
USA: on line il nuovo sito Ai.Bi. USAA: on line il nuovo sito Ai.Bi. USA

USA: on line il nuovo sito Ai.Bi. USAA: on line il nuovo sito Ai.Bi. USA

1 Luglio 2009.  Sarà online nelle prossime settimane il nuovo sito internet di Ai.Bi. per gli Stati Uniti.

Ai.Bi. Amici dei Bambini ha recentemente aperto un nuovo ufficio proprio nella grande mela dove è presente con attività di advocacy e reperimento fondi in supporto ai minori fuori famiglia.

L’idea di un portale dedicato per questa sede nasce quindi per dare la possibilità al pubblico americano di fare donazioni on line per i progetti di AiBi nel mondo; nonché come punto di riferimento per quanto riguarda l’informazione legata al tema dell’infanzia abbandonata. Questo con un occhio particolare riguardo cosa succede negli Stati Uniti nonché presso il palazzo di vetro ONU di New York.

Vi aspettiamo numerosi nel nostro nuovo portale: www.aibi-us.org

Latvia: Report of the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children,

67. The Special Rapporteur received information from the Ministry for Children and Family

Affairs regarding efforts undertaken to decrease the number of children in childcare institutions

and, overall, to decrease the number of institutions. She was informed of promising policies



page 16

undertaken to promote adoption and foster care, in particular favouring national over foreign

adoptions since 2004. The number of foreign adoptions used to be three to four times more than

national adoptions, whereas today, the number of national adoptions is almost double the number

of foreign adoptions. The Government reported that at 31 December 2008, 1,351 adoptable

children were registered in the database and 479 of them were already living in a family,

leaving 872 (64.5 per cent) for whom adoptive families had to be found. In 2008, 73 children

were taken into pre-adoption care in national adopters’ families, which was 15 more than in

2007. Of the remaining adoptable children, the Government reported that 484 of them had a

disability or serious health problem. The Special Rapporteur encourages the Government to

pursue measures to encourage the adoption of children in these two categories, including

psychological and financial support to adoptive families, medical and psychological follow-up

and support of those children, as well as awareness-raising campaigns. In 2008, 83 foreign

adopters were granted permission to adopt children from Latvia, 31 less than in 2007. The

Minister reported that as of 2003, several legislative acts were passed in implementation of the

1993 Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of

Intercountry Adoption. The Minister added that procedures binding Orphans’ Courts’ decisions

regarding adoptions are now more clearly prescribed.

CRC/C/LVA/CO/2, para. 10.

Over 5,000 want to adopt children

Over 5,000 want to adopt children

Nadira Gunatilleke

There are about 5,000 Sri Lankan couples and 600 foreign couples in the waiting list to adopt Sri Lankan children. Annually around 1,000 children are for adopted by locals and about 50 children are adopted by foreigners, Probation and Child Care Services Commissioner Sarath Abeygunasekara told the Daily News.

Abeygunasekara said that usually the children below the age of five who had been rejected by parents and abandoned are given for adoption.

The demand is very high but there are no adequate children to be given for adoption.

Delegation to seek deal on adoptions from Vietnam

Delegation to seek deal on adoptions from Vietnam

28 June 2009

By Susan Mitchell

The Minister for Children, Barry Andrews, is to travel to Vietnam today in an effort to secure a new adoption agreement with the country.

Andrews is leading a delegation that includes Elizabeth Canavan, former principal officer at the Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs; and former junior justice minister Frank Fahey, who was minister for children between 1997 and 2000.

Madonna's adopted daughter Mercy was to be returned to family, grandmother claims

Madonna's adopted daughter Mercy was to be returned to family, grandmother claims

Mercy, the Malawian child adopted by Madonna, was to be returned to her family from the orphanage she was living in, her grandmother has claimed.

By Ben Leach

Published: 8:10AM BST 28 Jun 2009

Madonna adopted Mercy after a court in Malawi ruled she could adopt the four year old Photo: REUTERS

Tanzania cautious over adoption of children



Tanzania cautious over adoption of children


As childless couples rush in developed countries to Africa to adopt children, Tanzania is taking cautious measures before giving away its future generation to foreigners. According to the Registration, Insolvency and Trusteeship Agency (RITA), only 32 children were adopted between July 2008 and June this year.

Three jailed for child trafficking

Three jailed for child trafficking


Last updated 22:24 26/06/2009





Congressional Desk June 26, 2009

WASHINGTON, DC - Yesterday, U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) joined U.S. Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) in introducing a bi-partisan adoption bill, the Foreign Adopted Children Equality (FACE) Act (S. 1359), eliminating many of the hurdles internationally adopted children of American citizens currently face before they come to the United States. Currently, the adopted child must be approved for a U.S. immigrant visa to be able to join their American family. This is often a very lengthy and expensive process. The FACE Act would provide automatic U.S. citizenship to children adopted by Americans, eliminating many of the complications involved with moving these children to the United States and granting them full rights afforded any other American child.

"It is estimated that there are over 143 million orphans in the world today, and millions of them are growing up on the streets or in institutions that lack the resources to provide the love and care that every child deserves," said Inhofe. "I have seen this problem first-hand in my travels to the continent of Africa. Unfortunately, many nations lack the number of willing and able adults to adopt and care for these children. It is vitally important that adults from outside nations be allowed to take action to address this problem. Inter-country adoption permits American families the opportunity to love and care for these children while providing them with hope and a future. I want to work to make it easier for American families to adopt, and easier for orphaned children to be adopted."

The Act would treat an adopted child of an American citizen the same way a biological child of the same citizen is treated if born abroad. American citizens who give birth to a child while overseas simply take their proof of citizenship and the childĀ“s birth certificate to the U.S. Embassy and apply for and receive a U.S. passport and a Consular Report of Birth. The FACE Act provides equal treatment of internationally adopted children with foreign born biological children of American citizens.

Duke U. Official Caught in Alleged Child Sex Sting

Duke U. Official Caught in Alleged Child Sex Sting

Official Accused of Offering Adopted 5-Year-Old Son for Sex


June 26, 2009

A Duke University official has been charged in federal court with offering his 5-year-old adopted son up for sex. Frank Lombard, associate director at the university's Global Health Institute, was arrested Wednesday in Raleigh, the FBI said.