
EP Study - EU Framework on Children's rights (UNCRC = NOT ACQUIS

All EU Member States have ratified the Convention; however the EU is not a party.4 The

European Commission recently stated that the ‘standards and principles of the UNCRC must

continue to guide EU policies and actions that have an impact on the rights of the child’.5 In

addition, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has expressly recognised the

need to respect children’s rights and requires EU law to take due account of the UNCRC.6

Action for Children

Action for Children (AFC) is a global programme focusing on initiatives aimed at improving the welfare of children by scaling up the brand and fundraising of grassroots organisations. The programme was initiated in 2008 by Together4Change alliance, a consortium of four international organisations – Wilde Ganzen (Wild Geese), Wereldkinderen (NICWO), SOS kinderdorpen (SOS Children's Villages) and Investing in Children and their Societies (ICS) –supported by Dutch government.

Together4Change alliance is based on the concept of Civic Driven Change and gives the highest priority to change being achieved by people and society themselves. For its programme, Action for Children, organisations with a similar ideology were selected from five developing economies, namely India, Brazil, South Africa, Ghana and Kenya. BMC Foundation - Bori Madhaiah Charitable Foundation is the implementing partner for the programme in India.

Action for Children, being carried out by Wilde Ganzen, is based on the belief that the responsibility of social development lies not only with the government, but also requires equal participation from the privileged masses.

BMC Foundation - Bori Madhaiah Charitable Foundation implemented the first phase of the programme (MFS I) between 2008 and 2011. The programme is now in its second phase (MFS II) and extends till 2015.

Action for Children works in partnership with statutory bodies to deliver services for children, young people and their families in five main areas:

Dossier – L’adoption internationale en pleine mutation

Dossier – L’adoption internationale en pleine mutation

Une mission particulière au sein d'une association de solidarité internationale : l’adoption à Médecins du Monde

Geneviève André-Trévennec et Luc Jarrige

Résumé | Index | Plan | Texte | Notes | Citation | Auteur


Child welfare ruling may change adoption regime

The Irish Times - Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Child welfare ruling may change adoption regime


CAROL COULTER, Legal Affairs Editor

A RECENT Supreme Court judgment could have profound implications for Irish adoption law, paving the way for a new adoption regime, according to a child law expert. It also has implications for the children’s rights referendum, Geoffrey Shannon said.

Letter MoJ to Dutch Parliament


In de brief van 7 november 2007 (Kamerstukken II, 2007/08, 31 265, nr. 1) is uw Kamer geïnformeerd dat het toenmalige ministerie van Justitie in september 2007 door de Indiase Centrale autoriteit voor Interlandelijke adoptie (CARA) op de hoogte is gesteld van het feit dat de High Court of Judicature in Madras opdracht heeft gegeven aan het Central Bureau of Investigation om in drie internationale adoptiezaken, waaronder naar Nederland, onderzoek te doen naar mogelijke onregelmatigheden. Daarbij werd aangegeven dat dit onderzoek naar verwachting enige maanden in beslag zou nemen.

Herhaaldelijk is nadien, onder meer via de Nederlandse diplomatieke vertegenwoordiging te India alsook via de Indiase diplomatieke vertegen-woordiging in Nederland, om inzicht verzocht in de stand van zaken van dit onderzoek. Tot op heden heeft dit echter niet de gewenste informatie opgeleverd. Aangezien ondanks de geleverde inspanningen om van de Indiase Centrale autoriteit de informatie over het in India lopende juridische onderzoek te verwerven, geen informatie is verkregen, verwacht ik niet dat deze informatie nog aan mij zal worden aangeboden. Mocht ik de informatie van het Central Bureau of Investigation alsnog ontvangen dan zal ik uw Kamer daarvan op de hoogte stellen.

Tijdens een algemeen overleg over interlandelijke adoptie op 14 februari 2008 (Kamerstukken II, 2007/08, 31 265 en 30 551, nr. 2) heeft de toenmalige Minister van Justitie uw Kamer toegezegd u te informeren over de uitkomst van het onderzoek door het Central Bureau of Investigation in India zodra deze bekend zou worden. In overeenstemming met deze toezegging wil ik uw Kamer als volgt berichten.

BUSTED! - Suspected human trafficker arrested

BUSTED! - Suspected human trafficker arrested

Cops: Alleged human trafficker paid $60,000 per child

Saturday, December 17, 2011

THE lives of 17 Jamaican children in the United States may today be in danger after they were adopted and shipped off to that country by a woman the local police believe may be part of a major human trafficking ring operating between both countries.

Local police, with the help of US law enforcement officials, are currently trying to track down the children, aged between five and 16. Detectives believe that more than the 17 children could well have been victims of the illicit trade.