
Blog - Everyday Life in the Bishkek Baby House

Everyday Life in the Bishkek Baby House

Erica Merrell, December 3, 2005

For my last post, I wanted to write about the baby house (orphanage) I visit often. I’m not trying to make any kind of point here; I’m just giving a brief glimpse into the lives of a few little ones far away from most of you.

There are around 100-120 children in the government baby house, the only one in Bishkek. Many of the children were abandoned, but some have mothers who often visit, and others’ mothers formally gave up their parental rights.

The baby house is on the southeast edge of Bishkek where there are individual houses instead of apartment buildings. There is beautiful landscaping along with a playground. The building is very clean, and while not particularly nice, is perfectly adequate. It never smells very fresh inside, but it’s more a sour milk smell than a dirty smell. Each group of babies has a sleeping room filled with rows of cribs, a playing/eating room with tables for feeding the babies and two large playpens, and the toilet room.

The children are technically divided by age (but more realistically by ability) into groups of 10-12; there are three groups of babies. Children usually leave the baby house when they turn four. There are far more boys than girls in my group, but the social worker said last year there were more girls than boys. There are usually three women assigned to each group, although I’ve seen four when a group has its full 12 babies. At night one nurse is with the babies to feed them and change them.

The babies come and go. Altinai turned one and moved on to the older group, Shairah was adopted, and Misha’s mother was able to take him home. A few have joined the group too; Janad, Murad, Violeta, and Islam have all come in the last few weeks.

Belek’s mother visits often, at least once a week. She comes to the door and the women bundle Belek up in a big coat and hat. They go outside where his mother spends about an hour with him. She often brings crackers for him. Once I had Diana (one of the babies, pronounced dee-AH-nah) outside and Belek’s mother gave Diana a cracker. It was clearly the first time she’d ever eaten something with her own hands even though she almost one.

I always visit in the afternoon around two. The babies are just waking up from a nap and ready to eat. The older children get frantic while they are sitting in their chairs waiting for their food. Most of the babies are quick and easy to feed, except Diana, who is into everything. The older babies usually have a mixture of mashed potatoes, ground meat, and scrambled eggs. We attempt to give them apple juice, but they only have cups and it’s nearly impossible to get a 7-month-old to drink juice out of a cup. The younger babies have milk with various things mashed up inside. The bottles are difficult to use because they get clogged with the bits of meat or grain.

After they eat, the older babies are tied onto the toilets (you might call them potty chairs) for a while. While this might sound appalling, it’s nowhere near as bad as it sounds. They are tied on so they can’t crawl away or fall off their chair. The point is to train them to go at a certain time to make orphanage life run a little more smoothly. By the time they’re two, they’ll be so well trained that if they are adopted, they will still need to go to the bathroom at certain times of the day without fail (a little tricky when you consider the different time zones). It’s not something I’d promote anyone doing, but I understand why it’s done in the baby house.

The timing seems to be rather arbitrary, but after being taken off the toilets, the older babies are put into a very large playpen where they crawl and walk and play. This is one of my favorite times because they are looking for attention and it’s fun to go around and play with each one. Belek will stubbornly walk around and around the edge do matter how many times he falls, Diana will crawl over anyone in her path, Vova rolls all around, Arsin lies quietly and smiles, Violeta does anything she can to move around, and Isin is oblivious to everything. The babies pay more attention to each other than babies usually do. One day Arsin and Vova ended up in the same corner and laughed and laughed with each other.

The younger babies are laid down in a different playpen after they eat. They roll around sometimes and play. It’s fun when all five are lined up- Janad, Askar, Jamal, Bolod, and Islam. I can get them all laughing and can touch two of them at the same time. I’ll sometimes take one or two outside if I can get them bundled up enough. The nurses are very strict about the babies wearing plenty of clothes, even when it was 95 degrees outside.

This is basically their day. They eat, sleep, and are left alone to play. They have never been rocked to sleep, given a bath, read to, or eaten a cracker. The nurses will sing to them and sometimes pick up one that is especially fussy, but they usually aren’t touched except when they are eating or being transferred from one place to another. I’ll often rub their heads and faces when they are sad. Just touching them seems to calm them more than anything. Some other volunteers do baby massage with another group of babies, but I don’t think anyone does with my group.

Each baby has all the basics- except someone, anyone, to think she is the most important child in the world. Certainly they are loved. The nurses take good care of them; some are excellent. But I don’t think it’s enough. I wish there were more I could do for them, but I think the little I am able to do helps.


27 Responses to “Everyday Life in the Bishkek Baby House”

  1. Erica,

    I’m crying as I read this. It brought back all the memories of the summer I spent at a baby orphanage in Romania. The kids used to love it when I would sing primary songs with them–especially the ones with fun body movements and hand gestures. They also really loved the tune of “I am a Child of God,” but I usually couldn’t make it past the “with parents kind and dear” line.

    Oh, my heart just aches for them, and for all your babies. God bless you for all that you are doing. And may angels always accompany you to the baby house.

  2. Thank you, Erica, for sharing this with us. I admire your way of describing it all. Factual, but much left to interpretation and imagination. At the same time, I appreciate you also point out positive things. From our complacent and “advanced” West we have a tendency to consider those places as basically horrible, but I think there is also appreciation to be given for what is being done in spite of limitations and circumstances. Also, again, thank you so much for your wonderful posts that gave Times and Seasons a truly international perspective.

  3. It’s been a long time since I’ve visited an orphanage. The only time was on Christmas day 1984.

    But I have often had very similar feelings when visiting nursing homes. So many virtually helpless people, and so much good that needed doing, but so few people to do it. It’s so overwhelming that the fear of drowning in it has caused me (or been my lame excuse) to do less than what I could.

  4. What would have to happen for an American to adopt one of these babies and please don’t tell my husband that I asked this question?

  5. Thank you, Maria and Wilfried. I enjoyed your story, Bookslinger. Thanks for linking to it.

  6. Julie, it is possible to adopt from here, but it can be a little harder than some other countries because there isn’t a lot of experience here with international adoption. The State Department website has no information about adopting from Kyrgyzstan.

    The adoptions that I am aware of are by missionaries or volunteers living in Bishkek. They have gone through a local social worker. It may well be possible for a family who doesn’t live here to go through her instead of an agency. She speaks English well and wants to get these children into good homes. There are few agencies working here, but I don’t know much about them. Frank Foundation (www.frankadopt.org) is probably the best bet if you really want an agency, but I’d highly recommend checking carefully into them and talking to parents who have worked with them, whether they adopted or not. Find out how many adoptions they have actually completely from Kyrgyzstan and check into their required fees. Kyrgyzstan shouldn’t cost as much as Kazakhstan.

    An agency should take you through the whole process, but if you did it on your own, you’d need to complete a home study in the US and complete the required INS paperwork. You would probably need to make two trips to Kyrgyzstan, one to choose the child you want to adopt and get the process started, and another to pick them up and go to court and to the embassy in Kazakhstan, the nearest US embassy that processes adoptions.

    If someone were truly interested in more information, I can ask the local social worker.

  7. I understand that adoption from those countries has become increasingly difficult, not to speak of the financial gain some instances try to make of it, even the official ones. To make things worse, I heard anti-Mormon propaganda is spreading horror stories of what happens to children adopted in those households in the Mormon West. I have no experience in this field, but it seems http://lds.adoption.com/ offers adequate information and help. They have an international section.

  8. I heard a mother on the news the other night who had recently adopted a teenager from Haiti who had lost both of his legs, but had the blessing of receiving two prostheses by the hand of her husband who had been visiting on a doctors abroad type mission (which of course lead to the adoption). At the conclusion of this interview, this women (who my wife guesses is LDS. We live in MN, so my money says they are Lutheran) said that their family is now complete with the arrival of this member.

    As a father, I understand this woman. Even though (and I am in no way bragging) we have adopted a nephew, had two of our own, and are in the process of adopting a 2nd nephew, I can tell you that my family still does not feel complete. I look forward to the day that we can add more of these little ones to our family as we look for that point of completion.

    My heart goes to the them because of your story. Thank you for sharing.

  9. Thanks for your comments, Chance. I do think adoption is a good way to create a family, and one that is too often overlooked except in cases of infertility.

    There are some major obstacles to international adoption from FSR’s like Wilfried points out. Kazakhstan has allowed international adoptions for a long time, but it has recently become more difficult as judges in different areas apply laws differently and as the media has become increasingly negative.

    The financial gain is a big problem. KZ requires a $15,000 fee (in addition to other fees) that is in large part supposed to go to the orphanages, but I have no confidence that any money in Central Asia actually gets to its intended destination. Many parents end up bribing various government officials to be able to complete their adoptions.

    There’s also the good old bait-and-switch, where an agency shows you a picture of a charming baby and then when you get there, that baby doesn’t actually exist or isn’t adoptable. You can either choose a different child (which is actually what you’re supposed to do in KZ; referrals are illegal there) or go home. A careful couple should be able to avoid corrupt agencies though by doing plenty of research and using an agency with an excellent reputation. That’s my concern about agencies in KG since there is no agency with enough experience here to have an excellent reputation in Kyrgyzstan. Maybe they are great in Russia or Kazakhstan, but in-country experience is necessary.

    Kyrgyzstan really is a little harder to adopt from because it is almost impossible to find out what the laws actually are and there is very little precedent to be able to predict what might happen here. However, the fees aren’t as unreasonable as those in KZ, although I still wouldn’t bet that they’d be used for what they were supposed to be used for (for example, you’re supposed to pay $1,000 per year that the child was in the orphanage and that is supposed to go back into the system).

    The best thing though is that I feel that the baby house administrators want these children adopted. The government isn’t putting up a lot of obstacles right now. The biggest problem really is that there international adoption isn’t very common here. General international adoption information is helpful, but country-specific information is vital, and it’s hard to find here.

  10. Erica, thank you very, very much for this look into a part of the world few of us hear about much less visit. Your posts have been excellent.

  11. In a district I served in towards the end of my mission in Korea, we spent time visiting an orphanage/home for mentally handicapped children; some of them had spent their entire lives in the facility. We couldn’t do much–play with them, talk with them; one sister had a childlike, severely damaged older boy latch onto her hand, and she just held it back for hours. Still, the staff seemed so grateful for us. It was one of the few things I did on my mission that I look back on as a true, unprideful, unambiguous, Christian good.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Erica, and prompting some good but bittersweet memories of my own.

  12. Erica, I’ve been thinking about your post so much over the last couple of days–I just can’t get those babies out of my mind. I don’t really have much to add, but thought you should know how thought provoking this post (and all your posts) have been.


  13. Once Erica’s guestblogging stint is over, be sure to head over to her blog for more posts like this one.

  14. Bryce, you should have warned everyone that she has some seriously cute pictures of babies posted there.

  15. My husband and I are considering adoption in Kyrgyzstan. Any comments about agencies in the U.S. that are allowed to handle this type of adoption.

  16. Julie is right, you guys. Brace yourselves. Amira, wonderful post. I am smiling and crying. And feeling so helpless.

  17. Hi, my husband and I are considering adopting from Kyrgyzstan, and in my research on the web, I stumbled upon these postings! I am happy to have found these postings, because there is little information on Kyrg adoption. My husband and I are currently in a holding pattern for adopting from Kazakhstan, we started the process 10 months ago, and are in a holding pattern because of the new Kaz regulations. So that is why we are considering switching to Kyrg. Like Kim, I would like information about adopting from Kyrg. Also, I am new to these types of postings on a website. Who is Erica, and is she in Kyrg trying to adopt right now? How do I get to see the photos that everyone is talking about? Forgive me for my confusion! Thank you.

  18. Hi, I am so happy to read all of your postings – I stumbled upon them while using google to look into adopting from Kyrg! My husband and I have been trying to adopt from Kaz for 10 months now – our dossier was actually at the Kaz embassy in D.C. but then it was sent back because of the new regulations. It has become very difficult with Kaz now, so we are considering switching to Kyrg. Like Kim, I would like more info if anyone has it. Also, forgive me, but I am confused about what this website is that you are all posting messages on (Times and Seasons – Comments on Everyday Life in the Bishkek Baby House)? Erica, are you in Kyrg right now? How do I get to view the photos that everyone is talking about? Thank you!

  19. Future Mom–sorry your comment got buried; I hope those with the right information will be able to get in touch with you. Erica does live in Kyrgyzstan, and she blogs regularly here. She isn’t planning on adopting a child in Kyrgyzstan so far as I know, but has volunteered regularly there over the past several months. She has a lot of information on her website.

  20. Thanks, Russell! I’m sorry for posting 2 messages, everybody – I had thought that my first one didn’t get posted! What is the url for Erica’s website?

  21. Future mom:


    Good luck!

  22. Kim and Future Mom (and anyone else),

    I just saw your posts. You can find my email address at my website that Russell and Julie both linked to. There is very little information about adopting here and you will run into problems because the laws are not well known. The families we have known who have adopted have had a difficult time and they didn’t go through US agencies. I don’t know all the ins and outs since we haven’t adopted yet, but feel free to email me with any questions you might have and I’ll try to answer them or see if I can find out the answers.

  23. yet? (grin)

  24. I have always been interested in adoption and doing volunteer work in orphanages. For that reason, I review the precious.org/child-page on the net. They show a photo listing of many different agencies adoptable children from various countries. Last week, there was a photo of a child from Kyrgystan. He is deaf and if he’s not adopted, they will soon send him to an orphanage for older children with all kinds of physical and mental disabilties. He certainly won’t have much of a future if they do this. As I read through the postings today, I noted that it was against the country regulations to post photos of their adoptable children. I was going to see if I could help find this boy a home in the states, but now I wonder if the agency is legitimate. Perhaps they are a good agency and decided to post his listing because his situation is so unique? What is your take on this?

  25. I have adopted two boys from KAZ. and have just heard about a Kyrgystan program run by ChristianWorldAdoptions. http://www.cwa.org I know nothing about them as I used a different agency but they may have some good info.


  26. Hi! We are missionaries too, living in Mongolia. But we used to live in Kazakstan and have visited Kyrgyzstan twice! I am really interested–is it Erika? in a response, on this or in private, to what you mentioned in 6. You see, we speak Kazakh–so similar to Kyrgyz, fairly fluently (have studied for 7 years and live among K.’s in the west here). We want to adopt again, and would love it to be Kyrgyzstan but we need to get in touch with the M.’s or volunteers in Bishkek that have done it. We feel we don’t need an agency, as long as that’s Ok with the government. But this social worker that speaks English..she’d be a gold mine. Could you please pass on any info. of contacts you have who’ve adopted who live in Bishkek, or the name and email of the social worker? We’d be SOOO grateful! Feel free to pass on our email too. Thanks for all the volunteer work at baby houses you do..we did a lot, too north of you. Sincerely, Sarah Mechler, [edited] or the above email address

  27. Sarah, I’m the same person (Amira) that you emailed earlier about adopting from Kyrgyzstan. I hope you got my email then. I talked to the social worker and she can’t help with more adoptions. In fact, one that she has helped with isn’t going well despite her best efforts. Even though KG is starting to be talked about in adoption circles, the fact remains that fewer than 10 children have been adopted from here to the US in the last 2 years. The adoption laws were just changed too.

    I’ve written more about adopting from Kyrgyzstan here: http://amiralace.blogspot.com/2006/01/adopting-from-kyrgyzstan.html

    This includes information on the two agencies currently certified in Kyrgyzstan.

Tiriac sues "Le Point"

Ion Tiriac accuses the French weekly "Le Point" of defamatory statements and demands 100,000 euros in compensation. The trial opened in Paris on November 24.

The trial of Ion Tiriac against Franz-Olivier Giesbert, the director of the French weekly "Le Point", opened on November 24 at the High Court in Paris.

The Romanian businessman, represented by the lawyer Henri Leclerc, accuses "Le Point" of "defamatory statements infringing on honor and consideration. The crime is provided for and repressed by the law of July 29, 1881.

The object of the complaint is the article entitled "Romania's reckless contract", published by "Le Point" on May 19. Specifically, two peppered passages. The two journalists report in detail the scandal triggered in Romania by the contract for border security (1 billion euros), concluded on August 12, 2004 by the Nastase government with the French-German multinational EADS.

(Proving unfavorable, the megacontract was renegotiated by the current government and "lowered" from 650 to 524 million euros.) In the criminal complaint submitted to the court this summer, the law firm SCP Henri Leclerc & Associes quotes the full article, signed by Jean Guisnel and Laszlo Liszkai.

Adopting a Russian Orphan

Adopting a Russian Orphan

They are orphans, children from Russia who come here with nothing but dreams of a better life. They stay with families who might adopt them. It could be a summer vacation, or it could be a mom and dad.

By Brooke Lea Foster Published Thursday, December 01, 2005

Staff writer Brooke Lea Foster (bfoster@washingtonian.com) wrote about minority students at private schools in September.

Nancy Graham and her husband, Gregory, are waiting at National Airport with other parents. Nancy stares nervously at the gate while Gregory is practicing how to say "Are you okay?" in Russian.

Wikileaks - Armenia

Reference id aka Wikileaks id #46809  ? 
Subject Armenian Domestic And International Adoptions: Current Process, Official Opinions, Possible Changes
Origin Embassy Yerevan (Armenia)
Cable time Tue, 6 Dec 2005 09:43 UTC
Classification UNCLASSIFIED
Source http://wikileaks.org/cable/2005/12/05YEREVAN2113.html
References 04YEREVAN522
Extras ? Comments
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.

060943Z Dec 05
Hide header



E.O. 12958; N/A
TAGS: KOCI [Children's Issues], OIIP [International Information Programs], SCUL [Cultural Affairs], KPAO [Public Affairs Office], AM [Armenia], PHUM [Human Rights]


¶1. "It is better for a child to die in Armenia than to be
adopted abroad."  While international adoptions are legal in
Armenia, this pervasive negative attitude makes legislators
and government officials nervous, giving rise to a lack of
transparency in the process which in turn creates an
environment where fraud flourishes.  When Emboffs brought
cases of apparent fraud to the Justice Ministry and pointed
out shortcomings in Armenia's system, Justice Minister David
Harutunian asked for help.  In response, through the Public
Affairs Section's International Speaker program, post hosted
U.S. attorney and adoption expert Irene Steffas for a two
week series of working sessions with government officials,
lawyers, and non-governmental organizations.  Steffas
presented a range of choices for the GOAM, all which require
changes to legislation and a new level of commitment to
create an environment in which adoptions can take place
without the involvement of intermediaries and unlicensed
agencies, which are the main sources of fraud.  End Summary.

International Adoptions in Armenia
¶2. American Citizens adopt approximately 40 Armenian
children per year.  This is a small number in terms of U.S.
foreign adoptions, but a large percentage of Armenian
children adopted by foreigners -- usually 70 per year.
Until this year, Post felt fairly confident in the Armenian
system.  Although parents were charged "extra fees" at every
step of the process, it was rational and fairly transparent.
The Armenian Government at the highest level signed off on
all foreign adoptions.

¶3. In early 2005 however, Post discovered that a local
adoption facilitator had been using unethical methods to
procure very young children for adoption by American
Citizens.  The facilitator had placed babies in a private
orphanage, the primary purpose of which appeared to be to
keep the children out of the state-run orphanage system
where they would likely be adopted by Armenian families.
(See reftel A.)

Presenting the Fraud to the MOJ
¶4. Post brought concerns about unethical facilitators and
private orphanages to the Minister of Labor and Social
Security (responsible for regulating orphanages) and to the
Minister of Justice, chairman of the Adoption Council which
oversees adoption in Armenia.  Armenian adoption law barely
recognizes the existence of facilitators, but the Minister
of Justice understood that foreigners need help negotiating
the Armenian bureaucracy.  He told us he was just beginning
to study the best way to regulate facilitators without
providing additional avenues for corruption.  The Minister
asked Post to provide a U.S. adoption expert to explain the
adoption process from the U.S. perspective and to lay out
different options for legalizing the work of facilitators.

Current Process, Known Problems, Potential Solutions
--------------------------------------------- --------
¶5. In response to the Minister's request for technical
assistance, Post hosted U.S. attorney and adoption expert,
Irene Steffas, from November 5-18, for a two week series of
working sessions with government officials, lawyers, and non-
governmental organizations. (See reftel 2042.) In Mrs.
Steffas' expert opinion, many of the current Armenian
adoption laws "on the books" are good; however, the laws and
procedures are not always followed, nor are they clearly
known to the general public. The main hurdle as identified
by Post is the current lack of inter-Ministry cooperation,
as adoption responsibilities cut across the Ministries of
Justice, Health, Labor and Social Issues, and Interior.
While there is no "silver bullet" to improve the adoption
process in Armenia, Mrs. Steffas did identify a number of
areas in need of improvement:

(a) Aim for transparency of fees and the process for
domestic and international adoptions, with the goal of
corruption avoidance. She suggested to create a publicly
available booklet listing the laws, process, and fees.

(b) Create a complete adoption registry to have clarity on
the number of children awaiting adoption. Presently, the
number of children available for adoption is only an
approximate guess -- 11,000. Children are often identified
for adoption prior to being on the adoption registry. This
should be changed so that the parental surrender documents
allow for the child to be put on the registry and adopted by
a specific person(s) simultaneously.

(c) Centralize the process for both domestic and
international adoptions. Currently domestic adoptions are
done at the state level; only international adoptions are at
the national level.

(d) License domestic and international adoption agencies.
Local lawyers that work in the adoption field are also
recommended to be accredited.

Reaction of Justice Minister
¶6. During a meeting with CDA and adoption expert Irene
Steffas, Minister of Justice Davit Harutyunyan emphasized
his desire to reform and greatly simplify the process of
adoptions in response to known and potential corruption. The
Minister stated that "no government civil servant making
30,000 dram (USD 66) a month will be able to resist slowing
the paperwork process and trying to get a cut of the
adoption agency's fees." His reaction to the expert's
suggestion to accredit foreign and domestic adoption
agencies was equally strong, "I don't want to create an
adoption industry - it shouldn't be a business." When asked
about the problem of hospitals keeping and "shopping" out
babies, he stated that he was not familiar enough with the
Ministry of Health's regulations. Despite the Minister's
differences of opinion with the expert's suggestions, it is
clear that Minister Harutyunyan is serious about improving
the process of adoptions in the very near future.

Next Steps
¶7. We will continue to press the GOAM to develop coherent,
transparent adoption legislation and policy.  To follow-up
to the visit of Ms Steffas, we have scheduled a three-week
International Visitor Program on International Adoption
Issues, to take place March 11 - April 1, 2006.  This
program will involve a group of policy makers and children's
advocates who will try to learn from our best practices how
they can change Armenia's system.  We will seek to engage
with USAID's Armenia Legislative Strengthening Project to
turn the "lessons learned" from this visit into legislation.
Considering the high level of emotional resistance to
adoptions here, we expect forward progress to be slow, but
hope our efforts will keep it moving.


Back to work, because heared COM wants to kick me out: boss Simon Mordue

December 2005/February 2006

I was offered a new job in DG ELARG by a Head of Unit I had worked with before: coordination of financial programming for civil society and the social sector for accession countries. He had contacted me, saying the COM was trying to kick me out, so it was better to start working now. I started part-time. In January I started working full time. I liked the job and was quickly up and running.

However, end January intimidations had restarted and a sudden minor re-organisation meant that my job would resort under another Head of Unit with whom I had bad experience on Romanian children. Destabilised I entered again in sick leave.

HoU Simon Mordue

Romania - Accelerated Reform Needed - McGuinness

Romania - Accelerated Reform Needed - McGuinness Romania - Accelerated Reform Needed - McGuinness - 26/09/2005 Monday 26th September 2005. “The EU must work closely with the Romanian authorities to address the care of children and young adults held in institutions and provide the necessary financial and other back up required to shut down the institutions,” Fine Gael MEP Mairead McGuinness said today on her return from a fact-finding mission to Romania. The Ireland East MEP, a member of the EU Parliament’s Romanian delegation, said that while improvements have been made in the care of children and young adults held in institutions, the situation is far from satisfactory. “These institutions should have no place in today’s world,” she said. “The country’s accession to the EU must be accompanied by accelerated reform of the institutions but Romania needs greater assistance from the EU to achieve the necessary reforms. “It emerged during my visit that one of the key problems in the effort to reform the situation is a lack of funding for staff and for the provision of new facilities to accommodate these people. “One county council had slashed its budget for the institutions, resulting in the laying off of over 40pc of the staff in the institutions, leading to an impossible situation. “This has a terrible impact on those living in the institutions and is unacceptable,” she said Over 30,000 children in Romania are held in “placement centers” which accommodate from 8 to over 100 children. Some 20,000 young adults with a disability are also in institutional care, some in very large institutions. In addition 4,600 babies were abandoned by their mothers in maternity hospitals last year. “The scale of the problem facing Romania is very large,” said Ms McGuinness. “Since the start of the year significant measures to improve the welfare of children have been implemented. No child under the age of two can be placed in institutional care. Of the 4,600 children abandoned by their mothers/family in 2004, half were reunited with their natural mother, while many returned to extended family. “However, several hundred children remain in maternity hospitals or placement centers for months longer than is acceptable. “On Saturday we visited a busy maternity hospital where 15 children remain in the care of the hospital staff because of abandonment. “One of the children was 18 months old and had never been outside the confines of the hospital - a situation which is not acceptable. Others aged from one month upwards await the provision of foster care.” The plight of young adults with a disability is of particular concern, Ms McGuinness said. “These are the children of the Ceausceuera, who have remained in institutions. “While the strategy is to close down these institutions and build proper sheltered accommodation for these adults, the scale of the problem is such that on current trends it will take a very long time to move these adults to suitable accommodation. “In Techirghiol over 450 adults are living in sub-standard conditions, with three and four adults cramped into very small bedrooms and only the basic facilities provided. The older part of the building appeared unsafe. “The EU has a unique opportunity to make a real difference to the lives and wellbeing of thousands and thousands of children and young adults in institutional care.” Following her visit, Ms McGuinness will write to the Commission urging it to hone in on the situation of abandoned children and young adults in care in Romania. “This must form part of the EU report on progress to accession which is due out in late October,” she added. Ms McGuinness travelled to Romania with Focus on Romania, a group working for many years to assist young people in Romanian institutions. Observers from Romania and Bulgaria will attend the European Parliament this week. End Note: Population: 21.7 million Romania, a slower developer than other former communist countries of Eastern Europe, is still suffering the legacy of Nicolae Ceausescu who was executed in an uprising on Christmas Day 1989. In April 2005 Romania signed the EU Accession Treaty and is set to join the EU in 2007, depending on the pace of reforms. Corruption is one of the key stumbling blocks to membership. In a surprise result, Traian Basescu, the popular Mayor of Bucharest became Prime Minister in December 2004. He has said that his priority is to focus on the rapid acceleration of reforms and he has promised to be tougher in the fight against poverty and corruption.


Gerard Depardieu makes a visit to Yangon

Gerard Depardieu makes a visit to Yangon

Gerard Depardieu at Traders Hotel in Yangon.

FRANCE’S best-known actor Gerard Depardieu was in Yangon from November 7-9.

Depardieu, who announced two weeks ago he was quitting acting, came to Myanmar on a business trip.

The 56-year-old Oscar nominated actor was accompanied by Roger, Zannier, CEO of one of the biggest textile companies in France, and the two stayed at Traders Hotel in downtown Yangon.

Depardieu owns vineyards in France, Spain, Morocco and Argentina, as well as two Paris restaurants. Could it be that he is thinking of opening a restaurant in Myanmar?

The French actor has starred in 170 films, including Hollywood blockbuster Green Card.

The highest paid film star in France, Depardieu was nominated for an Academy Award in 1990 for best actor.


Concerning the Government of Romania’s ban on intercountry adoptions
and the welfare of orphaned or abandoned children in Romania.
NOVEMBER 18, 2005
Mr. SMITH of New Jersey (for himself, Mr. CARDIN, Mrs. NORTHUP, Mr.
PITTS, Mr. PENCE, Mr. COSTELLO, Mr. BURTON of Indiana, Mrs. JO
ANN DAVIS of Virginia, Mr. TIAHRT, Mr. BRADLEY of New Hampshire,
and Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts) submitted the following resolution;
which was referred to the Committee on International Relations
Concerning the Government of Romania’s ban on intercountry
adoptions and the welfare of orphaned or abandoned
children in Romania.
Whereas following the execution of Romanian President
Nicolae Ceausescu in 1989, it was discovered that more
than 100,000 underfed, neglected children throughout
Romania were living in hundreds of squalid and inhumane
Whereas United States citizens responded to the dire situation
of these children with an outpouring of compassion
and assistance to improve conditions in those institutions
and to provide for the needs of abandoned children in Romania;
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Whereas, between 1990 and 2004, United States citizens
adopted more than 8,200 Romanian children, with a
similar response from Western Europe;
Whereas the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) reported
in March 2005 that more than 9,000 children a
year are abandoned in Romania’s maternity wards or pediatric
hospitals and that child abandonment in Romania
in ‘‘2003 and 2004 was no different from that occurring
10, 20, or 30 years ago’’;
Whereas there are approximately 37,000 orphaned or abandoned
children in Romania today living in state institutions,
an additional 49,000 living in temporary arrangements,
such as foster care, and an unknown number of
children living on the streets and in maternity and pediatric
Whereas, on December 28, 1994, Romania ratified the
Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation
in Respect of Intercountry Adoption which recognizes
that ‘‘intercountry adoption may offer the advantage
of a permanent family to a child for whom a suitable
family cannot be found in his or her State of origin’’;
Whereas intercountry adoption offers the hope of a permanent
family for children who are orphaned or abandoned
by their biological parents;
Whereas UNICEF’s official position on intercountry adoption,
in pertinent part, states: ‘‘For children who cannot
be raised by their own families, an appropriate alternative
family environment should be sought in preference
to institutional care, which should be used only as a last
resort and as a temporary measure. Inter-country adoption
is one of a range of care options which may be open
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to children, and for individual children who cannot be
placed in a permanent family setting in their countries of
origin, it may indeed be the best solution. In each case,
the best interests of the individual child must be the
guiding principle in making a decision regarding adoption.’’;
Whereas unsubstantiated allegations have been made about
the fate of children adopted from Romania and the qualifications
and motives of those who adopt internationally;
Whereas in June 2001, the Romanian Adoption Committee
imposed a moratorium on intercountry adoption, but continued
to accept new intercountry adoption applications
and allowed many such applications to be processed
under an exception for extraordinary circumstances;
Whereas on June 21, 2004, the Parliament of Romania enacted
Law 272/2004 on ‘‘the protection and promotion of
the rights of the child,’’ which creates new requirements
for declaring a child legally available for adoption;
Whereas on June 21, 2004, the Parliament of Romania enacted
Law 273/2004 on adoption, which prohibits intercountry
adoption except by a child’s biological grandparent
or grandparents;
Whereas there is no European Union law or regulation restricting
intercountry adoptions to biological grandparents
or requiring that restrictive laws be passed as a
prerequisite for accession to the European Union;
Whereas the number of Romanian children adopted domestically
is far less than the number abandoned and has declined
further since enactment of Law 272/2004 and 273/
2004 due to new, overly burdensome requirements for
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Whereas prior to enactment of Law 273/2004, 211 intercountry
adoption cases were pending with the Government
of Romania in which children had been matched
with adoptive parents in the United States, and approximately
1,500 cases were pending in which children had
been matched with prospective parents in Western Europe;
Whereas Romanian children, and all children, deserve to be
raised in permanent families: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the House of Representatives—
(1) supports the desire of the Government of
Romania to improve the standard of care and well4
being of children in Romania;
(2) urges the Government of Romania to com6
plete the processing of the intercountry adoption
cases which were pending when Law 273/2004 was
(3) urges the Government of Romania to amend
10 its child welfare and adoption laws to decrease bar11
riers to adoption, both domestically and inter12
country, including by allowing intercountry adoption
13 by persons other than biological grandparents;
14 (4) urges the Secretary of State and the Ad15
ministrator of the United States Agency for Inter16
national Development to work collaboratively with
17 the Government of Romania to achieve these ends;
18 and
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(5) requests that the European Union and its
member States not impede the Government of Ro3
mania’s efforts to place orphaned or abandoned chil4
dren in permanent homes in a manner that is con5
sistent with Romania’s obligations under the Hague
Convention on Protection of Children and Co-oper7
ation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption.
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Mr. SMITH OF NEW JERSEY. The world first learned, in 1989, that
100,000 underfed, neglected children were living in hundreds of
squalid and inhumane institutions throughout Romania. As a matter
of fact, about 4 weeks after the fall of the Ceausescu regime,
having been there several times when he was the dictator, I visited,
along with Dorothy Taft on our staff, one of those orphanages
and saw in one place 60 young babies who were left there as orphans
who could not be turned even because there was such a
shortage of people to attend to them.
However, the good news is that between 1990 and 2004, more
than 8,000 of these children found permanent families in the
United States; thousands of others joined families in Western Europe
and elsewhere.
Sadly, Romania’s child-abandonment rate has not changed significantly
in 30 years. Today, approximately 80,000 children still
live either in institutions or in non-permanent settings such as
‘‘foster care.’’
Hopefully, a time will come when child abandonment in Romania
is just a painful memory, and hopefully the country will someday
have the capacity to help all of the children in need, but that day
has not yet come, and today there is great need for adoption, both
foreign and domestic. But despite this need and the positive outcomes
of most adoptions, outrageous and unsubstantiated allegations
have been made about the fate of adopted children and the
qualifications and motives of those who adopt internationally.
Baroness Emma Nicholson, a member of the European Parliament
who recently served as the rapporteur for Romania’s accession
to the European Union, equates intercountry adoption with
child trafficking for pedophiles and slavery rings. She believes that
it is ‘‘totally false’’ to assume that, for a child, a foreign adoptive
family is better than the family which cannot care for him or her.
Earlier this month, she publicly equated pro-adoption advocates
with organized criminals. Rather than focusing on the best interests
of the child, Romanian policymakers caved in to Lady Nicholson
by banning intercountry adoption in an effort to secure Romania’s
EU accession.
I would note, parenthetically, that as the author of the three
trafficking laws for the United States, the Trafficking Victims Protection
Act of 2000, 2003, and 2005, I and Members of this Subcommittee
take absolutely no back seat when it comes to trafficking.
Adoption is not trafficking.
When the ban was enacted by the Romanian Parliament, I would
point out, there were approximately 200 cases pending in which
children had been matched with adoptive parents in the United
States; approximately 1,000 more had been matched with parents
in Western Europe, Israel, or Australia. These cases will be denied
if the Romanian Government applies the ban retroactively.
Each of these so-called ‘‘pipeline cases’’ involves a prospective
family who has proven their good faith by waiting for years for
these children. Many cases involve older children, Roma children,
and children with special needs who will not be domestically adopted
in Romania. In at least three cases, children with severe medical
needs are already in the United States on medical visas and
living with their prospective adoptive parents. Each was abandoned
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at birth and was legally adoptable until the new anti-adoption law
took effect in Romania. If returned to Romania, they will live in institutions
and will not receive the medical care that they need.
Passage of H. Res. 578 will put the Congress on record as, one,
supporting the Romanian Government’s desire to improve the
standard of care and the well-being of children—they state that
that is their desire; urging the Government of Romania to complete
the processing of the intercountry adoption cases which were pending
when the ban was enacted; urging the government to decrease
barriers to adoption, both domestically and intercountry; urging the
State Department and USAID to work with Romania to achieve
these ends; and requesting that the EU and its member states not
impede Romania’s efforts to place orphaned or abandoned children
in permanent homes.
H. Res. 578 is premised on the belief that all children deserve
to be raised in a permanent family. The Romanian Government’s
current laws and policies do not reflect this principle, and I strongly
urge my colleagues to support this resolution.
[The prepared statement of Mr. Smith on H. Res. 578 follows:]
I introduced H.Res. 578 to express my deepest disappointment that the Romanian
Government has instituted a virtual ban on intercountry adoptions. This ban has
serious implications for the welfare and well-being of orphaned or abandoned children
in Romania. Last September, I chaired a hearing of the Commission on Security
and Cooperation in Europe which explored these issues in depth. H.Res. 578
has 24 co-sponsors and, on February 14, it was reported favorably by the Subcommittee
on Europe and Emerging Threats.
The world first learned in 1989 that 100,000 underfed, neglected children were
living in hundreds of squalid and inhumane institutions throughout Romania. Between
1990 and 2004, more than 8,000 of these children found permanent families
in the United States; thousands of others joined families in Western Europe and
Sadly, Romania’s child abandonment rate hasn’t changed significantly in 30 years.
Today, approximately 80,000 children still live either in institutions or in non-permanent
settings such as ‘‘foster care.’’
Hopefully, a time will come when child abandonment in Romania is just a painful
memory. And hopefully, the country will someday have the capacity to help all the
children in need. But that day has not yet come and today there is a great need
for adoption—both foreign and domestic. But despite this need, and the positive outcomes
of most adoptions, outrageous and unsubstantiated allegations have been
made about the fate of adopted children and the qualifications and motives of those
who adopt internationally. Baroness Emma Nicholson, a Member of the European
Parliament who until recently served as rapporteur for Romania’s accession to the
European Union, equates intercountry adoption with child trafficking for pedophiles
and slavery rings. She believes that it is ‘‘totally false’’ to assume that for a child,
a foreign adoptive family is better than the family which can not care for him. Earlier
this month she publicly equated pro-adoption advocates with organized criminals.
Rather than focusing on the best interests of the child, Romanian policy makers
caved in to Nicholson by banning intercountry adoption in an effort to secure
Romania’s EU accession.
When the ban was enacted there were approximately 200 cases pending in which
children had been matched with adoptive parents in the United States; approximately
a thousand more had been matched with parents in Western Europe, Israel
or Australia. These cases will be denied if the Romanian Government applies the
ban retroactively.
Each of these pipeline cases involves a prospective family who has proven their
good faith by waiting for years for these children. Many cases involve older children,
Roma children, and children with special medical needs who will not be domestically
VerDate Mar 21 2002 14:24 Jun 15, 2006 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 6633 Sfmt 6621 F:\WORK\AGI\022806M\26345.000 HINTREL1 PsN: SHIRL
adopted in Romania. In at least 3 cases, children with severe medical needs are already
in the U.S. on medical visas and living with their prospective adoptive parents.
Each was abandoned at birth and were legally adoptable until the new adoption
law took effect. If returned to Romania they will live in institutions and will
not receive the medical care they need.
Passage of H. Res. 578 will put the Congress on record
• supporting the Romanian Government’s desire to improve the standard of
care and well-being of children;
• urging the Government to complete the processing of the intercountry adoption
cases which were pending when the ban was enacted;
• urging the Government to decrease barriers to adoption, both domestically
and intercountry;
• urging the State Department and USAID to work with Romania to achieve
these ends; and
• requesting that the EU and its member States not impede Romania’s efforts
to place orphaned or abandoned children in permanent homes.
H.Res. 578 is premised on the belief that all children deserve to be raised in permanent
families. The Romanian Government’s current laws and policies do not reflect
this principle. I strongly urge my colleagues to support this resolution.
Mr. SMITH OF NEW JERSEY. Would anyone else like to be heard
on this resolution?
[No response.]
Mr. SMITH OF NEW JERSEY. Are there any amendments to it?
[No response.]

[Message clipped]  View entire message




I addressed the first world conference last year in Atlanta, GA after having been associated with IAC (International Advocate for Children) for just a number of months. They are a non-profit organization serving the needs "in the best interest of the child" worldwide. I serve as their Advocacy Ambassador on behalf of children orphaned, abandoned, neglected or abused.

This past week (November 8-11, 2005) I was invited to once again address their world conference in the Boston area (Worcester, MA). Attendees doubled in size from last year.

Over 30 countries sent delegations to the conference including the USA. ( Republic of Georgia, Russia, Mexico, Italy, Sweden, Netherlands, Guatamala, El Salvador, Germany, Viet Nam, Armenia, Nicarauga, Pakistan, Denmark, Morocco, Thailand, Philipines, Latvia, Poland, Maldova, Romania, Ukraine, Kurtistan, New Zealand, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Mongolia, South Africa, Argentina, Honduros, Lesotho Africa...and I missed a few )

There were also a number of private agencies and individuals that deal with adoption from other countries to the USA as well as child welfare in general.

The conference began with me giving one of the two opening addresses. This was to let the delegates know the purpose for the conference was to make "best interest of the child" a reality for children rather than the myth it is today. I shared a part of my story then presented why I was sharing...on behalf of the millions around the world who find themselves as I did years ago...without parents or a home to call their own! I closed with a poem I wrote years ago describing the feelings of a child going through years of foster care and a number of moves entitled, "WHO ARE WE?" It was well received. Later that day I participated in a panel of those of us who spoke during the day to allow the delegates to ask questions of us. The evening was devoted to a dinner and then time for all of us to just meet and talk with each other.

The second day was primarily devoted to workshops addressing many areas where a difference could be made in the lives of children.

However, one of the main highlights of the conference was that evening, a trip to Harvard University Law School to attend a panel. We did not know until arriving that besides the attendees to the conference there would be a number of others attending. The program was set up as part of a class being taught this fall at Harvard entitled, "Child Advocacy." Students attending actually received credit for class by attending. The main law school hall was full to capacity! The panel consisted of Mr. Jacob Doek...Chairman of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child. I had met him at last year's conference. Also included was Dr. Jane Aronson...Founder and Medical Director of Worldwide Orphans Foundation. The program included presentations by the them and then it was opened to the audience for questions. I can now fairly say...I attended a class at Harvard University....LOL! The night wrapped up with a group of us going out for dinner and talk until the wee hours of the morning.

The final day included a good presentation by a professor from the Netherlands (Dr. Rene Hoksbergan). Dr. Hoksbergan had written hundreds of articles and givren numerous lectures around the world on the affects of long term foster care as well as the need for follow up after children are adopteddue to dmage caused while in foster care or orphanages. Dr. Hoksbergan also wishes to receive a copy of my second book so he may do a review of it for the press in the Netherlands.

I was asked to give comments for the final wrap up of the conference....they wanted to close it as they began...through the eyes of a child who went through the system! I was to give an evaluation and tell what I felt about the conference and what was still needed to be done.

One of the things to come out of the conference was to be the establishment of a World Council to better coordinate the needs of countries dealing with large numbers of children without parents, whatever the reason. I hope to be a part of this council representing the children. All programs established will be reviewed by chidlren graduating from the system from the child's perspective. Far too often the child's perspective is ignored, they are voiceless and forgotten...now they will have a voice!

During the three days in Boston I was able to meet and discuss child welfare issues with some of the leading authorities on the subject from around the world. I also met the Attorney General of El Salvador and six senators from Gautamala who came for the last day of the conference. The representatives from the various countries were the decision makers concerning child welfare from their respective countries.

I was also able to do some networking which may lead to other speaking opportunities.

Though I did not go to sell my books I did take 42 with me and just due to my presentations and no sales pitch by me, I sold 36 of them which will recover part of the funds I lost by taking a week off of work to attend the conference. The IAC covered all my expences fr the trip itself. My book is now in over 30 countries as well as at the United Nations through Mr. Doek. Also the delegation from Ukraine said they saw my presentation from last year while they visited Russia earlier this summer. A documentary has been made from last year's conference which is now being shown to countries around the world.

Plans are already being made for the next world conference to be hled next November. It will be held at The Hague, Netherlands. The new World Council will be announced then will be assuming our roles at the Peace Palace in the Hague on the first day.

Below are a few of the photographs I took, or had others take, during the conference. I will also be getting from IAC photos taken during my presentations at a later date.

Me addressing the conference. I hope to have better photos later! 

Lynda Smith...President of IAC World Council of IAC, me, Martin Brekelmans...President of IAC 

I arrive at Harvard University Law School 

Photo of some of the Harvard attendees prior to the start of the panel 

After the panel the class photo was taken...Mr. Doek decided to entertain atop one of the desks 

Dr. Jane Aronson, Mr. Jacob Doeks and I confer during the reception after the panel (class) at Harvard.

I was in Atlanta October 20-21, 2004 to participate in the first World Conference to reform the foster care/adoption system both domestically and internationally sponsored by the IAC (International Advocates for Children) organization.

It was a very good trip.

Twenty-two countries sent delegations to the symposium including the USA. A few of the countries were Georgia, Russia, Mexico, Italy, Sweden, Netherlands, Bulgaria and Columbia. However, the largest delegation came from Viet Nam. There were also a number of private agencies that deal with adoption from other countries to the USA.

There were a number of highlights to the trip. I had the chance to meet and discuss issues with the First Lady of the Republic of Georgia. She appeared to be a very open and caring woman. I also met and was able to have a lengthy discussion with E. Bartholet..a professor at Harvard University who is considered one of the top experts in the field. We found that we disagreed in a number of areas while agreeing also on some. This was an arranged dinner as the director of IAC knew of our disagreements and felt we should have the opportunity to talk. It was worth the time.

I also met Jakob Doek from the Netherlands who is Chairman of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child.

I also spoke for a period with the head of the delegation from Viet Nam but needed a translator to work with us as he did not speak English.

Some of those from USA agencies spoke afterwords of my possibly speaking to conferences they have...told them they will need to E-mail me to see what we could arrange. One group also is considering me for their Advisory Board.

The symposium ended with the establishment of a International Council for Reform. I hope to be asked to serve as a member to represent those who have had to endure the foster care system without ever being adopted and the pitfalls one faces in life due to that experience.

Though I know change will not come overnight...I believe this made for a strong beginning step!

Some of the international attendees to the symposium attend an American BBQ at the home of IAC board member Pam. I am towards the right rear, next to me is the First Lady of the Republic of Georgia, just in front of her is E. Bartholet of Harvard University and in front of me is Lynda Smith Executive Director of IAC.


Lawrence P. Adams' presentations recounts his heartbreaking journey from the day he was born and given up for adoption by his 19-year-old unwed mother to numerous foster care placements as a child to graduation day from Boys Town in Nebraska at age 18.

Adams’ describes how the Michigan state foster care system failed him numerous times from missed opportunities for adoption with a loving family to placement in an abusive household. Through Adams’ story, we learn how broken and fractured the foster care system is in the United States, and how miraculously, Adams survived this unsettling childhood managing to find salvation at Boys Town at age 11. During his seven years in this new home, he learned he could amount to something in this world and make a difference. We watch as his feelings of worthlessness dissipate as he finds redemption in participating in such group activities as choir and the debate team.

During the second half of his presentation Adams’ adult life as he struggles with relationships, his health, and his career. His search for his birth mother and family leads him down a long, heartbreaking but necessary path as he grapples with finding his identity and heritage.

In the end, Adams’ reveals that what is important in life is not so much how we started out in life or what it even looked like in the middle, but what we have become and what we have done with what we have been given. Adams is a testament to this basic tenet and shows that true compassion and integrity is born from within.

I have heard him speak twice, including our International Conference last October. His presentations are heart wrenching, moving and inspirational to anyone who listens with an open mind and open heart. 
MARISA SALCINES, COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR, IAC (International Advocates for Children) 

As an adoption professional who heard him speak at the International Advocates for Children's International Conference in Atlanta this past fall, I witnessed a presentation that moves mountains.

Mr. Doek, from the Netherlands who is Chairman of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child, was profoundly moved by his words, and I believe that it will have an enormous impact on UN policy and UNICEF over the coming years.

My colleagues and myself all viewed his wonderful story of success and inspiration. I refer to their impact time and again when reflecting on life-changing moments in my recent history and career. His real world perspective is invaluable to policy change. His contributions are enormously valuable in changing the world for the better. He is the very right messenger with the very right message. His story is very important and worthwhile to share with policy makers and potential adoptive families everywhere. 
Debbie Spivack, Reaching Out thru International Adoption. 

Mr. Adams has ALL of the credentials to do this work, including a testimony, experiential and clinical competency, a burning passion, tenacity and guts! Remember, social homeostasis, en trophy, gravity and momentum, are all working against him. People do not want to be told the truth. People resist change. People always avoid pain and do not wanted to be confronted. The work is tough...he is attempting to change city hall, right a history wrong and unbury children the system has left to decompose under mounds of bureaucracy and paperwork. Society does not want him to expose them or face the terrible odor of the decay they have caused! We all desperately need his voice. 
Dr. Kenneth Brown, LMFT, Hope for Families 

Adams'is blessed with the skill of being able to take life challenges to speak and also gracefully put them on paper for future generations to read. Someday another child, in the same situations he lived through, will read his book or hear him speak; it will inspire another great leader to keep trying and to not give up. It could be today, tomorrow, or ten years after you have gone. Regardless of when, it will be there when it is needed.

In Mr. Adams, I see a man that is so dedicated to his beliefs that he has given up all monetary values to try to save the children the world has forgotten. I see him as a man that has already triumphed over horrible life circumstances, who has found a way to share his experiences in a positive manner. I see a man that needs to be listened to. 
Pamela Wooldridge, private citizen working to create a non profit to assist families in preventing the need for foster care 

I am also a survivor of child abuse. I read "Lost Son" by Lawrence Adams and have also heard him speak.

Although we grew up in different parts of the country and under different circumstances it amazes me that we went through the same things. Many of our feelings and thoughts were the same. We moved the same way in "Paper Bags" and lived day to day never knowing when we would wake to and be going somewhere else to live. Life for a child in the foster care system is the same for all of us no matter where we live. The saddest thing of all even after over 50 years the children of today in the "system" sound the same as Larry and I did over 50 years ago. After 50 years nothing has changed .........how sad is that?????

Here is a man who has found his voice while so many remain voiceless. Read his work, hear him speak; you will be moved and inspired to create conditions for children within the system who only dream about it today. 
Jeanne Fowler, Executive Director, Big Families of Michigan 

As you hear his story you realize that it's not just a story about his life as a youngster, it's about how people treat other people and how there should be some kind of check to make sure everyone is alright. He reminds you that every state's foster care system needs an overhaul, and it makes you remember about stories in the newspaper and on television about children who have been literally LOST in the system. Here is a person who is standing on the wall, willing, able, and wanting to protect all our children.

I was telling everyone about this man and his work. Who should read his book or hear him speak? Every parent, anyone who works with the public, teachers, social workers, police, you can't help but remember how you felt when you were the ages he talks, you remember how innocent you were, it will make you want to join his fight to make "in the best interest of the child" a reality.

This is serious work, by a serious person who has made it out, he is a success. Who knows, maybe some little boy or girl who isn't sure about his own future could learn about the trials and how Larry came out triumphant, it could give someone hope. I continue to hope and pray that Larry is on the news and in more newspapers, and is invited to speak so much that he becomes a household name, so that kids will hear about this man who is working on their behalf. 
Chris Bartholomew, Evangelist 

I would like to take this time to thank, on behalf of the entire group here at the Foundation, Mr. Larry Adams, one of our newest members and published author of a wonderful book of his life in the foster system here in Michigan. "Lost Son? A Bastard Child's Journey of Hope, Search, discovery, and Healing."

Larry recently attended the rally and gave a talk of his life at the luncheon afterwards. Throughout the presentation there were visible gasps and groans as he explained his plight as a child of the system. It was a bittersweet story with his success story which shows how you can survive and make a life in spite of horrible experiences as a child.

I hope all who truly care about children will have the opportunity to meet and hear this man. He has dedicated himself to help the cause of reform as his life's work and passion. We need to get behind this man and do what we can to help him bring this fight to the attention of the general public. 
Nancy Lockhurst, President, Foundation for Children's Rights 


judi kloper on fee´s

Message: 124 From: JudiKO@... Received: Mi Nov 05, 2003 4:54

Subject: Re: meeting with dinner the Ashok

Teri and all,

I only worked with TLCH in Hydearbad and Sister always said, pay what you feel you can. My families paid 3500 or 3000, I had some who paid 4000 and 4500.

It actually was difficult at one point because there was some communication problems...I was thinking Sister was saying they had to pay 8000 which she wasn't meaning at all (but knowing Sister, she could have been saying.)