
Authorities Can’t Insist For Civil Court Decree To Make Changes In Birth Records When Registered Deed Of Adoption Present: Gujar

The Gujarat High Court on Friday held that a registered deed of adoption is enough to prove the validity of adoption of a child under Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956, and that there is no requirement to have a civil court decree asserting such deed, for change in birth records.

The court was hearing a bunch of petitions in which the question before the court was whether the competent authorities can refuse to change the birth records in the absence of a decree of a competent court.

While allowing the petitions, the single judge bench of Justice Biren Vaishnav held:

“The parties to the Registration Deed have consented to take the child in adoption. No objections have come from the biological father with regard to the mode and the manner of adoption and therefore as held that the presumption though being rebuttable no roadblock or dispute has been raised for the adoption of the child, relegating the parties then to undertake the rigmarole of approaching the Court when the deed of adoption is filed before the Registrar would not render the Registrar powerless to make the corrections.”

Kaushal Pandya, the counsel appearing for Surat Municipal Corporation, contended that unless the parties approach the appropriate court under the Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956 and obtain decrees for validating adoption, no request for alterations of name in the birth certificates can be entertained.

Registered adoption deed sufficient to prove adoption of child, decree from civil court not required: Gujarat High Court

The Gujarat High Court recently held that a registered deed of adoption with a registrar is sufficient to prove the adoption of a child and that there is not requirement to have a civil court decree affirming such deed [Khojema Saifudin Dodiya vs Registrar, Birth and Death].

Single-judge Justice Biren Vaishnav refused to agree with a Bombay High Court decision in this regard which had held that only a civil court can decide if the adoption was legal and done after following due procedure.

which had said that deleting the biological father's name from the birth certificate of a child could be drastic.

"In the opinion of this Court, the refusal to do so and not correcting the birth certificate of the ward post the adoption would lead to multiple hurdles in day-to-day affairs connecting the dealings with various public or other authorities and the practical difficulties that they would face would be more drastic if the power under Section 15 of the Registration of Birth and Deaths Act is not exercised in favour of the parties," the judge opined.

The bench was seized of a plea filed by a woman, who sought to change the middle and last names of her son. The woman had a child from her first marriage.

'Never before had I viewed my adoption file in the light of the scandals'

On March 27, 1980, In-Soo Radstake arrived at Schiphol with eight others from South Korea. Their journey had started about twenty-four hours earlier from the Korean capital of Seoul to Tokyo and finally, via Alaska, ended in the Netherlands. And there a new journey began for him: an inner journey to find his way back to his identity.

I came to Rotterdam for love. As a starting filmmaker, I was actually on my way from Zwolle, where I had studied journalism, to Amsterdam: the beating heart of Dutch film making. But in 2003 I went to Rotterdam to research my first documentary called Made in Korea: a one-way ticket Seoul-Amsterdam? In this documentary I wanted to visit all eight adoptees who were on the same plane with me after almost twenty-five years. I was curious how they had experienced their adoption.

Poster for the documentary 'Made in Korea: a one-way ticket Seoul-Amsterdam?' Photo from personal archive In-Soo Radstake.

And one of those eight would become my girlfriend. I called it love at second sight because not long after our first meeting, in 2003 in a restaurant on the Meent, we fell in love with each other. She immediately made it clear to me that she lived in Rotterdam and did not want to leave here. The city reminded her of another port city, that of Busan in South Korea. The Rotterdam skyline with its tall buildings, the ships that sail on the Maas and the lights that burn everywhere. When she told me that, I had never been to South Korea, let alone Busan.

But that I had never been to South Korea, that was not right. I was born there, spent the first three months of my life in an orphanage in Seoul. Here in the Netherlands a second life began for me, with a Dutch father, a Dutch mother and a non-biological sister who was also adopted from South Korea. So I should have said that I had never been back.

Children have the right to a carefree childhood. With love, attention and dedication. Your whole life depends on it.

M RTL Nieuws - "Als kind kroop ik weleens bij m'n ouders in... | Facebook https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02BEYvyQnNMMzV6ZW67SqVYfjohjDJJygiA7ChfwXoSgmZPaoYtVtCxEKNa9hhm248l&id=192099134851&mibextid=ncKXMA 1/6 RTL Nieuws is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with RTL Nieuws. or Log in Join RTL Nieuws 19 February 2023 at 09:31 · "Als kind kroop ik weleens bij m'n ouders in bed. Zodra m'n moeder weg was, veranderden de knuffels in iets anders." RTL Nieuws is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with RTL Nieuws. or Log in Join 3/10/24, 8:36 AM RTL Nieuws - "Als kind kroop ik weleens bij m'n ouders in... | Facebook https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02BEYvyQnNMMzV6ZW67SqVYfjohjDJJygiA7ChfwXoSgmZPaoYtVtCxEKNa9hhm248l&id=192099134851&mibextid=ncKXMA 2/6 18 shares RTLNIEUWS.NL Sam: 'Het geheim van het misbruik door mijn adoptievader drukte zwaar op me' De dood hoort bij het leven, al schuiven we ‘m graag zo lang mogelijk voor ons uit. Denk jij wel eens na over de soundtrack van je leven? Elke week geeft een lezer een inkijkje in diens slotak… Share RTL Nieuws is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with RTL Nieuws. or Log in Join 3/10/24, 8:36 AM RTL Nieuws - "Als kind kroop ik weleens bij m'n ouders in... | Facebook https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02BEYvyQnNMMzV6ZW67SqVYfjohjDJJygiA7ChfwXoSgmZPaoYtVtCxEKNa9hhm248l&id=192099134851&mibextid=ncKXMA 3/6 Peter Van Iersel Kinderen hebben recht op een onbezorgde jeugd. Met liefde, aandacht en toewijding. Je hele leven is daarvan afhankelijk. Sam van den Haak replied · 2 replies Aarti Mulder-Jibodh Waanzinnig trots op jou Sam van den Haak Sanna Angel Wat erg ik wens je heel kracht en sterkte toe. Ik heb zelf ook een super heftige jeugd gehad thuis en weet dat zoiets super lastig is om te verwerken. Thera van Beusekom Kinderen hebben recht op een onbezorgde jeugd. Met liefde, aandacht en toewijding. Je hele leven is daarvan afhankelijk. Ik ben ook geadopteerd. (Met goed leven) maar dit verhaal raakt mij wel. Greetje Mulder Viespeuk Esther Vernet Ik ken haar verhaal, ze heeft er ook een boek over geschreven. Dat heb ik nog niet gelezen maar ik heb er contact met haar over gehad op een Facebook pagina voor docenten/mentoren in het VO. Erg indrukwekkend Sam van den Haak replied · 3 replies Sandra de Jong-Vial De litekens draag je je hele leven mee 1 yr Report 1 yr Report 1 yr Report 1 yr Report 1 yr Report 1 yr Report 1 yr Report RTL Nieuws is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with RTL Nieuws. or Log in Join 3/10/24, 8:36 AM RTL Nieuws - "Als kind kroop ik weleens bij m'n ouders in... | Facebook https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02BEYvyQnNMMzV6ZW67SqVYfjohjDJJygiA7ChfwXoSgmZPaoYtVtCxEKNa9hhm248l&id=192099134851&mibextid=ncKXMA 4/6 Sam van den Haak replied · 1 reply In Neke Dan kruip je er toch niet meer in? Elsa Alice Anderssen Ik herken het heel erg. Ik ben ook geadopteerd en velen van ons worden mishandeld door de familie die ons adopteert. Ik ben geadopteerd en opgevoed door Amerikanen. Mijn moeder is Nederlands, maar bevallen in de VS. Ik heb haar eindelijk gevonden (ze woont daar nog steeds) en ik ben hierheen teruggekeerd. Ook al is mijn echte moeder Nederlands, ik ben hier niet opgegroeid of bij mijn echte familie, misbruikt door de familie die mij heeft geadopteerd, heb hier niet kunnen opgroeien met mijn eigen taal en moet het opnieuw leren zoals alle anderen. Ik ben een immigrant en een buitenlander in mijn eigen land, een land dat van mij had moeten zijn. Het geeft veel gevoelens, en veel mensen die hier geboren zijn in liefdevolle families van hun eigen bloed kunnen zich gewoon niet voorstellen hoeveel schade dit ons toebrengt. Als baby weggenomen worden, niet weten wie je werkelijk bent, en zo zwaar mishandeld worden... nooit ergens bij horen en altijd een buitenlander en vreemdeling zijn, nooit gewild of echt geaccepteerd, het is een heel moeilijke emotionele en mentale strijd! Astrid van der Linden Kevin Apel zeker een zorgeloos leven gehad, als je zoiets zegt, alleen een dom persoon kan zo een antwoord geven Kevin Apel Kruip er dan niet bij in als je weet wat er gaat gebeuren! Tenzij je dat wil natuurlijk Lizz Jnsn replied · 19 replies Conchita Praatjes Vullen Geen Gaatjes Eerst adopteren en dan misbruiken. Marg Amsterdam replied · 1 reply Thea Joosten Wat kan ik van geluk spreken dat ik zoiets nooit mee gemaakt heb... alleen dat een kennis erbij was toen ik in bad zat/stond was toen blijkbaar heel normaal(Jaren 70) en als ik eraan terug denk ik denk... WTF... ook een oom die grensoverschrijdende opmerkingen naar mij toe maakte in een dronken of 1 yr Report 1 yr Report 1 yr Report 1 yr Report 1 yr RTLReport Nieuws is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with RTL Nieuws. or Log in Join 3/10/24, 8:36 AM RTL Nieuws - "Als kind kroop ik weleens bij m'n ouders in... | Facebook https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02BEYvyQnNMMzV6ZW67SqVYfjohjDJJygiA7ChfwXoSgmZPaoYtVtCxEKNa9hhm248l&id=192099134851&mibextid=ncKXMA 5/6 Related Pages Geert Wilders 457K likes this Voorzitter Tweede Kamerfractie Partij voor de Vrijheid (PVV) / Chairman Party for Freedom (PVV), MP Tong Tong Fair & Festival 19K likes this Tong Tong Fair, voorheen Pasar Malam Besar, voorheen Pasar Malam Tong Tong, sinds 1959 district8.net 59K likes this Het laatste nieuws uit de regio's Haaglanden en Rotterdam-Rijnmond. 24 uur per dag actueel nieuws! nuchtere bui dat weet ik niet meer... maar dan nog in die tijd... jaren 90... WTF zoiets kan niet meer en dat is maar goed ook... Ida Groot Triest verhaal Ida Groot replied · 2 replies Von De Leeuw Gore viespeuk Tonnie De Groot Zo triest voor zo onschuldig meisje View more comments… 1 yr Report 1 yr Report 1 yr Report 1 yr Report

Adoptive mother of children from the Congo: "I couldn't have children because of cancer. The fear and uncertainty were immense"

The adoptive parents are suffering and explain that they waited in vain for years to have a Croatian child before they decided to go abroad. "There is an unacceptable hunting of people," said the 44-year-old.

Due to the complex bureaucracy and the small number of children for adoption in their country, some Croats turn abroad. But the recent arrest of four couples in Zambia reveals the inconveniences that can be encountered in complicated countries, writes French AFP about the case that raised a storm in Croatia.

Eight Croats were arrested in December when they were trying to leave Zambia with four children from DR Congo. In the meantime, they were accused of human trafficking .

An official of the Congolese Ministry for Gender Equality, Family and Children told AFP that people smugglers may have "stole" the children, who were then taken to Croatian adoptive parents.

Croatian adoptive parents believe, on the other hand, that they have proper Congolese documents.

Doing adoption the ‘right’ way can work for everyone involved

New research conducted by New York's largest adoption agency suggests that adoptions anchored around transparency and choice offer the most favorable outcomes for birth-mothers.


The past year has not been good for the image of adoption. In the wake of the Dobbs decision rolling back abortion rights last June, the media has been filled with reports describing how adoption is “a traumatic event for everyone involved.”

Adult adoptees, for instance, have detailed the crises they’ve often faced in life, with some even comparing adoption to colonization or slavery. Then there are the concerns about potential coercion pregnant women might face if abortion were to be restricted even further.

But is any of this actually relevant?

Calls for better follow-up of adopted children: - Mum, I want to be like the others

GOOD MORNING NORWAY (TV 2): Being adopted to Norway does not necessarily mean that you have drawn the winning lottery ticket. Alexander Skadberg knows all about that.

When Alexander Skadberg was 22 months old, he was adopted from an orphanage in Colombia to Bodø in Norway. But for all these years he has known little about his adoption story.

- What I know is not really too much, but that my biological mother could not look after me then. Which ended in an adoption, the bodøværingen tells Good Morning Norway.

This has led to him being stuck with many questions growing up.

- But based on what I experienced, things started to be different very early on. Unger asked: "What do you look like, you have big lips, you look different", before adding:

Assured of kid's custody, adoptive parents withdraw their court plea

MUMBAI: The "adoptive parents" of a child "rescued" in an illegal adoption racket in 2019 moved civil court on Friday, withdrawing the plea seeking his custody after submitting that the Child Welfare Committee (CWC) had informed that after finishing due procedure, they would hand over the child to them.

In 2019, the police busted an illegal adoption racket and took away six children from the adoptive parents. Last year, one set of parents moved court seeking return of the child's custody and to be declared his "guardians".

The parents, aged 50 and 44, said they had raised the child for eight years before his custody was taken from them on July 7, 2019. Appearing for the parents, advocate Siddharth Jagushte moved court seeking permission to withdraw the petition. The court granted permission.

The parents, in their plea for custody submitted last year, had said they have been visiting the child regularly. "It is submitted that the petitioners had taken care of the welfare of the child for eight years and ensured the child will get all love, care and affection as required....(the child) recognizes the petitioners as his father and mother," the plea said.

In their plea, the parents told the court that they married in 1997 and have four daughters. They said that after yearning to have another child, they came across a woman with six children unable to take care of them due to weak financial condition. Their plea said that the woman approached them and the biological mother assured them she would comply with adoption procedures.

What happens to Sorina, the adopted girl from Baia de Aram?. The transformation is total

She went through the hoops for years and years, with over 100 families trying to adopt her. In the end, the girl from Baia de Aram? found her place with a family in New York.

The life of Sorina, the little girl who was adopted by a Romanian family from New York, is one that no one would have believed. The 11-year-old girl is totally transformed, the piano and the violin being the passions she discovered after integrating into the new environment. She lives with her parents, George and Ramona S?c?rin, and her two brothers, Ava, 12 years old, and Adam, 5 years old.

Sorina, the adopted girl from Baia de Aram?, is a different person

His adoption was one of the most controversial in Romania in 2019, with public opinion being split in two. Some supported the family of Romanians from the USA who were the legal parents of the girl, others were on the side of the maternal assistant who had raised her for several years at Baia de Aram? .

Almost four years after the end of the whole process, Sorina S?c?rin attends a music school where she studies piano and violin. She learned to swim, ride a bike, speaks English very well and generally adapted well to her new life.

Internal COM Mail exchange about form article 24/House for Whistleblowers (mistakingly copied to RP)

Roelie Post

Feb 17, 2023, 4:38?PM (10 days ago)


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