
Justice at last for the thousands of mothers who were forced to give up their children? 'Important to get recognition'

Trudy Scheele-Gertsen became an unmarried mother in the 1960s and, like thousands of others, was forced to give up her child for adoption. She now holds the Dutch State liable for what was done to her then. Does the case have any chance of success?


Barbara Barrett sentenced to 99 years in prison for human trafficking

Four years after she and her husband were originally arrested, a Hunt County woman received a lengthy prison sentence after being found guilty of using her adopted children as slave labor in a puppy mill operation.

Attorney General Ken Paxton announced Thursday morning that Barbara Barrett of Greenville has been found guilty of Continuous Trafficking of a Child in Hunt County and received a sentence of 99 years in jail.

Barrett and her husband, Jeffery Barrett, are accused of abusing and neglecting their adopted children while forcing them to work in a puppy mill attached to their home. Both were charged with Continuous Trafficking of Persons. Paxton’s Human Trafficking and Transnational Organized Crime Division assisted the Hunt County District Attorney in prosecution of Barrett.

As of Thursday morning prosecution was only proceeding against Barbara Barrett. Both had pleaded not guilty.

Prosecution on the felony indictments is under the jurisdiction of the Texas Attorney General’s Office.

Stop au trafic d'enfants et aux adoptions illegales !

Marathon day yesterday at the UN headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.

Morning of meetings with the Belgian member of the Children's Rights Committee, Benoit Van Keirsbilck, as well as the representatives of Child Rights Connect, a umbrella organization bringing together a large number of NGOs and associations campaigning for children's rights.

Intense afternoon, during our hearing by the UN Committee on Enforced Disappearances, where the issue of children stolen at birth to be offered for adoption was on the agenda.

Mariela Sr – Coline Fanon ( Racines Perdues – Raíces Perdidas ) testified to her fight and her moving story. Abducted at birth in Guatemala, she was declared dead, then sold for adoption in Belgium to parents who were unaware of this odious traffic.

For my part, I presented the motion for a resolution that I tabled in the House and which aims to give all those concerned in Belgium the status of victim and to begin an in-depth investigation into these illegal adoptions.

The pontoon does not often go to the water

The pontoon does not often go to the water



The pontoon does not often go to the water

Raluca Turcan found time, in her busy schedule, to participate on September 22, 2021 in the fast cutting of the inaugural ribbon of a pontoon / itinerant center for treating children with disabilities in the Danube Delta. The pontoon in question was arranged by the SERA Foundation, with money from the sponsor Penny (Rewe Group), about 120,000 euros, and from European funds. The pontoon was also included in the documents of the European-funded project "Always in the family - a project to reduce institutionalization, the risk of separation and to ensure local recovery services for children in Tulcea County", a project with a total value of 5,954,979.39 lei.

Normalising Adoption: Belongingness Does Not Only Depend On Biological Parenting

If one was to dive into Indian English literature, one would probably come across Bhisham Sahni’s renowned short story – Pali. Set against the backdrop of the partition of India, Pali narrates the story of a young boy (the titular character) who gets accidentally separated from his family as they leave from the then newly formed Pakistan and make their way to India.

Stranded and scared, Pali desperately tries to find his parents at the railway station and hopes to return to the safety of his family. He is soon found by a man who sells chinaware for a living. The man takes pity on the boy and brings him home to his wife. The kind couple then decide to adopt him and raise him as their own. Though this story touches on the many political aspects of the partition like religion, love, loss, and family, it also explores the emotion of belonginess in adopted children.

In India, there is a taboo around the concept of adoption. Firstly, our society puts immense importance on the idea of a woman conceiving and giving birth to a child. Since times immemorial women are repeatedly conditioned to believe that one of the most important purposes of their being is to give birth to a child.

Women are taught that failing to comply with this expectation will put a stain on their “femininity” because motherhood is positioned as the ultimate role that “completes” a woman. The inability to bear a child is considered to be a ‘curse‘ and often renders the lady socially ostracized, as well as branded ‘inauspicious‘. The reinforcement of this idea puts enormous pressure on women who face difficulty in conceiving.

All these beliefs and perceptions are something families who have adopted kids have to deal with all the time. But it is paramount to recognise that these choices are entirely personal, and nobody is allowed to dictate what type of family is a “true” or “real” family. A family is made of similarities and differences. It is composed of arguments and agreements

The new project to improve adoption processes

Today a bicameral meeting was held on the rights of children and adolescents whose objective was to carry out an informative meeting about the Single Registry of Aspirants to Guard for Adoptive Purposes , that is, they were in charge of analyzing and debating the alignments about the processes and records that are needed to finalize an adoption .

Paola Vessvessian , national deputy for the province of Santa Cruz, began by announcing that within that meeting there was the presence of the National Director of the single registry of aspiring guardians for adoptive purposes , Gustavo Herrero , whose purpose was that that person can tell about the situation of the adoption system in Argentina. Therefore, she gave the floor to him.

"We have proposed to work from now on fundamentally to improve the process, that is the intention we have," Herrero began by saying. And he explained that they promoted different meeting spaces for several years where they give informative talks for families or interested people who have not had contact with adoption "to dispel myths and clarify doubts."

"We make available to the community a program of counseling and accompaniment to families in a period of bonding, custody, and adoption, because many times they need it and we as a State must assume that responsibility," he continued. And he added that a data that is fundamental is the reduction of half the files in the database: "we believe that it is due to multiple factors, economic, the pandemic, among other reasons."

He also commented that adoptive availability is "wide", that is, people already approach the adoption system with a lot of prior information. "In the public calls, we asked ourselves if they worked, in addition to the adoption issue, on the different family models that we have in our society," he added.

Woman sentenced to 18 years in prison for giving her daughter up for illegal adoption

CHALCO, Mex., (EL UNIVERSAL) .- A woman who gave her daughter for illegal adoption was sentenced to 18 years and four years in prison by a judge from the Chalco Judicial District.

The agent of the Public Ministry of the Special Prosecutor's Office for Trafficking in Persons accredited the participation of Erika Janeth Juárez González in the crime of trafficking in persons , in the form of who, in his capacity as a person who has authority over whom the conduct is exercised, delivers in illegal adoption to a minor .

The judge also imposed fines of 575 thousand 580 pesos and 86 thousand 880 pesos to repair the damage.

According to the accusation of the Attorney General's Office of the State of Mexico, on September 13, 2020, Erika Janeth handed over to a subject her minor daughter of 2 years and seven months of age, along with a birth certificate of the little girl for the illegal adoptions.

The woman, accompanied by the victim, appeared on Calle Sur 1, in the Santa Cruz neighborhood, in the municipality of Valle de Chalco, where she handed the little girl over to an individual, who paid her 5,000 pesos.

From an Adoptee: What I would like Adoptive Parents to know

I was adopted as a young child and as a teenager, I would like to share a few things for adoptive

parents to keep in mind:

1. Remove the taboo:

Adoption should not become a taboo subject around your child or family. A factor that always

hinders the chance of a smooth adoption conversation is that people tend to think of adoption as

Proud mum gives birth to 'eBaby' after hitting 'buy it now' on online sperm

A proud mum desperate for a second child gave birth to 'eBaby' after turning to the internet to pick up some sperm and an insemination kit.

Stephenie Taylor, 33, was dismayed when she discovered how much private fertility clinics cost and for a moment thought she would have to abandon her plans of having a second child.

But then she discovered the Just A Baby app which she used to order some sperm, then she turned to eBay to order an insemination kit - before learning how to use it with YouTube tutorials, as the Daily Star reports.

Stephenie conceived on the first try and later gave birth to baby Eden, and described her as a "miracle" and a "real online baby".

She said: "If I didn't have access to all that electronically then she wouldn't be here. But I'm over the moon to be a mum again and I'm proud of the way she came into the world."

Pune: Woman lodges FIR against lover claiming he ‘did something’ to their baby two years ago

A 25-year-old woman has lodged a complaint with the Pune City Police against her lover, claiming he may have done something harmful to their son, who was born two years ago.

Police have arrested the woman’s lover, Shubham Bhande (23) and his friend Yogesh Kale (26). They have been booked under Section 315 (Act done with intent to prevent child being born alive or to cause it to die after birth) of the Indian Penal Code. Police said the accused have been arrested and further probe is on.

As per the complaint filed by the woman, she met Shubham while they were working together at a private company in 2018. They soon got into a relationship and in July that year, the woman realised she was pregnant. Shubham allegedly told her that he would marry her soon.

On March 15, 2019, the woman gave birth to a baby boy at Sassoon Hospital. After she was discharged from the hospital, she went to stay in a rented house in Mundhwa with the baby.

On March 27, Shubham and his friend Yogesh came to the house. Shubham allegedly told the woman that he would keep the baby at an ashram for a few days and bring him back once they were married. The woman refused, but Shubham and Yogesh allegedly took the boy away.