
Life continues to be cruel to Romania's young orphans

Life continues to be cruel to Romania's young orphans ; Despite the numerous public assertions to the contrary, life in Romania's orphanages remains grim for many children, writes Elaine Keogh

The Irish Times

February 28, 2002



Drie ouderparen dienden klacht in tegen geschorste adoptiedienst

Drie ouderparen dienden klacht in tegen geschorste adoptiedienst

,,Ray of Hope heeft ons bedrogen''

19/12/2002 om 00:00 door door Geert NEYT - Print - Corrigeer

Tientallen adoptieouders sprongen de afgelopen dagen in de bres voor Ray of Hope, de adoptiedienst die door minister Vogels is geschorst. Vooral de ouders van Ethiopische adoptiekindjes loofden de vlotte afhandeling van hun dossier en de openheid van Ray of Hope. Maar er zijn ook ouders die niet te spreken zijn over ,,de onaanvaardbare onbekwaamheid'' van Ray of Hope. Dat blijkt uit het verhaal van drie paren aan wie een kindje uit Zuid-Vietnam was beloofd.

,,Wij hadden ons vertrouwen gelegd in een georganiseerde adoptiedienst omdat wij niet vrij wilden adopteren. Maar Ray of Hope heeft ons op een vliegtuig gezet naar een vreemd land en ons verder aan ons lot overgelaten.'' De woede van Danny en Nathalie Noels uit Geraardsbergen, Bernard en Hilda Deckers uit Vlezenbeek en Wim en Katleen Cornilly uit Pittem is na anderhalf jaar nog altijd niet bekoeld. Hun ervaringen vormden slechts een van de vele elementen die Kind en Gezin en minister Vogels ertoe aanzetten de erkenning van Ray of Hope in te trekken.

Religion vs. Sexual Orientation:

Religion vs. Sexual Orientation:
A Clash of Human Rights?

(Bertha Wilson Lecture, 2002)

Link to U of T Faculty of Law

University of Toronto - Bennett Lecture Hall
February 12, 2002

External link to profile of Dr. Wintemute.  (Photo by equalmarriage.ca, 2002Dr. Robert Wintemute is a leading scholar in the area of sexual orientation discrimination. He is a professor at the School of Law, King's College, University of London. Dr. Wintemute was invited to be the Bertha Wilson Distinguished Visiting Professor for this academic year at the University of Toronto's Faculty of Law. His visit included the delivery of the Bertha Wilson Lecture for 2002.


PROFILE – All in a Day’s work: Catherine Day

CAN someone who dedicates nearly all her time to her job escape being condemned as a workaholic?

Catherine Day, who has just been appointed the European Commission’s director-general for environment, would probably be the first to admit it’s a description that’s been applied to her.

In fact, it’s an understatement to say she loves her work and still finds it exciting after 20 years in Brussels. After all, this is someone who’s been known to set up meetings at weekends and who replies to emails at all hours. If you enjoy your job so much, then what else do you need?

Even if it hadn’t been announced as part of the biggest staff shake-up in the history of the Commission,

Day’s appointment would still be newsworthy. She’s risen successfully through the EU executive’s ranks, from passing the concours at 24 to becoming a director general at 47.

Romania: Children's purchase instead of Adoption


04.02.2002 | 13:43 Clock
Bayerisches Fernsehen
Tuesday 5 February 2002, 21.20 clock / GLASKLAR

Romania: Children's purchase instead of Adoption 

     Munich (ots) - In Romania, the fertility of Western couples to business. Purchased adoptions of babies and small children are on the agenda. Also Gabriele channels from Nuremberg wants to adopt a Romanian gypsy child. But the authority requires about 11 000 euro bribes disguised as donations. Without the payment, the adoptive mother with a Romanian child must not leave. Gabriele channels, and refuses to sit down for a year in Romania.
ots Original Text: Bayerischer Rundfunk
On the Internet: http://www.presseportal.de
Bayerischer Rundfunk
Tel 089 / 5900 2176


The Lost Children

Feb. 3, 2002

The Lost Children

After Many Years, Painful, Emotional Reunions

Font size Print E-mail Share (CBS) Not only had these lost children been shipped 12,000 miles from Britain to the bottom of the world. Not only had they been exploited and abused. They had been deceived.

They weren't orphans. They had families back in Britain, families which had dropped them off at institutions with every intention of getting them back.

The Moraru couple seems to be spending a quiet time in Canada

Sotii Moraru se pare ca petrec linistiti in Canada

28.01.2002 21:21


Parchetul de pe langa Curtea de Apel Constanta cerceteaza imprejurarile in care doi cetateni americani au infiat - dupa ce au platit fundatiei intermediare suma de 12.000 de dolari - un baietel de 3

Parchetul de pe langa Curtea de Apel Constanta cerceteaza imprejurarile in care doi cetateni americani au infiat - dupa ce au platit fundatiei intermediare suma de 12.000 de dolari - un baietel de 3 ani din Romania. Michele si Martin Zuidema au dorit sa infieze un copil si s-au adresat in acest scop unei fundatii americane, care, la randu-i, a apelat la serviciile Fundatiei "Sfintii Dimitrie si Ana", din Constanta. Reprezentantii acesteia, Rodica si Valeriu Moraru, si-au aratat disponibilitatea de a rezolva "foarte rapid" solicitarea. Tocmai viteza cu care s-au incheiat formalitatile de adoptie, anevoioase, altfel, precum si suma de 12.000 dolari ceruta "pe aeroport" de reprezentantii fundatiei tomitane i-au pus in alerta pe parintii adoptivi ai micutului George Ivanov (3 ani). Ei au cerut Ambasadei Romane din Washington si, implicit, Guvernului roman sa verifice legalitatea actelor de adoptie incheiate pe 23 august 2001 ("dupa numai doua luni de la cererea noastra") de avocatii Rodica si Valeriu Moraru, patronii fundatiei constantene. Din primele date existente la dosar rezulta ca fundatia in speta fiinta intr-un apartament, ca sotii Moraru au pretins ulterior virarea celor 12.000 dolari intr-un cont din Canada, unde s-ar fi (si) grabit, de altfel, sa plece "in excursie" de ceva vreme.

Peer vs peer as Archer tells Nicholson: 'Take it back or face the consequences'

Peer vs peer as Archer tells Nicholson: 'Take it back or face the consequences'

Is it possible to libel a man with 'no reputation left to sully'? Robert Mendick reports on an ever more bitter feud

Sunday 27 January 20020 comments


Lord Archer is threatening to sue Baroness Nicholson, the eminent peer, claiming that she has defamed him.