
Coram: Statement on the debate – should children be taken into care sooner?

Statement on the debate – should children be taken into care sooner?
08 September 2009 Renuka Jeyarajah-Dent, Director of Operations at Coram

It is high time that we put the needs of children first. We certainly share the view that for babies who cannot be looked after by their birth parents, that early adoption is the best solution. Of course the decision cannot be made lightly, but it must be made before subjecting children to a life without love and stability being moved from carer to carer.
It is not surprising that our society tends to shy away from taking children from their biological parents. We feel it is somehow unnatural. We must assess whether parents are able to change enough to parent their child safely. Where there is clear, solid evidence of abuse or neglect, we need to be much more willing to remove them from danger. And we need to attempt to do this at a much earlier stage in children’s lives.

Children who are adopted into loving families can have very positive happy lives and this is especially true when they are adopted at a young age. Later adoptions can also work but it is much more difficult for children who come into the care system when they are older. By then, they have suffered the effects of abuse and neglect which can meant that they may not believe in themselves or that anyone can care for them. They are often isolated and tend to behave badly or do poorly in school because learning requires the security that makes it OK to risk failure by trying new things.

There are children currently in the care system who should have been taken into care earlier but that is not to say this is straightforward. Taking a child away from parents is emotionally draining, especially when the alternatives also have risks. Making such decisions requires the skills of a variety of people working together. The right interventions to try to help parents cope and quick input ensures that the child gets the care and support needed even when parents are not coping.

Parenting itself is complex and can be difficult. People need support to help them to do it better. There is no doubt that a child is better with its family of origin as long as the care they provide is not only practical but also warm and appreciative of the child. It is this warmth that is so tied to positive results– to be loved helps us to go on to love.

John Hemming's Web Log: Martin Narey is wrong.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009
  Martin Narey is wrong.
John Hemming MP, Chairman of Justice for Families, has struck out at Martin
Narey for his suggestion that more babies should be taken into care and that 
more adoptions is the solution to prevent situations like that in Edlington.

"Martin Narey demonstrates a lack of knowledge of the stastical realities
as to what has happening in England. The number of babies taken into care
under 1 month has jumped from 430 in 1995 to 1,140 in 2006. Of the 1,140 in
2006 670 were taken into care in the first seven days of their life
essentially "at birth".

"He also makes the assumption that once a child is adopted all is good.
Sadly the government are turning a blind eye to the number of disrupted
adoptions. In 2006 6,000 children under 10 years old were taken into care
and 3,520 children under 10 left care through adoption. That means 59% of
children leaving care through adoption.

"The government themselves said this year that "This does not mean that adoption is appropriate for more than a minority of children" 

"The government have refused to attempt to find out how many adoptions
result in children returning to care. It is quite clear that Reactive
Attachment Disorder affects a number of children taken into care at an early
age and then adopted at or around 2-3 years old. This often results in a
disrupted adoption and a child returning to care with additional
psychological trauma.

"There are statistics about the numbers of failed adoptions where the
adoption fails in the same local authority as it occurs, but this is only a
small part of the story. Channel 4 recently identified that the number of
failed adoptions is increasing. Martin Narey, however, repeats the mantra
"More adoptions, More adoptions".

"Our policy making really should be evidence based. For that we need the
research. That is where the government are failing.

"Martin Narey should not look at adoption as a solution for the chidlren in
Edlington. It is not in any way clear that the outcome for children aged 10
and 11 could be predicted reliably before they were born. The question
about Edlington is why there was no response at an earlier age of 5 or 6.
I think that arises from the concentration on babies and adoption that the 
system now has. We need to change direction rather than go further in a direction
that is clearly failing."
John, you already know my feelings of Narey, his background is more of the prison system, kinda explains a few of his un warrented remarks.

When I had a converstion with him in York a few weeks back he really does not know how the family courts work more so to the workings of the L.A's I have been an MKF for about the same ammount of time he's been CEO for a childrens charity, Martin clearly thinks that the Social Services are prevented from removing the right children. Correct me if I'm wrong but I am sure Ed Balls has completely disagreed with Martin.

I would also Add that these remarks from Martin must have caused a significant drop in their donations
Changes in Care Placements cause Attachment Disorders BUT that doesn't mean we should not remove very young baby's from disrupted/unsuitable families.
What is wrong is the delay between taking them into Care and Adoption.
If more adoptive parents were approved as Foster Carers then it would be easier to place a child with prospective adopters straight away when taking them into Care instead of moving them around between carers prior to adoption.
The difficulty is the question of obtaining evidence to warrant permanent removal of a child. That is why a long time elapses between a child being taken into care and a final placement.

In any event the decisionmaking systems go wrong far too often.

Russian Embassy in U.S. requests documentation on death of Russian adoptee

Russian Embassy in U.S. requests documentation on death of Russian adoptee

14:32 | 09/ 07/ 2005
Print version


WASHINGTON, July 9 (RIA Novosti) - The Russian Embassy in the United States has requested documentation on the two year old adopted Russian girl who was killed by her foster mother.

"The Embassy requested the local police department and the adoption agency to provide the relevant documentation," spokesperson for the Embassy Yevgeny Khorishko said.

"The girl was taken into the American family through the Adoption International Inc agency in late January 2004," he added.

According to the spokesman, the girl held Russian citizenship and was registered in the Russian Embassy in the U.S.

Washington Post reported Friday that 33 year old Peggy Sue Hilt of North Carolina was charged with murder of her foster daughter Nina, whom she had adopted in Russia.

The woman confessed that she had battered her daughter, who infuriated her. Nina died from blows in hospital.

A spokesperson for Adoptions International Inc said over the phone that the agency had not yet received any request from the Russian Embassy.

"The company was shocked by the girl's murder, putting it mildly," she said.

Adoptions International Inc has specialized in assisting families to adopt children from Russia and the CIS countries, China and Guatemala since 1995. According to information on the agency's website, adoption costs from $10,000 to $18,000 depending on the child's citizenship.

Peggy Sue Hilt surrendered to the police last Wednesday and is held in a detention center with no possibility of bail, CBS reported.

Investigators were reported to have claimed they pursued the child maltreatment lead, but also admitted the possibility of sexual abuse.

Peggy Sue Hilt's husband, Christopher, is being questioned, while their senior child is under supervision.

14:32 | 09/ 07/ 2005
Print version


WASHINGTON, July 9 (RIA Novosti) - The Russian Embassy in the United States has requested documentation on the two year old adopted Russian girl who was killed by her foster mother.

"The Embassy requested the local police department and the adoption agency to provide the relevant documentation," spokesperson for the Embassy Yevgeny Khorishko said.

"The girl was taken into the American family through the Adoption International Inc agency in late January 2004," he added.

According to the spokesman, the girl held Russian citizenship and was registered in the Russian Embassy in the U.S.

Washington Post reported Friday that 33 year old Peggy Sue Hilt of North Carolina was charged with murder of her foster daughter Nina, whom she had adopted in Russia.

The woman confessed that she had battered her daughter, who infuriated her. Nina died from blows in hospital.

A spokesperson for Adoptions International Inc said over the phone that the agency had not yet received any request from the Russian Embassy.

"The company was shocked by the girl's murder, putting it mildly," she said.

Adoptions International Inc has specialized in assisting families to adopt children from Russia and the CIS countries, China and Guatemala since 1995. According to information on the agency's website, adoption costs from $10,000 to $18,000 depending on the child's citizenship.

Peggy Sue Hilt surrendered to the police last Wednesday and is held in a detention center with no possibility of bail, CBS reported.

Investigators were reported to have claimed they pursued the child maltreatment lead, but also admitted the possibility of sexual abuse.

Peggy Sue Hilt's husband, Christopher, is being questioned, while their senior child is under supervision.

Forum - centre racine

Bonjour Sisol

Si vous pouvez m'envoyer des renseignements, je serais très heureux. Nous allons ouvrir en janvier un 'centre racine' à Port au Prince pour tous les enfants adoptifs d'origine Haitienne. Nous sommes encore à la recherche d'informations comment nous pouvons entrer en contact avec les enfants et les parents adoptifs, les instances et les organisations qui les accompagnent, etc.

Merci d'avance,

Dirk Vermeyen

Fondation Pou Timoun Yo

The False Prophet of Adoption

>>?In Print?>>?Cover Story

Paul Wellman

Orson Mozes

The False Prophet of Adoption

Using Babies as Bait, Montecito’s Orson Mozes’s Led 17 Families on Global Goose Chases

Grace C. Horton, 88, Dies; Philanthropist Worked With Refugees and Low-Income Families


Grace C. Horton, 88, Dies; Philanthropist Worked With Refugees and Low-Income Families

Grace C. Horton helped start what is now Health Share of St. Mary's. (Family Photo)

Enlarge Photo

Network News

US lawmakers urge easier Guatemalan adoptions

US lawmakers urge easier Guatemalan adoptions

(AFP) – 19 hours ago

WASHINGTON — US lawmakers have called on their government to ease red tape that has slowed the adoption of Guatemalan children since legal reforms were introduced to more strictly regulate the process.

In a letter, 52 legislators asked US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to ensure Guatemalan measures aimed at curbing baby selling were "being carried out in a way that protects the interests of children, birth parents, and adoptive parents alike."

Signatories said that since the reforms passed adoptions have stagnated "forcing the children involved to remain in institutions or temporary care," with would-be parents bombarded with requests for information.

K&T stopt met bemiddeling VS

K&T stopt met bemiddeling VS

Deelbemiddeling VS

Op maandag 24 augustus heeft Stichting Kind en Toekomst zowel de heer Michael Goldstein als mevr. Tara Gutterman (ARC) geïnformeerd dat de stichting alle inspanningen om tot een contract met hen te komen voor reguliere procedures beëindigt.

Na vele jaren van onderhandelingen kon Stichting Kind en Toekomst alleen maar constateren dat de nodige transparantie en openheid in communicatie uitbleef waardoor gevoelige maar zeer belangrijke onderwerpen onvoldoende bespreekbaar bleven.

Voor het aangaan van een contract voor reguliere procedures wil en kan Stichting Kind en Toekomst de verantwoording daardoor niet dragen.

Blogs Closed-per Neplai Ministry

Blogs Closed-per Neplai Ministry

The Nepali Ministry has told adoptive families that they should not post pictures of their newly adopted children on their blogs. A a result, the blogs I posted in my last blog posting are now unavailable. However, one family is maintaining a separate blog just for those people waiting to adopt from Nepal. You can follow it at:
