
INTERNATIONAL BRIEFS: Edelman Brussels hires director

INTERNATIONAL BRIEFS: Edelman Brussels hires director

September 20, 2002 , Be the first to comment

BRUSSELS: Edelman Brussels has hired Teemu Lehtinen as director of public affairs to boost the practice. Lehtinen previously worked at Brussels-based PA firm EPPA as deputy national manager. Edelman is hoping to extend its PA work into campaigning and policy management alongside providing institutional advice.


Subject: RE: Can One Adopt From Romania?

Message: 616

From: Douglas Hubbard

Received: Sa Sep 20, 2003 4:25

Subject: RE: Can One Adopt From Romania?

Vali- you have enlightened rather than offended- thank you.

Meeting Guy Devel/CoE with Romanian Minister

ROMPRES - 17 septembre 2002

Rencontre entre le Ministre pour l'Intégration Européenne et le Directeur Général des Affaires Juridiques au Conseil de l'Europe.

1er janvier 2007, c'est une date réaliste pour l'adhésion de la Roumanie à l'Union Européenne, a déclaré Guy de Vel, directeur général des Affaires Juridiques au Conseil de l'Europe, commentant les déclarations du commissaire européen Gunter Verheugen, lors d'une rencontre qu'il a eu mardi avec le Ministre de l'Intégration Européenne, Madame Hildegard Puwak, relate MIE.

Au cours des discussions le Ministre pour l'Intégration a présenté la manière dont se déroule le processus d'adhésion de la Roumanie à l'Union Européenne, mettant en évidence le fait que les progrès enregistrés seront présentés dans le Rapport Annuel de la Commission Européenne, de même que le rôle des autorités roumaines dans les débats en ce qui concerne le futur de l'Europe.

Certains aspects concernant le rapport sur les standards du Conseil de l'Europe (CE) ont été abordés, de même que l'acquis communautaire en vigueur et les toutes dernières préoccupations du CE en ce qui concerne les adoptions internationales, la cybercriminalité, la lutte contre le terrorisme, les droits fondamentaux de l'Homme.



Those Seeking Adoptions Can Complete Process

Wednesday, September 11, 2002

WASHINGTON—U.S. Sens. Jim Inhofe (R-Tulsa) and Don Nickles (R-Ponca City) announced today that the Immigration and Naturalization Service will allow American families who were in the process of adopting Cambodian children to move forward with their adoption requests. Many families were in the process of adopting children from Cambodia last year when an INS suspension on adoptions from that country interrupted the process.

“This is the right decision for these families who have been left in limbo for these last nine months,” Nickles said. “I am particularly delighted that this decision will now allow the Rudolph family from Oklahoma to proceed with their adoption. I wish them all the best in this endeavor and commend them and all adoptive families for their willingness to open their homes and hearts to children from around the world who have no family to call their own.”

Jonathan Scheele: Romania - a regional model in child protection

Jonathan Scheele: Romania - a regional model in child protection

Romania is about to become a regional model for the way it approaches the

issue of child protection, Jonathan Scheele, the head of the European

Commission Delegation to Bucharest, said during a press conference on

Tuesday at the end of the social campaign, "An Orphanage is not home."

Brussels whistleblower quits in despair Paul van Buitenen

Tuesday, 27 August, 2002, 13:20 GMT 14:20 UK

Brussels whistleblower quits in despair

Paul van Buitenen

Paul van Buitenen says nothing has changed

A European official whose whistle-blowing revelations sparked the resignation of the entire European Commision has quit, after declaring that nothing has changed.

Twijfels bij rol stichting in adoptie uit Haïti

Twijfels bij rol stichting in adoptie uit Haïti

De Gelderlander: 15 augustus 2002.

Advocaat P. Baur heeft het ministerie van Justitie gevraagd een onderzoek in te stellen naar het optreden van de Nijmeegse stichting Flash, erkend bemiddelaar in adoptie. Volgens Baur gaat Justitie bekijken of het bureau bij de afwikkeling van de adoptie van kinderen uit Haïti alle zorgvuldigheid in acht neemt.

Aanleiding is de adoptie van twee Haïtiaanse jongetjes door een Nijmeegs gezin. De jongens blijken nooit te hebben gewoond in het kindertehuis waar zij geacht werden vandaan te komen. Ze zouden gewoon bij hun ouders hebben geleefd en door hun vader via het kindertehuis ter adoptie zijn aangeboden.

Volgens de adoptie-ouders vertonen de kinderen grote gedragsproblemen omdat ze graag terug willen naar hun moeder.

Former CM's son arrested in Andhra adoption racket

Nadendla Manohar, son of former Andhra Pradesh chief minister Nadendla Bhaskara Rao, has been remanded to judicial custody till August 28 for his alleged connection with the child adoption racket in the state, which was busted in April 2001.

Manohar, who is general secretary of the Sparsh Welfare Association, a voluntary organization running a children's home near Somajigudda in Hyderabad, and Jaleel Hussain, president of Sparsh, were produced before the metropolitan magistrate by the Crime Investigation Department of the state police on Friday.

Their bail applications have been posted to August 19 for hearing and their plea for medical assistance has been referred to the jail superintendent.

The CID had filed charges against the seven persons accused in this particular case of the adoption racket under sections 120(B), 341, 372, 419, 420, 465, 468, and 471 of the Indian Penal Code as well as various sections of the Orphanages and Charitable Homes Act.

The police had registered a first information report on June 8, 2001, at the Punjagutta police station on a complaint from M Eswar Rao, project director of the district women and children's welfare (WCW) department.

Scars heal slowly as Romanian orphans find new lives

Scars heal slowly as Romanian orphans find new lives

August 10 2002

Fresh air, good food and love have transformed the lives of more than 80 children who have been adopted by Australian families, reports Julie Szego.

Michael was two when his adoptive parents, Michelle and John Levine, collected him from a Romanian orphanage. They found a toddler who recoiled from blankets and teddy bears, but watched with intense concentration the pouring of water from a cup or blades of grass gliding to the ground. He cuddled up to complete strangers and, for reasons still mysterious, shrieked in distress during visits to the doctor, especially if they involved removing his shoes.

Ms Levine recalls that her son - now "articulate, energetic and exuberant" - couldn't speak at all, despite his age. "He made funny little sounds," she says, "although he always seemed to understand what we were saying."