
Adopted girl comes in search of her mother

TAMBARAM, APRIL 2. More than 25 years after being adopted by a Belgian couple, a girl of Tamil origin has come to Chennai in search of her mother.

Nirmala Alexandre (26) was adopted by Sacres, a Belgian couple in 1980 from the Madras Social Service Guild at Nedunkundram village, about six km from Tambaram. In her first visit to India, she has come along with her husband, Alexandre, hoping to see mother, Vasanthi.

Vasanthi left her daughter at the care of the voluntary organisation. "All we know of Ms. Nirmala's mother is her name and that she belonged to Guindy," according to Balaji Thangavel, administrative officer at the guild. They do not have any other information about Vasanthi.

The couple and volunteers hope that media reports may help find Vasanthi.

Nevertheless, they would strain every nerve to find the woman so that Ms. Nirmala can meet her natural mother. Ms. Nirmala and Mr. Alexandre, a management engineer with the Belgian Government, married a few months ago and wanted to visit India. She is a higher secondary teacher and knows only French.

Sperm donor anonymity ends

Sperm donor anonymity ends

The law removing anonymity from donors will not be retrospective

People donating sperm and eggs will no longer have the right to remain anonymous, under a new law which came into force on Friday.

Children conceived in this way will now be able to identify their genetic parents once they reach 18.

The new rules will not be retrospective, so people who have already donated will not be affected.

Fetita fugita din orfelinatul lui Tiriac, din cauza abuzurilor suferite - incredintata parintilor adoptivi din Italia

Fetita fugita din orfelinatul lui Tiriac, din cauza abuzurilor suferite - incredintata parintilor adoptivi din Italia

29 Martie 2005

Fii primul care comenteaza pe articolul Fetita fugita din orfelinatul lui Tiriac, din cauza abuzurilor suferite - incredintata parintilor adoptivi din Italia»

Saptamana trecuta, un alt copil a evadat de la "Poiana Soarelui" si a cerut ajutorul Directiei pentru Protectia Copilului Brasov, acuzand aceleasi tratamente!

Dupa un proces lungit mai bine de o luna de zile, Tribunalul pentru Minori si Familie Brasov a dispus, ieri, ca Florentina Goroh, fetita de 14 ani fugita din orfelinatul lui Ion Tiriac de la poalele Tampei din cauza abuzurilor suferite aici, sa fie incredintata parintilor ei adoptivi din Italia, familia Pini, care o infiase in urma cu aproape 5 ani. In 23 februarie a.c., fetita s-a prezentat, intr-o stare jalnica, la Directia pentru Protectia Copilului, unde a povestit pe larg violentele psihice si fizice la care, ca si ceilalti aproape 100 de copii din orfelinat, a fost supusa permanent la "Poiana Soarelui" si a cerut insistent sa fie data in grija unui asistent maternal, pana cand va putea pleca in Italia impreuna cu parintii ei adoptivi. Comisia Judeteana Brasov pentru Protectia Copilului si DJASPC Brasov au dat curs acestei solicitari, dispunand plasarea fetitei, in regim de urgenta, la un asistent maternal, pana cand Tribunalul pentru Minori si Familie Brasov avea sa hotarasca in privinta acestui caz.

Life in a new land, free from strife, struggle

Life in a new land, free from strife, struggle

Newberg family adopts 14-month-old Shayna, a Liberian girl abandoned in infancy

By Schellene Clendenin, Newberg Graphic reporter

E-mail Schellene at sclendenin@eaglenewspapers.com

Fourteen-month-old Shayna Trachte loves to dance, even without music.

US to Romania: We will not give you visas until you unlock international adoptions

18:17    |    28/03/2011
US to Romania: We will not give you visas until you unlock international adoptions
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In 2005, US Assistant Secretary Maura Harty came to Romania on an official visit where she met with Romanian authorities to discuss international adoptions which at the time had been locked.  At some point during the discussions, Maura Harty explicitly said the visa waiver for Romania will not go forward unless international adoption procedures will go forward, according to kamikazeonline.ro.

"During the May 10 and 11 meetings with President Traian B?sescu, Foreign Minister Ungureanu and other government officials, Maura Harty did not encounter any proof to show the government is seriously considering to further engage in this adoption project which is currently on hold. The program is affected by a law forbidding international adoptions, due to be enforced as of January 1.  She told her interlocutors she would share this with US families with pending adoption requests in Romania. On the occasion she told Minister Ungureanu that establishing the path towards Romania’s inclusion in the U. S. Visa Waiver (VWP) program will largely depend on the Bucharest authorities’ progress in solving pending international adoption requests,” the Wikileaks document shows.

The document also mentions that, during the meeting with Harty, " President Basescu appeared to have changed his mind and decided to take action”.

"On May 12, he informed the attaché that he has discussed international adoptions with the EU accession commissioner Olli Rehn ad added he will request FM Ungureanu to request the EU the possibility to solve the adoptions. The President also said Romania will take initiative to try and persuade member states such as Germany, Italy, France to quicken the proceedings,” the document also reads.

Recently, the Boc government decided to decrease adoption period for a child with unknown parents to 30 days since the birth certificate was issued. Also, a child who is under state care can be adopted one year after he was left by his parents. The decision however refers to interior adoptions. On March 9 2011, the government decided to keep the rules and regulations for international adoptions.

international adoption... an interview with AnneMarie CRINE & Chantal SACLIER

Product Description

Director: Alain BOUVAREL, Richard MARTIN, Pierre H. TREMBLAY Production: CNASM Lorquin / CECOM Montreal Year: 2005 Duration: 36 minutes Reference: V482

Anne-Marie CRINE is a psychologist, attached to the service of the adoption of the French community of Belgium. She is a consultant to the international social service of the International Center for Children in Adoption. Chantal SACLIER works at the general secretariat of the international social service in Geneva. In this interview, they describe to us all the aspects and rules of international adoption, allowing us to better understand its particularities, both legally and relationally. This type of adoption concerns more than 3,500 children each year.


U.S. Families Learn Truth About Adopted Cambodian Children

U.S. Families Learn Truth About Adopted Cambodian Children



When Judith Mosley decided to adopt a Cambodian child, she thought she was offering a better life to an orphaned child in an impoverished land. She later learned that the woman who arranged the adoption, and hundreds of others like it, failed to share vital information about her daughter -- specifically, that she had family members in Cambodia.

The American woman who arranged the adoptions, Lauryn Galindo, is now facing an 18-month prison sentence for visa fraud and money laundering. "20/20's" Elizabeth Vargas traveled to Cambodia to investigate and meet the women and children at the heart of the story.



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Reference ID Created Released Classification Origin

05BUCHAREST742 2005-03-24 13:37 2011-05-25 00:00 CONFIDENTIAL Embassy Bucharest

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Craig to Promote Adoption in India

News Release

Susan Irby (202)224-8078
Will Hart (208)342-7985
For Immediate Release:
March 18, 2005

Craig to Promote Adoption in India

Improving child welfare and facilitating international adoption to top agenda

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Idaho Senator Larry Craig is leading a delegation to India to help promote adoption both inside and outside of India and to share ideas on improving the welfare of children.
The Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute (CCAI), which Craig co-founded and is currently a board member, organized the trip. Also attending will be other board members and staff of the Institute and a representative for Senator Mary Landrieu, D-La., also a co-founder and board member. The trip is funded entirely through private donations to the Institute.
The overarching goal of the trip is to improve the lives of the orphans of India. This comes in many forms, from shoring up their economy to easing adoption in country to placing them in loving homes outside of India. Craig emphasized one of the guiding principles of U.S. law, "First and foremost, children should be placed with families inside their home country. If that is not possible, we work to find permanent, safe, and loving homes for the children in another country."
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice recently visited India, signifying our improved relations with this relatively young democracy. Craig emphasized the importance of this relationship, "India is an important ally in the world, and must be a shining example of democracy and freedom."
The delegation will be in India from Monday, March 21 until Thursday, March, 24, 2005. For information during or following the trip, please contact Senator Craig's office or Mark Moore with CCAI at (703) 288-9700. For more information, please visit the CCAI website and Senator Craig's Adoption Resources Issue Brief.