
Police Arrest 3 in Baby-Trafficking Case in Argentina

Police Arrest 3 in Baby-Trafficking Case in Argentina

BUENOS AIRES – Three people were arrested in the Argentine city of Rosario in the investigation of a band suspected of trafficking in babies and allegedly comprised of doctors, midwives and lawyers, the press reported Tuesday.

A court on Monday ordered a police raid on the provincial hospital in Rosario, which is located about 300 kilometers (186 miles) from Buenos Aires, because authorities suspect that two recently-born infants were sold, judicial officials said.

The investigation was begun after a complaint filed in April claimed that the sale of the baby of a 30-year-old woman who came to the city from the impoverished northern province of Santiago del Estero was arranged at the hospital.

Investigators believe that several instances of baby-selling were carried out recently by the band, which also included hospital employees, officials said.

Six women nabbed in alleged baby trafficking

Six women nabbed in alleged baby trafficking

The Jakarta Post | Tue, 01/20/2009 2:59 PM | City

TANGERANG: Tangerang Police arrested six women at a house in Village Tangerang Regency I housing complex in Gebang Raya, Jati Uwung, for baby trafficking.

Jati Uwung Police chief Insp. Yade Setiawan Ujung identified the suspects by the initials DS, ES, TM, LW, NT and YT.

Yade said the arrest was made following a tip-off from their neighbors, who saw the suspects carrying babies in and out of the house.

Dutch Dear Birth Parent Website

Martijn, Maaike and Tim


Martijn, Maaike and Tim

The Netherlands, Europe

Dear Birth Parents,

Swiss Dear Birthmother Website

Thank you for taking the time to read the following lines and information about us. It is indeed our keen interest to let you have a clear and abundant insight into our personalities and our social situation.

We - Melanie and Urs are a married Swiss couple - unfortunately childless although it has been our greatest desire to create our own family. We have, therefore, decided to adopt a child (and perhaps even a second one) and to offer them a warm, loving and secure home. We decided to adopt a baby from the USA, because it is totally in our belief, that the birthmother makes an adoption plan and chooses the adoptive parents on her own.

If you have any question about us or the adoption feel free to call our adoption attorney Michael S. Goldstein in New York (toll-free number 1-800-582-3678 or e-mail info@adoptgold.com) or contact us directly by e-mail (melanieandurs@bluewin.ch).


US Dear Birthmother website

Dear Birthmother,

We are Lori and Gary from New York State, and we thank you for taking the time to find out a little about us.

We know you are struggling through a difficult time right now. You have made a decision which takes extraordinary courage. We respect and admire your decision to make an adoption plan. We hope it will help you to know that, if you decide to place your baby with us, you will be giving us the most wonderful gift and fulfilling our dream to have a family.

We are so thankful that you would consider us as potential parents. This is the most difficult and exciting letter that we will ever write. It’s difficult because this is the only way we have of reaching out to you. But it is exciting because we know that you may very well be the person that we connect with in a way that was meant to be. Years from now, on any given night, we will look up at the stars and forever believe in the amazing love and strength you had for your baby to make this decision. Know that we will love your child every day, and will never take for granted this gift of life. You too will have our enduring and eternal love, and when you look up at those stars we hope you will know this as well.

We hope that by viewing this website and looking at the pictures, you will feel secure in the knowledge that we will do everything possible to provide the most wonderful, warm, safe, loving home for your baby.

German Dear Birthmother website - Hello! We are Claudia and Lisa!

Hello! We are Claudia and Lisa!

Dear Birthparents,

we know that it is not an easy decision to consider adoption for your child, but we respect you for making this choice and finding the best home for your baby. We know how concerned you are about your child, and it is very important to us that your child knows how much you love it, too. Please consider that we will always be appreciative to you for having the courage to have made this choice. So we would be happy to maintain contact with photos or letters, if you like.

We would love to hear from you! Don't hesitate to contact our adoption attorney in New York, Michael Goldstein, or his wife Joy. They are also both adoptive parents and social workers.

Toll-free at 1-800-582-3678. They can tell you more about us and the adaption process. you can also send us an e-mail

Adoptions from Africa are wrong, Kreviazuk says

Adoptions from Africa are wrong, Kreviazuk says

Victoria Times ColonistJune 23, 2009

Celebrities such as Madonna and Angelina Jolie are making a mistake by adopting African children, says Canadian pop singer Chantal Kreviazuk.

Kreviazuk--who plays a fundraiser in Victoria today for War Child Canada--said she believes Madonna and Jolie are well-intentioned, but the celeb adoption trend is merely a Band-Aid solution to a complex problem.

"It's traumatic; the(adopted African children) never truly feel they belong. They always wonder where their siblings are," Kreviazuk said in an interview from Los Angeles.

Mercy in London to bond with Madonna

Mercy in London to bond with Madonna


Published: Today

WIDE-eyed Malawian orphan Mercy James gazes at the hustle and bustle of London yesterday — just 48 hours after arriving in Britain as Madonna’s new daughter.

In the first photograph of the four-year-old since she was whisked from her African homeland, she appears transfixed as she is held by her nanny.