
Sounalet - Kouchner

Plusieurs personnalités dont Bernard Kouchner, l´ancien président de Pharmaciens sans frontières, Jean-Louis Machuron, le cinéaste Daniel Karlin, Raymond Aubrac ont apporté, hier, leur soutien à un Français accusé de pédophilie en Roumanie dont ils demandent la libération.

Michel Sounalet, 67 ans, est en garde à vue à Lasi depuis le 19 octobre pour « perversions sexuelles et corruption de mineurs ».

Une vengeance

L´ancien ministre de la santé, Bernard Kouchner a évoqué la possibilité pour l´association de soutien, de « saisir le garde des Sceaux de ce problème » alors que d´autres ont lancé un appel aux dons pour financer la défense de Michel Sounalet devant la justice roumaine.

Michel Sounalet, président d´une association d´aide à l´orphelinat de Popricani, près de Lasi, risque, selon son comité de soutien, jusqu´à 15 ans de prison.

Pour Pierre Pradier, ancien responsable de Médecins du monde, Michel Sounalet est un « homme qui dérange ». Il subit, selon ses proches, « la vengeance d´un ancien pensionnaire » devenu employé de cet orphelinat et à qui Michel Sounalet reprochait son attitude violente envers les enfants.

Ancien braqueur

Michel Sounalet travaille dans l´humanitaire depuis 1992. Il avait été condamné en 1965 à la prison à vie pour braquages. Sorti de prison en 92, il s´engagea dans l´humanitaire.

Bernard Kouchner avait été « frappé par cet homme qui après la première partie de sa vie passée dans les prisons françaises a décidé de rejoindre une association humanitaire ».

Hungary: Reports of parents selling their children for purposes of adoption; prevalence of this activity and which social groups

ublisher Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada

Author Research Directorate, Immigration and Refugee Board, Canada

Publication Date 18 November 2002

Citation / Document Symbol HUN40383.E

Reference 2


Estratto da 'D', inserto di Repubblica del giorno 19-10-2002


In Cambogia la nuova, unica, risorsa sono i piccoli. Da vendere, da comperare. Come figli o amanti. Lo scandalo è partito dagli Usa, dove il governo per fermare questo business gigantesco e crudele non concede più visti d'ingresso ai neonati " adottati ". Una giornalista di D è entrata negli orfanotrofi di Phnom Penh. E racconta.

Christina non ha nessuna colpa, e nemmeno Edith. Sono americane, sulla trentina, il loro sogno era avere un bambino, sono venute in Cambogia per adottarlo. E ora non possono tornare negli Stati Uniti con i loro nuovi figli perché l'America, dalla primavera scorsa, ha deciso di non concedere più visti ai figli adottivi cambogiani. Si teme, infatti, che non siano bambini orfani o abbandonati, ma bambini venduti dai genitori per bisogno, bambini rapiti nei villaggi. Insomma, bambini " sporchi " che intermediari senza scrupoli " riciclano " fornendo falsi documenti e offrendoli a organizzazioni per l'adozione internazionale, che non dovrebbero, quindi, agire a scopo di lucro. Invece sembra che ci sia il lucro, eccome. E pure l'inganno.

A Christina avevano garantito che la piccola di otto mesi che stringe tra le braccia, e che considera ormai sua figlia, era una trovatella senza nome: lo certificano i documenti che la riguardano e portano il timbro di uno dei tanti orfanotrofi di Phnom Penh che ora sono sotto inchiesta da parte del consolato americano e delle autorità cambogiane. Così Christina rimane e Phnom Penh, assieme ad altre madri americane che non vogliono partire lasciando i " loro " bambini in Cambogia. Li cullano, li nutrono, li vestono, li portano a spasso e, attorno alla carrozzina guidata da una bionda donna americana in cui sorride un piccolo cambogiano, capita che si radunino decine di persone che mormorano " che bambino fortunato....".

Parliamentary Debate: the numerous pedophilia scandals involving foreign citizens


Sittings of the Chamber of Deputies of October 15, 2002

1. Speeches by the Members of Parliament:

1.32 Vlad-Gabriel Hogea - bringing to the attention of an unpleasant subject - the numerous pedophilia scandals involving foreign citizens.

Intervention recorded according to the material submitted to the sitting secretariat

Sittings of the Chamber of Deputies of 15 October 2002

Mister President,

Dear Colleagues,

I have an unpleasant mission to bring to your attention the fact that, after 1989, under the auspices of the governments that came to power, numerous pedophilia scandals broke out in the territory of our country, in which foreign citizens were involved. The Treptow case is, therefore, only the tip of the iceberg.

1) In 1999, the Turkish citizen Erugrui Vahit, driver of a TIR truck in transit through Romania, lured 3 children from the street in Zal?u, aged between 10 and 15, which he subjected to sexual perversions (oral and anal ) in the TIR cab. As a reward, he offered them 10 German marks and 5,000 lei. The Turk was caught having sex with one of the victims, the child declaring that, out of pain, he tried to press the horn of the car, but the Turkish pedophile hit him in the head.

2) In 1996, the French citizen Michel Paul Albenque (49 years old), was sentenced by the Bucharest Tribunal to 5 years in prison for maintaining pedophile relationships, of homosexual type, with several boys, street children. The court decided that the pedophile should be expelled from Romania after the execution of the sentence. As Albenque is also the perpetrator of crimes against sexual life, committed in his country of origin, in 1999, the French court requested the extradition of the pedophile, but he expressed his desire to remain in Romanian prisons, where conditions are much better. . Secondly, the French Criminal Code provides for a higher punishment for crimes committed by Albenque than in Romania, up to 15 years in prison. Michel Albenque was the head of an international network of pedophiles, consisting of dozens of people arrested in 2002 for rape and sexual harassment. Police found records at Albenque's home revealing the organization of the recruitment of children since 1989, as well as the network of dozens of people searching for their victims on the outskirts of major cities in France, Romania and Germany. Following a search of Albenque's garage, notebooks with complete lists were found, including the names of hundreds of children, many of them recruited from Romania. Tempted by the ease with which they could practice their vice in our country, some foreign pedophiles moved completely to Romania, under the pretext of carrying out commercial activities, benefiting from the advantages offered by the Romanian state to foreign investors! Police found records at Albenque's home revealing the organization of the recruitment of children since 1989, as well as the network of dozens of people searching for their victims on the outskirts of major cities in France, Romania and Germany. Following a search of Albenque's garage, notebooks with complete lists were found, including the names of hundreds of children, many of whom were recruited from Romania. Tempted by the ease with which they could practice their vice in our country, some foreign pedophiles moved completely to Romania, under the pretext of carrying out commercial activities, benefiting from the advantages offered by the Romanian state to foreign investors! Police found records at Albenque's home revealing the organization of the recruitment of children since 1989, as well as the network of dozens of people searching for their victims on the outskirts of major cities in France, Romania and Germany. Following a search of Albenque's garage, notebooks with complete lists were found, including the names of hundreds of children, many of whom were recruited from Romania. Tempted by the ease with which they could practice their vice in our country, some foreign pedophiles moved completely to Romania, under the pretext of carrying out commercial activities, benefiting from the advantages offered by the Romanian state to foreign investors! as well as the network of dozens of people looking for their victims on the outskirts of major cities in France, Romania and Germany. Following a search of Albenque's garage, notebooks with complete lists were found, including the names of hundreds of children, many of them recruited from Romania. Tempted by the ease with which they could practice their vice in our country, some foreign pedophiles moved completely to Romania, under the pretext of carrying out commercial activities, benefiting from the advantages offered by the Romanian state to foreign investors! as well as the network of dozens of people looking for their victims on the outskirts of major cities in France, Romania and Germany. Following a search of Albenque's garage, notebooks with complete lists were found, including the names of hundreds of children, many of them recruited from Romania. Tempted by the ease with which they could practice their vice in our country, some foreign pedophiles moved completely to Romania, under the pretext of carrying out commercial activities, benefiting from the advantages offered by the Romanian state to foreign investors!

Romania extends ban on international adoptions under EU pressure

Romania has agreed to extend the ban on international adoptions until 15 November following criticism from the EU that the system is still tainted by corruption. Romania has been told that it should reform its child welfare system before it can join the EU.

The Romanian government also came under pressure from the United States where thousands of families are waiting to adopt Romanian children. The US want Romania to liberalise international child adoptions. According to the French daily Le Monde, an internal memorandum written by the US Mission to the EU in Brussels directly connects the issue of child adoptions to Romania’s integration into NATO.

According to Le Monde, the Commission’s Directorate General for Enlargement responds to the US non-paper stating that “American experts are not well suited to Romania’s needs in this area”. “The United States are the only country in the world, apart from Somalia, which has not signed the UN Convention on Children’s Rights and the Hague Convention. The US has not developed the administrative capacity to apply this convention,” according to the Commission’s response.

The Romanian government is now preparing a reform of laws that will encourage domestic adoptions and place children in foster families or private child-care centres. Four draft laws, creating a new legal environment for child protection, are to be adopted.


Adopted children may have been stolen from Thailand

Adopted children may have been stolen from Thailand

April 19, 2002 at 05:00, Updated: September 23, 2007 at 14:00

For three years in the mid-1970s, over 900 adoptive children to Sweden from Thailand. Many of the children were taken to an orphanage in Bangkok, where it later turned out to be kidnapped children. When police raided the orphanage in April 1977, three of the 33 children who lived there stolen from the poor.

Sawitri Börjesson, now 25 years old and the mother of two children in Norrköping, adopted from Thailand, months before the police raid. She has researched his background and tried to find the biological parents in Thailand. The people who are like mom and dad in the adoption documents say they have not left out any child. They have also done a DNA test showing that they can not be related to Sawitri Börjesson. Sawitri Börjesson believe that the Swedish authorities have a major responsibility for the adoptions of children with false identity documents could be executed. - My rights as a human being has been violated and Board for Intercountry Adoptions is ultimately responsible, she says. Sawitri Börjesson has filed a police report about his own adoption with another adoptee woman, 27-year-old Malinee Murray. A preliminary investigation of suspected kidnapping has been initiated in collaboration with the Thai justice system. Yet, no one has suspected of crimes, says chief prosecutor Solveig Wollstad. Both Sawitri Börjesson and Malinee Murray appeared in the documentary film "Children at any price" as of yesterday evening broadcast on Swedish television. While working on the movie found journalists Per Lapins and Erik Sandberg evidence that at least 18 children have come to Sweden under a false identity. Malinee Murray, who now lives in Gothenburg, was proof that her identity is not true since she Thailand came in contact with a woman who has the identity indicated in her actions. Previously it was thought that her background was invented - now she knows that it is stolen. Malinee Murray came to Sweden with the organization Adoption Center. She keeps them and the authorities responsible for ensuring that she will never be able to find their biological parents. - I feel betrayed. I think it is shameful that the Adoption Centre has deliberately turned a blind eye to the children had false identities, she says. Adoption Center says today that in the 1970s knew that some of the kids really had other mothers than those who were quoted in the papers. Adoption Center believed that the true mothers had left Bangkok or unwilling to recognize motherhood, says Information Officer Annika Grünewald. - In retrospect, I feel we did wrong. We did not realize the risks, she says. After the police raid in Bangkok in 1977 ended almost adoptions from Thailand to Sweden and the rules were tightened. then-president of the State Board for Intercountry Adoptions, Gradin said today that the agency was not aware of the abuses in Thailand before they were discovered by the Thai police. - People had to put a stop to this as soon as possible, says Anita Gradin. 99F 08-13 54 12, bjorn.malmstrom @ svd.se Björn Malmström


Adoptie kinderen uit Haïti via Flash gestaakt

Adoptie kinderen uit Haïti via Flash gestaakt


Van onze verslaggeefster– 28 september 2002

AMSTERDAM - Het adoptiebureau Flash mag geen Haïtiaanse kinderen meer naar Nederland halen. De gegevens van het bureau over de kinderen kloppen niet, zegt Justitie. Adoptie-ouders zouden verkeerd geïnformeerd worden over de leeftijd en achtergronden van de kinderen.

U krijgt 5 artikelen van Trouw cadeau. Dit is nummer 4 .

Child adoption from Haiti via Flash stopped

AMSTERDAM - The Flash adoption agency is no longer allowed to bring Haitian children to the Netherlands. The data from the agency about the children is incorrect, says Justice. Adoptive parents would be misinformed about the ages and backgrounds of the children.

From our reporterSeptember 28, 2002 , 0:00

The Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport received three complaints in the spring from parents who had adopted a child from Haiti via Flash. The parents suspect that the children are older than the adoption agency states. One child also has behavioral disorders that may indicate abuse. The department then called in the inspectorate for youth assistance and youth protection for an investigation. After examining 26 files, he concluded that the information provided by the institution about the children is incorrect.

Chairman P. van Loon of the foundation that the adoption agency falls under, says that his agency meets all the requirements set by the government. Since Flash was founded in 1993, the agency has brought about 150 children to the Netherlands. “We also notice that the ages of the children sometimes do not match what is stated in the birth certificate. We have always said that to the parents. Now two parents have complained, one of which has two children. Before that, we have always had good reports from the inspection. Now we would have too little insight into what our contacts are doing in Haiti. ''

Professor Hoksbergen, professor of adoption, knows one of the duped parents. “I have read the correspondence between the parents and the foundation. Such an organization must take a critical look at the information it receives from Haiti. When parents are expecting a baby and they have a child of more than two and a half years, that is a different story. It can hurt the adoption process. ''