
After 59 years, Forestville woman reconnects with the son she gave up for adoption

Lucy Hardcastle, regarded by some as the unofficial mayor of Forestville, was a woman with a piece missing, until an ordinary day in February when she returned home from shopping to life-transforming news that she had hoped but never dared believe she would ever receive.|

She held him in her arms for only a few moments.

The nurses left the room, and Lucy Wilkins was alone with her infant son for the first and last time. The thought raced through her mind: “I could just run down the hall and run out and not get caught.”

But even if she did make it out of the hospital doors, where would she go? In 1964, there was no place for a 19-year-old unwed mother. Not for a good Catholic girl in polite society.

It just wasn’t done.

How the LGBT lobby infiltrates European legislation

A member of the an LGBT family organisation writes the report on rainbow families for the EU. Advisors of surrogacy experts produce new LGBT legislation. An EU employee warns about the rainbow lobby in the European Union.

LGBT proponents write ánd check the EU legislation on rainbow issues. News website El Debate claims that ‘independent’ advisors are actually part of the LGBT lobby.


One example of this is Alina Tryfonidou, El Debate points out. Tryfonidou authored the study746632) on cross-border recognition of parenthood in the EU. The report was to critically analyse the plan of the EU to make member states recognise the parenthood of people from other member states. For example, a Dutch gay couple with a child should also be recognised as the parents of this minor when they move to a country where same-sex marriage is forbidden.

However, Alina Tryfonidou helped to draft the Regulation by the European Commission, which she had to review in her report. According to El Debate, she was involved to such an extent that “she knew the content of the text before its official publication.”

Over 30k prospective parents, but only 2.1k kids free for adoption

The CARA statistics showed that of 30,477 prospective parents registered with the central nodal agency for adoption, 28,779 (94%) are heterosexual couples.


The back story to India’s tedious and interminable adoption process can clearly be seen in the statistics with the Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA): While more than 30,000 prospective parents are currently waiting to adopt, less than 7% the number of children — 2131— are legally free for adoption. Around two-third of them are children with special needs, and it takes three years for an adoption process to complete.

Only 2131 children are legally free for adoption, says data


The EU uses the same expert three times to force recognition of same-sex families

A person who works in the European institutions is concerned about how the LGTBI lobby is present in them and "puts pressure on the democratic debate and national powers."

The European Commission has repeatedly used the same legal expert announced as "independent" to draft several reports and a legislative initiative.

Specifically, a person who works in the European institutions and who prefers not to give his name tells El Debate that experts related to certain topics are being used, such as homosexual marriage and its legislation in member countries. This is the case of the 'Recognition of paternity' project proposed by the European Commission, it is a regulation – a legislative instrument with direct effect, without approval by national parliaments – aimed at harmonizing legislation on same-sex families throughout the EU.

These Member States would be forced to recognize the effects of same-sex marriage, including surrogacy, contracted in another Member State.

It was at the end of this month of April 2023 when the European Parliament, and more specifically, its Directorate General for Internal Policies, carried out a study on this topic entitled 'Cross-border legal recognition of paternity in the EU'.

Texas couple who spent years adopting children for free labor at their puppymill to stay in jail

A North Texas couple who was convicted of human trafficking after they spent years adopting children for free labor at their puppymill will stay in jail.

Jeffrey Barrett of Greenville is currently serving a life prison term and his wife Barbara is serving 99-years after they were found guilty of Continuous Trafficking of a Child in Hunt County.

Both were part of a horrendous operation out of their rural home. Court reports show the couple adopted at least five children. But instead of raising the younsters, the Barretts kept the kids out of school and used them as slave labor in their business, raising dogs.

Prosecutors say the kids were abused and neglected all while being forced to be on the job from sun-up to sundown, feeding animals and cleaning pens, even grooming dogs around the clock if state regulators were expected.

The children were all totally cut off from the outside world with no friends or computer access.

Adopted Son’s Battle For Inheritance Reaches High Court

Court Overturns Civil Court’s Order To Dispossess Son From Disputed Property; Says Can’t Create Third-Party Rights For Now

A legal battle over a property in Navrangpura has reached the Gujarat High Court, as an adopted son fights his step maternal uncle over right to inherit the estate. The high court has set aside an order issued by the civil court to dispossess the son from the property, bringing the case back into focus.

In this case, one Jayaben and her husband Ratilal had adopted Nishith as the couple had no children of their own. After Ratilal’s passing in 2017 and Jayaben’s death in 2020, a dispute arose over a Will drawn by Jayaben. It bequeathed her inherited properties to a religious trust. Among these properties is a flat in Navrangpura, where Nishith stays with his family.

Jayaben’s brother, Kanti Bhai, insisted that Nishith vacate the flat in accordance with the Will’s stipulations. However, Nishith refused, asserting that as the couple’s legally adopted son, he held a rightful claim to the property. Kanti Bhai’s efforts to lodge a complaint against his step nephew in the lower court were unsuccessful.

Kanti Bhai then turned to the civil court to seek execution of the Will, which ordered Nishith to vacate the flat or pay monthly rent of Rs 25,000 to his step maternal uncle. In respon-se, Nishith appealed to the Gujarat High Court, providing his marriage invitation card and government documents as evidence of his legal adoption and right to the property.

Victims of forced adoption step up pressure for UK government apology

Women and adopted children demand Westminster follows example of Wales and Scotland

Women forced to give up their babies for adoption in the 1950s, 60s and 70s are stepping up pressure on the UK government to issue a formal apology following the lead of the Scottish and Welsh parliaments.

The women and their adopted children are urging MPs to demand the government act on the recommendation of a parliamentary committee that called for a retrospective public apology for the violation of human rights and psychological trauma.

The Labour party is also expected to come under pressure to commit to issuing a formal apology should it win the next general election.

An estimated 185,000 women, most of them unmarried teenagers at the time, were coerced into having their babies adopted between 1949 and 1976. Many were sent to mother and baby homes run by state, religious or charitable bodies, where they were made to feel shame and guilt and some were required to do menial labour.

Madagascar: a couple, the mother-in-law and a doctor imprisoned for baby trafficking

Malagasy police officers in charge of the fight against cybercrime have dismantled a network selling young children. A couple, a relative and a doctor were arrested and remanded in custody. They were charged with human trafficking by a person in authority.

This message circulating on Facebook: "For those who want to adopt a child and justify their resources, we have some. You should come see us" , was sent to the police by a whistleblower.

After several days of investigations, specialists in the fight against cybercrime have managed to unmask the authors of this announcement, L'Express de Madagascar tells us .

At the end of last week, the investigators arrested a couple and a doctor. The latter, counts among his acquaintances the mother, of the young woman who sells "her infants". The practitioner would have written the babies' false birth certificates at his request. The seller's mother was also arrested.

In search of accomplices

Mother-and-baby group pulls out of forum meetings

The largest group campaigning on behalf of NI survivors of mother-and-baby homes is pulling out of meetings with the Executive's survivors' forum.

Birth Mothers and their Children emailed the secretary of state, the head of the NI Civil Service and a number of political representatives.

It said it had become "disenfranchised" with the lack of a statutory inquiry into the institutions.

Attending forum meetings had caused further upset to its members, it added.

The group expressed frustration about the lack of a redress scheme 18 months after a truth and recovery report was published.

Class 9 girl adopted as 3-month-old raped by father for 2 years in Surat

SURAT: A girl abandoned by her biological parents got a new lease of life when a childless couple from the city adopted her when she was three months old.

But the girl, who is now nearing 14 and studying in Class 9, became a victim of sexual abuse with the perpetrators being her adoptive father, his younger brother, and his three nephews. The ordeal of the teenager, which began in 2021, was exposed by her adoptive mother who witnessed her husband abusing her on Friday.

She rescued the girl and wnet to Adajan police station to lodge a complaint against her 46-year-old husband, his younger brother (41), his elder brother's son (24), younger brother's son (22), and sister-in-law's 16-year-old son.

Police arrested four people including adoptive father and his brother and two nephews.

It all began in 2021, when the accused took her to the first floor of their house and raped her. She was subjected to sexual abuse multiple times by the five accused. The survivor told police that she did not complain earlier as her father and others threatened to kill her or thrash her.