
Deb's House (orphanage)

Orphanage) in Romania -
October 14th, humanitarian, Olathe Rotarian, and NBC
Action News Anchor Elizabeth Alex, told Rotarians the
story below of the Romanian children very much in
need of our help. Elizabeth had photos of the children
modeling their new clothes provided by Olathe
Rotarians. They also sang a song for us thanking us!
Deb's House Orphanage opened in 2000 in Botosani,
Romania, as a project of Debra Murphy-Scheumann
who planned it to be a temporary residence for babies
and small children who were slated to be adopted in
the US. From 2000-2003 Deb's House worked as
planned until Romania banned international adoption
as a requirement of entry into the European Union.
At the time, 14 children were living in the house waiting
for paperwork to be processed, they became known as
"the pipeline kids" part of a group of 200 or so children
throughout the country who were in the pipeline for
adoption when Romania ended it.
The kids at Deb's House Orphanage were stuck in
limbo. They could not go forward, and could not go
back. All of the children had been abandoned at birth
by their parents. Even though the EU has since
deemed international adoption to be a positive way to
find children homes, Romania has never opened up
There is no government assistance from Romania, so
the house that was supposed to be only temporary,
became a permanent home. Today the children range
in age from 6-12. There are two sets of twins, girls and
boys. The children are growing up as brothers and
In the past several years Deb has been very ill, so
Elizabeth Alex has taken up the cause with friends and
supporters, of keeping her orphanage open, and raising
the kids. As incoming president of the Deb's House
Orphanage board, Elizabeth Alex led a team of
volunteers in September of 2009 to Romania.
Volunteers worked at Deb's House for one week, fixing,
painting, cleaning, replacing furniture, doing medical
check ups and assessments, and giving the kids lots
and lots of love.
They identified 3 areas of concentration for the care
givers in Romania in the coming year:
Nutrition- they delivered vitamins, calcium, asked for
menu adjustments, and are helping to facilitate dental
Behavior- they are facilitating programs to help the
children socialize outside "their group" which includes
signing up children for dance, sports, and musical
lessons, plus teaching respect and personal space
even in a home filled with other children.
Education- education is the way all of our children can
one day make a life for themselves. They have
employed tutors, are purchasing books, and
concentrating heavily on studies.
The cost of raising the children is high. But the risk of
sending them out into the state orphanage system is
even higher. The economic crisis has devastated
Romania hard. There are few places to house
abandoned children currently available. Elizabeth is
working with the local government in Romania to help
not only our kids, but others in the area.

La France tente de s'adapter à la baisse de l'adoption

La France tente de s'adapter à la baisse de l'adoption

Aujourd'hui, moins d'une famille candidate sur sept recueille un enfant.

Par Agnès Leclair

Publié le 25/11/2009 à 08:42, mis à jour le 25/11/2009 à 08:43

Le profil des enfants proposés à l'adoption a changé. Ces derniers ont souvent 5 ans et plus, font partie de fratries ou présentent des pathologies. AFP

Madonna leaves Malawi after week’s charity tour

Madonna leaves Malawi after week’s charity tour

October 31st, 2009

LILONGWE, Malawi — Madonna has left Malawi after a nearly weeklong visit with her family, airport and charity officials said Saturday.
Officials said Madonna flew out of the southern African country on Friday. The 51-year-old celebrity arrived in the impoverished country on Sunday accompanied by her four children — daughters Lourdes and Mercy, and sons Rocco and David. Mercy and David were adopted from Malawi.
While in Malawi, she broke ground for her $15 million Raising Malawi Academy for Girls and visited the orphanage that cared for her son David before she adopted him.
Madonna’s Raising Malawi, a charity founded in 2006 when she first visited the country, helps feed, educate and provide medical care for some of Malawi’s orphans.
Malawi, a nation of 12 million, is one of the poorest countries in the world. About 500,000 children have lost a parent to AIDS.


Azerbaijani courts make violations while considering cases on adoption: plenum of Azerbaijani Supreme Court

Azerbaijani courts make violations while considering cases on adoption: plenum of Azerbaijani Supreme Court
30.10.2009 13:54
Azerbaijani courts make violations while considering cases on adoption: plenum of Azerbaijani Supreme Court

Azerbaijan, Baku, October 30 / Trend News K. Zarbaliyeva /

Judicial experience of adoption was discussed at the plenum of the Azerbaijani Supreme Court.

Civil cases on adoption or its abolition considered in the courts last year were summarized. heard last year in the courts in connection with adoption or its abolition, the Supreme Court told Trend News.

It was found that some violations occur while considering civil cases on adoption or its abolition by Azerbaijani courts.

Thus, while making a decision on adoption, the court must require a medical reference on the state of health from both an adopter and an adopted child. An adopter's financial opportunities must be also studued.

But it was found out that most of the adoptive parents are people over 65 years.

It was revealed that the adoptive parents aim to get pensions of the adopted children and their property in future.

The courts considered 792 cases of this category in 2008. About 959 cases were considered in 2007.

About 617 cases are connected with adoption, 45 - with its abolition. Decisions were made on 724 of 792 cases, 60 - remained unconsidered, 8 cases were closed. Claims on 706 of 724 cases were met but 18 - rejected.

About 477 adopted children are under ten years, 99 - 10-17 year-old-children.

About 457 adopted children have both parents, 119 - one parent. About 559 children have been adopted by Azerbaijani citizens, 7 - by foreigners (Turkey, USA, Norway, Russia, Georgia).

Children adopted by Azerbaijani citizens have close relationships with adoptive parents.

Another shortage in the courts, is an open announcement of judicial decisions on the adoption or its abolition.

Under the law, the cases included in this category should be considered by the courts in closed meetings. Public announcement of all court decisions promotes revealing of confidentiality.

In conclusion, the Plenary Session of the Supreme Court made a decision on adoption or its abolition.

The decision reflects the recommendations to the courts to liquidate these shortcomings and investigate these cases while considering them.

The Supreme Court applied to the Milli Majlis (Parliament) with the legislative initiative to make amendments in the legislation concerning announcement of closed cases on adoption by the courts.

Do you have any feedback? Contact our journalist at trend@trend.az

Wikileaks - Norma Cruz - Guatemala

Viewing cable 09GUATEMALA1178, Human Rights Defender Norma Cruz Softens Rhetoric on


2009-10-30 14:15

2011-08-30 01:44


Assets from adoption scammer to go to victims

Assets from adoption scammer to go to victims
By ERIC LINDBERG — Oct. 29, 2009
Cash and assets seized during the arrest of convicted adoption scammer Orson Mozes will go to victims of the scam despite protests from Mozes’ ex-wife, who insisted the funds should go to her for child support and alimony.
In a strongly worded decision released yesterday, Superior Court Judge George Eskin ruled that roughly $301,970 in seized assets should be awarded to the 59 people who fell victim to Mozes’ scam.
Mozes pleaded no contest to 17 counts of fraud and a white-collar crime enhancement earlier this year and was sentenced to three years and four months in state prison. Prosecutors said he had bilked dozens of hopeful adoptive parents out of more than $770,000.
Eskin dismissed arguments that Christen Brown, Mozes’ ex-wife, was unaware of the ongoing scam while the two were still married and living in the same house, saying that claim “borders on ludicrous.”
“She undoubtedly had knowledge of the crimes despite her protestations to the contrary and was probably complicit in the criminal activities,” he wrote.
Attempts to contact Brown and her attorney for comment yesterday were not successful.
Brown had maintained throughout a series of hearings that she was innocent and had little knowledge about her ex-husband’s adoption operation, despite testimony from former employees that she had dealt with upset clients and wrote checks for the business.
In his written ruling, Eskin said he found it hard to believe Brown holds a master’s degree in counseling psychology, has published a book, and coaches clients for speech and media presentations, yet was largely clueless about the adoption scam, which spanned at least three years.
“He really called it like it was,” said Deputy District Attorney Paula Waldman, who prosecuted the case. “His opinion is not overly harsh; it is right on the money.”
She said it was gratifying to read the judge’s opinion, particularly the sections that referred to Brown’s lack of credibility.
“She pulled out every slimy stop she could,” Waldman said. “Never once did she say, OK, you’ve got me. She just kept lying, lying and lying. It was so despicable.”
When authorities arrested Mozes in Florida in December 2008, they seized $139,000 in cash, $133,000 in gold coins and $42,000 in two brokerage accounts. Eskin ordered Deputy District Attorney Paula Waldman to sell off the gold coins and distribute the cash to the victims as appropriate.
The prosecutor said she is thrilled for the victims, adding that they remained patient throughout the lengthy legal proceedings and are grateful that everything appears to be resolved.
“I’m told gold is at its all-time high right now,” Waldman said. “Personally, I think the gods are smiling on us. If we sold that gold earlier, we wouldn’t have got as much money for the victims. In a weird, twisted way, it’s been worth the wait.”
Asked whether Brown could appeal the court decision, Waldman said she isn’t sure but remains hopeful that she won’t pursue further litigation.
“I’m really looking forward to cutting those checks and getting them out in the mail to the victims,” she said.


Grace Omaboe charged

Grace Omaboe charged

Source : Daily Guide | Thu 29th October, 2009 8:22 GMT

Grace Omaboe

Talk show hostess and proprietress of Peace and Love Orphanage, Grace Omaboe alias Maame Dokono was on Wednesday, October 28, charged at an Accra Circuit Court in connection with the running of her orphanage which has been closed down since January this year, over allegations of child abuse.

Maame Dokono, who has also been accuse of underfeeding the 60 children at the orphanage and failing to keep it neat, was charged together with Mary Anaglate, one of the workers of the home.

150 Kids Missing - HANCI Implicated

150 Kids Missing - HANCI Implicated

Written by The Exclusive News Paper   
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Over the past few days The Exclusive office has hosted groups of concerned parents from Makeni. The aggrieved parents complained that they don’t know the whereabouts of their children they claimed were adopted by an organization called Help A Needy Child
 International (HANCI).   

A cross section of missing kids

A cross section of agrieved parents at The Exclusive office
One of the parents, Sheik Alimamy Kamara of Makeni told this press that between 1996-97 HANCI which has their offices on Pademba Road set up a Child Survival Centre at 3 Mission Road Makeni.
According to the parents, HANCI offered to take care of their children and showed them the centre where they intended to house the young ones. Sheik Kamara said that they saw other children between the ages of 1 years to 17 years adding that “because we saw other children in the centre that prompted us to give our children to HANCI.”
These allegations have been investigated before. According to the UNAMSIL Human Rights Office in Makeni, HANCI in collusion with an organization called Maine Adoption Placement Services (MAPS) helped to smuggle these children out of the country without the consent of their parents or guardians. 
HANCI denies involvement in the matter and claims that the responsibility lay with MAPS which no longer operates in the country and the Ministry of Gender and Social Welfare with whom the adoption papers were signed. Last Friday some of the parents went to the Ministry and met with the Social Welfare Minister Soccoh Kabia.
Abu Bakarr Kargbo brother of one the missing children says that “the Minister asked us to submit all the relevant paperwork and promised to look into the matter personally.” Despite HANCI’s denial all that the parents have as proof of adoption are receipts on HANCI letterhead saying that their children had been admitted to the HANCI Children’s Home in Makeni.  
Sheik Kamara adds that “The HANCI people never told us anything about adoption. Our children were taken for medical in Freetown and since then we have never saw our children”, he said in tears.
Since HANCI was the only point of contact with the parents, it seems strange that they are now denying any involvement with the adoptions.
 The matter was reported to the police in Sierra Leone and was charged to the courts in Freetown in 2004 and in 2005 but was not tried because the parents did not go forward with the prosecution.
Dr. Roland Foday Kargbo, who is the Executive Director of HANCI was charged along side two others on 23 counts of conspiracy to commit a felony contrary to law and child stealing contrary to section 56 of the offences against the persons Act 1861. 
When The Exclusive contacted Dr. Kargbo at his Pademba Road offices, he denied the allegations. “We did not do the adoption. It was MAPS that did the adoption. When asked why the correspondences in possession of the parents for their children were on the HANCI Letterhead, he said, “MAPS was operating under HANCI when they initially came into the country. They later broke away from us when they acquired legal status and continued dealing with the children up to the time they taken to the United States.”
Also Speaking to The Exclusive, the Operation Director of HANCI, Kelfa Kargbo denied that 150 children were adopted. According to him only 24 children were registered under the MAPS programme in 1989.
“The parents have been dealing with MAPS since 1989 and that was when the adoption took place. The parents were fully aware that MAPS was an adoption organization,” he said, adding that his organization has over the years put pressure on MAPS through the Ministry of Social Welfare, Gender and Children Affairs. MAPS, he said, has ceased dealing with HANCI and that since the adoption was done, MAPS had claimed to be updating the Ministry about the adopted children. The parents, he said have since be referred to the Ministry for update of their children.
 However the parents lament that they don’t know MAPS but HANCI and that up to date not even the photos of their children have been made available to the let alone an update of their overall wellbeing.
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 28 October 2009 )


Wrong Interpretation art 21b (VVD/Kind en Toekomst)

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From: iara de witte

Date: 2009-10-08 20:44 GMT+02:00

Subject: verkeerde interpretatie

To: Roelie Post

Wikileaks - adoption fraud - Uganda


¶22. (U) Ugandan law restricts a foreign citizen's ability to adopt a

Ugandan child, and the adoption process is complicated. Ugandan law

requires that foreign adoptive parents be physically present in

Uganda and foster the child for three years before an adoption is