
Jag stals från min mamma vid födseln

I was stolen from my mother at birth

Did you know that we Swedish Chile children, who left the country of birth and adopted in Sweden, still exist in the Chilean population register?

We were completely left out to others' business activities and acceptances. Why is there no Swedish investigation of our adoptions? writes Maria Diemar.

DEBATE. Social Minister Lena Hallengren, adoption is a lifelong perspective for us adopted - but is it a completed business for the adoption agency and the Swedish state?

I was stolen from my mother at birth and my adopted brother was declared dead because we could leave Chile and be sent to Sweden. We were then adopted in the Stockholm District Court. Our cases are just two Swedish cases of just over 600, which so far are part of the Chilean crime investigation 1044–2018 in the Appeal Court in Santiago. Tens of thousands of cases have to be examined, where children have been illegally sent abroad for adoption. Lena Hallengren, why is there no Swedish investigation of our Swedish adoptions?

Presentatie van 'De vondeling van Kreta'

Presentation of 'The foundling of Crete'

OVERVEEN Antoinette de Boer signs her book 'De foundeling van Kreta' on Saturday 1 June from 11 am to 3 pm at Primera bookstore (Bloemendaalseweg 234). In this book De Boer (1961) gives an intimate look into her life as a foundling. In her book, the writer goes back to the period of her adoption from Greece, giving a picture of the family in which she ended up in 1963. She describes what she came across as an adopted child during her childhood, adolescence and as an adult: what occupied her, her feelings and the incomprehension she felt because of the loyalty to her two mothers in her life during her search for her roots. Because of her special story as a foundling and her drive in her search, which she started at the age of nineteen, she has received help several times to find her Greek mother. Through various channels she regularly came up with the story of her search in the news: newspapers, magazines and television programs. But in Greece too she has often received help and many years of media attention because of her search and the adventures she experienced.

In the Netherlands there is increasing attention for the foundling. In 2014 the first founding rooms were opened in our country. The rooms are an initiative of the De Protectende Wieg foundation, which wants to prevent women who are unwantedly pregnant from leaving their newborn child on the street, sometimes with fatal consequences. To expel children is prohibited in the Netherlands and therefore punishable. For the time being, the founding chambers in the municipalities are tolerated. Antoinette was abandoned as an 11-day-old baby in a baby flap, anonymous in Greece. She is one of the first of the group of children adopted abroad in the Netherlands. Antoinette recently made the national news in Greece and was there in various newspapers with her announcement that she has written a book with all her experiences as a searching findling.


OVERVEEN Antoinette de Boer signeert zaterdag 1 juni van 11.00 tot 15.00 uur haar boek 'De vondeling van Kreta' bij de Primera boekhandel (Bloemendaalseweg 234). In dit boek geeft De Boer (1961)een intieme kijk in haar leven als vondeling. De schrijfster gaat in haar boek terug naar de periode van haar adoptie uit Griekenland en geeft daarbij een tijdsbeeld van het gezin waarin zij in 1963 terecht kwam. Zij beschrijft wat zij als adoptiekind tijdens haar jeugd, pubertijd en als volwassene tegen kwam: wat haar bezig hield, haar gevoelens en het onbegrip die zij voelde door de loyaliteit naar haar twee moeders in haar leven tijdens haar zoektocht naar haar roots. Door haar speciale verhaal als vondeling en haar gedrevenheid in haar zoektocht, waarmee zij op haar negentiende mee begon, heeft zij diverse malen hulp gekregen om haar Griekse moeder te vinden. Via verschillende kanalen kwam zij regelmatig met het verhaal van haar zoektocht in het nieuws: kranten, bladen en televisieprogramma's. Maar ook in Griekenland heeft zij menigmaal hulp en jarenlang media-aandacht gehad vanwege haar zoektocht en de avonturen die zij daarin meemaakte.

Bud Wichers, Pewarta Berkebangsaan Belanda yang Kagum Pada Surabaya

Bud Wichers, Pewarta, a Dutch national who was amazed at Surabaya

Until Now Didn't Know Who The Original Parent Is

His name doesn't match his face. Bud Wichers, a very Caucasian name. However, once you meet the person, everyone will be shocked. Because, his face is very Indonesian. The 42-year-old man was indeed the adopted child of a Dutch family born in Jakarta.

Hanaa Septiana, Surabaya

BUDIMAN Wichers is an Indonesian name. He was born to a poor family. Because he had no money, his parents left him with an orphanage. Budi, his nickname, was later adopted by Dutch citizens. Until now, Budi never knew who his original parents were. He was difficult to find out because of the limited data at that time.

Koning Albert heeft vanochtend al DNA afgestaan in zaak-Boël

King Albert has already donated DNA this morning in the Boël case

King Albert II has already given a DNA sample this morning in the Delphine Boël case. VTM NEWS reports this and the news is confirmed by his lawyer. The former head of state thus complies with the judgment of the Court of Appeal.

The court of appeal in Brussels ordered King Albert II in a judgment of 16 May to surrender a DNA sample. Delphine Boël's lawyers had asked for such a test because Delphine wants to prove that Albert, 84, is her father.

At first, Albert did not respond to the court's question. But two weeks ago the Court of Appeal decided to oblige the king to provide the expertise. If he did not, he would have to pay a penalty of 5,000 euros per day. So it doesn't come to that.

After an extensive reading of the judgment and consultation with his lawyer, the king decided to undergo DNA expertise. "Because he respects the legal institution," says Albert's lawyer Alain Berenboom. The DNA sample has already been taken this morning, the lawyer confirms, after VTM NEWS brought out the news.

Kinder bei pädophilen Pflegevätern

Children with pedophile foster fathers

For years, Berlin youth welfare offices have sent children to pedophile foster fathers. The victims are still suffering from the consequences of abuse. The Youth Senator wants to work the cases. When asked for compensation for the victims, but the district office Tempelhof-Schöneberg cross.

They bought apple pie and put it in the middle of the table. But the cake remains untouched this afternoon in a small apartment in Berlin-Steglitz, where Marco and Sven tell their sheer unbelievable story. They both do not want to hear their real name on the radio. You are in your mid-thirties, spent almost half of your life with your foster father, Fritz H. "By a monster," they say today.

"We were raised by this man, just to fulfill his desires, to be there, if you should fulfill those wishes."

Sven was a foundling. Emaciated and ill, he came to his now deceased foster father, got to know Marco there.

Over 4,000 children adopted in 2018-19: Child Adoption Resource Authority

In 2018-19, a total of 4,027 children were adopted in which about 3,374 children were adopted within the country while 653 inter-country adoptions were made, the CARA data showed.

Over 4,000 children, including 2,398 girls, were adopted in 2018-19, the highest in five years, data released by Child Adoption Resource Authority (CARA) has said.

In 2018-19, a total of 4,027 children were adopted in which about 3,374 children were adopted within the country while 653 inter-country adoptions were made, the CARA data showed.

In 2017-18, as many as 3,927 children were adopted while in 2016-17, a total of 3,788 children were adopted. In 2015-16, a total of 3,677 children were adopted.

An official with the Women and Child Development Ministry said the perception of the people towards girl child is changing and that is evident from the fact that every year more girls are adopted than boys.

Michael Gove: Prime minister push ‘driven’ by adoption

Conservative leadership contender Michael Gove has indicated that his drive to be prime minister is fuelled by a desire to show his parents they were right to take the “risk” of adopting him.

In a highly personal interview, the Environment Secretary said he did not try to find his birth mother because it might seem like his adoptive parents were not complete parents to him.

He told BBC Radio 4 podcast, Political Thinking with Nick Robinson: “I am amazed, in a way, that given everything, that I now find myself in the position that I’m in.

“I was adopted, spent the first four months of my life in care.

“And, I think that my parents in choosing to adopt me, were taking a risk. They didn’t know what they were getting into in a way.

Wensouderschap: zo reduceer je een kind tot een middel tegen kinderloosheid - Nederlands Dagblad

Parenthood: this is how you reduce a child to a remedy for childlessness - Nederlands Dagblad

Artificial generation of children through donors degrades the child into a means against childlessness. Not the desire to have children, but the interests of the child must come first.

In recent weeks, the work of fertility doctor Jan Karbaat has appeared in the media in a painful way. In addition to using his own sperm for fertilization of women, he carelessly dealt with medical data from - then anonymous - donors.

More than fifty people, so begotten, went to court. Seventeen of them had abnormalities due to insufficient monitoring of donors.


Vers une réforme du système français de l'adoption

Towards a reform of the French adoption system

The government wants to reform the French system of adoption, which allows only 1,400 children per year to find a family.
Two parliamentarians are due to report in early September.

Each year, only 1,400 adoptions are carried out in France while 14,000 families have an approval.
The proceedings concerning foreign minors - 615 in 2018 - are five times fewer than ten years ago, because of the application of
the Hague Convention, which promotes the maintenance of children in their country.


Le gouvernement veut réformer le système français de l'adoption, qui ne permet qu'à 1.400 enfants par an de trouver une famille.
Deux parlementaires doivent rendre un rapport début septembre.

Chaque année, 1.400 adoptions seulement sont réalisées en France alors que 14.000 familles disposent d'un agrément.
Les procédures concernant des mineurs étrangers – 615 en 2018 – sont cinq fois moins nombreuses
qu'il y a dix ans, du fait de l'application de la convention de La Haye, qui ­favorise le maintien des enfants dans leur pays.

( Not the whole article was available )

50-year-old hero saga in rocking

019-05-25 | Jyothi Svahn padlock

This weekend it will be celebrated! Pumpkin, steel, seminar and family activities are promised. One of the largest and most active adoption organizations in the Nordic region, Adoption Center, will be 50 years old and the event will take place in Stockholm, at the noble Royal hotel Globen! What is hidden behind the glossy facade where childless couples and prospective orphans are linked together.

You have not missed the adoption union in Chile during the dictatorship that has now come up on the table, where the Adoption Center is being investigated for human trafficking in Chile? Maria Diemar from the relatively new organization chileadoption.se, who herself found her mother, says that the Chilean judge who investigates illegal adoptions has found 615 cases where the Adoption Center has been a player. In addition to the Adoption Center, a Chilean social worker is under investigation.

Figures from UNICEF Unicef ??from 2015 clarify that 141 million children living in orphanages around the world have at least one surviving relative who could take care of them. It is interesting and important. Why is such an unpleasant silence culture allowed around the Adoption Center when we have actual figures in front of us.

Adoption criticism should not be regarded as a new phenomenon. Nor is it the first time that heroic adoption is usually described as being swayed. Therefore, here now comes a timeline with examples of adoption scandals where the Adoption Center has been involved: