
Danut, orphan requested by the Spanish, no longer can stay in Madirjac


Danut, orphan requested by the Spanish, no longer can stay in Madirjac

Publishing date: 17/02/2005
Danut, orphan of Madirjac called in and won the adoption of a Spanish family, was lost at roulette documents. Since the Department of Social filed late appeal against the decision of the Court to give a little adoption, the Court of Appeal had to beat fate nails in children. This will leave Spain when the adoptive family will be present at the gate "mother" who grew up now.

Last chance to remain as Danut Madirjac was that the DAS is to win at the Court of Appeal, appeal against the decision which the Court approved the adoption. If you would have tried this process, nobody knows how many chances would have been the boy to remain in the country. But it was even a chance. But the process has been lost even before the case got to be discussed. "The Court has granted a period of 3 days except for the introduction of appeal in the case of orphan Madirjac and lawyers from DAS knew that the term was used 15 days, which led to tardivitatea action at the Court of Appeal, the bearer of said word from the DAS, Eliza Mandiuc Chirica. The judges at the Court of Appeal rejected the contestation and the performance made by representatives of DAS. They cerusera practically suspended during the appeal trial of the procedure of entrusting the new kid his family established in Segovia, Spain. But because lawyers have intirziiat of incognizant cause in filing the last action that may have you forever in Iasi on Danut, prosecuting magistrates dismissed the appeal from the start without any further discussion in depth of the case.

"I will hide in the closet of Spanish"

The Court of Appeals was the last hope of the new "parents" from Madirjac to have little further in their yard. "He taught us so much incitement think we will never forget," said Maria Trifan, maternal assistant who took little care in following two years. Moreover, the little boy in the age of only 4 years old in the beginning to keep "the teeth" for his new family. His mother and has hopes in the new elected president of Romania, Traian Basescu: "The president went Basescu. Maybe he does not give the child to Spanish for only Nastase wanted him to leave her. And all this he said that Danut threatened that "I will hide in the closet of Spaniards" if you will have to leave their family.

The child was lost in abstraction

The struggle for justice in Danut started after one year. At the onset of demand for family adoption Spanish Juan Esteban Alba (43 years) and Lopez Herrero Maria de los Remedios (40 years) in the spring of 2004, social workers from Iasi were part of their superiors because of capital avizasera the foreigners. After the court found that the documents were old Spanish almost five years, and in May they had adopted a little different from Ukraine, DAS is returned and began to fight against the Spanish. To impress the court fund, the social Off the "mother" in Madirjac's Danut a statement it launched its promise to adopt a little. But this move was not enough for judges to decide the child leaving Madirjac. Especially since Spanish is the time between refacusera and prezentasera emotional and financial guarantees that indestulatoare the Iasi court to give him the boy. According to documents submitted to the file, the court decided the merits of child custody by family Madirjac Spanish lasind DAS at the last portion of an escape, an appeal in three days. But it lost the last chance to keep the boy more than the listlessness of impotence.


Danut, orfanul cerut de spanioli, nu mai are ce cauta in Madirjac

Data publicarii: 17/02/2005

Rechter buigt zich over mislukte adoptie - Congo

Rechter buigt zich over mislukte adoptie

OUDENAARDE/ GERAARDSBERGEN - Het parket van Oudenaarde heeft een 48-jarige man van Congolese afkomst voor de correctionele rechtbank gedaagd omdat hij zonder de nodige erkenning zou bemiddeld hebben bij een adoptie. De man, die in Geraardsbergen woont, ontkent de beschuldiging met klem. Een gezin uit Geraardsbergen, dat zich na het mislukken van de adoptie burgerlijke partij stelde, eist een schadevergoeding van 16.500 euro.

Nadat een adoptiepoging via Kind & Gezin geen soelaas bracht, kwam een koppel uit Geraardsbergen op café toevallig in contact met de beklaagde. ,,Hij stelde zich voor als voorzitter van een adoptievereniging in


en hij verzekerde mijn cliënten dat hij hen kon helpen'', lichtte de verdediging toe.

Adozioni Romania: "Violata la Convenzione ONU dell´89".


Statement by the Italian association Amici dei Bambini (Friends of Children) concerning adoption in Romania - 1989 UN Convention breached
Amici dei Bambini has lodged a petition with the Geneva Committee on the Rights of the Child concerning the new Romanian law on the protection of minors that entered into force on 1 January 2005. This law effectively bans international adoptions. The petition was drawn up on the basis of a memorandum prepared by the Milan-based Studio Legale Santa Maria, which is one of the leading European law firms in the field of international law and is acting for Amici dei Bambini on a pro bono basis in this crucial battle for human rights. "The law in question," notes the memorandum, "does not appear to comply with a child's fundamental right to have a family, as laid down in the International Convention on the Rights of the Child concluded in New York on 20 November 1989."
Technically, the Geneva Committee has the power to act on Amici dei Bambini's submission and ask the Romanian government to draft a new law that really guarantees children's rights.
The Romanian government unanimously approved last June a bill drawn up following sustained pressure from the EU, which called for comprehensive legislative reform in Romania to align it on EU countries. In practice, the law restricts international adoption to foreign?based grandparents of a child (see detailed account at annex), i.e. to blood relatives.

The rights of children in institutions: follow-up to Recommendation 1601 (2003) of the Parliamentary Assembly

See also Press release AFAENER:

18. The European Union regards the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child as an acquis communautaire. Under the new draft law, parties will be required to show what constitutes the best solution for the child in each individual case.

International Dove Ball to Honor Child Advocates

International Advocates for Children is holding its second International Dove Ball on February 5, 2005 at the Ritz-Carlton in downtown Atlanta, Georgia at 6:30 p.m. Child advocate and actress Jane Russell and Dutch State Parliament Member Maarten Brekelmans will be honored for thier efforts in working with orphaned and abandoned children.

(PRWEB) January 20, 2005 -- The International Dove Ball slated for February 5, 2005, at the Ritz-Carlton in downtown Atlanta at 6:30 p.m. will host a slew of attendees from politicians to CEOs to the citys socialites. The A-list includes Hollywood screen legend and adoptive parent Jane Russell along with Dutch State Parliament Member Maarten Brekelmans who are also serving as the Honorary Chairs for the event for their dedication to child advocacy.

Since the 1950s, Russell has facilitated the adoptive placement of nearly 38,000 children through her organization WAIF, which pioneered the adoption of children from foreign countries by American families and also helped match foster children in the US with permanent families. Adoption is one of the most important things in the world," says Russell an adoptive mother of two children.

Brekelmans echoes Russells sentiment and has also witnessed the need of parentless children first hand. After retiring a few years ago, he has dedicated his time to traveling through many countries mentoring and working with orphaned children -- children whose greatest desire is to have a family of their own.

The International Dove Ball will feature dinner, music, and both silent and live auctions. Proceeds from this event will go towards funding International Advocates for Childrens (IAC) initiatives. IAC, is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization, focused solely on protecting the rights of orphaned and abandoned children worldwide. The organization offers assistance to governments to build more efficient systems that will best serve children in need of loving and safe homes. For additional information on IAC, please visit www.iachildren.org. For tickets, volunteer and sponsorship opportunities please call Executive Director Lynda Lee Smith at  678-893-7470 .

A One-Woman War Against Intercountry Adoption

A One-Woman War Against Intercountry Adoption


February 4, 2005

Almost fifteen years ago the plight of Romania's abandoned children shocked the world. The crazed schemes of dictator Nicolae Ceausescu had doomed hundreds of thousands of children to a life in orphanages which were little more than warehouses. Spurred by televised images of caged children, and tales of AIDS spread among children in state care through forced blood transfusions, the world rallied to help these smallest victims of totalitarian excess. Financial aid and personal volunteers flowed into the country. Thousands of children were given permanent families by people who saw them as citizens of the world in need of nurturing homes, not as property of a sovereign state.

Time passed, and the world's attention turned to new, more immediate crises. With the spotlight removed, the children once again became pawns in a political process.

Judi Kloper home from her India trip scouting for children

Message: 5533 From: JudiKO@... Received: Do Feb 03, 2005 8:30

Subject: from judi, home from india

Dear Everyone,

Having arrived home from three weeks in India (last weekend), I am finally

catching up with emails (704) and phone messages (13, not bad!) and lots of

Patrizia de Luca - DG JUST

Check exact date when Patrizia started working in DG JUST in civil rights unit


Proceso de adopción en Perú muestra aumento

Google translation:

Adoption process in Peru shows increase

LIMA, Peru / EFE

The process of adoption of children in Peru showed a slight increase in 2004 after the government approved a law to simplify procedures and reduce to six months the time duration. In 2003, the number of adoptions recorded by the Ministry of Women was 17 and in 2004, 187 of which 47% corresponds to foreign applicants. The law passed six months ago left to the National Family Welfare Institute's work to analyze the legal situation of children placed in their hostels.


Illegal Adoption to be Heard in Court Again

Illegal Adoption to be Heard in Court Again
Volgograd Regional Court is getting ready to again hear the case of Nadezhda Fratti, citizen of Italy. N. Fratti has been charged with bribing officials and documents’ forgery to accelerate adoption of Russia’s children by the foreigners.
Following the appeal of Ms Fratti’s lawyers, Presidium of the Supreme Court of Russia has sent back her case to Volgograd due to the procedures’ violations, said representatives of the Volgograd Region’s prosecutors. The date of the first session has not been set yet.

On December 30, 2002, the Volgograd Regional Court sentenced Nadezhda Fratti, citizen of Russia and Italy, to be put on parole for seven years with five-year residence in Volzhsky-town, the Volgograd Region, where she had last lived. Nadezhda Fratti was found guilty in bribing the officials and forgery of documents which she had done to speed up adoption.

Simultaneously, Antonina Tekucheva, head physician at Mikhailovsky house of baby care, Tatyana Chaplina, former head of Kirovsky children’s home in Volgograd, Valentina Gerusova, former expert of the region’s education committee, were accused of bribetaking and found guilty.

