
Not 'Unadoptable':New effort to find homes for older foster children

Washington Times, The (DC)

Not 'Unadoptable':New effort to find homes for older foster children


The little boy was more silent than most, withdrawn really. Yet his new adoptive mother was still surprised by what happened one morning after she sent her children into the hallway so she could make up their beds.Called away unexpectedly to the telephone, she returned an hour later to find the 5-year-old still standing in the same place although his two siblings had drifted away long before.

"I just fell on my knees and hugged him," the boy's mother says. "I could not imagine a little child standing in one spot for so long."

KIDSAVE: Over 1,000 Happy Endings

KIDSAVE: Over 1,000 Happy Endings

By Dr. Ellen Fitzenrider

In August of 2004, I took the three-hour drive up to Northern Virginia with my four-year old daughter Katherine in her car seat. I was on my way to an unusual picnic. Several weeks before I had found out about an organization called Kidsave. In short, they sponsor children residing in orphanages in Russia, Kazakhstan and Columbia for a 'Summer Miracles' program, a program where the children get to go to day camp and special events to have some good old-fashioned kid fun, but, most importantly, to live with a family for six weeks. Many of these children have never before had the chance to live with a family. While they are here, potential adoptive parents are given the opportunity to get to know the children (and vice-versa), either through hosting a child for their stay, or attending one of Kidsave's many events, such as the picnic I was on my way to. Host communities are located around the country, from California to New Hampshire, Texas to Montana, and, in between, New Jersey, Tennessee, Massachusetts, Washington DC, Atlanta, Ohio, Connecticut, Missouri and Michigan.

The children in Kidsave's program range in age from 5-17. In the world of International Adoption, this is the age range where children have little hope of ever finding a 'forever family.' Most people considering adoption want infants and young children, because of the desire for a baby or through fear about whether an older institutionalized child will be 'normal' or if an older child would be able to fit in with their family. Kidsave tries to lay these fears to rest. Families and children get to meet and get to know each other. And, if a family is not a host family, the child can even stay with the family for several days to two weeks.

"At this age," says Hilliary Jenkins, manager of the Summer Miracles program, "it's all about personality. Some families host with the plan to adopt their child if everything works out. Others host to give the children the opportunity to meet a family at one of the many events or in their community. Once those children are here and we get to know them, when we meet a potential adoptive family, we try to match them with a child that we think will be a good fit."





Hope and Homes for Children, UK and Parliamentary Appeal for Romanian Children,


Romanian criminal case George Pirvu


                         Press relations office of the Prosecutor's Office attached to High Court of Cassation and Justice is empowered to inform public opinion in the file given nr.273/P/1999 indictment, which prosecutors Prosecutor of the High Court of Cassation and Justice - Department of Criminology and Criminal Prosecution - ordered prosecuting the defendant PIRVU GEORGE, investigated for the crime provided by Article. 26 paragraphs 1 and 2 of Government Emergency Ordinance no. 25/1997, approved and amended by Law no. 87/1998, consisting in that, in August 1998 claimed the sum of $ 5,000 and on December 22 received the amount of 42 million lei (equivalent of 4,000 dollars from Efstathiou Crysanthos and Androulla, in order to grant consent to the adoption of his daughter.

             The criminal investigations were carried out on the fact that accused George and Pîrvu Pîrvu Angelica (spouses) have consented to the adoption of their daughter Mariana Madalina Pîrvu, on receipt of the amount of 42 million lei and respectively pretinderii purchasing a property the adoptive family, Efstathiou Crysanthos and Androulla, also, research has also considered that the accused Simon Cosmina Dana (which identified the Cypriot family and child), Gheorghiu Maria (social assistance to preschool children No Placement Center . 6, sector 5, Bucharest, where the child was institutionalized), Stoicescu Ioana (Director Placement same center) and Iv?nescu Bogdan Catalin - chairman of "Blessed Child" (which were formalities required by law for international adoption), received different amounts of money to achieve adoption.

Provisions contained in the file that minor Pîrvu Madalina Mariana, born 10.10.1993, is the daughter of George and Pîrvu accused Pîrvu Angelica.

             In 1993, George Pîrvu left the conjugal home, breaking all relations with his family.

             As a result, Mariana Madalina Pîrvu and two brothers remained in her mother who, because of the inability of increase (having no stable income, means of support were poor), called - in 1996 - the institutionalization of children, in one of the Mariana Madalina was issued decision no. 497 of 23.09.1996 Commission for the Protection of Minors at the Council's Local Sector 3 Bucharest (vol.III, tab 5).

             All three brothers were interned in the House preschool no. 6, sector 5 (now St. Mary's Center foster care) whose director was learning. Stoicescu where Mary and operated by educators and social learning. George Mary.

             In this institution was identified minor Pîrvu Mariana Madalina by Simon Cosmina berth, which was authorized by the wives and Efstathiou Crysanthos Androulla (Cypriots) to find a child for adoption and international adoption preparing the necessary documents.

             They agreed that her daughter is adopted by Cypriot family, learning. Pîrvu Angelica and has agreed on 11.07.1997, before a notary public (see tab 155, vol.III).

             On March 26, 1998, Commission for Child Protection District 5 announced that the Romanian Committee for Adoptions minor Pîrvu Mariana Madalina is available for adoption.

             In turn, the Romanian Committee for Adoptions has assigned the task of finding a family, appropriate for the child, the Foundation "Blessed Child" - the main aim charity towards people in need and carrying out the procedure for adoption, in compliance with the law (pp. 55-67, vol.III).

             Thus, under this Convention, the Foundation "Blessed Child" (whose president is learning. Iv?nescu Bogdan Catalin and where learning. Simion Cosmina Dana is employed by civil convention, is mandated to deal with the formalities required Mariana Madalina Pîrvu child adoption), conducted investigations and wrote the report on child psychosocial thereof.

             No favorable opinion. 1710/17.08.1998 issued by the Commission for Child Protection District 5, with no confirmation decision. 2478/10.03.1998 Romanian Committee for Adoptions and other documents required by law, have been attached to the application for adoption made by petitioners and Efstathiou Crysanthos Androulla and addressed through the Foundation "Blessed Child", the competent court.

             Civil Division of the Bucharest Tribunal found, in the hearing of November 2, 1998, lack of consent for adoption of the natural father and ordered the postponement of the case, in order to complete the dossier.

             Inv Pîrvu George was contacted to give consent, for which he claimed initially received $ 5,000 from family and Cypriot amount of 42 million.

             This amount was remitted by learning. Simon Cosmina Dana on 22.12.1998 - days in which the accused has given his consent before a notary public (see tab 13, vol.III).

             Later, learning that her husband had received the sum of 42 million lei, learn. Pîrvu Angelica asked, in turn, Cypriot family buying a house to agree to the adoption of his daughter.

             The claim was not met and, accordingly, filed a criminal denunciation and filed court (no. 3677/1998) statements of January 15, 1999 and February 3, 1999, which evince that does not agree that minor to be adopted by any foreign or Romanian family.

             By the end of 17.05.1999, Bucharest Court suspended the proceedings.

             Although the court has seen the circumstances in which the father's consent was obtained (see The decisions of the file no. 3677/1998 of the Bucharest Tribunal, criminal decision no. 1710/21.07.1999 given by the Court of Appeal in Bucharest in file No. . 3486/1999 and civil sentence nr. 1416/13.09.1999 the Court of Bucharest - tabs 201, 243, 244, 309 - vol.III), however, has acquiesced in the child adoption by Mariana Madalina Pîrvu Cypriot family and Efstathiou Crysanthos Androulla, given the sole interest of the child.

             O.U.G. no. 25/1997, approved and amended by Law no. 87/1998, states that adoption is a special measure to protect children's rights is made only to protect its best interests.

             The court held that it is trivial Pîrvu Mariana Madalina (born 10.10.1993) to be adopted by the petitioners, since they have financial possibilities that can ensure adequate child growth.


             Legal classification. Guilt and analysis of samples.


a) Acts committed to learning. Pîrvu George, consisting in that, in August 1998 he claimed, and on December 22, 1998 received the sum of 42 million lei (equivalent to 4,000 U.S. dollars) in order to give consent to adoption of his daughter meets the elements of the crime provided by Article. 26 paragraph 1 of O.U.G. no. 25/1997, approved and amended by Law no. 87/1998.

             Side objective is achieved by both methods provided by law - action to claim and receive the sum of 42 million lei for themselves.

             It made also a subjective aspect of the offense, because the accused wanted, desired and sought to obtain a material benefit in exchange for his agreement to the adoption of the child event Pîrvu Madalina Mariana, daughter.

             In fact, learning. Pîrvu George acknowledged his guilt and committed.

             Thus, being heard, on 17.03.1999, the accused said: "In August 1998, I do not remember the exact point, we had a visit from a young woman who was recommended as the firm's representative Simon Cosmina and sunshine dealing with adoptions. Cosmin Simon brought me know that my daughter Mariana Madalina Pîrvu to be adopted by a family in Cyprus, asking me to give a statement of consent for adoption of my daughter because my wife and mother child, had given his consent . I said that I agree, but to meet the family where my daughter windfall. The next day I received the visit of Simon Cosmina who was accompanied by my daughter, Pîrvu Madalina, a woman in Targu Mures and one woman from Cyprus, named Andrula. Since I heard that my wife and others had received some money for the adoption of my daughter I have asked people to come to me the amount of $ 5,000 to be agreed with the adoption of my daughter. Hearing amount that we requested it, Andrula said that disagrees with the amount and that gives me $ 300. I have not agreed and women above left (.....). In my discussion conducted with the above was present and my concubine Burtea Petronela (....) The day after discussion with Simon Andrula Cosmina and they have returned to my home giving me the aforementioned amount 1500 USD to my consent to my daughter by Andrula sonship. I have refused them, telling them to give me $ 4000 U.S. to give them a statement of consent to adoption (.....) On 21/12/1998 I received the visit of Simon Cosmina which brought me to Andrula aware that Cyprus has sent the amount of U.S. $ 4000 to me give me to agree with my daughter's adoption, the money being placed in a bank in the Lizeanu Bucharest, asking me the next day to go with her to give me money and I give her consent to adoption before a notary. The next day, according to the agreement with Simon Cosmina I went with my concubine, Burt Petronela and I met with Simon before Cosmina Agency Commercial Bank Stefan cel Mare Bucharest, where Cosmina removed amount U.S. $ 4000 which intended to me but I give I asked to change into lei. We all went to a currency exchange office nearby changing the amount of U.S. $ 4000 to 42,000,000 lei on me and gave me I received by putting them in a plastic bag which I gave one to take my concubines, Burt Petronela, and I went with Simon to a notary Cosmina nearby where I gave a statement of consent to adoption of my daughter Mariana Madalina Pîrvu the Cypriot family (....). Of the 42,000,000 lei I purchased the following items: a cell phone with the amount of 2,300,000 lei, a refrigerator with an amount of 2,100,000 lei, a Dacia 1310 an amount of 25,500,000 lei which sold it's Simionescu Michael with the amount of 17,000,000 lei, mobile phone and fridge we sold owners where I live, I have bought items of clothing and footwear as my one thousand and concubines, the remaining money I spent on food and drink, now nemaiavând any money from my daughter's adoption. "

             On the April 23, 1999 was brought to the attention of Pîrvu George is accused of committing the offense under the Articles. provisions of Art. 26 paragraph 1 of O.U.G. no. 25/1997, on this occasion, the accused said he recognizes and deplores their crimes, that time remains before the statement that he had proposed the defense evidence nor made requests or declarations, also justified his actions "I demanded and received money that is to agree with my child adoption Pîrvu Mariana Madalina because I heard from many people that can get important material benefits.

             As reaudiat, accused Pîrvu George - on April 23, 1999 - maintained its previous statements, the accused also stated that he refused the amount of $ 300 because "I knew that the adoption can receive USD 50,000, this being it from various people who were climbing in my car, I was taxi driver "(see tabs 57-63, vol.II).

             Pîrvu George's statements are corroborated by the data Cosmina Dana Simon accused the dates 16/02/1999 and 29/04/1999: Talal "(....) child initially claimed the sum of U.S. $ 5000, after providing for the exchange of consent to receive the sum of 4,000 U.S. dolsari. These discussions were held between monitors in Targu Mures, adoptive mother and Pîrvu George, in the presence of minor and concerned, I spoke in all discussions only when the natural father of the alleged money to give consmi??mântul, thing not told to me earlier when. Eventually Cypriot family sent a proxy in Cyprus which instructed me to remove the BCR - Sector 2 the amount of U.S. $ 4000, money that I handed him Pîrvu and George, in return for its consent in December 1998 . Later I went with him and his concubine the notary where he consented (.....) (see tabs 74-79, vol.II).

             The confrontation with Tog?nel Silvia, called Monica, from March 2, 1999, accused Simon Cosmina Dana said: "Show me personally that I met with Pîrvu George and his concubine in front Burtea Petronela Commercial Bank, Agency Stephen the Great -- Bucharest, I drew on the account called Androulla Efstathiou, with an attorney, the amount of U.S. $ 4000, after which all went to a currency exchange office nearby, changing the amount in U.S. dollars. I handed him Pîrvu George, then I went to the Notary "Maria Vasilescu" in Rd. Michael Bravu Bucharest where he gave a statement of consent to the adoption of his daughter Mariana Madalina Pîrvu (....). The amount of money said I gave it to George Pîrvu because this sum was required of him to give consent to his daughter Pîrvu sonship Mariana Madalina (see tabs 142-144, vol.II).

             As reaudiat?, on May 11, 2004, accused Simon Cosmina Dana (bearing the date, after marriage, the name Shelton) maintained its previous statements (see tab 81, vol).

             At the hearing of 27.04.1999, blame Pîrvu Angelica said, inter alia: "(....) In 29/12/1998 I was contacted by George Pîrvu who told me that he took $ 5,000 to give consent on the adoption of Madalina Mariana, money which had to Simion Cosmin "(pp. 101-106, vol.II).

             All this evidence is corroborated by witness testimony Tog?nel Silvia, Burt Petronela, Simionescu Constantin Mircea and Radu Stefan.

             Thus, the hearing dates of March 2, 1999 and May 6, 1999, Tog?nel Silvia said: "After a while I was announced by Simon Cosmina phone telling us to come to Bucharest for the child's father agrees to the adoption but wants to Cypriot family know. Together with minor Androulla and we went to Bucharest where we met with Cosmina and with it we went to the house father child, somewhere in the area called "Catelu. Here, in a dirty house I got in touch with Pîrvu George, father of the child and told us directly that he agreed to the adoption provided the Cypriot family to give $ 5,000 (....) mention that the discussion in addition to those mentioned above and a woman is that we understand that his concubine Pîrvu George "(see the tabs 177-181, vol.II).

             8.03.1999 and 23.04.1999 in the data, was heard as a witness, Burt Petronela, who said my concubine "(....) Pîrvu Gheorghe Simion Cosmina asked to see his family and Cypriot which was to adoption by a minor. After about a week, Simon returned Cosmina being accompanied by the Cypriot family and a friend of her Tog?nel Silvia in Targu Mures, and minor is present. After seeing my concubine Cypriot family asked how he has family in the foreign exchange agreement on adoption. Silvia Tog?nel that translates the words of the Cypriots argued that the exchange agreement was receiving $ 200, so that George Pîrvu not agreed. However, Pîrvu George asked in return the agreement or the amount of $ 5,000. Cypriot family has not agreed to this amount and when they were leaving home, my concubine told him to find him at this address if they will change their mind. The next day, Cosmin Simon returned to our house offering amount of 1500 USD Pîrvu thing that George has agreed, calling the amount of $ 5,000 .(....)

             On December 21, 1998, Simon Cosmina returned to us saying that my paramour Cypriot family sent 4000 USD to the Romanian Commercial Bank to give consent in relation to the adoption of his child. The next day we went to BCR - Branch Lizeanu area, where Simon Cosmina 4000 USD and then removed I changed to a currency exchange office, George Pîrvu received 42,000,000 lei.

             Later we went together to a notary located in the "Passage of Labor" where my concubine and has agreed on child adoption Pîrvu Mariana Madalina.

             For the money, my concubine bought a cell phone, a refrigerator, a stereo and a car Dacia 1310 - Break, all the assets were sold after the Pîrvu George "(see the tabs 188-192, vol.II).

             The hearings dates 23/03/1999 and 22/04/1999, Mircea Constantin Simionescu witness said: "On 14/03/1999, I went to the fair in the street Vitan Bârze?ti, with intent to buy me a car . The deal I knew Pîrvu called George in Bucharest, str Iosife?ti no. 6, who wanted to sell a car Dacia 1310 - estate, metallic green. After several discussions we agreed to buy the car against the amount of 17,000,000 lei. Also shown that the car was not passed on his name but Hammer Marin from Bucharest and was bought by George Pîrvu against payment of 25,000,000 lei, on 30/12/1998. The car was registered under no. B-16-Xie. I mention that when I perfected the acts of sale of the car, the girl was his girlfriend Pîrvu and George, called Burtea Petronela "(see the tabs 198-199, vol.II, and tabs 214-215 of the same volume , the contract of sale for a used vehicle).

             As heard on March 22, 1999, witnessed Radu Stefan said: "3 years ago I rented called Pîrvu Petronela George and belly room to my above-mentioned (NN str Peles no. 3, District 3 Bucharest). The two str?iesc in concubinage. In December 1998 Pîrvu George bought a refrigerated brand "article" and a mark Telemobil "Bosi. In January 1999, came to me offering to sell my fridge and phone. I agreed and we bought the fridge for an amount of 1.500.000 lei and mobile gave 1.500.000 lei. (see tab 200, vol.II).

             Radu Stefan said that does not know the origin of money with which Pîrvu Gheorghe bought items (fridge and phone).

             Being reaudiat on June 25, 2004, Radu Stefan statement given previously maintained but with some additions: "(....) house I rented before 1989. Among the other tenants were George and belly and Pîrvu Petronela, called Gigi law, that Nela. The two have lived in this property for 1 year or so, around 1989. How they lived in my house and I was there, I still work. I remember at that time, I heard talking on Gigi Law and Nela about selling a child know that this child was Gigi's Law with another woman, Angelica, his first wife. I know that Gigi law took the child to sell around 40 million. Took money from strangers, do not know his nationality. I know that the sale was arranged by a woman named Cosmin. Moreover, Nela, had my mobile phone to keep in touch with Cosmina (....) Clearly, I remember when Gigi law says: "Hey, give us the money - give your child, do not give us money - not me not give the child ". I know for sure that the price was 40 million lei for Law Gigi sonship to sign for the child. I know that Gigi Law ate those 40 million, has taken the stereo, a refrigerator, a mobile phone and Dacia Break. For that is out of money, Gigi law has sold it all. (see tab 82, vol).

             Of documents in the case file (see the tabs 206-212, vol.II) that the particular mandate, issued in Limassol on 17.12.1998, Androulla Efstathiou authorized Simion Cosmina Dana raise mandantei account, with the number 471,181,602,240 amount 4000 USD to complete its behalf of the child adoption procedure Pîrvu Madalina, the payment order no. 882 of 22.12.1998 BCR SA - Agency Stephen the Great, issued the accused Simon Dana Cosmina USD in 4000 personal account of Androulla Efstathiou, with the number shown above, according to exchange bulletin series C no. 20,179 of 22.12.1998, Simon Cosmina House Getica LLC paid $ 4000, receiving in exchange 42 million lei.

             Of those shown above, it unquestionably, that the facts withheld and guilt learning. Pîrvu George are fully established.

             Efstathiou spouses statements within the meaning of the default amount of remission failure to 42 million lei (4,000 USD) accused Pîrvu George (amount claimed, moreover, by him) for the agreement will favor the adoption of the child Pîrvu Mariana Madalina, to be removed They are the circumstances (see the tabs 105-110, vol.III).

             Furthermore, these statements are not corroborated by any other evidence given in the question.

             b) For the existence of objective side of crime prev. of art. 26 paragraph 1 of O.U.G. no. 25/1997, approved and amended by Law no. 87/1998, claiming it is essential that material advantages to be the purpose of declaration authenticated consent to adoption.

             The expression "to adopt a child 'is the purpose of concluding the legal act under which family relationships are established between adopted and his descendants, on the one hand, and adopted and relatives on the other hand, similar relationships between parents and children.

             That goal, set as a condition of criminality of the act, is closely connected with acts to be attached to application for declaration of adoption, shown in art. 7 of O.U.G. no. 25/1997, including in paragraph 1 lit. to appear and "consent, expressed in genuine form of parents ....".

             These provisions complement the rule stated in Article criminal indictment. 26 paragraph 1 of O.U.G. no. 25/1997, approved and amended by Law no. 87/1998.

             In this case, the accused Pîrvu Angelica and has agreed on 11.07.1997 before the notary public that his daughter Mariana Madalina Pîrvu be taken by the Cypriot family and Crysanthos Androulla Efstathiou (see tab 155, vol.III) .

             Claiming by the accused in 1999 of the equivalent of a dwelling for not to withdraw the consent given, no criminal relevance, since according to Art. 8 paragraph 2 of O.U.G. no. 25/1997, the parent may revoke consent only within 30 days of the authentic document by which it was expressed, after which time parent consent becomes irrevocable.

             During the settlement call for adoption, accused Pîrvu Angelica had a vacillations on his daughter's adoption, because in the end to declare the court that he agreed with sonship child by the family in Cyprus, as it not can provide optimal conditions for growth and education.

             Thus, to the accused Pîrvu Angelica will have removed the criminal prosecution in terms of crime prev. of art. 26 paragraph 1 of O.U.G. no. 25/1997, approved and amended by Law no. 87/1998, as missing one of the elements of the crime, namely, objective side.

             c) The accused SIMION COSMIN DANA, MARIA Gheorghiu, Ioana STOICESCU, IVANESCU BOGDAN C?T?LIN and in reference to DUMITRESCU FLORENCE, MARIA Petrescu, Niculescu STELIANA and Mateias CARMEN - people who have made the necessary arrangements and sonship which there were indications and data that would have received different amounts of money for adoption - given the evidence that is contradictory in terms of monies received, of the amount and intended use.

             DANA and Gheorghiu SIMION Învinuitele COSMIN Mary, who admitted receiving sums of 2300 Cyprus pounds respectively U.S. $ 200 from family in Cyprus, said that money was used to translate documents for authentication and legalization of documents, conducting medical tests, buying gifts for children, or were made donations, sponsorships, etc.. presenting evidence in this case at the file (see the tabs 218-257, 310-398, 399-403, vol.III) nerezultând clear evidence that confirm that they have brokered or facilitated child adoption Mariana Madalina Pîrvu to obtain a useful material unfair.

              Therefore, it will have removed the criminal prosecution and Gheorghiu învinuitelor SIMION COSMIN DANA MARIA in terms of crime prev. of art. 26 paragraph 2 from O.U.G. no. 25/1997, approved and amended by Law no. 87/1998, as the subjective side missing offense, consisting of guilt as exclusive direct intention, intent qualified by the accused to obtain some material advantage.

             In reference to IVANESCU BOGDAN STOICESCU Ioana Catalina and can not be appropriated by the criminal investigation organs proposal to have the removal of criminal prosecution because it does not start criminal proceedings against their essays with the proposal to extend the investigations have not been submitted prosecutor for him to decide on the extension and that was not put in motion criminal proceedings, as provided art. 238 Criminal Procedure Code before the amendments made by Law. 281/2003.

             BOGDAN IVANESCU against CATALINA, STOICESCU IOANA, Dumitrescu FLORENCE, MARIA Petrescu, Niculescu STELIANA and Mateias CARMEN neînceperea prosecution will have in terms of crime prev. of art. 26 paragraph 2 from O.U.G. no. 25/1997, approved and amended by Law no. 87/1998, as their incriminating facts not covered by the criminal law.

             From the evidence provided does not sound that their activity resulting data related to child adoption Pîrvu Mariana Madalina exceeded the limits of the law.

             d) In respect of Radu Stefan neînceperea prosecution will have in terms of crime prev. of art. 221 of the Criminal Code as criminal liability limitation occurred.


              Other data:


             02/04/1999 was willing to start prosecution against Pîrvu George (see tab 32, vol.II).

             It has been notified to the prosecution on April 23, 1999 (see tabs 57-60; statements înv.Pîrvu George, vol.II).

             Accused could not Pîrvu George this material the prosecution, as to avoid criminal prosecution (see tabs 74-79, 97-121, vol).

             Repeatedly accused was searched in areas where it is known that live or operate - remain operational information without positive result.

             There is good that the accused is aware of all these activities, that is called before the authority, and purpose.

During investigations, the accused failed to communicate the change house, even if that was taken initially, a solution for the removal of criminal prosecution and enforcement of an administrative penalty later ruled, however, can not hold that after reopening prosecution , investigators have taken due care and did not carry out activities under the law for the identification of the accused is found and brought into the authority to ensure and exercise all its rights trial.

Thus, one can not fault the investigators retained as long as the accused was summoned to the places under the provisions of art.175 and following C.pr.pen., Was searched where there was information that would live or would operate and have been performed countless other operational activities-specific information to support the above actions.

             By the nr.365689 of 23/07/2004, the Romanian General Police Inspectorate - Service prosecutions, the accused was given wanted (see fl.110, vol).

             By order of 22.07.2004 was taken from the accused Pîrvu George extent not oblig?rii leave the country for a period of 30 days from the date of 22.07.2004.

             During the prosecution has provided legal assistance accused George Pîrvu automatically (see tab 45, vol.II).

Seeing the risk,

Noting that there is no one incident where the moving or exercising criminal action is not prevented from incriminating facts and the defendant George Pîrvu prosecution is completed,

Under the provisions of Art. 262 item 1 and item 2 letter a letter a, art. 11 point 1 letter b of the Criminal Procedure Code rap.la art. 10 letter d of the Criminal Procedure Code and in the art. 228 alin.6 rap. at art. 10 letter b and g of the Criminal Procedure Code, and art. 192 paragraph 3 of the Criminal Procedure Code,


D I S P U N:


1. Making the move to criminal action and prosecuting the offender:

PIRVU GEORGE - son of Marin and Flower, born May 4, 1957 in the area Bude?ti, Calarasi county, Romanian citizen, with 8 classes, no known occupation, military service met, married, according to documents has two minor children in care, no history criminal, the last known address in Bucharest, str Iosife?ti no. 6, sector 3 and undocumented in Bucharest, str villagers no. 9, sector 3, Bucharest, str Peles no. 3, District 3, gave wanted;

   for an offense prev. of art. 26 paragraph 1 of O.U.G. no. 25/1997, approved and amended by Law no. 87/1998, consisting in that, in August 1998 claimed the sum of $ 5,000 and on December 22, 1998 received the amount of 42,000,000 lei (equivalent to 4,000 U.S. dollars) from Efstathiou Crysanthos and Androulla, in order to give consent to adoption of his daughter.


2. Removing the criminal prosecution of the accused PIRVU Angel, in terms of the offense prev. of art. 26 paragraph 1 of O.U.G. no. 25/1997, approved and amended by Law no. 87/1998, as the objective side is missing.

3. Removing the criminal prosecution and Gheorghiu învinuitelor SIMION COSMIN DANA MARIA, in terms of the offense prev. of art. 26 paragraph 2 from O.U.G. no. 25/1997, approved and amended by Law no. 87/1998, as the subjective side missing offense, consisting of guilt exclusive form of direct intention.

4. Neînceperea prosecution against IVANESCU BOGDAN CATALINA, STOICESCU IOANA, Dumitrescu FLORENCE, MARIA Petrescu, Niculescu STELIANA and Mateias CARMEN, in terms of the offense prev. of art. 26 paragraph 2 from O.U.G. no. 25/1997, approved and amended by Law no. 87/1998, because the facts are not under criminal law.

5. Neînceperea prosecution against Radu Stefan in terms of crime prev. of art. 221 Criminal Code as criminal liability limitation occurred.

6. Legal costs incurred in criminal investigations, efecuate to people out in paragraphs 2.5 of the device, the amount of 6,000,000 lei remain the responsibility of the state.

Under art. 264 Criminal Procedure Code, the file is sent to court Sector 3 Bucharest, material and territorial jurisdiction to hear the case.

              Under art. 26 paragraph 3 of O.U.G. no. 25/1997 as amended and approved by Law no. 87/1998, ask the court for the sentencing decision that will rule, have Pîrvu George's order to pay the amount to 42,000,000 lei the title of special confiscation.

              Require that the establishment costs - to pay that will be required Pîrvu George - to consider the legal costs, amounting to 5,000,000 lei, occasioned by the prosecution made to it.



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Letter European Commission to Sara Dillon

Letter European Commission to US adoption lobbyist

More and more U.S. birth mothers choose to place their infants with Canadian families

While U.S. couples spend tens of thousands to adopt children from abroad, more and more U.S. birth mothers choose to place their infants with Canadian families. Issues of race, money and culture raise questions about
The Oregonian, U.S.A., GABRIELLE GLASER,  July 04, 2004
VANCOUVER, B.C. -- In every way, 11-year-old Gabriel Melcombe seems like a typical adolescent. He wears his hair in an impressive thatch and favors baggy jeans. He listens to hip-hop music. And, like others his age, he is struggling to carve out his identity.

But that search is made complicated by the fact that he is black, being raised by an adoptive white Canadian mother in this city founded by British fur traders.

Gabriel, with his soft brown eyes and ready smile, is the human face of international adoption -- and of a free market reality. At a time when the Western search for children stretches from China and Guatemala to Kazakhstan, Gabriel's birthplace may strike many as surprising: It is Philadelphia.

Americans pay as much as $35,000 to adopt white or Chinese infants. But many African American children like Gabriel have difficulty finding permanent U.S. families at any price. Since the early 1990s, several hundred have found homes -- with white parents -- in Canada.

The irony of one of the world's wealthiest nations exporting its own children has not gone unnoticed. For many, it raises questions about identity, race and the tangled legacy of American slavery.