
Adoption agencies to be struck off for ‘wrongdoing’

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Adoption agencies to be struck off for ‘wrongdoing’
By Conall O Fátharta

Friday, May 21, 2010

ANY adoption agency which engages in illegal practices should be de-registered and if necessary the case referred to An Garda Síochána, the chairman of the Adoption Board has said.

The issue of illegal adoptions was raised with Geoffrey Shannon following the Irish Examiner’s investigation into the case of Tressa Reeves, whose son was illegally adopted and falsely registered as the natural child of the adoptive parents. This was facilitated by St Patrick’s Guild adoption agency, which remains fully accredited by the Adoption Board, despite the board being aware of the case since 2001.

Speaking on RTÉ’s Prime Time, chairman of the Adoption Board Geoffrey Shannon gave a personal guarantee that any such cases would be investigated and if necessary referred to the relevant authorities.

"I don’t want to become involved in discussing individual cases, but what I am saying is, if anybody has concerns in relation to their individual case, that I am giving a guarantee that their case or cases will be immediately drawn to the attention of the Adoption Board and if there are any concerns emerging from an examination of that case that warrants referral to the gardaí, to the General Register Office or any other statutory body that will happen as a matter of priority," he said.

Mr Shannon said he would recommend to the Adoption Board to de-register agencies engaged in wrongdoing.

"We will do what we can do within the powers laid down in the Adoption Acts. We will have much greater enhanced powers under the forthcoming adoption legislation and hopefully we will be in a better position to provide answers.

"The board has at its disposal the power to de-register an adoption society... it would be my recommendation to the board where wrongdoing has been found on the part of an adoption society, that the board... de-register the adoption society," he said.

This story appeared in the printed version of the Irish Examiner Friday, May 21, 2010

The issue of illegal adoptions was raised with Geoffrey Shannon following the Irish Examiner’s investigation into the case of Tressa Reeves, whose son was illegally adopted and falsely registered as the natural child of the adoptive parents. This was facilitated by St Patrick’s Guild adoption agency, which remains fully accredited by the Adoption Board, despite the board being aware of the case since 2001.

Speaking on RTÉ’s Prime Time, chairman of the Adoption Board Geoffrey Shannon gave a personal guarantee that any such cases would be investigated and if necessary referred to the relevant authorities.

"I don’t want to become involved in discussing individual cases, but what I am saying is, if anybody has concerns in relation to their individual case, that I am giving a guarantee that their case or cases will be immediately drawn to the attention of the Adoption Board and if there are any concerns emerging from an examination of that case that warrants referral to the gardaí, to the General Register Office or any other statutory body that will happen as a matter of priority," he said.

Mr Shannon said he would recommend to the Adoption Board to de-register agencies engaged in wrongdoing.

"We will do what we can do within the powers laid down in the Adoption Acts. We will have much greater enhanced powers under the forthcoming adoption legislation and hopefully we will be in a better position to provide answers.

"The board has at its disposal the power to de-register an adoption society... it would be my recommendation to the board where wrongdoing has been found on the part of an adoption society, that the board... de-register the adoption society," he said.

This story appeared in the printed version of the Irish Examiner Friday, May 21, 2010

Delegatie din Marea Britanie la Consiliul Judetean

Delegatie din Marea Britanie la Consiliul Judetean

          Vineri, 21 mai 2010, Presedintele Consiliului Judetean a primit vizita delegatiei din Marea Britanie care reprezinta Fundatia ARK, unul din principalii finantatori internationali in domeniul protectiei copilului. La intilnire au participat dl Stefan Darabus, director HHC Romania si d-na Maria Griguta, director economic la DPC Maramures. 

          Dl Stefan Darabus a prezentat pe scurt activitatea fundatiei si colaborarea cu ARK, care desfasoara de doi ani in Romania proiecte impreuna cu HHC si este o prezenta binecunoscuta in peisajul organizatiilor care lucreaza in actiuni de caritate. Radya Ebrahim si Laura Parker au apreciat colaborarea pe care au avut-o pina acum cu HHC Romania si au exprimat dorinta de a continua la acelasi nivel, bazindu-se pe profesionalismul si experienta fundatiei maramuresene. “Cu toate ca pina acum colaborarea cu HHC a fost una de exceptie, avem nevoie si de un sprijin din partea institutiilor romanesti. Nu putem sa ajutam daca cei care sint adevaratii beneficiari nu se lasa ajutati sau daca ei nu inteleg faptul ca tinerii si copiii institutionalizati au nevoie de alte modele, mult mai apropiate de mediul familial. Este ceea ce propunem noi si ceea ce functioneaza peste tot in lume, iar Maramuresul ar putea devein in scurt timp un model national de inchidere a caselor de copii si de transformare a acestora in case de tip familial”. 

          La randul lui, presedintele Consiliului Judetean a mentionat faptul ca acesta este un aspect care il intereseaza in mod special si ca isi va da tot sprijinul pentru ca lucrurile sa mearga pe fagasul normal. “Eu va asigur de faptul ca voi face tot ce tine de mine pentru ca acestor copii sa le fie mai bine; doresc , din tot sufletul, ca ei sa nu mai constituie o problema si ca ei sa nu mai aiba probleme in ceea ce priveste integrarea lor in viata si societate. Va multumesc pentru tot ce faceti pentru noi si va asigur ca, mereu, usa mea va e deschisa, la fel ca si portile maramuresene. Si as vrea sa nu uitati ca in spatele acestor porti sint suflete!”

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Scarlett Johansson's Mom Adopts a Baby Girl

Scarlett Johansson's Mom Adopts a Baby Girl

May 19, 2010

Scarlett Johansson's mom, Melanie Sloan, has adopted a baby girl from Ethiopia, a source tells UsMagazine.com.Sloan missed her daughter's Iron Man 2 premiere because she was en route to the African country to pick up her daughter, Fenan, who is 19 to 20 months old. (Johansson also has a older brother, Adrian, a twin brother, Hunter, and an older half-brother, Christian, from her father's first marriage.)

Sloan was stranded in Germany for several days while traveling to Ethiopia because of the volcano ash cloud."The volcano put the whole adoption process in jeopardy due to time constraints," a source tells Us. "But it worked out in the end."

A rep for Johansson, 25, had no comment. The actress and husband Ryan Reynolds, 33, may soon be following in Sloan's footsteps.

PHOTOS: Can you believe Scarlett and Ryan's (and other couples') age differences?"I have every intention of adopting at some time," Reynolds -- whose older brother is adopted -- told UK Glamour last summer. "I'm very grateful for having my brother in my life. I couldn't be more pro-adoption. There are plenty of kids in the world that need it."


Adoption struggle: One woman's emotional road

Adoption struggle: One woman's emotional road

  Reported by: Kristin Lowman
Email: kristinlowman@fox23news.com
Videographer: B. Sanders
Editor: B. Sanders
Last Update: 4:22 am
Video 1 of 1
Adoption Struggles 
Adoption Struggle
To most, it would appear one local business owner had it all; a successful spa, great friends and family. But one thing was missing from Anita Hug's life -- a child of her own.

Her journey took her overseas to adopt, and she overcame major obstacles to find the love of her life.

Watching Anita and Phiza Hug, they look like any other mother and daughter, but it wasn't always this way.

Anita Hug said, "She wasn't eating for me, sleeping for me, her eyes were dead. There was just no life to her."

It's been seven months since Anita brought Phiza to the U.S. from India. But getting Phiza home wasn't easy. Anita's intercountry adoption was like a roller coaster.

When asked if she thought at some point she wouldn't bring her home, Hug answered, "Yes, I remember calling and thinking I had been robbed of $30,000."

$30,000 was the amount of the loan Anita took out for the process.

Thousands for the adoption itself-- thousands more for the paperwork.

Some forms were hundreds of dollars each and the home studies took months.

Anita's search for a child started in Guatamala, but when the adoption was being finalized adoptions in the country shut down.

Which brought Anita to India and to Phiza.

Photos started coming to the U.S. and Anita finally saw her daughter.

Then another disaster when the Indian orphanage lost it's license. Adoptions were put on hold until the facility was reinstated.

Hug said, "I got to the point where I was holding a picture of a child I thought would never be mine."

After more than a year of waiting and more pictures, Anita finally went to India to pick up her daughter. Thats when another battle began.

Hug said, "Uou wait your whole life for this moment and she wouldn't hug me. I would walk into the room and scream and cry. I thought I made the biggest mistake of my life and thought what have I done."

But slowly Phiza came around. Now, the child who wasn't allowed outside and survived on bananas and water, smiles, laughs, openly gives kisses.

She's learned English in only a few months, picked up on American culture, while her mom realizes all of those hardships were worth it.

Hug said, "I was meant to have her. She was supposed to be with me. These kids need homes and its hard to know they could be there until someone has the courage to do it. I'm lucky to have her. I thank God every day."

For more information on International adoptions or intercountry adoption visit http://adoption.state.gov/adoption.homepage.html

For adopting in New York State visit http://www.ocfs.state.ny.us/adopt/.



HHC Romania vrea sa renunte la Maramures pentru ca nu sunt sprijiniti de Directia Copilului

HHC Romania vrea sa renunte la Maramures pentru ca nu sunt sprijiniti de Directia Copilului
Scris de Lia Bradeanu, 20 Mai 2010« ?tirea precedent? | Înapoi la index | ?tirea urm?toare »
In doi ani, fundatia a reusit sa ajute peste 900 de copii institutionalizati
Joi, Fundatia Hope and Homes for Children Romania a trecut in revista rezultatele pe care le-au obtinut in urma derularii programelor in judetul nostru de acest ONG in ultimii doi ani. La conferinta de presa organizata cu acest prilej au fost prezenti, pe langa reprezentantii mass-media si Stefan Darabus, director national HHC Romania, Delia Pop, director programe HHC, Sue Rooke, director resurse, Laura Parker, director programe Absolut Return for Kids, precum si Radya Ebrahim, director de monitorizare, toti din Marea Britanie.
Cunoastem foarte bine situatia de dupa anii ‘89 cand Romania era cunoscuta in strainatate doar din aspecte negative. Printre acestea se numarau institutiile mamut care aveau in grija copii abandonati sau orfani. Treptat, lucrurile s-au schimbat, iar Fundatia HHC Romania, sprijinita de UK, a reusit de-a lungul anilor sa desfiinteze aceste institutii si sa ofere copiilor un spatiu adecvat prin serviciile alternative, precum case de tip familial si altele. Din pacate, insa, din cauza lipsei de interes a Directiei Generale de Asistenta Sociala si protectia Copilului Maramures, iata ca acest ONG, care este un model de bune practici la nivel international datorita activitatii desfasurate pe acest segment, ia in calcul serios alternativa de a-si suspenda activitatea momentan in judetul nostru.
“Am reusit sa inchidem Centrul Delavrancea, unde erau 87 de copii, care au ajuns fie inapoi in familii, fie in asistenta maternala sau au fost integrati social, in special cei care au implinit varsta la care au trebuit sa se descurce pe cont propriu. La fel s-a intamplat si la Ocna Sugatag, unde au fost 84 de copii carora am incercat sa oferim un climat sanatos in care sa creasca. Dorinta noastra a fost sa inchidem toate institutiile de acest gen din judet. Dar a mai ramas Centrul de Plasament din Sighet. Nu stim daca vom face acest lucru, pentru ca la ora actuala nu suntem convinsi ca exista dorinta aceasta din partea DGASPC. Noi nu dorim sa continuam munca pe care am depus-o pana in prezent avand in vedere ca am dus tot greul in spate in momentul in care am inchis cele doua centre. Evaluarile sociale, psihologice pe care trebuiau sa le faca acestia au fost neglijate si acest lucru a fost la urma urmei in detrimentul copiilor, care nu au inteles ca le dorim binele. Asa ca ne gandim la o stopare a activitatilor avand in vedere ca sunt cinci judete care doresc sa lucreze cu noi in cel mai scurt timp”, a punctat Stefan Darabus.
Din pacate, cei care au avut de suferit din cauza neglijentei angajatilor care lucreaza in sistemul de stat au fost copiii. Au fost despartiti frati, desi acestia locuiau impreuna de mai multi ani la o casa din Sighet.
Companiile se implica in ajutorarea familiilor aflate in dificultate
Trecand peste aceste probleme, conducerea HHC a amintit faptul ca unele companii au inceput sa aprecieze munca pe care o desfasoara cu profesionalism, asa ca nu intarzie sa ii sprijine financiar.
“Ne bucuram ca am primit o donatie de 600 de milioane lei vechi de la Romstal, sub forma de gresie, faianta, obiecte sanitare, pe care le vom pune in casele pe care le construim, dar si in serviciile existente acolo unde vom face renovari. In Cavnic avem un caz unde ne straduim sa nu se separe copiii de familie, asa ca vom construi o casa cu sprijinul Primariei. De asemenea, Help Alliance Lutfhansa au dat primii 25.000 de euro pe proiectul de inchidere a Centrului de plasament a copiilor cu deficiente severe din Onesti. S-au angajat oficial sa ne sprijine, iar pana in prezent au mai dat 25.000 de euro pentru preventii si reintegrari, pe dezvoltare de servicii in Maramures. Vodafone ne-a dat o finantare de 35.000 de euro pe un an pentru programul de prevenire a separarii copilului de familie. Nu putem decat sa le multumim tuturor pentru ca au incredere in noi si mai ales ca ajuta familiile care se afla in dificultate”, a mai adaugat interlocutorul nostru.
In doi ani, HHC Romania a reusit in Maramures sa ajute peste 900 de copii institutionalizati. Ne gandim ce se va intampla pe viitor, avand in vedere ca acestia se gandesc serios sa stopeze activitatea in judetul nostru si sa se focalizeze acolo unde colaborarea cu Directia Copilului este foarte buna. Insa in continuare va creste numarul familiilor care vor avea nevoie de sprijin pentru a reusi sa isi creasca copiii.

Russian FM says US adoptions should be frozen

Russian FM says US adoptions should be frozen

By JIM HEINTZ (AP) – 2 hours ago

MOSCOW — American adoptions of Russian children must be suspended until the two countries reach a final agreement on adoption procedures, Russia's foreign minister said Wednesday.

Adoptions have become a highly emotional issue since an American adoptive mother sent her 7-year-old boy back to Russia unaccompanied in April, saying she was giving him up because of his emotional problems.

American and Russian officials have reached broad agreement on an adoption pact, and the Russian parliament this month rejected a motion to halt American adoptions.

Germans illegally adopting children from Russia

Google Translation:


Germans illegally adopting children from Russia

ICCO contributed to the illegal adoption of 30 Russian orphans and children from disadvantaged families. Photo primamedia.ru
Angelina Strit13: 39 19 May 2010.
In the case of detained three suspects, two women and one man

Nanny of Amalco. 10% discount Caring nanny for the kids, educated governess students
In Germany, began an investigation of criminal cases against the Hamburg firm International Child Care Organisation (ICCO), suspected of organizing illegal adoptions of children by the Germans from Russia. In the case of detained three suspects, two women and one man. They are accused of trafficking in children.

According to prosecutors in Germany, ICCO contributed to the illegal adoption of 30 Russian orphans and children from disadvantaged families, whose age is today from 5 to 10 years. The company did not have a license for the relevant work in Russia.

Organization of International Child's Care continued its activities despite the fact that had been denied a license 4 years ago. At the same time, from a formal point of view, children have been adopted in accordance with the law. Thus, adoptive parents should not worry that they parted with their children. The decision of the authorities of children will not be returned to Russia, they are allowed to remain in German families.

For the adoption of all 30 children citizens of Germany in 2003-2006 paid ICCO 475,000 euros - from 13 thousand to 20 thousand per child, writes RIA Novosti. More than half of that amount went to the American adoption agency that took a work permit in Russia. That is what the agency was in contact with representatives of Russian authorities.

Criminals have found kids in poor and troubled families and in fact "to resell the goods in Germany. Adoption procedure was carried out with violations: foster parents were sending money to the personal account of the leader ICCO Eva-Maria Hofer.

She gained prominence in Germany in 2004, when scolded Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder for the adoption of a small Victorian orphanage in St. Petersburg. Hofer insisted that the politician is too old for such a step. Later, investigators found that fraudsters will review the applications and from persons over Schroeder.

Sam Schroeder in 2006 with his wife Doris Kepf be adopted in St. Petersburg has one child - a boy orphaned Gregory.

ICCO staff did not recognize his guilt. They can face imprisonment of between six months to ten years. Will there be brought to justice the American agency, are not reported.

At the same time, the Commissioner for Children's Rights Pavel Astakhov believes that the trend of recent years, when the Russian adoption on foreign adoptions is increasing quite quickly, within a few years will keep all children in Russia. Maybe in 5-10 years, foreign adoption will disappear altogether. "We can not give our children the world" - said the Commissioner for Children's Rights.

Meanwhile, in the U.S. a new scandal flared up in the center of which a child is adopted in Russia. Spouses Hershou demand money from the largest in the U.S. adoption agency Bethany Christian Services. According to the adoptive parents, the boy who was brought from an orphanage in Krasnoyarsk, was a bad heredity. They claim that they are concealed this fact and now require the adoption agency $ 10 million.

Hershou accuse the company of which they paid for the services of more than 16 thousand dollars in withholding information about the health of the child. Allegedly, the doctor from the agency issued the spouses concluded that the boy from the orphanage in Krasnoyarsk is healthy, but in fact it never even inspected.

Chip and Julie Hershou brought one and a half Roma in Virginia six years ago. In 2006 he was diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome. This malformations caused by alcoholism parents. Roma Hershou sent to a medical facility for difficult children and parents went to court.

The agency suggested the chip and Julie to abandon the child, but they have not accepted the offer. Bethany Christian Services stated that the adoptive parents warn of possible risks: the majority of children, whom the Americans to adopt in Russia - with congenital abnormalities. Spouses Hershou parry: the fact that Roma parents were alcoholics, they were allegedly not told. 10 million spouses promise to spend on rehabilitation of Roma, which, however, in their house no longer live.

Preet Mandir adoption racket: NGO to approach HC to expedite case

Preet Mandir adoption racket: NGO to approach HC to expedite case



Express News ServiceTags : preet mandir adoption racketngoPosted: Wed May 19 2010, 03:46 hrsPune:


The Pune-based Sakhi organisation has decided to forward an application to the Bombay High Court to expedite the case of Pune-based adoption agency Preet Mandir. The CBI has registered a case against Preet Mandir for allegedly kidnapping rural poor children and selling them abroad.
With Sakhi seeking a copy of the FIR, Anjali Pawar and Advocate Abhay Nevgi of the organisation, on Tuesday said this is the third time that the investigation agency has carried out an inquiry and now they want justice to be meted out soon. The organisation along with Advait Foundation had filed two separate writ petitions in Bombay High Court against Preet Mandir in 2006-07.
Pawar said they would also want a thorough probe from the Women and Child Welfare department whether the children housed at Preet Mandir are actually destitutes. “If they are not, the children have to be handed back to their parents and the remaining children should be sent to other agencies in the district or to the districts they belong to. The children should not suffer because of the investigations,” she said.
In its communiqué issued by the CBI in New Delhi on Monday it is mentioned, “During the period 2002 to 2010, the Managing Trustee of Pune-based foundation Preet Mandir entered into criminal conspiracy with unknown persons and kidnapped the children of poor people in Maharashtra with a motive to send them in inter-country adoption to extort huge money from the adopting parents.” The CBI stated that investigation is on in the case.
In 2005, the CBI had given a clean chit to Preet Mandir. However, in 2006 and 2007, after writ petitions by Sakhi and Advait foundation filed in Bombay High Court, the court had asked the investigating agency to once again probe the matter. Last year in September 2009, the CBI admitted before the High Court that its earlier probe was “faulty”.
CBI has also mentioned that Managing Trustee of Preet Mandir was involved in illegal trafficking of children while he ran the racket from rehabilitation center at Kanhe Phata. Some of the unidentified officials of state government have also come under scanner for helping Preet Mandir.
Meanwhile, Preet Mandir refuted the allegations made by the CBI against Balwant Kartar Anand Foundation that runs Preet Mandir. “There is not a single case of kidnapping or trafficking of children as alleged by CBI. Children are admitted at Preet Mandir through judicial process. Preet Mandir is strictly following the JJ Act and Central Adoption Resource Agency guidelines and Supreme Court guidelines. The children are admitted after approval of the Child Welfare Committee and there are no illegal actions,” said the spokesperson.