
Romania’s orphans claim years of abuse

September 24, 2006

Romania’s orphans claim years of abuse

Bob Graham, Brasov, Romania


A GROUP of Romanian orphans who were approved for adoption by western families have claimed that their lives were devastated by the Romanian government’s ban on overseas adoption. Instead of growing up in the West, they remained in an orphanage where, they allege, they were sexually abused and beaten.


tuesday, february 06, 2007


From Atac-Online

September 13, 2006

by Adrian Militaru

Carcera la orfelinatul lui Tiriac?

Carcera la orfelinatul lui Tiriac?

Mar?i, 12 Septembrie 2006

Mai multi copii care au locuit la Complexul Poiana Soarelui sustin ca erau tinuti izolati intr-o camera cu gratii la fereastra.

Un nou scandal a izbucnit la Complexul Educational Poiana Soarelui din Brasov, patronat de afaceristul Ion Tiriac. Mai multi copii care au locuit in centru sustin ca erau tinuti izolati intr-o camera cu gratii la geam de fiecare data cand angajatii considerau ca au fost neascultatori.

Afacerea a ajuns la urechile conducerii Directiei pentru Protectia Copiilor Brasov, dupa ce o echipa de jurnalisti de la publicatia britanica „Sunday Times” au cerut sa vorbeasca personal cu sase copii care au semnat o plangere catre Parlamentul European.

Beth Petersen and Ellie Skeele - Fees


Tue, 12 Sep 2006 10:57:56 +0545


 "Ellie Skeele" <adopt_from_nepal@yahoo.com>  Add to Address Book  Add Mobile Alert

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Barred: The aid workers who exposed Romania's orphan abuse

Barred: The aid workers who exposed Romania's orphan abuse

By DANIEL BOFFEY, The Mail on Sunday

Last updated at 22:51 09 September 2006

La Fiscalía peruana solicita a Isabel Pantoja que vuelva a aclarar la adopción de su hija


The Peruvian Prosecutor asks Isabel Pantoja to re-clarify the adoption of her daughter

Jorge Chavez Cotrina Attorney send a letter rogatory to the Spanish judicial authorities in order to gather more information


The tonadillera Isabel Pantoja. EFE

Charities and authorities battle over number of abandoned children

Charities and authorities battle over number of abandoned children

Over 30 Romanian-centred charities have published an advertisement in the Financial Times detailing what it calls a ‘Guantanamo for babies’ in Romanian childcare, due to thousands of abandoned children.

The charity groups called for the resumption of international adoptions, but do not know the number of children abandoned.

“We as NGOs don’t have the resources to go around the country to tally the figures,” says Robin Nydes, spokesman for Charities Concerned with Children in Romania.

The Romanian Authority for Protection of Children’s Rights (ANPDC) said that 1,335 children were abandoned in 2005 and only 249 remained without parenting by the end of the year.

Forum: WACAP adoption red flags non disclosure

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Comair Crash, CIA, World Vision, Jack Kemp, Habitat

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Alex Constantine

Alex Constantine open index

Comair Crash, CIA, World Vision, Jack Kemp, Habitat

for Humanity Sex Scandal, etc.