
TdH Denmark - Cheshire home project

Projekter og fadderskaber i Indien  

Projektets navn: Cheshire Home
Tilhørssted: Madras/Chennai, Indien
Vores samarbejdspartner: Cheshire Home
Projektets formål: At hjælpe svært handicappede
Projektets art: Gruppefadderskab
Antal børn: P.t. 38
Et fadderskab koster: kr. 75,- pr. måned

Henrik Bøg, Gl. Skolevej 9, 9382 Tylstrup
Tlf.:  98262261/40750252 - Email: terredeshommes@mail.dk



Cheshire Home, som blev stiftet i 1958, er et hjem for handicappede, især polioramte. Hjemmet ligger i den sydlige udkant af Chennai (tidligere Madras) i dejlige omgivelser tæt ved kysten. På hjemmet bor ca. 50 drenge og unge mænd samt ca. 25 piger og kvinder – alle med særdeles svære handicaps, de fleste med polio.
Hjemmet er pænt og rent, og det kan oplyses, at Terre Des Hommes for en del år siden støttede hjemmet med indretning af nyt køkken. Endvidere lykkedes det i 2003/2004 Terre Des Hommes at skaffe midler til opførelse af nyt svømmebassin til de handicappede – i samarbejde med ”DGI-byen” i København. Svømmebassinet, som kostede cirka 200.000 kroner, bliver nu flittigt brugt i forbindelse med genoptræning af de handicappede.
Der gøres et meget stort arbejde for at aktivere og videreudvikle alle, som bor på hjemmet – fortrinsvis via nogle håndværker aktiviteter (bl.a. trykning af foldere m.m.) – aktiviteter der hjælper til en bedre motorik, og så giver det samtidig en mindre indkomst til dækning af nogle af de faste udgifter. Resten af udgifterne, dvs. den almindelige daglige drift, betaling for børnenes skolegang, uniformer, mad m.m. dækkes via et tilskud fra den indiske stat samt via et Terre Des Hommes, fadderskabsprojekt, hvor danske sponsorer p.t. indbetaler i alt cirka 20.000 kroner årligt.
Cheshire Home fik i øvrigt besøg af Dronning Elizabeth i 1997 i anledning af hendes 50-års regeringsjubilæum, og hjemmet får i øvrigt ofte udenlandsk besøg – også fra Danmark, da man gerne, og med stolthed, viser hjemmet frem, så man kan få et indtryk af, hvad gode gerninger kan føre til, når viljen er tilstede.
Terre Des Hommes har ofte 2 danske volontører tilknyttet hjemmet. Det er fortrinsvis piger, der "tjener point" til deres videregående uddannelse i Danmark (oftest sygeplejersker og lign.), men også lidt ældre ægtepar, som bl.a. har været uddannet som henholdsvis tømrer og terapeut, har boet på Cheshire Home som volontører, og som dermed har været en stor hjælp med at ”gå til hånde” på hjemmet.
Ovennævnte Terre Des Hommes fadderskabsprojekt støtter de 38 børn og unge, der bor på hjemmet - alle med særdeles svære handicaps og en fattig baggrund, som - uden hjælp - gør det næsten umuligt for dem at få en uddannelse, da dette kræver en specialskole. Hjælpen sikrer således, at de alle får en uddannelse, som gør det lettere for dem at få et efterfølgende godt betalt arbejde, da mange af børnene, på trods af deres handicaps, faktisk er i besiddelse af en god intelligens.
Projektet er et gruppefadderskabsprojekt, hvilket vil sige, at alle donorer støtter alle børnene. Cheshire Home er meget præcise med at tilsende os, og dermed de danske faddere, en rapport over børnenes udvikling 2 gange årligt.
Et projekt vi har støttet gennem længere tid, som kører perfekt samt med store fremtidsperspektiver.
Vi kender såvel stedet som stedets personel godt via tidligere besøg. Der er således stor tillid til, at dette projekt kan køre videre og evt. udvikles i årene fremover.
Der er kapacitet til, og stort behov for, at hjælpe endnu flere handicappede børn og unge, men det kræver flere faddere……

About Martin Caminada

Martin Caminada

Research Associate

Picture of MartinMartin Caminada has as main research interests formal models of human argument and argumentation as a form of nonmonotonic reasoning. In 2004 he obtained a Ph.D. in computer science with his thesis For the Sake of the Argument; explorations into argument-based reasoning. From 2004 to 2007 he worked at the Utrecht University on an EU-funded project called ASPIC (Application Service Platform with Integrated Components). Since August 2007 he works at the University of Luxembourg as a senior postdoc on the AASTM project (Advanced Argumentation Services for Trust Management). Martin's publication record includes the AAAI, ECAI and AIJ. His educational tasks include giving a Master course on argumentation and the supervision of a PhD student.

Humanitarian Aid in India - SOFOSH

Humanitarian Aid in India - SOFOSH



Family Service Center

Child Sponsorship

To combat trafficking of children Suggestions


?????,?????1977?2?22???????????1999?????????????????????????????? Chengyu Wei lawyer, male, Han nationality, February 22, 1977 born, college culture, began practicing law in 1999, is now Anhui Anhui Law Firm, a freelance writer.


To combat trafficking of children Suggestions

???????????? ?????????? ???????????????????????? General guiding principles: The morbidity of addiction, by eliminating a buyer's market to eliminate the ultimate goal of criminal trafficking in children.

????????? The first part of the propaganda against papers

???????????????????????????????? Will crackdown defense moved forward, to strengthen publicity and education against abduction of knowledge and encouraging the masses to participate in anti-trafficking fight

?????????????????? First, the majority of parents and children against abduction universal knowledge.

???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????“?????”?? Especially in the rural, urban fringe and urban village that the weak areas and the parents awareness of prevention, knowledge of the parents against abduction of universal education, such as the carrying out of children when parents encourage children to walk in front, and always ensure attention to and; shopping payment, to ensure children accompanied by their side (the parents line up to sell Kentucky Fried Chicken fast food, children were taken away by the event happened); case of the missing children, short immediate "Ten four chasing Law."

???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? In the kindergarten, primary and secondary schools after the anti-Po and abducted child safety education, self knowledge as the first lesson, like universal shock, fire prevention, as children know that when confronted with strangers lured or forcibly taken away by the situation, how to handle or for help.

???????????? Second, the reminder alert in public places.

???????????????????????????????????????????????“???????????????????******?????”?? In the larger railway stations, squares, parks, zoos, a large playground so prone to get lost or abducted child's place, hanging or posting eye-catching signs, "lost children in the event of the accompanying circumstances, please call ******, broadcast to find the people. " ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? This is to remind parents to enhance awareness of prevention, but also can greatly reduce the parents to find help desk or Park Plaza Management Office during this valuable time, reduce lost by ordinary criminals, which translated into probability of abduction. ???????????????????????????????????????????? At the same time, such a system design reflects the people-centered, child-friendly concept, the psychological safety for parents to play a good role. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? If such a large zoo in Beijing in place, lost children, parents should find the Park Service is very difficult, timely phone call broadcast to find someone to greatly reduce the risk of children trafficked.

????????????????? Third, to strengthen public service announcement, to community-wide participation.

?????????????????????????????????????????????????? Public service ads through the streets, subway, bus, and mass media public information media to encourage the general public to see begging in the case of children playing tricks on alarm. ??????????????????????????????????????????????? To use, stress, maiming children begging people cry, final and complete elimination of this phenomenon, which destroyed the whereabouts of missing children as a terminal.

???????????????? Fourth, promote the criminal nature of child buying.

???????????????????????????????????????????????? In the vast rural areas and continue the family line is more serious in areas thought to vigorously promote the illegal nature of the children bought to encourage adoption formalities through formal channels. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Meanwhile, the publicity to encourage the masses to report around the unknown child, if necessary, contact with parents of missing children, to reward reporting methods, and expand detection clues.

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? To combat trafficking of children, involving tens of thousands of family happiness, and only participate in all social action, create a safe social environment, each household can become potential victims from potential beneficiaries, the majority of the people actively involved in the atmosphere for the deterred and the detection of such crimes very helpful.

?????????????????????? The second part of the fight against the buyer's market, to eliminate the root causes of crime, trafficking in children

??????????????????? First, eliminate crime, Yang Tang only if it wants to.

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Can be said that no buyer would not have a crime of abduction took place, as long as there is a buyer's market, the lure of huge profits, the trafficking of children will always be endless, the police are only struggling with the criminals behind the crack. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Present a problem worth noting is that in reality the crackdown operation, as long as the buyer to buy abducted children are not hindering law enforcement or judicial authorities do not abuse of trafficked children may be investigated for criminal responsibility from such a temporary curing the disease led to strong demand in a buyer's market, as buying illegally abducted children have little cost, on the one hand the temptation of huge profits for traffickers buyer take the risk, on the other hand, many buyers who will be with the village folks to follow suit, especially with the improvement of living standards, many families can and are willing to raise children, this trend is even more encouraged the implementation of criminal activities of traffickers. ????????????????????????????????? If a village was to buy a child without penalty, it tells the whole village, the children can buy. ?????????????????????????? This is equal to encourage and condone human traffickers in the implementation of trafficking in children. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? Can be said that the buyer is the real source of the crime of trafficking in children, only to increase the crackdown on the buyer's market, can effectively prevent and reduce such crimes occur.

?????????????????????? Second, combat and punish the buyer's survey will help the investigation process.

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????,????????????????????? Criminal penalties for the buyer, not only a deterrent, especially in endemic areas in the sale of children, a village a buyer will be able to play a punishment strong deterrent, and buyers can be found by finding the implementation of trafficking crime. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Traffickers are usually associated with one another, there may be dug along the trail of those groups, family, the place of the implementation of the sale of children's groups, trafficking in children for the detection of other cases of great help.

???????????????????? The third part of the combat use of coercion, harm the children begging Crime

??????????????41????????????41?71??????????59?60????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? First, under the "Public Security Administration Law," 41, "Protection of Minors Act" at 41,71 and article "Compulsory Education Law" at the provisions of Article 59,60, on the use of coercion, harm the children begging performers behind the scenes control to administrative detention and fines of punishment such as detention officers to identify the child and the manipulation of relations between non-relatives as suspected of trafficking in children, intentional injury crime, according to "Criminal" with the relevant provisions held criminally responsible.

??????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? On examination, the preliminary identification of the means of the following suggestions: First, children who lethargy, may have been feeding on sleeping pills, a search control personnel by way of luggage or accommodation to sleep to find evidence of drugs as a crime; 2 , found through manipulation of the identification system of household registration staff, then contact the local police station to find their household registration and control of the adult staff members of the same account records for comparison. ???????????????????????? However, there may be omissions in this method, only as a means of preliminary investigation.

???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Second, whether there will be area children as the police station begging performers led by one of evaluation indexes, while also preventing the kind of out of area only to be a simple way, in strict accordance with the Public Security Ministry's new regulations.

????????????????DNA????????????????????? Third, the rescue of children, according to prescribed procedures to do DNA sampling, data upload national database of missing data on street children. ??DNA????????????????????????????????? DNA sample costs about the proposed reference to the principle of illegal income confiscated by the adult staff take control. ???????????????????????????????????????? I am the temporary placement of children to the local child welfare agencies, if any relatives to take, must produce a birth certificate and other valid documents to prove. ?????????????????????????????? (Specific measures detailed in the attached "children begging aid the implementation of mandatory measures (Draft)")

?????????????????????? The establishment of the fourth part of the missing children to strengthen anti-trafficking efforts of early warning mechanisms

?? ????????????? First, the establishment of emergency alert mechanism for missing children.

???????????????????????????????????? Learn from the United States, Canada, Britain, and the practice of the Hong Kong SAR of China, the establishment of emergency alert mechanism for missing children. ??????????????????24???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Whether our current practice is for adults, children, missing 24 hours back to the filing, now traffic is developed, the general traffickers in the abduction to the child after a few minutes to flee the scene, no access to two hours a child can be far out of Urban, 24 hours, the child has already had thousands of miles away from home. ?????????????????????????????? This is the most precious time, if the police did not intervene to find the children could easily be transferred out of the provinces. ??????????????????????????? Parents of missing children present the greatest dissatisfaction with the local police is also produced in this regard. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? There are several missing teenager might: abducted, killed, lost, found the children watching from now on, the majority abducted, killed the second, and then is lost. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Proved to be trafficked or abducted children missing the most critical first few hours, each over one hour, the more opportunity to children of criminals kidnapped from their homes further afield, also left to further harm the child kidnappers time.

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? In the United States and Canada, Amber alert occurs when the domestic trafficking or kidnapping of children, the general public through various media to spread a warning this is the use of U.S. emergency alert system via commercial radio stations, satellite radio and TV stations and cable television to the National Post, and will also use e-mail, electronic traffic signs, and wireless device SMS release (similar to the emergency severe weather warning). ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Amber alert issued on the content of the mass usually contains a description of the abducted children, a description of the suspects, and suspect vehicle description and license plate number, its a great psychological deterrent effect. ?????????????????Child Rescue Alert?????????????? Britain also developed a children's rescue alert system (Child Rescue Alert), and North America similar to AMBER Alert. ??????????????????“?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????” ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? U.S. President George W. Bush said before signing the new legislation: "Amber Alert system expansion is important, so when looking for missing children, police stations and police stations can be hundreds of thousands of allies for help. Every child wants to kidnap people will know that Zhang dragnet waiting for him. They may be patrolmen found the road or off highway vehicle was found. These criminals know that any passing truck drivers can recognize them and bring them to justice. "Our Hong Kong SAR also has specifically for missing children case of emergency mechanism, through the omnipresent media, television, real-time reports, all citizens of the missing children's physical characteristics well known, save for the children found very effective.

?????????????????????????????????????? CPPCC member Zhou Haining Zhejiang Ningbo in this proposal that is urgently needed to establish the early warning mechanism in China. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? The child's disappearance, to start urgent search mechanism in airports, train stations, bus stations, piers, public places and advertising screens, bus, taxi, television, websites, newspapers must immediately release information on missing children the same time, free TV stations have been regularly published information on missing children. ???????????????????????????????????? This would not only greatly increase the possibility of a child recovered, and traders of the deterrent effect on crime is very powerful. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Each family has a child, to child safety, the more scientific design of the system in place, the more welcomed by parents and cooperation, the only way to change the kind of parent group the school gate congestion phenomena, good and safe environment for children's growth can be achieved.

????????????????????????????????????? Second, the establishment of a national crackdown professional team, to increase anti-trafficking capital investment, strengthen the exchange of information throughout the crackdown.

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Now police across the country do not have specific anti-trafficking team, some children missing, only to the local police station responsible for the daily work of these police as busy and funding constraints, particularly trafficking in children are mostly provinces committing crimes, travel expenses and other handling units are often so unbearable, so anti-trafficking work is generally not taken seriously, they even have a clue because of funding constraints, to investigate. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Another group that many traffickers are syndicated crime, activity area wide, not a region can be solved alone, and many police simply rescued trafficked children within their jurisdiction, for the other abducted children do not even know willing to go into, which resulted in conflicts, own business, not a very good exchange of information on traffickers have not done enough to combat the situation, therefore, necessary to establish a unified professional team to mobilize the crackdown.

?? ?????????????????? Third, trafficking in children prone to install monitoring equipment in key areas.

????????????????????????60%?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? According to the baby home online registration information, analysis of missing children, more than 60% of children are at a farmers market, markets and railway stations abducted, especially in large counties, urban fringe, urban village of farms children are abducted and the largest proportion, but these places do not have to install monitoring equipment, resulting in the interruption of clues, so you can focus on the local public security key positions in the multiple site installation of monitoring equipment, effectively improve the detection rate.

?? ?????????????? To focus on the network the new trend of child trafficking

?????????????GOOGLE?“????”?“????”??“???”??????????“?”???????????????????“?”?????????????????????????????????? The current status quo is casual to Baidu or GOOGLE search "adopted children", "Adopted child" or "to send their children" and so on, can find a lot of "free" the child's information, eliminating most of the fraudsters, the real "Song" among children, few have not the money, and even fewer people can prove their own biological child is indeed the. ?????????????????????????????????????????????? This new trend shows criminals knowledge, technology development, so take measures to detect cases of clues through the network should also pay attention to.


?????????????? The fifth part of the rescue work after the child's tracing

????????????????????????????????????? First, the establishment of a national missing persons information system, public security, civil affairs together and really improve the search efficiency.

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Now the public security organs established database of women and children trafficked, said that rescue of abducted children in tens of thousands of copies of the information, but can only website for the public security organs, identification, and some abducted children grow older and change appearance Sometimes, even parents are afraid to recognize and rely on public security organs in the database identification of a child less likely. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? In addition, the present, some aid stations also have welfare District's internal information exchange network, and this information is also not open to the community, and even the public security organs to save the child's information is not open to the community, which resulted in the child's parents to find do not see the information, the department has been unable to find these resources the child's family situation. ???????????????????????????????????5?????????2????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? The most recent example is the case of child Yueyang coaster rush, Minister of instructions by Meng Jianzhu, the local police rescued five abducted children, but two have not found their loved ones, we believe that the child's parents are looking for kids like crazy, but information does not flow, rescue of children in remote possibility of their loved ones currently little. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Another famous example is the "China Youth Daily" has reported that children had rescued the handsome king, when the child's parents know the news from the newspaper all the way, after being rushed to the rescue and found the child's whereabouts and even the police did not save him clearly, only back disappointed. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????2007?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Another example Chengdu Children Welfare Institute was hosting the lost Tommy, his parents in Chengdu, from Tommy lost after his parents posted in the streets of Chengdu, a lot of the tracing, but the news has no children , they began to find their children all over the country, until seven years later, a media release the children to help them find their loved ones welfare information, Yu's pro personnel know the child has been dreaming and they live in a city, 2007, Xi'an Center of street children protection also occurred in the same story, a child living there for two years after the publication of information, by their parents living in the same city found, this sort of thing I believe in other cities There are many, but news is that these children not be adopted, according to state regulations, if you can not find the child within the stipulated time of birth parents, other people can be legally adopted the children, but also foreigners, many children adoption, the adopted children will never lose the opportunity to reunite with birth parents. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? In fact, there are many mentally retarded people in society, the elderly with dementia, memory loss and so there were wandering around the streets in, or is the government's relief department accept and can not find their loved ones situation. ???????????????????????????????????????????????? Thus, information disclosure, to inform parents of missing children around the rescue of abducted children, information for parents in a timely and very important to recognize missing children.

???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Recommends that the Government should establish a national unity missing persons information platform, the platform open society, each missing relatives can send the missing information to this online, while the police to rescue the children around, all over the assistance station, welfare Hospital, Centre for the Protection of Minors, the community to accept or found children and other people upload to information platform, so you can make a lot of the families of missing people quickly find their loved ones, family members can reduce the search costs, also reduced the state department of civil affairs for the support of these people spent a huge expenditure.

?? ??????????????????????????????? Second, the situation for abducted children nationwide survey, multi-assist parents to find missing children trafficked children.

????????????????????????????????????????????????????DNA???????????????????????DNA??????????????DNA??????????????????????????????????????????? Trafficking a national census; registered local non-parents who were born out of time Luohu Kou children information, the information is aggregated to the national anti-trafficking office; and use DNA paternity testing to determine the source of children themselves, while DNA of a registration system and begging children civil affairs departments have adopted a child DNA system that allows parents to login to this system compared to find, to help those who have been trafficked and lost years of children returned to their parents around.

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Although some areas now find abducted children, conducted after the relevant investigation, but as far as we know, the local township government does not implement these investigations into practice, in fact, investigations had only taken a field, and some are afraid of the township government within their own jurisdiction over abducted children will have their own achievements, but on related issues have been without the knowledge of non-reporting.

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Many children lost after being sent to the rescue after the police or welfare, in the time could not find their loved ones, these children have been adopted, and even some children were returned home buyer, legally adopted by the buyer, even though these children Public Registry civil sector too, the parents and do not see them publicity, and publicity of the information is not a lot of pictures, the parents can not understand that these children are their children, because the Government does not flow channel so that parents understand their child's information, so that These children lose the opportunity to reunite with their families, so in the national census, but also on welfare Adopted children rearrange the information to let parents know their children now live in what. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? Police around the trafficked children rescued, should save the message by the Ministry of Public Security issued uniform, so that timely identification of missing children if parents have their own missing children.

????????????? Part VI with work in related fields

?????????????????????????????? First, strengthen household management, and accountability for the legalization of trafficked children as related to the staff.

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Legalization of trafficked children into abductions of children as boosters, as related irresponsible persons and related systems imperfect, trafficked children are perfectly justifiable in the public security organs down on the account, and now the children on account There are several sources: first, in hospital or clinics handle fake birth certificate, and even some of the children have children of families that apply for twins, and then can go to the police station accounts; second, pretend to pick up the abandoned child, to relevant departments to go through formal adoption procedures; three direct handling some false proof, to the police station accounts; four children from the local government aware of suspicious, but charge a fee, apply directly to the child account, the five countries is the population census, the population of uniform re-submit accounts by bounce back. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? In fact, the actual situation now, many places to buy abducted children is not an individual phenomenon, is the local government and relevant departments of the connivance or negligence, as the legalization of these children can only contribute to the local people to buy abducted children This habit, which it is proposed that the Government must improve the relevant system, public security organs to save the child must be the responsibility after the investigations, both the medical sector, civil affairs departments, local government or the police station handling personnel, as long as the buyer to provide relevant The false certification or relevant procedures in violation of, the parties must be held negligent and negligence liability.

??????????????????????????? Second, amendments to existing adoption laws and regulations to eliminate in order to buy on behalf of trafficked children in adoption.

???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Civil affairs departments around the country from now on, the establishment of a unified adoption files, and removing the kind of person to adopt the practice of sponsorship fee charged for formal adoption of open channels to reduce the difficulties caused by the adoption of buying behavior. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Citizens to adopt children for the state to reduce the burden of supporting children, the practice should be promoted and encouraged, rather than creating barriers to adoption or to raise the threshold of sponsorship fee. ?????????????????????????????????????? Any child's behavior according to the procedure adopted children are crimes punishable by buying from a fundamental solution to the problem of trafficking in children off-site.

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? In addition, in terms of what channels are children identified by the civil affairs department in the case of a child is not abducted by the adoption proceedings in the civil affairs department for the unified arrangement of the order of adoption, rather than let whoever who picked up an abandoned baby adopted This can prevent buyers bought abducted children and to adopt a pretext to adopt abandoned babies.

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Many traffickers or buyers to be found in the child, often an excuse picked up the abandoned, national legislation should be clear, picked up the missing children must be alert, be adopted in private home punishable by trafficking.

?? ?????????????????? Third, tighten the accountability mechanisms, to promote the importance of local government

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Will work to protect the interests of minors into the study among grassroots cadres rigid target performance, as long as there own area of children begging or busking to buy the phenomenon of trafficked women and children, on the local village leaders, village cadres, the leadership of a local police station voting against, to protect children's rights real in the implementation of the measures into practice.

??????(??) ??? ??????? ??? Study: Volunteer (Xiao He) is the source: baby home Zebian: Zhu Kaili

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„Ein Tropfen Liebe ist mehr als ein Ozean an Wille und Verstand.“ B.Pascale


Mein Lebenswerk ist für all diejenigen niedergeschrieben, die das unsägliche Leid und Elend dieser Welt in dem Bewusstsein mildern wollen, dass der Einzelne nur den berühmten Tropfen auf den heißen Stein bewirken kann. Das Verstecken hinter Religionen, Philosophien, Dogmen und Gesetzen macht das große Unrecht der Satten nicht ungeschehen, das täglich Zehntausende von Hungernden mit ihrem Leben bezahlen. Die Bereitschaft zum ehrlichen Teilen mit denen, die für unseren Wohlstand gnadenlos ausgebeutet werden, muss aus dem Herzen kommen. Das ist die Botschaft meines Buches, dass ich meinen adoptierten Wunschkindern widmen möchte.

About Agitu Wodajo

Executive Director

“Some people help others by giving up their money. Some give up their time. Agitu Wodajo has given up herself.”
– Jennifer Thaney, The Minnesota Women’s Press

Selfless dedication to empowering marginalized children and women towards self-reliance is the driving force behind our Executive Director, Agitu Wodajo’s, achievements. Coming from a rich mix of national and international service and leadership, Agitu Wodajo applies her substantial expertise and commitment towards the effectiveness and success of Better Future Adoption Services, Inc.

Born in Wolega, western Ethiopia, Agitu Wodajo has served in various leadership roles in Ethiopia and in the US throughout her life. She played a fundamental role in initiating Ethiopia’s Ministry of Women’s Affairs, which is now responsible for overseeing adoptions in the country. In 1992, she founded the Women’s Self-Reliance Agency, a non-governmental organization in Ethiopia, to teach women occupational skills that could sustain them and their families. The self-sufficiency model exhibited in WSRA became renown nationally and internationally. She has also served more than a decade as the founder and executive director of the International Self-Reliance Agency for Women (ISAW) in Minnesota. As one of the first women organizations in Minnesota, ISAW has greatly impacted the life of immigrant and refugee women, children and families in Minnesota through direct services and systems change advocacy that helped lift barriers to self-reliance. Through her work with ISAW, Agitu received numerous awards and recognitions including Outstanding Services to Women Award, Certificate of Commendation from the Governor of the State of Minnesota, Certificate of Appreciation from USCIS District Director, Internship Award, Academic Achievement Award and Bush Leadership Fellowship grant (which lead her to obtaining a Masters Degree).

Agitu Wodajo holds an Executive Master of Public Affairs, a BA in Human Services, and Associate Degrees as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner and a Community Nurse. Agitu Wodajo is also the proud mother of five children.

The Selling / Murdering of Canadian Children

The Selling / Murdering of Canadian Children

The Butterbox Babies Story

The Ideal Maternity Home is infamous for the Butterbox Babies.

The Ideal Maternity Home operated in East Chester, Nova Scotia, Canada from the late 1920s through at least the late 1940s. William and Lila Young operated it. William was a chiropractor and Lila was a midwife, although she advertised herself as an obstetrician. While they were tried for various crimes involving the home, including manslaughter, the entire truth of the horrors perpetrated there was not widely known until much later.

The Ideal Maternity Home promised both maternity care for local married couples and discreet birthing and placement for children of unwed mothers. The home was the source of babies for an illegal trade in infants between Canada and the United States. During this period the laws in the US forbid adoption across religious backgrounds. There was an acute shortage of babies available for Jewish couples to adopt. The home would provide these desperate people "black market" adoptions charging up to $10,000 for a baby. Many of the babies in the 1940s ended up in Jewish homes in New Jersey. At the same time they would charge the mothers $500 for their services. At this time the average wage in the area was $8 a week. Many of the mothers could not afford this sum, and were forced to work at the home for up to eighteen months to pay their bill.

During WWII business was booming because nearby Halifax was a major port serving as the point of departure for convoys crossing the North Atlantic to England. Many of these ships never completed the journey. The sailors and merchant seamen would squeeze as much of life into their days in port as they could, and many women were left as unmarried or widowed expectant mothers. The Ideal Maternity Home offered almost the only place that could provide for these women and their children.

What was discovered later was that the Youngs would purposely starve "unmarketable" babies to death by feeding them only molasses and water. On this diet the infants would usually last only two weeks. Any deformity, a serious illness or "dark" coloration would often seal their fate. Babies who died were disposed of in small wooden grocery boxes, typically used for dairy products. Thus the term Butterbox Babies is used to refer to these unfortunate infants. The Butterbox Babies bodies were buried on the property, adjacent to a nearby cemetery, at sea or sometimes burned in the homes furnace. In some cases married couples who had come to the home solely for birthing services were told that their baby had died shortly after birth. In truth these babies were also sold to adoptive parents. The Youngs would also separate or create siblings to meet the desires of customers. It is estimated that between four and six hundred babies died at the home, while at least another thousand survived and were adopted. Even these lucky survivors often suffered from ailments caused by the unsanitary conditions and lack of care at the home.

Survivors of dark episode in Canada's history trace their past

WHEN RIVA Barnett Saia was old enough to read, her parents gave her a copy of the "The Chosen Baby," a book that explained why her olive-skinned family didn't share her blue eyes and blond hair.

Now, Saia and as many as 40 other adoptees living in the U.S.A.... are discovering their identities within the pages of a paperback book, linking them to a dark chapter in Canada's history.

The adoptees came from the Ideal Maternity Home, an illegally run home for unwed mothers in the rural east Canadian province of Nova Scotia, where many babies were sold on the black market to desperate couples from New York and New Jersey in the 1930s and '40s.

The unwanted children were killed and buried in Butterboxes for coffins in unmarked graves in a field.

Adoption: Statutory and customary law aspects from a Namibian perspective

“Adoption: Statutory and customary law aspects from a Namibian

perspective” by Oliver C Ruppel and Pombili L Shipila is a helpful source

of information on the subject. It makes interesting observations about the

concept of adoption from a Western point of view compared with an African

perspective, where the whole family and even the community is involved.

Humanitarian Aid Initiatives of 2010

Humanitarian Aid Initiatives of 2010
Last month, all charitable organizations (NGOs) in Ethiopia had to reregister with the Federal Government of Ethiopia to obtain authorization
to operate in the country. According to the government, each charity is
strictly advised to carry out the implementation of all its programs and
activities in line with the terms of the authorized objectives. During the reregistration process, Better Future Adoption Services became authorized to
implement the following objectives:
1. Promote the well being of orphaned and vulnerable children through
child-welfare and educational programs including but not limited
to quality child sponsorship and kindergarten.
2. Establishing a model maternal and child Health Hospital and
provide curative and preventative health care services by mobilizing
medical volunteers from U.S.A.
3. Provide financial and technical support for at least two
orphanages to build their organizational capacity so they can
provide the children in their orphanage with quality care
4. Establish and run two kindergarten-grade 12th schools in two selected
sites and give orphaned and poor children access to early childhood
development and quality education.
In line with these approved objectives, our humanitarian aid projects have
been structured to currently include the following programs:
Child-welfare and educational program
Through this program, BFAS Supports two partnering orphanages:
Bethzata Children’s Home Association and Yeingda Hitsanat Merja with
financial, in-kind and technical support to improve service quality and
encourage sustainability; These two orphanages give BFAS children for
adoption by our U.S. families: The support we provide them include and
not limited to:
? Financial contribution towards their overhead cost in the amount
$2,000 per month ($4,000 per month for the two orphanages)
? Sponsor 300 children for both orphanages ($20/child/month)
? In-kind support: clothing, shoes, toys, etc.
Crisis Intervention Center
This is a highly needed project and will be the first of its kind in Ethiopia.
This project will provide shelter and legal services for victims of violence
against women and children in Addis Ababa (victims of rape, battered
women and children/domestic abuse). The project will feature:
? A four story 10 unit apartment/condominium with self-sufficiency
programs on the 1
floor including a coffee shop, Supper Market, hair
shop, etc.
? Emergency call service (like 911 in the U.S.) where victims can call the
police immediately. We will work with the Federal Police
Commission in setting-up this kind of new system.
? Legal service (in collaboration with the court system)
K-12 education
Our plan is to start with kindergarten up to grade 6 and grow from there.
This will generate income towards sustainability of the program. Support
needed include and not limited to:
? Financial to cover rent or construction of one kindergarten – grade 6
facility, administrative cost, staff and teachers’ salary, furniture and
equipment, supplies (school supply, educational toys, play ground
facility, first aid kits, etc.)
? Vehicle (two minibuses for transportation of children).
? Volunteers interested in teaching
Healthcare Project
This Project will mobilize medical professionals from the USA to provide
Maternal and Child Health services at three locations in Oromia. Until we
develop the capacity to build a hospital, BFAS is partnering with the
Ministry Of Health and the