
Mr Timmermans, don’t underestimate civil society's potential in shaping Europe’s future

Mr Timmermans, don’t underestimate civil society's potential in shaping Europe’s future

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Social Platform by Jana Hainsworth 12:26

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Frans Timmermans speaking at "A New Pact for Europe" Conference

Mail exchange Arun Dohle - Nigel Cantwell - ARTICLE 21B - Independent Panel

From: Nigel Cantwell [mailto:cantabene@gmail.com]

Sent: Mittwoch, 17. Juni 2015 19:20

To: Arun Dohle

Subject: Re: CRC - Hague


Trinidad: Children’s Authority promises easy adoption process

Children’s Authority promises easy adoption process

Published on Jun 16, 2015, 11:37 am AST

By Carolyn Kissoon

0 CommentsArticle


Foreign adoption order recognised at common law in Scottish legal first

Foreign adoption order recognised at common law in Scottish legal first

LordBrailsfordAn adoption order granted by a court in Ethiopia is thought to be the first foreign adoption order to been recognised and registered at common law in Scotland.

A married man who was granted adoption of the child of his wife’s previous marriage before the couple relocated to Scotland has had the adoption formally recognised by a judge in the Court of Session in the first reported decision of its kind.

Lord Brailsford heard that Ian Ashford Brown and Aida Ashford Brown married in Abu Dhabi in July 2002, she having been previously married to a man who died in 1996.

Mrs Ashford Brown and her now deceased spouse had a child, Mekedes Abdisa Debele, born in June 1990, who was adopted by Mr Ashford Brown by deed of adoption granted in January 2005 by the Federal Court of First Instance in Lideta, Addis Ababa.

Minister defends ‘Barnevernet’

Minister defends ‘Barnevernet’

June 12, 2015

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The name of the Norwegian state agency charged with ensuring the welfare of children, Barnevernet, has become well-known far beyond Norway’s borders, for all the wrong reasons. Thorny cases of children taken away from foreign parents have made headlines from India to Lithuania but now the government minister in charge of the embattled agency is coming to its defense, while also promising to take all the complaints against it seriously.

Solveig Horne, the government minister in charge of children's and family issues, is now tackling the controversy around Norway's state child welfare agency "barnevernet." PHOTO: regjeringen.no

Nordic Adoption Council: 4th Meeting of the Special Commission on the Hague Convention

4th Meeting of the Special Commission on the Hague Convention

NORDIC ADOPTION COUNCIL July 2015 Birgitta Löwstedt


"20 years of the 1993 Hague Convention”

The objective of the 4th Special Commission (SC) was to review the practical operation of the 1993 Hague Convention; in the light of the 20 years that have passed since its birth. The discussions included presentations by some experts and some 'round table' sessions to introduce certain topics. After each presentation and round table sessions, there was time for discussions, questions and comments. Special for this year: A preparatory meeting was held on Saturday 6th June, for new States parties to the convention and for those States seriously considering ratification of, or accession to, the Convention. 19 States participated, with totally 33 experts. It was very successful and appreciated by participants.

Fake Indian charity caught selling babies in adoption racket

Delhi: Indian policemen walked into the offices of a fake Delhi charity this week to find a two-year-old boy and a newborn baby waiting to be taken.

The newborn belonged to an impoverished couple selling their baby son in return for money. The toddler, say police, was probably abducted by the trio running the so-called charity.

"What we unearthed was a sophisticated racket. The three have admitted they sold about 23 babies for around 550,000 rupees ($11,100) each.

"The culprits included the two men and woman running the Rashtriya Janhit Jansewa Sansthan (National Welfare Service Association) charity but also hospitals, nursing staff and municipal officers. The couples who registered knew what they were doing was illegal," said Deependra Pathak, Joint Commissioner of Police for South-West Delhi.

Indian Red Cross Society workers hold abandoned baby boys found at a drop-off box at the entrance to the Red Cross House in Amritsar on June 9. The premises contains a drop-off location for unwanted babies.

III. European Union approves the 2005 Choice of Court Convention (+ mentions ICA as in force in EU)

Evilly written:

III. European Union approves the 2005 Choice of Court Convention

H.E. Mr Maris Klišans, Ambassador of the Republic of Latvia, signed and deposited the instrument of approval of the 2005 Choice of Court Convention on behalf of the European Union, as the Republic of Latvia currently holds the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union. The approval of the 2005 Choice of Court Convention by the European Union will trigger the Convention's entry into force on Thursday 1 October 2015. Twenty-eight States (all EU Member States except Denmark -- as well as Mexico, which was the first State to accede to the Convention on 26 September 2007) will then be bound by the Convention.

This is the third out of four instruments of the Hague Conference (after the 2007 Hague Convention and Protocol on Maintenance) to which the European Union becomes a party as a Regional Economic Integration Organisation. In addition, the Apostille, Child Abduction, and Intercountry Adoption Conventions are also in force in all EU Member States.




Gisteren, 9 juni 2015, vond er een meeting plaats tussen het Bulgaarse Ministerie van Justitie en de Bulgaarse Vergunninghouders.

Eén van de Bulgaarse Vergunninghouders heeft hierover een eigen interpretatie gepubliceerd en op eigen website geplaatst.

Dit bericht heeft kennelijk voor onrust gezorgd bij een aantal aspirant adoptief ouders die op de wachtlijst Bulgarije staan bij onze organisatie.