
Vietnamese police bust foreign theft ring

Vietnamese police bust foreign theft ring

Posted : Wed, 15 Jul 2009 04:41:34 GMT

Author : DPA

Category : Asia (World)

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Babyhandelaars opgepakt in Vietnam

Babyhandelaars opgepakt in Vietnam


Gepubliceerd op 15 juli 2009 09:40, bijgewerkt op 09:42


De politie in Vietnam heeft een netwerk van babyhandelaars ontmanteld. Zij heeft zeven personen die worden verdacht van het verkopen van 33 pasgeborenen aan klanten in China, opgepakt.

Adoption Agency Collapses, Takes Dreams with It

Adoption Agency Collapses, Takes Dreams with It

15/7/2009 - Taking prospective parents by surprise, the collapse of Canadian adoption agency Imagine Adoption and its associate, Kids Link, made headlines all accross the nation.

Imagine Adoption, an Ontario-based Government-licensed international adoption agency, surprised its expectant parents by filing for bankruptcy earlier this week. Now, 200 parents are left to pick up the remaining pieces of their dream of providing a home to an impoverished child.

Surprisingly, this is not some isolated case of financial mismanagement. Stories from adoption analysts and from parents say that the dangers of adopting abroad are increasing. The expansion in the number of international adoption agencies, especially in countries with corruption and a weak rule of law, means that accountability and transparency in their financial books may not be 100% reliable.

While a heartfelt way for some people to attain their dream of being parents while giving back to the world, international adoptions may not be the surest route.

Mother's fight to get newly adopted child

Mother's fight to get newly adopted child

Updated Wed. Jul. 15 2009 8:21 PM ET

A Kitchener woman is taking matters into her own hands after hearing Imagine Adoption has filed for bankruptcy.

Jennifer Ziegler says she will fly to Ethiopia to make sure her adopted daughter is safe while, she waits for the child's Canadian visa to go through.

Officials are advising against this. Citizenship and Immigration Canada says they can't finalize the adoption cases until the paperwork is in order.

Anxious adoptive parents wait for agency's bankruptcy to be sorted

Anxious adoptive parents wait for agency's bankruptcy to be sorted

Last Updated: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 | 7:43 PM MT Comments38Recommend19

CBC News

Three-month-old Wondimu was approved to be adopted by a Calgary couple before an adoption agency went bankrupt. (Courtesy of Thurmeier family)

Children approved to be adopted by Canadian parents using a now bankrupt adoption agency are in good care, according to the bankruptcy trustee for Imagine Adoption, which specialized in adoptions from Africa.

Modificare la adoptii

Nr. 4587 de miercuri, 15 iulie 2009

Modificare la adoptii

-- Doar 1000 de copii sunt declarati adoptabili din 42.000 aflati in sistemul de protectie * Romanii din strainatate vor putea sa adopte copii din tara

Cetatenii romani cu domiciliul in strainatate vor putea sa adopte copii din Romania, procesul de adoptie va fi scurtat si se vor crea birouri speciale pentru gestionarea adoptiilor. In acest sens, Legea 273/2005 privind regimul juridic al adoptiei va suferi unele modificari ce urmeaza a fi definitivate la sfarsitul lunii septembrie.

"Sunt multe cereri in baza Legii 49/2009 care prevede ca adoptia internationala a unui copil declarat adoptabil poate fi incuviintata numai in situatia in care adoptatorul este ruda pana la gradul al III-lea inclusiv cu copilul declarat adoptabil", a spus, ieri, intr-o conferinta de presa, secretarul de stat de la Oficiul Roman pentru Adoptii, Bogdan Panait. El a precizat ca nu se gandeste deocamdata sa "dea drumul" la adoptiile interna tionale, acest subiect putand fi abordat in momentul in care domeniul adoptiilor interne si cel al procedurilor post-adoptie vor fi foarte bine reglementate. El a precizat ca noua lege va gasi solutii pentru a micsora perioada in care un copil este declarat adoptabil. In prezent, Romania are 22.000 de copii in sistemul rezidential si alti 20.000 in asistenta maternala. Insa, majoritatea acestor copii au familii si nu pot fi dati spre adoptie. "Ne propunem ca toti copiii, care intra in sistemul de protectie si nu poate fi integrat in familie sau in familia extinsa, sa fie declarati adoptabili. Nu e normal sa fie abandonat un copil in maternitate si sa fie tinut in asistenta maternala pana la majorat", a mai spus Panait. In prezent, doar 1.000 de copii sunt declarati adoptabili, in timp ce numarul familiilor atestate, ce pot adopta copii, se ridica la 2500. O adoptie dureaza in prezent, in medie, un an si trei luni.

American Parents of Russian Adoptees Make Voices Heard in Russian Government

American Parents of Russian Adoptees Make Voices Heard in Russian Government

Author of "A Guide to Russian Adoption: Professional Counseling and Personal Insights" Welcomes the Director of International Adoption from St. Petersburg, Russia to US

DOVER, N.H., July 15 /PRNewswire/ -- Alisa Karwowski, author of A Guide to Russian Adoption: Professional Counseling and Personal Insights and mother of two Russian adoptees, welcomes Galina Sigaeva, the Director for International Adoption for the region of Saint Petersburg, Russia. During her inaugural visit to the United States, she will be documenting her observations of the Russian-American adoption process. Sigaeva has been charged with filing a report to the Ministry of Education (MOE) in Russia on the state of Russian adoption policy and practice within the United States upon her return home.

As anxieties rise over the potential abolition of adoptions from Russia to the United States, Karwowski and her husband Tim have invited Sigaeva to a welcoming event on July 19(th). The couple and their sons, both Russian-natives, will host over 130 guests, most of whom are themselves adoptive parents. The group will take the opportunity to speak to the stringent and comprehensive process they and other pre-adoptive parents in the United States undergo before an adoption is granted. Sigaeva will also be introduced to over 40 Russian adoptees living in the New England and Northeast region of the United States.

The Karwowski's goal is show Sigaeva firsthand a group of children thriving in their new homes and thereby compel her to implore the Russian government to continue their relationship with the United States and ensure that adoption between the two nations remain active. To ensure this process becomes more efficient on the US-side, Karwowski has recently founded the New Hampshire Chapter of Families for Russian and Ukrainian Adoption (FRUA). The organization offers advice for pre-adoptive parents currently undergoing the process of adoption and offers on-going support to adoptive parents and their children.

Adoption agency's bankruptcy devastates families

Adoption agency's bankruptcy devastates families


From Tuesday's Globe and Mail

Last updated on Tuesday, Jul. 14, 2009 03:00AM EDT

An agency that helps Canadians adopt children from Africa has filed for bankruptcy, creating an uncertain future for scores of children and financial and emotional hardship for their prospective new parents.

Adoption agency's bankruptcy strands families

Adoption agency's bankruptcy strands families

Updated: Tue Jul. 14 2009 8:22:06 PM

Sandie Benitah, ctvtoronto.ca

An Ontario agency specializing in adoptions from Africa has gone bankrupt, leaving scores of families across Canada disappointed and in financial debt.

Kids Link, which operates as the Imagine adoption agency in Cambridge, put up a bankruptcy notice on their website on Monday to inform their roster of more than 200 clients of their financial difficulties.


Please note this web site is no longer active:

*No further payments or donations can be made.

*A bankruptcy occurred effective July 14, 2009.

*Please go to www.bdo.ca/imagineadoption for further information.