


Job expirat

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Posturi disponibile
IT Software
Nivel experienta
5 - 10 ani
10 - 20 ani
Peste 20 ani
Tip contract
Proiect unic
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Nivel studii
Facultate (absolvent)
Nivel salarial
Toate orasele
27-11-2011 : 27-12-2011
Numar de aplicatii

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- stabile?te cerin?ele pentru realizarea paginii web a proiectului
- men?ine la zi pagina web a proiectului
- sprijin? echipa central? a proiectului în proiectarea ?i administrarea bazelor de date relevante
- ofer? expertiz? IT echipei centrale a proiectului
- Expert IT/Web design  – contract individual de munca pe durat? determinat? cu timp partial
- Locul de desf??urare a activit??ii: sediul proiectului din Bucure?ti

Persoanele care îndeplinesc cerin?ele postului vor fi invitate s? sus?in? un interviu în perioada                       7-8.12.2011. Locul de desf??urare a interviului va fi în Bucure?ti, la o adres? men?ionat? în invita?ie.


- Studii superioare de lunga durat? în cibernetic?/informatic?/calculatoare
- Experien?? de minim 5 ani în domeniul IT
- Experien?? în lucrul cu baze de date (SQL)
- Cuno?tin?e în ce prive?te tehnicile de realizare pagini web/programare
- Experien?a demonstrat? în administrarea de pagini web
- Experien?? în administrarea de sisteme: Windows, Linux

Descrierea firmei

    Funda?ia SERA ROMÂNIA este o organiza?ie neguvernamental?, non-profit, privat?, înfiin?at? în martie 1996, cu experien?? îndelungat? în domeniul protec?iei copilului ?i al promov?rii drepturilor copiilor. Scopul Funda?tiei este de a crea, organiza ?i dezvolta activit??i în favoarea copiilor afla?i în dificultate.

Funda?ia SERA ROMÂNIA este partener al Ministerului Muncii, Familiei ?i Protec?iei Sociale în realizarea Proiectului „Îmbun?t??irea eficacit??ii organiza?ionale a sistemului de protec?ie a copilului în România”, finan?at de PO DCA.

New adoption law makes it possible for Romanians abroad to adopt children from Romania

New adoption law makes it possible for Romanians abroad to adopt children from Romania

Date: 25-11-2011

The new adoption law stipulates the possibility that Romanian citizens residing abroad should adopt children from Romania, said Secretary of State with the Romanian Office for Adoptions Bogdan Panait. But he added that, as for the international adoptions for foreign citizens, the regulations are the same as in the old legislation.

'International adoptions for foreign citizens are the ones in the old law, therefore no change has been made in this respect,' said Panait. The Secretary of State said that the Romanian citizens residing abroad could resort to adoptions in Romania.

He also made it clear that the new adoption law stipulated the possibility for a child to be adopted 30 days after its birth certificate was issued, in case it has no declared parents. As for the time it takes to carry out adoption procedures, Panait said that it might take a shorter time in the future.

Rogue Expatriate On the loose

General News of Friday, 25 November 2011

Source: The Republic Newspaper

Rogue Expatriate On the loose

Macedonia Adoption Scam Victims Speak Out

As Macedonia probes allegations about a sinister adoption "racket", an NGO is compiling testimonies of people who suspect that their children were stolen from them, pronounced dead, and then sold.

Testimonies by some 30 families who believe their babies were falsely pronounced dead in order for them to be sold will be handed to the Ministry of Social Affairs this week, a local NGO said.

The NGO, “Building the Future”, lobbies for orphans’ rights.

“The testimonies of the families that gave us their consent will be handed over to the ministry. But we have no means to further pursue and investigate [the claims],” Ilija Jovanovic, the head of the NGO, warned.

Earlier this month, Social Affairs Minister Spiro Ristovski sacked the entire national commission in charge of adoption and ordered an investigation into the procedures.

Baby farm in Moratuwa raided

Baby farm in Moratuwa raided


By Jayantha Silva

Acting on a tip-off, Probation and Childcare Services and the police yesterday raided a baby farm at Rawathawatte, Moratuwa.

Police told The Island that the raiding party had arrested the person running the baby farm and another person identified as the go-between for the prospective buyers and the baby farm.

Investigators rescued 40 children kept at the baby farm pending negotiations with those seeking to adopt children. Responding to a query, a senior official said that at the time of the raid, there had been five expatriates from Italy and Germany as well as a local woman to procure children.

Interviewanfrage ISS

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Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2011 at 11:11 PM

Subject: WG: Interviewanfrage


Search for Saudamini’s mother : HC issues notice to orphanage

Search for Saudamini’s mother : HC issues notice to orphanage

 Mumbai, Tue Nov 22 2011, 03:11 hrs

In the case of Rebecka Saudamini Arnes, who was adopted from India by a Swedish couple 33 years ago and is now in search of her biological mother, the Bombay High Court on Monday issued notice to Shraddhanand Mahilashram, Matunga, from where Arnes was adopted.

After a nearly four-year long search for her mother, Arnes moved the Bombay High Court in August with a petition filed through her lawyer Pradeep Havnur, seeking the court’s help to get more information about her mother, who is believed to have surrendered her as a two-day-old baby in Shraddhanand Mahilasharam.

In the petition filed jointly with her adoptive mother Eva Lindgren (60), Arnes has sought a court direction to the police to take action against Shraddhanand Mahilashram for not disclosing information about her biological mother. She has contended that it is her “legitimate and constitutional right to know about her origin and roots in India.”

Havnur told the court that in a similar case, the Supreme Court had allowed an Indian adopted by foreign nationals to access information about his biological parents from the adoption centre's records.

Justiced A M Khanwilkar and R G Ketkar asked Shraddhanand Mahilasharam to file its reply in the case by December 7 and adjourned the case till December 15.

Annexed to Arnes’ petition, however, is an email exchange between her and Tushar Gandhi, the great grandson of the Mahatma, who runs the Mahatma Gandhi Foundation in Mumbai, in which he had asked Arnes to stop bothering him.

Arnes had contended that her adoption was facilitated by Gandhi's parents Arun and Sunanda, who at the time helped a number of Swedish couples adopt Indian children. However, since Gandhi still lives in Mumbai, Arnes had sought his help to trace her roots. Gandhi, is however, not a respondent in her petition.

WACAP sponsors Guild of Service



For more than 25 years WACAP has worked on behalf of children in India.  WACAP is one of the select agencies accredited to perform adoptions under the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption and with our Family Finders Program, we are able to find families for children who are older, sibling groups, and children with special needs.

We also provide funds to support poor and abandoned children in Kolkata (formerly Calcutta), Bangalore and Chennai (formerly Madras). Whenever possible, we also help ensure that needy families have the resources they need to care for their children and not abandon them.

WACAP’s work in India includes:


WACAP supports the Society for Indian Children’s Welfare (SICW) in the rebuilding of the Jan Seva community center which promotes education and vocational training in one of Kolkata’s slum neighborhoods.  WACAP also works with Guild of Service and Ashraya Children’s Home to promote education in poor neighborhoods in Chennai and Bangalore.


Many children waiting to be adopted are older, have specific medical or developmental needs, or are siblings. Because of this, they have been left behind.  WACAP has made a promise to these special children - to do our best to find families for them. WACAP’s Promise Fund supports our ability to identify waiting children around the globe, create materials to promote their adoption, and provide grants to families when finances are a barrier to bringing them home. With your donation, you can help WACAP find families for these specially-identified children.


WACAP’s monthly giving program, Partner for Children, provides funding for WACAP’s work for the children left behind - children who are older, sibling, and/or have medical issues.  For as little as $25 per month, you can help to ensure that these children are not forgotten and that we have funding available for WACAP’s ongoing work for Indian children, as well as for new initiatives.

Visit the Partner for Children Monthly Giving page

Bulgarian baby sellers arrested in Greece

NOV 19, 2011 - 6 HOURS AGO by Katerina Nikolas - comments

Bulgarian baby sellers arrested in Greece


Heraklion - Six people were arrested on Friday for alleged involvement in the sale of a 25-day-old baby for 12,000 euros, on the Greek Island of Crete. The illegal adoption involved the sale of a Bulgarian baby arranged by Bulgarian intermediaries.

The burgeoning black market sale of Bulgarian babies on the Greek Island of Crete was dealt another blow on Friday when six people were arrested. According to Athens News the Bulgarian mother of a 25 day-old-baby , along with three Bulgarian intermediaries, were caught in the act of attempting to sell the infant to a Greek couple on the island for 12,000 euros ($16,000).