
Pending cases of adoption orders decline under new rules: WCD ministry

The WCD ministry said adoption orders have been issued in 361 cases after the rules were amended to empower district magistrates to issue adoption orders.

NEW DELHI: A total of 589 children have been adopted after the notification of the new adoption regulations in September that empower district magistrates (DMs) to issue the adoption order, the union ministry of women and child development (WCD) said on Tuesday.

Under the Adoption Regulations 2022 issued on September 23, DMs and additional DMs were given the power to issue adoption orders under Section 61.

“A number of adoption orders have been issued by DMs all over the country during the last two months soon after notification of the Adoption Regulations in the month of September 2022. On the date of notification, 905 adoption orders were pending with the courts. As of date, the pendency has come down to 644. In 361 cases, adoption orders have been issued. The first adoption order was issued by DM, Akola, Maharashtra on 6 Oct 2022,” the ministry statement said.

The ministry said prospective adoptive parents (PaPs) can now opt for their home states or region under the new norms.

More African children will start their journey from institutions to families due to BEB’s Children First Software

BEB expands Africa Operations to equip Ethiopia, Malawi, Nigeria and Tanzania with technology solution

Plano, Texas – Texas-based software non-profit BEB takes another step of remarkable growth by announcing expansion of its Children First Software (CFS) into four additional African Countries: Ethiopia, Malawi, Nigeria and Tanzania.

BEB began Africa operations in Uganda five years ago and today over 10,000 children are registered in CFS. Further, over 1,000 children have been placed from institutions into families, primarily through reunification with biological family members. Uganda is proving how CFS can accomplish BEB’s mission to equip a country to change its child welfare system. The Ministry of Gender, Labour, and Social Development (MGLSD) now requires children’s homes to use CFS to track children’s identities, stories, and paths to families in order to receive licensing from the government. MGLSD Permanent Secretary Aggrey David Kibenge shares, “We are excited about the roll out of all the system modules to the entire country and children’s homes [of Uganda]. We are also looking forward to the building of capacity of our social service workforce who are key stakeholders in the implementation of the system.”

This progress for the children of Uganda is making an impact for other children of Africa as the success of CFS is attracting new partners to begin implementing the software. BEB Africa Regional Manager Kenneth Ayebazibwe shares, “The implementation of Children First Software in Africa is an integrated child service especially for children living in institutional care. With digital profiles of vulnerable children, government and NGOs will provide coordinated and monitored services across the African continent.” In Ethiopia, the leader of the Sele Enat NGO discusses the lack of statistical data regarding the children they have served for over 20 years. He says, “It was time-consuming and challenging to know statistics like the number of orphaned or abandoned children. But CFS has made that an easy task that only takes a few minutes.”

In Nigeria, BEB initiated the first pilot training last week with 12 child welfare organizations that are committed to use the software in their homes. Malawi and Tanzania are next to begin training and roll-out of the software in their children’s homes. BEB teams in each country will work alongside these partners to ensure all paper records on children are converted to create digital identities for boys and girls under their care. Simultaneously, BEB will train its partners to use all five software modules which help decision makers realize and execute the best family placements for the children.

Mali: Children kidnapped to be adopted in France

Our fellow journalists at Le Monde Afrique , Laureline Savoye and Morgane Le Cam, have investigated for five years, with the cooperation of Kaourou Magassa, journalist for TV5 Monde, on the association Rayon de soleil de l'enfant etranger (RDSEE), the one of the largest approved adoption organizations in France and which is said to have been behind the adoption of more than 7,000 children around the world in the 1990s and against the wishes of biological families.

Mali, the Central African Republic, Madagascar, Haiti, Peru, Romania. So many countries affected by potential child thefts in the 1990s.

According to two journalists at Le Monde Afrique, the French organization RDSEE is behind the theft and adoption of children around the world.

A real child trafficking that would finally interest the French justice

On September 6, 2022, the Paris court finally called for the opening of an investigation for "concealment of fraud" after the filing of a complaint in June 2020 by nine French people adopted in Mali against their adoption organization and their former correspondent in Bamako: RDSEE and Danielle Boudault.

Police report Danish adoption center after TV 2 documentary

The Danish adoption agency DIA has been reported to the police after information has come to light that several children may have been adopted illegally to Denmark.

The adoption center DIA (Danish International Adoption) has been reported to the police because illegal adoptions may have taken place between 1979 and 1995. This happens after a TV 2 documentary which brings information that casts doubt on whether adoptions may have taken place from Chile to Denmark in violation of the rules.

As TV2 ØST could tell on Sunday , Rune Renato Hansen from Tølløse is one of the 111 Chilean children who were adopted to Denmark during the period. In the TV 2 documentary "De stjålne børn" he travels to Chile with his friend Christina Birkemose from Haslev, where they get to reinforce the suspicion that he may have been adopted against his parents' wishes.

In 2018, it emerged that it is believed that up to half of the 20,000 Chilean children who were adopted from Chile in the period between 1970 and 1990 have been stolen.

It is on the basis of information that comes to light in the TV 2 documentary about Danish adoptions from 1979 to 1995 that Christina Birkemose has lodged a report with the North Zealand Police.

Explanatory note to the House of Representatives on intercountry adoption and meetings of the expertise center

Volume 2, 2022 edition 7

This newsletter is for everyone who is involved in or wants to be informed about the expertise center for intercountry adoption. In the newsletter, the project team of the Ministry of Justice and Security (JenV) shares the progress in the development of the center. To this end, the team collaborates with organizations that already support adoptees in their searches for biological parents and/or family.

On this page

Explanation of the letter to the House of Representatives and assignment to Fiom

Proceeds from second expert table

Fiom : Adoption



Fiom offers information, preparation and aftercare in the field of adoption. We provide the mandatory information meetings for prospective adoptive parents that are part of the adoption procedure. We also offer (parenting) support to adoptive parents and adoptees. Caregivers and other professionals can also contact Fiom for consultation and professional development.

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Up-to-date information about adopting

Fiom : To search




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Greetings from Florida Billy and I became father!!

Yes, you read that right. Billy and I have become fathers to a beautiful little boy. I will tell you more in this article.

But wouldn't it take a long time?

Exactly – we thought so too. In fact, I totally saw it. After all the hustle and bustle of all the adoption paperwork, writing book 2, the huge renovation and our wedding , I had it in front of me: we're going to rest, sweeten the house and prepare the baby room, book launch in between and hand out a lot of FREE HUGS, and then – who knows – we will get some good news sometime in the autumn.

Well – the good news came. And it came FAST . The last documents had just been sent out when we woke up three days before our wedding with a bizarre email: URGENT – a birthmother selected you as parents for her baby boy .

She was already walking at 38 weeks and could give birth at any time. As you can imagine, we were very happy and yes – we had to take a breather.

SOPHIE Ouders gezocht. - SOPHIE Parents wanted.

Een paar weken geleden zat ik begin van de avond thuis op de bank, lekker lazy een beetje door mijn nieuwsoverzicht van Facebook te scrollen.

De meeste statusupdates van vrienden gingen, zoals gewoonlijk over vakanties, etentjes, sportprestaties of nieuwe liefdes.

Een dag zoals alle andere dus.

Ik was maar half met mijn gedachten bij de Facebookberichten en zat eigenlijk vooral te bedenken of ik een goede smoes kon bedenken om vanavond de Pilates-les over te slaan.

Zodat ik lekker thuis op de bank kon blijven zitten. Netflix in combinatie met Tony Chocolonely, sprak me een stuk meer aan dan mezelf afmatten in de sportschool.

Judge Mukiibi breaks silence on adoption fraud, US sanctions | Monitor

What you need to know:

Due to their alleged involvement in an international adoption scam involving more than 30 children, the United States government levied financial sanctions and travel restrictions on two judges and two lawyers from Uganda in August 2020. According to the US State Department, Judges Moses Mukiibi and Wilson Musalu Musene, as well as attorneys Dorah Mirembe and Patrick Ecobu, helped organise a network that coordinated adoptions of Ugandan children.

The American government made these accusations and imposed penalties a few years ago. Why are you speaking right now?

I am a retired judge. Being outside judicial service, I do not enjoy automatic departmental public relations protection. I have been forced to break silence to dispel some lies peddled by the United States Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) and the US Department of State. On August 17, 2020, those two offices published notes intended to explain and provide justification for the action of the Deputy Secretary of the Treasury (Justin G. Muzinich).

He said, and I quote: “Deceiving innocent Ugandan families into giving up their children for suffering. This corrupt scam deliberately exploited the good faith of Ugandans.” It was also stated that unsuspecting or unwitting prospective parents would arrive in Uganda to adopt to take the children back to America.