
It may soon be curtains for babies’ day out at Preet Mandir

 Pune  Page One Tuesday , June 27, 2006 

It may soon be curtains for babies’ day out at Preet Mandir

Child & Welfare Dept seeks Centre’s nod to clip agency’s global wings

Sunanda Mehta

Pune, June 26 FOLLOWING the recent controversy over alleged malpractices by the city-based adoption agency, Preet Mandir, the State government has sought the Centre’s permission to cancel the inter-country adoption licence. For Preet Mandir’s head J S Bhasin, who not too long ago attributed Pune’s emergence as an important centre for adoption in the country — ‘‘...this is the mandi, the market for babies’’ — this has come as a rude shock.

Now, The Commissioner of Women and Child Welfare Department has initiated a detailed inquiry into the working of Preet Mandir and has recommended the State government to cancel Preet Mandir’s inter-country adoption licence. This licence allows the agency to put children up for adoption to foreign nationals — a route that is allegedly used by adoption agencies to make easy money.

‘‘The State government has forwarded the request (of cancelling the inter-country licence) to the Central government and we are waiting for orders from them,’’ Women and Child Welfare commissioner Ashwini Kumar told Pune Newsline.

In fact, the Adoptive Coordinating Agency (ACA) has brought to the notice of the commissioner as well as the New Delhi-based Central Adoption Resource Agency (CARA) allegations about Preet Mandir’s unfair adoption practices. One of the complaints against Preet Mandir is that it discourages Indian parents from adoptions so that they can go in more for foreign adoptions, Nishita Shah, chairperson of ACA that clears all adoptions in the city, said.

As per the government rules, a child can be put up for adoption to foreign parents only if at least three Indian parents refuse that child. The rules also state that Indian parents should account for at least 50 per cent of all adoptions from a centre. As per the statistics with ACA, for the financial year 2005-06, Preet Mandir put up 100 children for foreign adoptions as against 62 for Indians.

However, Bhasin dismisses these statistics as misleading. ‘‘Sixty-six per cent of children were put up for Indian parents (including NRIs in 2005-06) and only 33 per cent for foreigners,’’ he said.

Shah said Preet Mandir came in for discussion at almost every meeting of ACA. ‘‘There have been many complaints about the agency charging exorbitant amounts from foreigners and we have brought it to the notice of the commissioner and CARA,’’ she said.

Commissioner Kumar admitted that they have received complaints of Preet Mandir’s alleged malpractices and said they were also inquiring into the allegation of child trafficking. ‘‘Though nothing has come to light as yet to support the allegation, if child trafficking is on then it is a very serious issue,’’ he said.

Preet Mandir has three adoption centres — two in Pune and one in Aurangabad — and is one of the largest adoption agencies in the State where people from all parts of the country and world come for adoption. Bhasin has an explanation for that too. ‘‘We do not refuse a child to anybody. We understand everyone’s requirements and make sure they get the child they want,’’ he had told this paper a few weeks ago.

On Monday, Bhasin again reiterated that the charges were all baseless and misleading and said they would respond to CARA that has issued a show-cause notice to it.



Reference ID




Cablegate: Netherlands: Pending Adoption Cases in Romania

Cablegate: Netherlands: Pending Adoption Cases in Romania

DE RUEHTC #0617 0811558 
R 221558Z MAR 06 




E.O. 12958: N/A 

REF: STATE 43700

1. (SBU) Poloff delivered reftel demarche March 21 to MFA 
Western and Central Europe policy officer Mara van der Poel, 
who handles accession issues for Romania and Bulgaria. The 
GONL is satisfied with the Romanian adoption law, which it 
believes (despite our arguments) is in conformity with 
international and EU conventions. Van der Poel cited 
European Commission reports that indicated Romania had the 
capacity to adopt needy children internally. Regarding 
pending cases, she said that the GONL was satisfied with the 
European Commission's call for the Romanian government to 
inform applicants of the status of their cases.

2. (SBU) When pressed by poloff, van der Poel said that, 
frankly, the Romanian accession process faces hurdles which 
are far more pressing that the adoption issue (for example, 
corruption). She said that the GONL does not feel this is an 
issue on which the Romanians should be distracted. 

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Meer info vergunninghouder

Afspraak op 28 juli 2005 om te gaan praten bij het Jugendsamt.

Beslissing adoptie via Duitsland.

13 oktober 2005 hebben wij al onze formulieren opgestuurd naar het Jugendsamt. Tussen deze formulieren zit een vragenlijst die een leidraad geven tijdens de gesprekken bij ons thuis. Ook geven we een verklaring van goed gedrag, gezondheidsverklaring en vermogensverklaring af.

MEPs collect signatures in favor of inter-country adoption

MEPs collect signatures in favor of inter-country adoption
Data: Lunedì, 19 Giugno 2006 (Ore: 17:51)
Argomento: Adozione Internazionale

Bucharest Daily News - 16.06.06,/i>

Several European lawmakers who support the resumption of inter-country adoptions in Romania met in Strasbourg again, in an attempt to collect enough signatures to file a petition asking the government to resume adoptions.
The meetings were also attended by the head of the Romanian Office for Adoptions, Theodora Bertzi, who pleaded in favor of the existing legislation, which forbids such adoptions. 

The new laws came into effect at the beginning of last year, following the insistence and criticism of previous laws by the former rapporteur for Romania, Emma Nicholson. 

The new laws virtually ban all inter-country adoptions, except those in which the adopters are relatives of the child. 
The laws, which blocked thousands of adoption requests, were harshly criticized by countries wanting to adopt, and especially by the U.S. Recently, several MEPs pleaded in favor of inter-country adoptions and asked Romania to resolve requests that were blocked when the new laws came into effect. 

The petition was initiated by MEPs Jean Marie Cavada, Claire Gibault and Francois de Combret. By Tuesday evening, they had already collected 210 signatures. 

The document will be handed out to all European Parliament members, Bertzi said. The state secretary added that on Tuesday, during a meeting of MEPs, de Combret, who heads the S.E.R.A. Foundation in France, pleaded in favor of changing the laws and presented a series of data about the situation of adoptions and the child protection system in Romania. 

Bertzi said she was surprised that de Combret presented data from an UNICEF report although Bucharest has repeatedly denied the information in the report. He also said that Romanians have children to abandon, said Bertzi, adding that she considered the statement "insulting" to the Romanian people. 

di Alecs Iancu - Bucharest Daily News - 16.06.06,/i>

Directorate General for Prevention, Youth and Sanctions

JusticeElementContactExtension number(s)E-mailDateOur referenceOndelWerp-~ - -Department of JusticeDirectorate General for Prevention, Youth and SanctionsDirectorate of Judicial Youth PolicyPostal address: PO Box 20301, 2500 EH The HagueAt:- the Adoption Services Foundation:-the permit holders for intercountry adoption;- the Child Protection Council;- the Youth Care Inspectorate; and-the Adoption Parent ConsultationDepartment of ControlJ.A.Th. Vroomans(070) 370 6552i.vroomans@minius.nlJune 19, 2006OBP/32Notice of termination of work in the context ofadoption mediation by the Happy Child foundation--visiting addressSchedeldoekshaven 1002511 EX The HagueTeleloon (070) 3 70 69 73Fax (070) 3 70 79 75www.justitie.nlAdditional answer thedate and our referenceto report. Just want youone thing on your mindto deal with.-- ~ -~--By letter dated December 23, 2005, I informed you of my decision toto grant a license to the Happy Child foundation in Nijmegen tomediate regarding the inclusion of foreigners in families in the Netherlandschildren for adoption. The aim of the foundation was exclusively to:focus on mediation in the admission of children from the People's RepublicChina. For this reason, the condition was attached to the permit that:authorization would also be obtained from the Chinese authorities. If thisIf this were not possible before June 1, 2006, I would revoke the permit.I recently received the message from the board of the foundation that they haveconcluded the activities in the field of international mediationend adoption. This means that the funds granted to the foundationpermit is revoked. This decision is retroactive to June 1, 2006.I trust that I have informed you sufficiently.Yours faithfully.The Minister of Justice,on their behalf,the Director of Judicial Youth Policy,~-~ =:::oN.P. LevenkampIJ



Justitie Onderdeel Contactpersoon Doorkiesnummer(s) E-mail Datum Ons kenmerk OndelWerp -~ - - Ministerie van Justitie Directoraat-Generaal Preventie, Jeugd en Sancties Directie Justitieel Jeugdbeleid Postadres: Postbus 20301, 2500 EH Den Haag Aan: - de Stichting Adoptievoorzieningen: -de vergunninghouders interlandelijke adoptie; - de Raad voor de Kinderbescherming; - de Inspectie Jeugdzorg; en -het AdoptieOuderOverleg afdeling Besturing J.A.Th. Vroomans (070) 370 6552 i.vroomans@minius.nl 19 juni 2006 OBP/32 Bericht van beëindiging werkzaamheden in het kader van adoptiebemiddeling door de stichting Happy Child -- Bezoekadres Schedeldoekshaven 100 2511 EX Den Haag Teleloon (070) 3 70 69 73 Fax (070) 3 70 79 75 www.justitie.nl Bijbeantwoording de datum en ons kenmerk vermelden. Wiltu slechts één zaak in uw briel behandelen. -- ~ -~-- Bij brief van 23 december 2005 stelde ik u op de hoogte van mijn besluit om aan de stichting Happy Child te Nijmegen vergunning te verlenen om te bemiddelen inzake de opneming in gezinnen in Nederland van buitenlandse kinderen met het oog op adoptie. Doel van de stichting was zich uitsluitend te richten op bemiddeling bij de opneming van kinderen uit de Volksrepubliek China. Om deze reden werd aan de vergunning de voorwaarde gekoppeld dat ook vergunning zou worden verkregen van de Chinese autoriteiten. Indien dit niet zou lukken vóór 1juni 2006, zou ik de vergunning intrekken. Onlangs ontving ik het bericht van het bestuur van de stichting dat men heeft besloten de activiteiten op het gebied van bemiddeling bij interlandelijke adoptie te beëindigen. Dit betekent dat de aan de stichting verleende vergunning wordt ingetrokken. Dit besluit werkt terug tot 1 juni 2006. Ik vertrouw u hiermee voldoende te hebben geïnformeerd. Hoogachtend. De Minister van Justitie, namens deze, de Directeur Justitieel Jeugdbeleid, ~-~ =:::o N.P. Levenkamp I J

Le NAC aux commandes / NAC at the controls

“In Mauritius, we practice adoption with the heart, in defiance of a more professional method. This observation made by the president of the National Adoption Council (NAC), Anita Bacha, depicts the current situation. Appointed president of this organization in 1988, Anita Bacha was recalled to this post shortly after the victory of the Social Alliance. “The government wanted, as soon as it took office, to put order in the adoption procedures in Mauritius. It is in this logic that the NAC has been appointed as the Central Authority in this area, ”explains Anita Bacha. A law, currently in preparation, aims to entrust the NAC with both adoption at the international level and at the local level. Working meetings, underlines Anita Bacha, bringing together the main partners, take place regularly. The objective: set up the organizational chart of the future structure and the staff training schedule. This entity, affirms the president of the NAC, will have the task of carrying out social inquiries on adoptive parents, a mission previously entrusted to the Probation Officers. “They complete their investigation in less than a week. This is due to the fact that they are not trained for this kind of work ”, deplores Anita Bacha. To avoid this, the staff of the new structure will benefit from appropriate training. He will also have to ensure the assessment and psychological follow-up of the children. Anita Bacha adds that priority will be given to local adoptive families. “There is a law in Mauritius which indeed stipulates that solutions must be sought locally for these children. But there is a vagueness because this law does not say who is supposed to seek these solutions ", highlights Anita Bacha, who intends to defuse this" confused "situation. For the month of April, the NAC received only two adoption requests from abroad. Since then, nothing.
