare office stole my time with my daughter." An accusation that her lawyer Lukas Hugl will repeat in an interview with ZEIT: "This is the confiscation of a minor by the youth welfare office in Duisburg."

And indeed: In January 2023, almost five years after the youth welfare office ordered Lara to be taken into care, the Düsseldorf Administrative Court also decided that it was illegal. A representative of the youth welfare office recognizes this in court. On paper, Janine S. got it right. Indisputable, certified with an official stamp. The decision lies in front of her, protected in transparent film. The only problem is: It is unclear whether this will be of any use to her.

Lawyer From Rye Dies At 37: 'Made Instant Impression On Everyone'

A lawyer who grew up in Westchester is being remembered for his outgoing personality and ability to make a lasting impression on anyone he met.

Charles Michael Kunz, a native of Rye, died on Friday, April 21 at the age of 37, according to his obituary. 

Born in Rye in 1985, Kunz graduated from Rye High School in 2003 and went on to earn his undergraduate degree from Arizona State University in 2006. After stints of living in Nevada and Arizona, he eventually moved to North Carolina in 2011 to be closer to his family. 

There, he found his calling and graduated from North Carolina Central University Law School in 2016. Kunz then went on to begin his own law firm, Kunz Law LLC, in February 2017. 

He also met the love of his life during his time in North Carolina and married his life partner, Hope Alfaro, in 2021 in downtown Durham at the 21c Museum Hotel.

DOCUMENTARY: #Investigation : trafic d’enfants, destins volés


#Investigation : trafic d’enfants, destins volés


25 avr. 2023 à 11:16 - mise à jour 26 avr. 2023 à 10:53•Temps de lecture3 min

Par Malika Attar

UK government under pressure to formally apologise for forced adoption

Spotlight on Westminster after Labour-led Welsh administration says sorry to mothers coerced into giving away children

UK ministers are under renewed pressure to formally apologise for the practice of forced adoption after the Labour-led Welsh administration said sorry to mothers coerced into giving away children.

Julie Morgan, the deputy minister for social services in Wales, said on Tuesday in the Senedd that the whole of the Welsh government was “truly sorry” for the cruelty of forced adoptions.

The move, which follows the Scottish government’s apology last month, was welcomed by campaigners who called for the UK government to follow suit for England.

Morgan said: “Regardless of the societal pressures or social norms of the day, such cruelty should never be an acceptable part of our society in Wales. I would like to convey my deepest sympathy and regret to all affected, that due to society failing you, you had to endure such appalling historical practices in Wales. For this, the whole of the Welsh government is truly sorry.”




Collective of French Adoptees of Mali (Collective AFM)


Emmanuel Macron (President of the Republic)

The ministry, we learn, is calling the families that previously adopted children from the Congo and announcing the visit of soci

The ministry, we learn, is calling the families that previously adopted children from the Congo and announcing the visit of social workers

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On Monday, adoptive parents of children from the DR Congo started receiving calls from the Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy announcing the visits of employees of the Centers for Social Welfare in the coming days. These social workers should see for themselves the conditions in which the children who were adopted from the Congo live, that is, how they coped after arriving in Croatia.

This is a new move by the Ministry after the affair with the adoption of children from Africa broke out.

It's Time for Congress to Overhaul Intercountry Adoption | Opinion

Twenty-three years ago, former President Bill Clinton signed the Intercountry Adoption Act of 2000, following the Senate's ratification of the international treaty on adoption, the Hague Convention on Adoption. After this bill was signed into law, regulations were promulgated, adoption agencies were accredited, and the U.S. Department of State began their role as the designated "central authority" partnering with the Department of Justice's Immigration and Naturalization Services (now transitioned to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services) as required by the new law. Prior to the United States joining the Hague Convention, international adoption was regulated by a patchwork of state laws, immigration regulations, and foreign countries' policies. By formalizing federal oversight, Congress hoped to create stronger partnerships with other countries to reduce corruption and enhance services to children in need of families. Though well-intentioned, the goal of helping more orphaned children find permanent families did not materialize. Instead, the total number of international adoptions fell from over 20,000 in 2004 to less than 2,000 today and the intercountry adoption process has become significantly longer and more expensive.

Other countries also experienced a decline in intercountry adoptions, though with the U.S. receiving about half of all intercountry adoptions globally, the decline in our country has an oversized impact on orphaned children. There remain hundreds of thousands of children around the world in need of a family—and many thousands of qualified parents in the U.S. and other countries who are willing to adopt them—yet bureaucratic policies delay or prevent this from happening. These delays also impact relative adoptions. For U.S. citizens who want to adopt their niece, nephew, or grandchild in another country following the death of the child's parents, the process that used to take weeks or months now often takes many years and costs exponentially more.

Congress should act now to form a robust intercountry adoption program that provides technical assistance to other countries to help them increase the number of children finding permanent families, through a process that is not marred by corruption or coercion. The role of overseeing intercountry adoption is not easy. Only children who cannot be reunified with their families or placed for adoption in their own country should be considered for an international placement. Ensuring that adoptions happen in an ethical and appropriate manner is especially challenging when partnering with countries that have fewer resources and less developed legal and social infrastructure. Yet, it is precisely these countries that often have the most acute need for child welfare services. Our past inability to form effective bilateral partnerships with other countries resulted in thousands of children who could have been with families, but instead spent their childhood in orphanages. It is time to acknowledge that what we have been doing for the past 23 years should not continue. The problems within our current system will not solve themselves.

It is time for Congress to convene child welfare and immigration experts and work toward retooling the current intercountry adoption system. Their goal should be to find effective solutions to shorten processing times, lower cost, and provide opportunities for more children to find permanent families. Necessary changes include allowing adoption cases to be afforded prioritization amid immigration cases, so adoption cases no longer take years to process, as is now often the case. It will also mean the creation of meaningful bilateral engagement with other countries. In recommitting to forming a new, functional intercountry adoption system, we can concurrently find ways to partner and support other countries to increase their own local and domestic adoptions, and to facilitate and enhance family preservation and reunification services. It is normal for Congress to review and revise legislation after reviewing the full scope of implementation and learning what has worked well and what has not. After 23 years, it is past time for Congress to set intercountry adoption on a new path forward.

The Honorable Mary L. Landrieu served as U.S. senator from Louisiana from 1997 to 2015, where she was the original co-sponsor of the Intercountry Adoption Act of 2000 and co-chair of the Congressional Caucus on Adoption.


90% of adopted people feel that adoption should be more open, according to new research.

Over 70% of adopted people feel there is not enough information about their birth parents, and why they were adopted, while 76% said that direct contact with birth parents should be standard practice.

These new findings have been revealed by adoption service agency, Family Action Pak-UK, as part of The Big Consult - the largest piece of research into birth parents and adopted people’s experiences and feelings around the adoption process, in over 20 years.

Other key findings include that 85% of adopted people have attempted contact with birth parents after reaching 18, and 92% said they were glad that they attempted contact.

77% of adopted people reported that they had accessed mental health support as an adult. 50% of birth parents cite mental health issues as a main factor in a child’s removal, and 84% of birth parents have mental health issues currently.

Emblematic candidate of "Koh-Lanta", Dylan Thiry reveals to have been approached to "take 50,000 or 100,000€" in a vast "child t

After a long interview with Sam Zirah a few days ago, Dylan Thiry is once again in the news. On Twitter, old videos of the former Koh-Lanta candidate making revelations about alleged child trafficking have just resurfaced…

Pointed out because of many questionable product placements , Dylan Thiry has just delivered his truth through a long and rare interview with Sam Zirah. The opportunity for the former reality TV candidate to make his mea culpa regarding a story shared on social networks, in which he extolled the merits of pills capable of curing cancer.

“ I just explained that there were pills that killed carcinogenic cells. I didn't do it as product placement,” he nuanced before offering his half-worded apologies. " I shouldn't have, it was a mistake […] I'm not an expert in this, but when I was presented with the product, I could only believe it, and I explained it in my Story" he assured.

The day after this interview in which he returns to several other points of his career as an influencer, Dylan Thiry finds himself at the heart of all discussions on social networks and in particular on Twitter. Several old videos of the young 28-year-old Luxembourger have, for example, just resurfaced.

Dans l’une d’entre elles, il explique avoir été approché afin de jouer les intermédiaires dans les procédures d'adoption à

Advancing a Child Rights Informed Approach to Antislavery Policy and Practice

Advancing a Child Rights Informed Approach to Antislavery Policy and Practice

Event date

24 April 2023

Event time

13:00 - 14:30