
107 Italian families waiting. Block adoptions from Ethiopia: couples in alarm

107 Italian families waiting. Block adoptions from Ethiopia: couples in alarm

Viviana Daloiso Saturday 13 January 2018

The decision of the Parliament of Addis Abeba makes fear the odyssey experienced between 2013 and 2016 with the Congo. Ciai: «It was necessary to stop the first pairings and dossiers in the Horn of Africa»

Block adoptions from Ethiopia: couples in alarm

Someone already fears that it may be a new Congo, for Italian adoptions. It was September 25, 2013 when Kinshasa suddenly announced the freezing of practices: "Enough, the children stay here." It was the beginning of an endless epic for over a hundred families and children. Now it's up to Ethiopia.



Lakhs of children are kidnapped across the country each year and pushed into sex or organ trade or bonded labour but precious little is being done to find and restore them to their parents. For these children, it is living through the worst nightmare. Getting lost in markets and seeing strange faces all around may put a child in utter agony. But for a kidnapped child, this is just the beginning of a long ordeal. At the other end, for the parents it is an even bigger horror; not getting to see the child they were bringing up with so much affection and the constant fear of what he or she might be undergoing among strangers. The Supreme Court recently asked the Centre and all the State governments to state what they have been doing to trace the 55,000 children who, officially, have gone missing in the past three years. It issued notice on a petition, which alleged that these children were kidnapped for the purpose of prostitution, bonded labour, removal of vital organs such as kidneys and eyes, bootlegging and smuggling. Incidentally, on July 18, the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) asked the Delhi government and police to submit a report on claims that at least 50 children went missing from the Capital in the first eight days of that month. It also asked them to inform whether the guidelines on missing children issued in August 2007 were strictly followed. The NHRC had, in the wake of the Nithari kidnappings and murders of children in Noida, constituted a five-member committee under member P.C. Sharma, which prepared an exhaustive report on missing children. This paper focus on recent technology of Bio-engineering like Dna Database & Dna Profiling that can be used to trace missing children.


India is being manipulated into losing her Sovereignty. The Future of Common Indians is very DARK, as the Indian Democratic Republic is being turned into an Unconstitutional Oligarchy, with “ruthless” CLASS WAR as the main Objective. PPP, Divestment, Privatization, DEREGULATION, National Manufacturing Policy, NMIZs, Destroying Agriculture and “Culture”, by Industrialization and Real Estate on Fertile lands, subsidies to the rich oligarchs Indian and foreign in the form of stimuli, from 2008,Deliberately keeping Budget Deficit and Inflation High, SOCIAL ENGINEERING on the diktat of “their” Western Masters, FDI in and Philanthropy for Education, Efforts to take over the CHILD by the STATE, Misusing the Minorities Against the Majority Hindus, Land Grabs, SEZs, GMO Foods/seeds, Misuse of Media by Predictive programming and other Mind Control techniques over the Masses, Misinformation using the so-called “Intellectuals, celebrities and other Public Figures and Bodies”, UID, Bankrupting the Nation in collusion with the International Bankers, Dislocating Citizens of India from their places of birth, “REFORMS”,GLOBALIZATION,DEPOPULATION(EUGENICS) and profit for the Pharma industry, misusing Vaccination, Bio-Terror like Bird-,Swine-,etc- Flus, Free Trade, NGOs, the Philanthropic Foundations, both Foreign and Indian, MNCs joining Indian Media Houses in campaigns, Technocracy (Scientific Dictatorship) to STEAL the Wealth of the Citizens by Electronic and other means, carbonTax /Currency/ Trading, Stock, Commodities And Currency Markets, and above all the UN, with MDG or Agenda 21,False Flags, Awards to Pro-Globalists, allowing Foreign [US] troops to operate inside the nation on the pretext of “War On Terror”, etc are being used to weaken the people and thus their WILL to resist, the formation of ONE WORLD TOTALITARIAN GOVERNMENT, also called, THE NEW WORLD ORDER (NWO) [1] In 2005, the NHRC Action Research on Trafficking stated that in any given year, on an average of 44,000 children are reported missing; and of them, as many as 11,000 remain untraced [2] It was noted that as per the directions of the Delhi High Court, a cell relating to missing persons/children was set up in the Central Bureau of Investigation but lamented that due to lack of adequate resources, it was not able to achieve the desired results. “Since the CBI is a central investigating agency, having powers and jurisdiction to take up cases of inter-state and international ramifications, it would be desirable to strengthen this cell to enhance its capacity to coordinate and investigate criminal cases relating to missing children and persons,” it said.Need for a central repository has long been felt by those working towards recovery and rehabilitation of missing children. Anuj Bhargava, a trustee of missingindiankids.com, which has been operating for over a decade from Bhopal and has helped in the recovery of six children by putting up on its website information and photographs on missing children from across the country, said.


France: Adoption au Congo: L'espoir renait pour les familles

Yasmine MOUSSET.

Modifié le 11/01/2018 à 10h39

Publié le 11/01/2018 à 10h38

Alors que la France a bloqué les procédures d’adoption depuis un an, deux enfants viennent d’atterrir à Paris.

Lundi 8 janvier 2018, dans la matinée, une jeune Congolaise de 15 ans a atterri à Paris. Pour rejoindre ses parents adoptifs, qui l’attendent depuis bientôt six ans… La semaine prochaine, une autre fillette de 11 ans devrait elle aussi retrouver sa famille d’adoption, à Toulouse. Une lueur d’espoir pour beaucoup de parents. Car depuis un an, les adoptions en provenance du Congo sont bloquées par la France.

First data 2017: minus 30% on 2016. Cifa, AiBi and NAAA confirm the first three places. The disinterestedness of the governments


#Adozioneinternazionale. First data 2017: minus 30% on 2016. Cifa, AiBi and NAAA confirm the first three places. The disinterestedness of the governments made Democratic Party is under accusation.

Published the January 9, 2018

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terre des Hommes and the mild-making process from the term 'child abuser' to 'pedosexual'

Terre des Hommes is a fantastic organization when it lies at the Telegraaf and other mainstream media. They fight against child abuse and are a recognized 'charity', so that you can donate to them fiscally. The Postcode Lottery also pours a lot of money into the organization. Terre des Hommes is apparently opposed to the exploitation of children and child prostitution, and of course we all have a warm heart. Still, there is a little itching on my nose when I see such an organization. It is unintentionally immediately reminiscent of Jimmy Savile who grew up in England with his BBC children's programs and of which after his death he became known to include 60 children in the Stoke Mandeville hospital had abuse (including seriously ill eight year old children).

David Icke suspected Savile during his lifetime of this abuse, but just as with the Dutch Senator whose child abuse collection was found only after his death, Edward Brongersma, the abuse of Savile was also revealed only after his death. And probably we have only seen the tip of the iceberg, because it is of course not convenient that Savile was a personal friend of Prince Charles and was carried on by the British elite and the royal family. Not that I have any proof that Terre des Hommes is a cover organization that is basically an abuse network behind. You would have to infiltrate for that and I suspect that they will not offer me a job. So for now we have to assume that Terre des Hommes really wants to prevent sexual exploitation of children. My nose, however, continues to itch; you sometimes have that. There is something in their activities.

Terre des Hommes secretly seems to contribute in the slow way towards accepting sexual abuse, through the acceptance and normalization of pedophilia and making this abuse mild for sexual preference. Child abusers are nowadays already called 'pedophiles', but it seems that Terre des Hommes contributes to the marketing towards making this term even milder. From now on, a child abuser is no longer a 'pedophile', but a 'pedosexual'. In these terms a 'love' and 'sexual preference' is packaged. Jimmy Savile also liked very much the deadly eight-year-old boys he raped. We seem to have to accept that it is about 'love' and 'sexual preference', while practice is mostly about pure abuse of very young children. And despite the fact that Terre des Hommes announces in the video below that she is hunting for these 'pedosexuals' (the term to make it mild), she seems to be fulfilling the function of 'punishment prevention'. Let's analyze what the Telegraaf and other media do as if it were a great step in the right direction: the use of lok advertisements. First look at the movie that De Telegraaf published about it:

Pay particular attention to the opening sentence of Gideon van Aartsen in the video above. In fact, he more or less states that it is all about a taboo on homosexuality among young people and that these young boys are raped when they come in contact with older homosexuals. Wait a minute, Mr. Aartsen. That is all nice and kind of you, but is the real sexual abuse not related to the cases of Jimmy Savile, Robert M. and many more of that kind of serious matters that really involved very young children in the sexual abuse of babies? It seems that child abuse in the image of people must be positioned especially in the homosexual nature and the gray area created by the awkward age limit. Young boys are ashamed of their sexual orientation and are blackmailed by Aartsen for the fact that they have not yet come out of the closet. "They then meet someone who starts a flirt and then they are raped by friends of that person with whom the flirt starts". So it's all in the category 'I actually want it, but because there is a taboo on it, it ends up in the illegal circuit and leads to criminal offenses'.

Let's take a serious look at what Terre des Hommes is going to do about it. Terre des Hommes goes between sex ads. So they are going to offer sex ads themselves. Wow, what good! Those who respond then receive a notification that the person offered is a minor. "If they want to continue making an appointment, then we have their data and that can be useful for the police."He refers to a similar approach as the loverboy approach. So let's see what that approach looks like. This is what the Trouw reported on this 29 August 2016:

Papirarkiv bremser adopteredes jagt efter ukendte søskende

Hvis adopterede vil have svar på, om de har søskende i Danmark, så skal de selv finde frem til konkrete navne på mulige brødre og søstre for at få bekræftet familiebåndet.

Danmarks eneste adoptionsbureau, DIA, søger nemlig kun efter svar i den adopteredes egen sagsmappe - med mindre den adopterede altså har et navn med til dem.

Det er helt absurd, mener Yong Sun Gullach, der er forkvinde i foreningen Adoptionspolitisk Forum, der arbejder for adopteredes rettigheder.

- Det svarer jo til, at man skal komme med navnet på nogen, som man ikke ved, hvem er, siger hun.


Kerala HC: Private Orphanages Have To Register Under JJ Act; But Aren’t Required To Meet Standards Prescribed In Model Rules ...

In a writ petition filed by the Association of Orphanages and Charitable Institutions, the Kerala High Court has said that orphanages run by private individuals or organization without any support or aid from the government are required to obtain reg...

Read more at: http://www.livelaw.in/kerala-hc-private-orphanages-register-jj-act-arent-required-meet-standards-prescribed-model-rules-read-judgment/

Brødrene David og Martin blev bortadopteret som små: Fandt hinanden mere end 30 år senere

- Kære du. Jeg hedder David, og jeg er 35 år. Jeg er opvokset på Lolland, men har boet de sidste 14 år i København. Og så er jeg adopteret fra Chennai, Indien. Vi kender ikke hinanden, men vi har alligevel noget til fælles. Du er min biologiske bror.

For fire år siden sendte 39-årige David Kildendal Nielsen et brev til sin to år ældre storebror. En bror, han først havde fået at vide eksisterede få dage forinden.

I februar 2013 godt en måned tidligere begyndte den rejse, der skulle ændre hans liv. Her kom han i kontakt med en advokat i sin fødeby i Indien, som han hyrede til at finde sine biologiske forældre, der havde bortadopteret ham som helt lille.


Mere end 20.000 danskere er adopteret fra andre lande. 21 Søndag har foretaget en rundspørge, hvor 176 danskere, adopteret fra andre lande, har svaret.

How a change in adoption laws will benefit children’s health

Children who are adopted early can even gain enough weight to overcome any nutritional disadvantages they may have suffered in the womb.

Children who are adopted early can even gain enough weight to overcome any nutritional disadvantages they may have suffered in the womb.(Illustration: Sudhir Shetty)

India has proposed changing the law that governs adoption in order to fast-track court clearances, which often delays the process by more than two years. The proposed amendment to the Juvenile Justice Act of 2015 empowers district courts to declare children legally free for adoption, moving away from the busy courts of civil magistrates, which struggle with backlogs of pending cases and rarely prioritise adoption. The move is expected to bring the time taken per adoption down to about two months.

As things stand, only 2,671 children were adopted between 2016 and March 14, 2017, shows government data. There are no official figures for the number of orphans in India, but non-governmental organisations put the number at about 50,000.

Apart from encouraging more people to adopt, the move will bring huge psychological and physical benefits for the adopted child. Less than 1 in 10 children aged 6 months to 23 months, including those who live with family, get an adequately healthy diet, shows data from the National Family Health Survey 4 (NFHS4) released in 2017. The nutritional intake of children in cities is only marginally better than those who live in villages, with only 10.1% of urban kids and 8.2% of rural children getting an adequate diet of four or more food groups, excluding milk. Since toddlers who live with their families are more likely to be adequately fed than those who eat in a large group, very often with older children, early adoption also packs a nutritional punch.

Orphanages, adoption under Supreme Court scanner for child trafficking

The Supreme Court on Thursday initiated a process to look into the working of orphanages across the country, saying the nation’s future depended on the destiny of its children and nothing can be more disastrous than them being sold.

Expanding the scope of a petition filed by National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR), which pertained to alleged trafficking of children in West Bengal, a three-judge bench headed by CJI Dipak Misra asked the states to apprise it about the running of orphanages, treatment given to the children in these centres and method of adoption followed. The court stayed an order of Calcutta High Court, restraining the national commission from acting on instances of alleged child trafficking in the state.

Using the line, “the child is the father of man”, the bench referred to a 1996 order of the court dealing with child protection. The bench said the court was conscious in that case that children should not be compelled to work in factories. “That being the position, when the children are sold, nothing can be more disastrous than this… A right of a child in a society is sacred, for the future of the country depends upon the character and the destiny of the child and the State has a great role in that regard. It is in the realm of protection,” it underlined.

“In view of the aforesaid, it is necessary to have a comprehensive view of the entire country pertaining to running of orphanages, the mode and method of adoption, the care given and the treatment meted out to the children. For the said purpose, it is necessary that all the States shall be added as respondents in the matter”, the court said and gave the states two months to respond after they are arrayed as parties.
