

Nancy Adams, the US Trade Representative’s (USTR), er, representative in Brussels, leaves for Geneva in July. She’ll become senior counsellor for technical assistance and market access at the USTR mission to the World Trade Organisation. Replacing her is Christopher Wilson, who arrives from the USTR’s Latin American office in August.

Also, Larry Wohlers, the EU Mission’s long-time public affairs counsellor, leaves in July for a Moscow posting. He’ll spend a year in Washington first, brushing up his Russian. Taking over from him will be Anne Barbaro, currently at the US embassy in Madrid. Press officer Ed Kemp assumed most of the day-to-day spokesman duties from Wohlers and will continue in that role.

And finally, ‘institutional officer’ Rob Faucher, who’s usually seen spying around the press bar at Councils and summits, is headed for Suriname at the end of June. “I refuse to serve in any country that doesn’t border France,” he joked. Suriname borders French Guiana in South America.

Replacing him is Rick Holzapple, a former National Security Council aide from Washington who’s spent the last year at the European Commission, working in DGs Relex and Enlargement.

Robert Hull has been appointed director of consultative work at the European Economic and Social Committee. He takes over from Diarmid McLaughlin, who is retiring.

Verheugen rules out Romanian adoption help

Verheugen rules out Romanian adoption help

By David Cronin  -  30.05.2002 / 00:00 CET
THE European Commission has ruled out mediating for couples trying to adopt children from Romanian orphanages.
About 35 million euro in EU funding has already been allocated to help replace the old-style orphanages associated with the Ceaucescu era. But enlargement chief Günter Verheugen said: "The Commission has neither the competence nor the intention to deal with individual cases."

The German commissioner was replying to a query by Spanish centre-right MEP Encarnación Redondo Jiménez, who asked what the EU's executive could do to overcome the moratorium on adoptions imposed by the Romanian authorities in June 2001.

"The number of international adoption request procedures in hand runs into the thousands [with] over a thousand from Spain alone," wrote the MEP.

"Following the visits of the French and US presidents and the Spanish prime minister to Romania, these three countries managed to secure authorisation to bring some of the children concerned out of the country. But there are huge numbers of procedures still blocked and of children awaiting adoption."

Verheugen noted the Commission had welcomed the moratorium in its 2001 annual report on the progress Romania has made on meeting the requirements for EU membership.

A year previously the Commission had cited evidence that the law on adoptions was being contravened through several cases of trafficking in children. It recommends that legislation should be introduced to combat abuses in the system before ending the freeze on international adoptions. It also wants Bucharest to "develop the appropriate administrative structures and capacity in order to ensure that adoption decisions are made exclusively in the best interest of the child".

Verheugen rules out Romanian adoption help

Verheugen rules out Romanian adoption help

THE European Commission has ruled out mediating for couples trying to adopt children from Romanian orphanages.

EUROPEAN VOICEBy DAVID CRONIN 5/29/02, 5:00 PM CET Updated 4/12/14, 7:59 AM CET

About 35 million euro in EU funding has already been allocated to help replace the old-style orphanages associated with the Ceaucescu era. But enlargement chief Günter Verheugen said: "The Commission has neither the competence nor the intention to deal with individual cases."

The German commissioner was replying to a query by Spanish centre-right MEP Encarnación Redondo Jiménez, who asked what the EU's executive could do to overcome the moratorium on adoptions imposed by the Romanian authorities in June 2001.

Frassi shock to Happy Sunday

The founder of the Prometeo Association does not stop in the fight against pedophilia.

Guest of Costanzo's broadcast he tells the drama of the children of Bucharest and the Romanian government meets urgently.

"I saw children growling in orphanages"

Those in Bergamo who followed him in his meetings on the children of Bucharest and on pedophilia are used to his strong and blunt sentences, contained with difficulty, just enough for the message to arrive. And yesterday afternoon even the viewers of Buona Domenica had to leave the fun of the festive afternoon for a moment to receive the "punch in the stomach" that Massimiliano Frassi, founder of the Prometheus Association against pedophilia in Bergamo, launched through the cameras. Guest of Maurizio Costanzo, for the second time, after the one at the Maurizio Costanzo Show, he described in a way so real as to seem surreal, the images he saw years ago in Bucharest and last time only 15 days ago. To Costanzo's statement: “Before Romania can enter Europe it would have to deal with 50. 000 children living in the sewers of Bucharest ”he urged“ Italy then has to deal with its primacy of sex tourists ”. An outlet for the charter flights that in his meetings he said also depart from Bergamo for Bucharest, for Thailand and for other countries where it is easy to find a desperate child to turn into a lover. And often in AIDS patients. “At the Bucharest station I saw an eight-year-old girl with some street educators approaching, they loaded her into the car and raped her. When we approached to take her away they told us "Go ahead, tomorrow other children will be taken away and no one knows what will happen to them". Then Frassi brought the cold to the television studio accustomed to welcoming serious stories, yes, but above all entertainment and serenity. "I've seen children in orphanages growl, left in their excrements, ”he said, his eyes shining, but above all full of anger. Those who in Bergamo who follow him know, due to the obstacles he had when he sought a seat for his association, those of a sense of powerlessness compared to the numerous cases of pedophilia that have been reported to him. And perhaps even when the attention rises to become tension on some stories, and then falls when the moment passes. “Those children remain there waiting for someone to take them away - continues the president of Prometeo - if they can resist. And if they are lucky to find someone to welcome them. " Just as it happened for six boys that Costanzo hosted yesterday, who on the documents are 17 or 18 years old, but who in the faces, in the body still as children and in the ability to express themselves much less. They were adopted by Italian families from Ravenna or Taranto. They resumed living, eating after having fed on cockroaches for a long time, having forgotten how to eat, how to feed, both their body and their emotions. Together with a doctor, Costanzo and Frassi have undertaken the commitment to follow them, to re-educate them in nutrition, including the emotional one. The next appointment is between two Sundays.

Others, however, did not make it, they weren't so lucky. "I saw them, I saw kids kissing you good night by opening the lid of a manhole - continues Frassi - underneath is their house". In the photos that are broadcast and that were taken in Bucharest, those houses can be seen: “Here it is, what you see in the garbage is not a garbage bag, but a child. He sleeps in the sewers, which are real sewers. I went down too, I saw their "rooms", but the children are still safe there. It turns out that I am no longer. " Frassi lived all this and even if only for a few minutes many other people through his words, which convey the same emotion, anger pity and bewilderment also in the book he wrote "Children from the sewers of Bucharest" - a journey into the last circle of violated childhood ". On the cover one of them, breathing glue from a bag. So for a few minutes you forget everything. All.



IPR Strategic Business Information Database | April 22, 2002 | Copyright

A number of Eastern European countries including Russia and Ukraine no longer permit international adoptions to Israel because they fear for the children's safety, according to an Israeli daily. Nehama Tal, the Israeli government's national inspector for international adoptions, recently went to Russia, however failed to change its policy regarding Israel. "It's never been this difficult to do an international adoption, since the authority for international adoptions was founded," Tal ...


In a foster care system where abused children are shifted from home to home, where siblings grow up apart and where nothing is forever, SOS Children's Village of Florida has been touted as a rare place.

On a quiet cul-de-sac in Coconut Creek, adults made long-term commitments to rear the youngsters as their own.

Brothers and sisters lived together in neat, cozy houses, and youngsters were told they would not have to leave, that they were "home at last."

"It may look like your average Florida neighborhood, but it's really a bold new way to help kids," Oprah Winfrey said on her show in 1998, five years after SOS, an offshoot of an international program, opened its doors.

But like other group homes for needy children, SOS has struggled since the mid-1990s with some ugly realities. Records provided by the Broward County office of the Department of Children & Families show numerous incidents of child-on-child sexual activity; allegations of improper supervision of children; and frequent police involvement at SOS.

Stolen children? without identity (Thailand)


Stolen children? without identity

Over 900 children received new home in Sweden

Several hundred Swedish adoptees can be stolen from Thailand.

At least 19 children were in the 70's hit with false identities and birth certificate.

Uitspraak 200103332/1

ECLI: NL: Stainless steel: 2002: AE1597

Date of judgment

April 17, 2002

Content indication

On February 23, 2001, the Secretary of State for Justice (hereinafter: the Secretary of State) announced in a press release that, among other things, it had decided to suspend new applications for the adoption of children from Guatemala with immediate effect.

Romania: Adoption Issue May Cloud NATO Plans

Romania: Adoption Issue May Cloud NATO Plans

April 15, 2002 00:00 GMT

By Eugen Tomiuc

