
Libera circulatie a orfanilor

Libera circulatie a orfanilor

18 Oct 2006 Oana Craciun | 0 comentarii | 644 vizualizari


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Lobby-ul europarlamentarilor pentru reluarea adoptiilor internationale foloseste ca argument libera circulatie in UE: a persoanelor, a marfurilor si, "de ce nu?", a orfanilor.

Guangchang a couple inexplicably lost daughter

Guangchang a couple inexplicably lost daughter
?????????????????????????????? Ganzhu town government explained: illegal adoptions has been sent to welfare welfare claims: there is no adoption records
???? ? ? ? ? ? ???? ? ??? ?Font: Big middle small ? ? into the Forum ? Dajiang Wang 2006-11-13 01:42 2006-11-13 01:42

???? Core tips

2004?4?5?????????????????????????????????????? April 5, 2004, birth of a child by Application has been willing to bamboo town of Zhu Zhongxi Village village Wei Dingguo's wife also birth to a healthy baby girl. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? When husband and wife when their foster Yuemu Jia, Gan bamboo Guangchang Family Planning Commission and the town of family planning office staff to the illegal adoption in the name of this baby taken away, adding that the adoption has been sent to Guangchang welfare. ?????????????????????????????? But the orphanage has claimed not to receive the baby, now, just one month old baby girl will be a fascinating missing. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? One year later, after working in the field, home of Wei Dingguo couples know their daughter was missing, after a painful torment, the couple decided to entrust lawyers Wei Dingguo no news of her daughter to seek justice.

“?????????” "Where is our daughter?"

????????????????? ? Wei Dingguo couple: her daughter was taken away just one month on

1997?12????????????????????????????????1999?12????????????????? December 1997, the town of Zhu Zhongxi Village Guangchang ganzhu villagers Wei Dingguo couple made "one-child family planning certificate", in December 1999, Yao Wei Dingguo's wife gave birth to baby girl flower pieces. 4????????????????????????????????????2004?4?5?????????????????????????????? 4 years later, Wei Dingguo application has achieved "one-child family planning, renewable license," after acquiring the Zhunsheng Zheng, April 5, 2004, in ganzhu hospitals with the help of a doctor, Yao pieces of flowers and produce Under a healthy baby girl. ????????????????????????????????????????????????? Daughter was born, shortly to be husband and wife to work outside the home of Wei Dingguo foster grandmother at home, can the couple have gone, and have not seen his daughter.

2004?5?15?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? At 3 o'clock on May 15, 2004 more Guangchang Family Planning Commission and the county town of family planning office in the Tang Guizhen ganzhu, Chung Shui wait for six to seven staff members, together with Wei's mother went to Wei Dingguo woody family, as they Cha Hukou name opens the door, the little girl to find Wei Dingguo, they asked who the child woody Wei, in reply to woody by Wei Wei Dingguo daughter said it was not later, several staff members will be taken away a little girl.

??????????????????????????????????????????????? The next morning, Wei woody find out that the family planning office and ganzhu Guangchang town family planning office staff with the baby sent to Guangchang social welfare. ????????????????????????????????????????????? In the following period of time, Wei had been to several woody Guangchang social welfare, have indeed been adopted granddaughter saw in the orphanage. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? But after two months, when the orphanage to visit Wei woody go granddaughter, the granddaughter discovered missing, ask the orphanage staff, who said her granddaughter, the information is not recorded.

????????????????????????? The couple is also at this time Wei Dingguo foreign workers, has no knowledge of all this. ??2005?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Until the second half of 2005, when Wei Dingguo that occurred after the couple returned home this, they immediately find ganzhu town government family planning office, asking them to explain the matter, but to no avail. ??????????????????????????? Later, they found Wei Dingguo Guangchang social welfare discussing the results exactly the same.

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Much loss of the pain of Wei Dingguo women at a time to find the relevant department but without the slightest result, the decision to commission a lawyer responsible for the disappearance of their daughter, discussing the relevant departments.

???????????????????????? ? ganzhu Town Government: is taken away by welfare for illegal adoption picked up the baby

?10?11??????????????????? October 11, the reporter first came to understand the situation Guangchang ganzhu town. ??????????????????????????????????????????? Town government Du Xiaoliang press secretary had come out after hearing that he was just shortly after taking office, and on this little heard of, but not very clear. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? In the reporter's repeated requests, the final year he called the baby taken away with the willing participation of the town mayor Fan Wuchuan Bamboo, Fan told reporters at the town received a report from the masses, said Wei woody family has a child, I do not know who, it is probably illegal adoption of children. ????????????????????2004?5?15???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? To understand the situation, the county and the town was immediately organized a staff in May 15, 2004 Wei woody arrived home early, when they found the baby, the staff also asked Wei costas this baby is not born of her daughter, But that is not woody Wei, Wei Dingguo since the baby is not, and Wei woods to the civil affairs department has no procedures for handling any of its adoption the baby illegal adoption.

???????????????????????????????????????????????????????“?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????……”??????????????????????????????? Fan Wuchuan Here, the reporter interrupted him, said Wei Dingguo lawyer from there, provided in its press materials, saw Wei woods this statement: "Finally, Tang Guizhen and a man went to the second floor , and granddaughter sleeping in my bed, asked me this is not the Yao gold flower child. I said no, then Tang Guizhen said: I do the Zhunsheng Zheng, you deceive us? So they took the baby hold go ... ... "Since the Tang Guizhen clear that the baby girl is Yao peanut pieces, and why is it taken away to? ????????????????????????????????????????????? Fan Wuchuan or stressed because of woody Wei Yao said the baby is not a peanut pieces, and they only will the baby taken away, then picked up by welfare come.

????????????????????????? ? Guangchang welfare: no one willing to take over the town of bamboo baby and no adoption records

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????2004?5?15???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? In the afternoon, this reporter went to social welfare Guangchang, the current president of Dai Welfare Institute's purpose in coming into the hearing after the next he kept denying that they adopted the daughter of Yao gold flowers, then the staff in the adoption of information presented in this abandoned baby , the reporter did not see May 15, 2004 adoption of abandoned children around the record, and willing to bamboo town mayor Fan Wuchuan has insisted, the morning is the orphanage sent a car to be picked up the baby for the problems, Dai Cheng said he was not the Dean, and Dean when they are out on extended leave, and the specific situation he is not very clear, anyway, he learned no one is willing to take over the town of bamboo baby girl. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Even if the orphanage to pick up really extraordinary, that the town government should also go through the procedures of welfare, the town government that they pick up extraordinary, then called the town come up with evidence.

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? In this case, the reporter then they called the Fan Wuchuan mobile phone, as reporters into the meaning of the expression of wearing out, Fan Wuchuan the phone said: I can not talk nonsense, and suddenly asked me to take evidence time in the past so long, I go pick up? ????????????????????? Fan Wuchuan hear the dialogue between reporters and wearing into immediately went out.

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Reporters with out, when a reporter asked the baby is not likely to be adopted to this problem, the one female staff member surnamed Huang, said to reporters, in fact, adoption orphanage for abandoned babies and to welfare houses Adoption abandoned babies, the state has a set of procedures.

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? The staff member also said that welfare of the child in adoption, after, in principle, two months after the baby in the provincial media, public information, within two months have not yet come to claim his parents, then welfare would the infant as an abandoned baby to deal with officially, that is publicly advertised within two months after the birth parents did not come to claim, then the welfare of the abandoned baby on the right to make to meet the conditions of the well-meaning people adopt adoption processing. ???????????????????????????? However, his daughter said Wei Dingguo welfare, they do of finding the baby's condition. ???????????????????????????????? In the end is the wrong address, or other causes Wei Dingguo daughter can not find, she was not hard to say.

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? In Guangchang welfare reporters also learned that Yao gold flower girl's mother had run off, and in institutions engaged in health staff was also seen to Wei woods several times, but that name was found in the press informed female staff, she told the press's questions noncommittal, then leave.

????????????????????? ? Civil Affairs Bureau by Application: finding out adoption records does not mean not to receive

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????5?15??????? Civil Affairs Unit is responsible for social assistance Guangchang people Weigui Ning told reporters that the Bureau of Civil Affairs Wei Dingguo long to find them, they received Wei Dingguo reflect the situation, he would send someone to check before, but did not find relevant information , information on finding out on May 15 of any record. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? When asked Weigui Ning, Dai understanding into words Can not adopted for the welfare simply to Wei Dingguo's daughter, Wei Guining repeatedly denied a press statement, he said, is finding out Wei Dingguo only clue to his daughter, not on behalf of welfare does not receive her matter has come to this sake, there is always a solution of.

???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? In the interview drew to a close, Wei Dingguo told reporters that his daughter has Guangchang petition disappearance, called the coordination of relevant departments on this matter, but the two sides did not reach an agreement regarding compensation. ??????????????????????????????????? Wei Dingguo told reporters that if the matter does not have a satisfactory result, he will resort to the law for the daughter to seek justice.

????????????????????? ? Gan Xing Law Firm: abandoned baby adopted by the department of civil affairs administration

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Jiangxi Xionghan Fu Xing counsel law firms, Wei Dingguo little girl had made "one-child family planning renewable certificate", its location shall enjoy the right of life of their parents, as a birthright. ??????????????????????????????????????????????? Guangchang relevant administrative organs and administrative chaos as staff suspected a result Wei Dingguo little girl is now missing, their right to life be questioned. ???????“??”?????????????????????????????????????? Even if the baby is "unwanted babies", adopted an abandoned baby is not widely County ganzhu town government and Jishengxitong statutory duties, but by civil affairs departments according to law.

???/????? Article, photos / reporter Wu Zhao Lei

??? Source: ???-???? Dajiang Wang - New Legal News ??? Editor: ??? Wang Shiqiang







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Babies in limbo

ABOUT 20 South Australian families who have been waiting up to three years to adopt Indian babies remain in limbo after an adoption agency was accused of baby trafficking.

The State Government has also said the private agency – known as Preet Mandir – asked for exorbitant "donations" of $5000 on top of the usual $5000 fees from SA couples.

The Indian Government revoked Preet Mandir's inter-country adoption licence in July, following an undercover CNN investigation where babies were sold to foreigners for $16,000.

That followed the adoption agency being investigated and cleared of tricking poor, vulnerable women into giving up children last year.

Preet Mandir has brokered around 40 babies for SA families since 2000. It is believed many would have paid the so-called $5000 donation.

Babies in limbo

ABOUT 20 South Australian families who have been waiting up to three years to adopt Indian babies remain in limbo after an adoption agency was accused of baby trafficking.

The State Government has also said the private agency – known as Preet Mandir – asked for exorbitant "donations" of $5000 on top of the usual $5000 fees from SA couples.

The Indian Government revoked Preet Mandir's inter-country adoption licence in July, following an undercover CNN investigation where babies were sold to foreigners for $16,000.

That followed the adoption agency being investigated and cleared of tricking poor, vulnerable women into giving up children last year.

Preet Mandir has brokered around 40 babies for SA families since 2000. It is believed many would have paid the so-called $5000 donation.

Government to Review Child Adoption Law

Government to Review Child Adoption Law

Submitted by
Accepted on
2006-10-13 16:35:47
Companies and/or organizations
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Story (1  Files)
Government plans to review the 1963 law on child  adoption, according to the youth and children affairs minister, James Kinobe.

Kinobe says government has decided to review the law, following an  increase in the number of foreigners interested in adopting Ugandan children.

Kinobe says his ministry will specifically look at how Government could  better assist people  who are adopting or have adopted children from Uganda.

The current law requires that Prospective adoptive parents must have lived  in Uganda for three years and fostered the child for 36 months.  The probation  officers monitor and record the progress of the adoptive family during the  36-month fostering period, before endorsing the final legal adoption process.

In addition to the three-year residency and 36-month fostering  requirement, foreign adoptive parents must demonstrate they have no criminal  record, and that they have been approved by their country of nationality to  adopt. The adoptive parent must also demonstrate that their country of  nationality will respect and recognize the Ugandan adoption decree.

Kinobe however says the three year fostering period is too long and could  deny hundreds of children, an opportunity for adoption especially by the  foreigners.

//Cue in: iWe were not very#
Cue out: #county adoption.i  //

Kinobe says when the adoption legislation review resumes, Ugandans   will be given ample opportunity to comment on proposed changes to the state's  adoption laws.

Government will also initiate  public consultations to  obtain the views of all adoption stakeholders in the community.

Read more: http://ugandaradionetwork.com/a/story.php?s=8051#ixzz271PLb5dB

Otradnoye goes Dutch

Otradnoye goes Dutch

In de week van 22 tot en met 30 oktober kwamen 22 Russische kinderen uit Moskou naar Nederland voor een vakantieweek in Loon op Zand. De kinderen wonen in het opvangcentrum Otradnoye, omdat er geen andere familieleden meer in staat zijn om voor hen te zorgen. Een enkeling heeft zelfs enige tijd op straat geleefd.

De 5 jongens en 17 meisjes, die een bezoek brachten aan Nederland waren in de leeftijd van 7 tot en met 13 jaar. Er kwamen 3 Russische begeleidsters mee. De vakantieweek was een samenwerking tussen Stichting Otradnoye, Stichting IAC en OKEE Jeugdvakanties.

Gevarieerde samenstelling

De leiding bestond uit negen Nederlandse begeleiders (merendeel vanuit OKEE), een kok en de drie Russische begeleiders (Vasanta, Ljoeba en Natalja). De gevarieerde samenstelling en de verschillende talen die onderling werden gesproken, (Nederlands, Engels, Russisch en Duits) maakten het tot een boeiend geheel. De samenwerking tussen de Russische en Nederlandse leiding verliep steeds beter.

Roumanie, ex-supermarché de l'adoption

Roumanie, ex-supermarché de l'adoption

Dans la perspective de son adhésion à l'Union européenne, le 1er janvier 2007, la Roumanie a suspendu les adoptions internationales, qui avaient suscité, après 1990, un véritable trafic d'orphelins. Moratoire aujourd'hui contesté par certains eurodéputés.

Par Mirel Bran Publié le 20 octobre 2006 à 15h52 - Mis à jour le 20 octobre 2006 à 15h52

Officiellement, ce jeune homme n'existe pas, malgré une collection de médailles, obtenues aux championnats de boxe roumains, qu'il montre avec fierté dans son taudis de Bucarest. En dépit de sa double identité, roumaine et italienne, il n'a pas de papiers qui puissent la prouver. Silviu Costea, 16 ans, beau gosse, teint basané dû à son origine tzigane, n'a qu'un rêve depuis qu'il est tout petit : "Obtenir le foutu papier qui prouve que je suis celui que je suis."

Silviu Costea est né le 4 janvier 1990, quelques jours après la chute du dictateur Nicolae Ceausescu, dont la politique nataliste forcenée avait envoyé dans les orphelinats plus de 100 000 enfants. Silviu aurait pu subir le même sort. Né d'une rencontre de passage entre sa mère et un homme qu'il ne connaîtra jamais, il voit le jour dans une Roumanie qui vient de rompre avec son passé communiste. Sa mère se sépare de son fils en le confiant à sa grand-mère, Maria Nicolae, alors âgée de 63 ans, qui réussit à élever son petit-fils avec une retraite de 60 euros par mois.

« Suite à votre demande pressante... »... ou l'adoption international dans tous ces États

« Suite à votre demande pressante... »... ou l'adoption international dans tous ces États

Nigel Cantwell

Dans Journal du droit des jeunes 2006/10 (N° 260), pages 33 à 37


1Cela fait maintenant près de vingt-cinq ans que j’observe avec une consternation croissante l’évolution de l’adoption internationale. Au cours de cette période, le nombre annuel d’enfants adoptés à l’étranger est passé de moins de 13.000 au tout début des années 80 à plus de 40.000 aujourd’hui?[3]

Joint Council on International Children's Services is pleased to announce the JCICS International Relations Initiative.



In alignment with our mission of advocating for children in need of permanency and in response to current international trends and member requests, Joint Council is embarking on an aggressive initiative designed to develop relationships, resolve issues, create collaborations and expand opportunities all with a goal of advancing the cause of permanency for children in need. The JCICS International Relations Initiative takes a proactive approach to the myriad of issues facing our member organizations, our colleagues around the world, and--most importantly--the children we all serve.

By year-end, JCICS hopes to travel to six countries, participate in the UNICEF NGO Committee, collaborate with other NGOs, and establish a leadership position on issues most directly impeding permanent stable solutions. As part of this initiative, JCICS has appointed Mr. Tom DiFilipo to represent the organization.

As part of the JCICS International Relations Initiative, we will work closely with our country caucuses, individual member agencies, and key officials to ensure effective representation and positive outcomes. Joint Council will continue to utilize its effective relationships with key legislators, the Department of State, and US CIS to further expand our advocacy efforts.