
Wo sind die Findelbabys?


Wo sind die Findelbabys?


Neuer Streit zwischen Sozialsenator Dietrich Wersich (CDU) und dem Verein Sternipark: Diesmal geht es um vier Babys, die im Jahr 2008 in die Babyklappen des Vereins gelegt wurden. Seit Monaten versucht die Sozialbehörde herauszubekommen, was aus den Säuglingen geworden ist. Doch Sternipark-Geschäftsführerin Leila Moysich verweist auf ihre Schweigepflicht. Jetzt lässt Sozialsenator Dietrich Wersich (CDU) prüfen, ob der Verein sich strafbar macht.

"Wir wissen nicht, ob die vier Kinder aus Hamburg kommen oder nur hier abgegeben wurden", so der Senator, "wir wissen nicht einmal, ob es die Kinder überhaupt gibt." Auch in den Jahren zuvor sei es für die Behörde "schwierig" gewesen, den Weg der Findel-Babys nachzuvollziehen, erklärt Behördensprecherin Jasmin Eisenhut: "Sternipark zeigte sich nicht sehr kooperativ." Nur über andere Quellen, etwa Jugendämter, sei es gelungen, aufzuklären, wo die Kinder nach ihrem Aufenthalt bei Sternipark geblieben sind: "Aber über die Kinder aus dem Jahr 2008 wissen wir gar nichts."

AIT requires face-to-face interviews for kids’ US visas


AIT requires face-to-face interviews for kids’ US visas

By Jenny W. hsu
Saturday, Jun 20, 2009, Page 2

“Too often, we have found instances where people who were not Taiwan citizens have been able to obtain genuine Taiwan passports.”

— Stephen Young, AIT director


Starting on July 1, Taiwanese passport holders under the age of 14 will require a face-to-face interview with a US immigration officer when applying for a US visa, the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) said.

Scottsdale man adjusts to diaper, other daddy duties

Scottsdale man adjusts to diaper, other daddy duties


When Craig Juntunen asked his wife, Kathi, about adopting children, she reminded him how he struggled through Thanksgiving around nieces and nephews.

He glared at misbehaving children at restaurants. And when she suggested vacationing at Disneyland, he declined because, naturally, kids would be there.

All true.


But only days earlier, during a 2006 golf game with a friend, the friend mentioned he had adopted two girls from Haiti. Between the 14th and 17th holes, Juntunen knew he was going to Haiti, too.

Juntunen got a vasectomy at age 30, retired at 40 and lived a life of golf and skiing in Scottsdale and the Colorado Rockies. Juntunen said he chose never to have children because as he was building his consulting business, he never wanted to feel conflicted.

"I didn't want to be looking at my watch, thinking it's time to go home now," he said.

And life was fun after retirement, but also hollow.

"I had become disenchanted. I remember standing at the first tee and thinking, 'There's got to be more to life than this.' "

At 51, Juntunen went to Haiti on an exploration trip, he said. He wanted to see the impoverished conditions. He returned, having adopted three children, Amelec, 5, Espie, 4, and Quinn, less than a year old.

The children, Juntunen found, each had their own way of making it known they were meant to be his and Kathi's. As he walked around the orphanage holding Espie's hand, she suddenly broke into the cartoon walk Juntunen often does as he walks the dogs. Amelec fit the exact specifications of the child in their adoption dreams. And Quinn, then maybe only 2 months old, grabbed his thumb and wouldn't let go. He still grabs Juntunen's thumb today.

Kathi, then 48, said she, too, had tried to fill the emptiness she felt with volunteer work. "But I always felt like there was something missing."

When the three children who spoke no English arrived seven months later it was like having triplets.

"It was hard. We didn't know what we were doing," he said. "I was never the dad guy. But I always said to myself, 'What a great mom Kathi would be.' And she is great mom."

There were great highs and great lows. Everything was new to the children. Ice cream. Coke. A belt.

Only 10 days after they arrived at their home in DC Ranch, the oldest children began attending El Dorado private school.

Juntunen, his wife said, threw himself into the job. He changed diapers, bought groceries and rolled around on the floor with the kids. It's clear when Espie drapes herself around him and Quinn backs up against his legs that they love him.

"I was completely overwhelmed," he said. "But if I could do it and love it, and I do, anyone can."

Shortly after adopting the children, Juntunen started Chances for Children, an organization aimed at streamlining the adoption process and making what can be a $15,000 to $24,000 procedure more affordable. Last year, the organization aided in 30 adoptions at an orphanage it sponsors, and this year it's on track for 40 adoptions.

Now, three years later, the children are ages 8, 7 and 3. Amelec plays baseball and soccer. Espie is in ballet. And Quinn can sing his alphabet.

This year, Juntunen published a book, "Both Ends Burning," about his transformation from a life of leisure man to family man.

In one of the later chapters in the book, Juntunen describes how he overcame his fear of Disneyland and how he found his three days there came too fast. At the end of the trip, Amelec asked his father, "Dad is this a magic place?"

"What do you think son?"

"Yes, Dad, I think so."

"Amelec," he says, "you are right."


Read more: http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/2009/06/19/20090619sr-dad0620.html#ixzz14VeTq8Uw

Dozens of human smugglers captured

Dozens of human smugglers captured

‘MOMMIES’: : The human smuggling ring uses women as mules to transport Chinese girls to the US, where they are likely to wind up trapped in brothels or sweatshops

By Jenny W. hsu


Friday, Jun 19, 2009, Page 1

Taiwan's 'largest' human smuggling ring smashed

Taiwan's 'largest' human smuggling ring smashed

Taiwan News, Staff Writer

Page 1

2009-06-19 12:08 AM

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Sozialbehörde fordert Aufklärung von SterniPark Wo sind die Babys aus der Babyklappe?

Sozialbehörde fordert Aufklärung von SterniPark Wo sind die Babys aus der Babyklappe?

Babys aus Babyklappe

Baby Flo (9 Wochen) guckt etwas kritisch in die Welt. Das Neugeborene ist eins der Kinder, die in SterniPark-Babyklappen abgelegt wurden

Foto: Meike Wirsel

1 von 4

Nigeria: Saving the Orphan

Nigeria: Saving the Orphan

19 June 2009




Cécile Brossard is jailed for eight years over bondage murder

From The Times

June 19, 2009

Cécile Brossard is jailed for eight years over bondage murder

Charles Bremner, in Paris

A mistress who murdered a billionaire banker during a bondage session was jailed for 8½ years yesterday after a Swiss jury accepted that he had humiliated and harassed her.

Taiwan smashes 'largest-ever' human smuggling ring

Taiwan smashes 'largest-ever' human smuggling ring

Central News Agency

2009-06-18 06:48 PM

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Adoption of Ethiopian children halted, then resumed

Adoption of Ethiopian children halted, then resumed

POSTED: 18 JUNE, 2009

Topics in this story: abandoned children , addis ababa , bethany christian services , ethiopiaEthiopia (MNN) ? In a city where the number of abandoned children has recently increased tremendously, Ethiopian Courts are no longer accepting cases involving abandoned children from orphanages in Addis Ababa, according to Bethany Christian Services.

This decision affected three orphanages in Addis Ababa: Kebebe Tsehay Orphanage, Ketchene Orphanage and Kolfe Youth Center.

The courts observed a great increase in children being brought for adoption from the Addis Ababa orphanages. Because the number of abandoned children has increased so dramatically in past months, Ethiopian authorities suspect immoral practices in some of the cases.