
Misterul copiilor pierduti de Romania: "Nu stim care au fost adoptati"

Autoritatile nu detin nici un fel de informatie despre situatia zecilor de mii de copii adoptati de straini in perioada 1990-1997

Misterul copiilor pierduti de Romania: "Nu stim care au fost adoptati"

Andreea Pocotila

Luni, 11 Ianuarie 2010

» Bucurestiul a pierdut urma a zeci de mii copii adoptati de straini intre 1990 si 1997.

07-01-2010 - Roots Haïti en mailing C. Gabathuler

07-01-2010 - Roots Haïti en mailing C. Gabathuler

De afgelopen maand december hebben wij diverse klachten ontvangen van adoptieouders met Haïtiaanse kinderen. Deze klachten betroffen een mailing van Cecile Gabathuler over haar rootsprogramma Fondation Pou Timoun Yo. De mailing bleek de adoptieouders te zijn toegestuurd via H. Luiten uit den Dolder. Betreffende families geven aan het zeer onplezierig te vinden dat hun adresgegevens zonder toestemming zijn gebruikt. Zij waren in de veronderstelling dat de adresgegevens die destijds ten behoeve van de adoptie bij C. Gabathuler terecht zijn gekomen volgens de privacywetgeving zouden worden behandeld. Klachten van adoptieouders betroffen eveneens de inhoud van de maling. Deze suggereert dat Fondation Pou Toumoun Yo actief de contacten met biologische ouders aangaat ook wanneer geadopteerden en adoptieouders hier niet om vragen.

Wereldkinderen distantieert zich van de mailing van Fondation Pou Timoun Yo en betreurt het dat hiervoor tegen de afspraken in de adresgegevens van de adoptieouders gebruikt zijn. Onze visie bij Roots is dat het de geadopteerde behoort te zijn die het moment bepaalt waarop hij/zij meer wenst te weten over de biologische achtergronden. Dit betekent dat wij niet actief werven voor onze rootsprogramma´s.

Wereldkinderen wordt de afgelopen twee jaar meer en meer benaderd door adoptieouders en Haïtiaans geadopteerden omdat zij vragen hebben over de achtergronden van biologische ouders. In verband hiermee hebben wij ons met name het afgelopen jaar ingespannen om tot een hernieuwde samenwerking te komen met C. Gabathuler, voormalig directrice van Maison de L´Espérance, het kindertehuis waar de meeste geadopteerden voor de adoptie zijn verbleven. Helaas hebben al onze inspanningen niet tot een nieuwe samenwerking kunnen leiden. De verschillen in visie en werkwijze zijn te groot gebleken. Fondation Pou Timoun Yo is derhalve een initiatief van C. Gabathuler, het programma wordt niet door Wereldkinderen ondersteund.

Inmiddels hebben wij zowel C. Gabathuler als de contactpersoon in Den Dolder geïnformeerd dat adresgegevens niet voor dergelijke doeleinden mogen worden gebruikt. Niet door C. Gabathuler, niet door Wereldkinderen en uiteraard evenmin door derden.

Alyssa's Story


Alyssa's Story

I wish Alyssa was here to tell her own story, but she is languishing in the Edhi Home in Pakistan. I am sure they are doing their best by her, but there was no Christmas tree with presents under it, those are still in her closet, here in what should have been her home. I am sure there is no one laying beside her at night to rub her back and tell her everything will be alright when she wakes up with one of her nightmares. No car rides to get an ice-cream, no puppy to play with ... no Mommy. I am so filled with grief when I think what must she be thinking. Where did that woman go that I called Momma? That played with me, fed me and told me she loved me a hundred times a day.

Alyssa isn't here because she was trafficked, so I will tell her story for her.

There are so many people involved in this story that I have created a list so you will better understand. Those names with * are not their real names, but this isn't their story and it would be unfair of me to name their real names.

No family, no alternative

No family, no alternative

published in issue 4592 page 4 at 2010-01-07

At the end of last year, the Boc Cabinet flatly rejected a proposal by the Romanian Office for Adoptions (ORA) for a more relaxed legislation on international adoptions, without giving a reason for its decision. The PM only contented himself with saying the government had not approached the issue and the current legislation is in line with international norms.

Other decision-makers in the social protection area declared themselves ‘shocked’ at ORA’s proposal, which they say leaves the impression Romania is unable to give protection to its abandoned children, and therefore has to resort to international adoptions, yet again. This is the truth unfortunately, and the indignation of those paid to make sure child rights are observed in Romania is tantamount to hypocrisy, as far as orphans are offered no alternative to the basic right to have a family, a chance to a normal life.

Statistics of the past 20 years show the majority of abandoned children doesn’t find a family, living their life in ‘the system’, transferred from the behemoth orphanages of the Ceausescu era to family-type houses or, in slightly more fortunate cases, to the care of maternal assistants.

A new home for baby offered to me for $10,000.

A new home for baby offered to me for $10,000.

Byline: Simon Parry

A VIETNAMESE boy offered by a 'baby broker' for $10,000 to an Irish Daily Mail reporter is to begin a new life with a family in Canada within weeks.

Hoang, now four months old, had been kept at a ramshackle maternity home which supplies infants for adoption to Ireland.

He was parted from his mother on December 13 when she left the home run by Tang Thi Cai - conveniently placed next to Lang Son orphanage - and returned alone to her hill tribe village near the border with China.

American adoptive father daughter rape case cited concern about China adoption process has been questioned

American adoptive father daughter rape case cited concern about China adoption process has been questioned

http://www.enorth.com.cn? 2010-01-05 10:03 http://www.enorth.com.cn 2010-01-05 10:03
????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????“????????”????????????????????“????”?????????????? Summary: "Global Times" reporter in China and the U.S. adoption agencies and officials of relevant in-depth investigation revealed that late last year exposed the young Chinese American adoptive daughter of a vicious rape case, is from the "decades of rare cases" , but it still caused anger on the perpetrators of the American people, "human flesh search" and the Chinese people question the adoption process.

Les rencontres avec les familles

Les rencontres avec les familles

Je me rends tous les deux ans environ en Europe. Ce voyage est l'occasion de rencontrer en France, en Allemagne, en Belgique les familles de nos

anciens petits anges. Ces moments sont riches en émotion, et en rires d'enfants.

Il m'arrive aussi d'accompagner en Europe des petis anges pour les conduire auprès de leurs nouvelles familles.

Voyage prévu en France en juin 2010.

Proposals Netherlands

Ouders DNH Tehuis Voorstel Kind Geb.datum

Martine & Theo ??-??-06 Esp 09-02-07 Saragine 14-01-06

Gea & Noud ??-??-06 Esp 12-03-07 Kindory 05-06-02

Gea & Noud ??-??-06 Esp 12-03-07 Bettina 05-02-05

Esther & Paul aug 2007 Bresma 22-07-07 Lorgens 28-09-05

WACAP's Russian Office

WACAP (??????)

?????? ????? ? ??????????? • 119049 ??????, ????????? ??-? 1/2, ??. 1220 , (495) 959-9259 , wacap@ok.ru , www.wacap.ok.ru , ????????? ??????? ????? • Renton, 315 2-nd Street, 206 575-4550 , ?. -4148, wacap@wacap.org , www.wacap.org , Micheal Feltman


Report: Wasted Time, a Wasted Opportunity (EU funds for Bulgaria)

http://www.community-living.info/documents/ECCL-StructuralFundsReport-final-WEB.pdf page 3: This report was written by Camilla Parker, with input from Ines Bulic´. The European Coalition for Community Living (ECCL) and the authors would like to thank the following organisations and individuals for their helpful comments on various parts of the report and for providing information about the use of Structural Funds in their countries: Elena Iorga and Loredana Ercus¸ from the Institute for Public Policy, Laila Onu and Nicoleta Foica from the Pentru Voi Foundation and Mariela Neagu, an expert on social assistance, for providing information on Romania and commenting on several drafts of the report; Zsolt Bugarszki, Orsolya Eszik and István Sziklai and all members of the Soteria–ELTE research team, for providing information on Hungary and commenting on several drafts of the report. page 26: An example of collaboration: Bulgaria15 A current initiative in Bulgaria provides an example of how the European Commission can facilitate collaboration across different agencies for the development of plans to establish community-based services and to consider how Structural Funds can best be used to implement these plans. In early 2009, the European Commission launched a collaborative exercise with the Bulgarian Government. This involved the European Commission’s Directorate General for Regional Policy and Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities taking an active role in the implementation of Bulgaria’s Operational Programme for Regional Development (OPRD) (2007–2013). The European Commission decided to intervene following the poor response of the agencies responsible for managing long stay institutions for children to a call for proposals for the renovation of the social infrastructure. The Commission wanted to ensure that the available funding was used to address the situation of children in long stay institutions in the light of a BBC documentary that had depicted the appalling conditions, poor quality of care and extreme neglect of children with disabilities in one of these institutions.16 This OPRD covers a range of areas including investments into social infrastructure, with a budget of 1.6 billion EUR. The European Commission and the Bulgarian Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works agreed that approximately 20 million EUR from the OPRD would be allocated to investments into alternative services for children currently living in residential institutions due to poverty, disability or lack of access to other services. It was also agreed that additional funding would be allocated from the European Social Fund (ESF) for staff training. The Commission Directorates of Regional Policy and of Employment had worked together, in consultation with civil society representatives, to draft an Action Plan which proposed that the Structural Funds (European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and ESF) should be invested to support the process of de-institutionalisation in Bulgaria. This allowed investments to be made in both the infrastructure (funded under the ERDF) and in the training of staff who will work in the newly established services (funded under the ESF). In addition, the European Commission and the Bulgarian authorities convened a workshop to discuss the practicalities and challenges in the implementation of the Action Plan and share information on best practice in developing community-based services from other countries. Participants included European and international civil society representatives. Following the workshop an inter-ministerial working group was established to assist the Managing Authority17 in the planning and implementation of the project.
