
Continuation “DNA case” Indian couple

Continuation “DNA case” Indian couple

Zwolle-Lelystad, 23 June 2010 – Today, the three-judge family section of the District Court of Zwolle-Lelystad proceeded behind closed doors with the hearing of the request filed by the Indian couple in the “DNA case”. For further information about this case please be referred to the press releases issued by the court on 11 June and 15 June last.

Adoptive parents present
Today’s hearing was attended by the adoptive parents and their lawyers, the special curator of the child and the lawyer of the Indian couple.

Since the case is heard behind closed doors no further information can be given about the substance of the case.

Child psychologist as expert
The court wants to seek an expert opinion on the question whether the child is able to fully understand the case and the consequences it may have for him. The court intends to appoint a child psychologist as expert. Through conversations with the child the expert will have to try to provide clarity about the above question. The lawyers of the parties have been invited to submit a joint proposal for the appointment of an expert. Subsequently, the court will make the appointment.

Bron: Rechtbank Zwolle-Lelystad
Datum actualiteit: 24 juni 2010

Was duped by NGO staffer: Official

Gokul Vannan

Express News Service

First Published : 23 Jun 2010 03:16:02 AM IST

Last Updated : 23 Jun 2010 07:27:42 AM IST

CHENNAI: With the busting of the illegal child adoption racket, the Guild of Service (GoS), an NGO, has found itself in the news for all the wrong reasons, for social worker Shaila Samuel, working with it, used the children's home inmates to give them up for adoption through unlawful means.

Netwerk: Indiase ouders 'Rahul' doen aangifte van kidnapping

De zaak rond het geroofde adoptiekind 'Rahul' krijgt een nieuwe wending: het Indiase echtpaar dat claimt dat ze de biologische ouders van de jongen zijn, stappen naar de politie om aangifte te doen van kidnapping.

Het echtpaar kwam vorige week naar Nederland om via de rechter een


DNA-test af te dwingen


Fake Police Document to Adopt a Girl

Translation of article on Kantipur news website, published on 22 June 2010 

Fake police document to adopt a girl

-By Pratima Baskota 
Kathmandu, June 22 (Tuesday) 

A guardian has claimed that, without her permission, a children’s home named Prayash Nepal at Baluwatar, Kathmandu, has sent her daughter abroad as an adopted daughter on the ground of a fake police document. 

She has said that her daughter Smriti was sent to Italy by making fake profile in the official letter pad of local community police. Though the children home says that the girl was referred by police, the letter itself seems to be a suspicious one. 

The reference letter of police, received by 'Kantipur' daily, states that Smriti, daughter of a local homeless (Sukumbasi) Sarita Bhujel of Shantinagar, was handed over to Prayash Nepal in 29, January 2007. The letter's 'dispatch/serial number' is 40. But the police have kept record of the letters of the period during 18, July 2006 to 10, November 2006 only. In the police record book, two pages are left blank following the last date (10, November 2006) after which new records for 2007 has been shown. 

"This letter must have been misused by someone" says a policeman of this branch" Every letters sent from here contains the dispatch number but this letter's dispatch number is not found to be recorded here." 

The letter is signed by Phool Kumari Paudel, the then Head Constable (Havaldaar). She is now Assistant Sub Inspector at Chabahil Community Police. She said that she had handed over some children, found in abandoned state, to the children home but she doesn't remember about Smriti. "All the letters sent by me contained the 'dispatch/serial numbers'-she said." 

But Smriti's mother said that she herself had kept her daughter at Prayash Nepal through a lady who was her neighbor. On Monday, she had gone to that children home to seek her daughter. She said-"I kept her there because I was told that they would educate my daughter till S.L.C.  I met her only for 5 times. Later when I tried to meet her I was not permitted saying that she was having her examinations. And now they have sent my daughter abroad without informing me." During these years she had been married again. 

On Monday, CCWB wrote a letter to the children home to return the girl. Sarita had reached there with that letter. The situation became quite tensed when Mani Joshi, the director of the home, said that the child had been found in an abandoned condition. 

The executive director of CCWB, Mr. Dharma raj Shrestha said that the children home had committed a mistake. He said that chidlren homes have done mischief with help of police and local administration. "These kind of problems have increased in recent days" he added. 

The owner of the children home, Mani Joshi claimed that she was handed over the girl by the police with a letter. "I have not done any fake works; police handed over her to me. We received the girl when the Community Police sent a letter saying that the girl was found in an abandoned state. Her mother came in our contact only after she was sent to Italy." 

Translated by Mr. Purushottam Lamsal 

DF: Stop adoptioner fra Indien

DF: Stop adoptioner fra Indien

21. jun. 2010 06.00 Politik

Efter 21 Søndag i aftes fortalte, at en indisk mand har fået franarret sine børn, som er blevet bortadopteret til Danmark uden hans accept, vil Dansk Folkeparti have stoppet for adoptioner fra Indien.

Både SF og de Konservative er også villige til at se på muligheden og kræver samtidig sammen med Socialdemokraterne, at det indiske adoptionsmarked bliver grundigt gransket.

- Dansk Folkeparti mener, at al samarbejde med de indiske adoptionsmyndigheder bør ophøre, og at al adoption fra Indien til Danmark bør indstilles, indtil adoptioner kan genoptages på betryggende vilkår, siger Marlene Harpsøe, Dansk Folkepartis medlem af retsudvalget. 

Otte år uden sine børn
Udmeldingen kommer efter, at 21 Søndag i går fortalte historien om den indiske mand Ramesh Kulkarni, som har fået franarret sine børn, der nu er i Danmark. 

Ramesh Kulkarni har nu ikke set sine børn i otte år.

I 2002 afleverede Ramesh Kulkarni nemlig sine børn til børnehjemmet Preet Mandir i Indien, der efterfølgende bortadopterede børnene uden faderens viden og uden hans accept.

Nu vil han have sine børn igen, siger han til DR Nyheder.

- Det er en dybt tragisk sag, som ikke må finde sted, lyder det fra Marlene Harpsøe (DF).

Sagen genåbnet
Men sagen om Ramesh Kulkarnis ikke nogen nyhed for de danske myndigheder. I 2007 dokumenterede 21 Søndag for første gang det indiske børnemarked - heriblandt Ramesh Kulkarnis sag.

Det betød, at Danmark lukkede for al adoption fra Indien. Men efter en undersøgelse slog fast, at faderen havde sagt ja til bortadoption, blev adoptionsgrænserne åbnet igen

Nu viser en undersøgelse, at Ramesh Kulkarni intet vidste, og at sagen ikke kun handler om en far, som er blevet snydt af et korrupt børnehjem, men om korruption helt op på statsligt niveau i Indien.

Korrupt indisk adoptionsmyndighed
- Det er frygteligt og fuldstændig uacceptabelt , at sådan noget kan ske, lyder det fra Vivi Kier, de Konservatives familieretsordfører.

Det indiske forbundspoliti - CBIs - nye undersøgelse af sagen har nemlig også fundet spor af korruption hele vejen op til de indiske adoptionsmyndigheder. Et centralt og meget farligt advarselssignal, som vi ikke kan ignorere, mener flere politikere herhjemme.

- Der skal straks iværksættes et tilbundsgående udredningsarbejde af hele området, siger Vivi Kier (K).

Flere partier villige til at lukke for indiske adoptioner
SF og Konservative er også parat til at se på, om der igen skal lukkes for adoptioner fra Indien. I hvert fald indtil reglerne er skærpet.

-Jeg syntes, at ministeren må gribe ind nu og sørge for midlertidigt at få bremset adoptionerne, i hvert fald indtil vi er sikre på, at der ikke foregår noget forkert, lyder det fra Vivi Kier.

Fra SF meldingen:

- Jeg vil høre ministeren ad, om det ikke er fornuftigt at få et stop for adoptioner fra Indien. Og derefter bliver vi nød til at have nogle skærpede krav til de organisationer, der foretager adoptioner fra Indien til Danmark, siger Karina Lorentzen Dehnhardt, retsordfører for SF.

Socialdemokraterne vil endnu ikke tage stilling til, om de mener adoptionerne skal stoppes, men understreger, at vi hurtigt muligt skal iværksætte en undersøgelse, siger Karen Hækkerup, Socialdemokraternes retspolitiske ordfører.

Fakta om Ramesh Kulkarnis historie

  • I mart 2002 dør Ramesh Kulkarnis kone af gulsot få måneder efter, at deres sidste barn er født.
  • Efter nogle uger bryder Ramesh Kulkarni sammen. Han kan ikke give børnene mad, når han er på arbejde. Derfor forlader han sit job og flytter sammen med sin familie. Han indser, at han ikke kan tage sig af børnene, og cirka en måned efter sin kones død afleverer Ramesh Kulkarni sine børn til børnehjemmet Preet Mandir. Han får at vide, at han når som helst kan hente sine børn igen, når han er kommet økonomisk og mentalt overpå.
  • Børnehjemmet beder ham underskrive et papir. Papir, som han tror er indskrivningsdokumenter, men som i virkeligheden var bortadoptionspapirer.
  • En måned efter kommer familien for at hente børnene, men de er væk.
  • Børnehjemmet Preet Mandir forsøger at afpresse familien og kræver penge for at give børnene tilbage. Desværre har familien ikke pengene.
  • I foråret 2003 tror Ramesh Kulkarni stadig, at hans børn er på børnehjemmet Preet Mandir, men børnene er blevet bortadopteret til Danmark.
  • Ramesh Kulkarni nægter at give tilladelse til bortadoption og bliver forbudt at komme på børnehjemmet.
  • Faderen sætter gang i søgningen med advokat, men må give op på grund af pengeproblemer.
  • Først i oktober 2006 gør Ramesh Kulkarni endnu et forsøg på at se børnene sammen med sin bror. De tager til børnehjemmet, men børnehjemmet viser dem nogle helt andre børn, der ikke er hans. Protester fra faderen og broderen gør, at de bliver smidt ud af børnehjemmet. 
  • I April 2007 beslutter hele familien at køre sammen til børnehjemmet. Her får de at vide, at børnene er i Danmark.
  • Familien melder sagen til det lokale politi i byen Pune, til kriminalpolitiet i Mumbai og børnerettighedsorganisationen Child Line. De vil have børnene tilbage.
  • Sagen bliver vist i 21 Søndag i juni 2007, og den får den konsekvens, at Danmark stopper midlertidigt for adoptioner fra Indien. Men efter at en undersøgelse fra Indien fastslår, at Ramesh Kulkarni godt vidste, hvilke papirer han havde underskrevet, lukker Danmark igen op for adoptioner fra Indien, og børnehjemmet Preet Mandir og AC Børnehjælp bliver frikendt for anklagerne.
  • I 2010 finder indisk politi ud af, at den politimand, som stod bag undersøgelsen i 2007, er korrupt og i ledtog med børnehjemmet Preet mandir. Han bliver fyret.
  • Ny undersøgelse iværksættes. Den slår fast, at Ramesh Kulkarni fik franarret sine børn. Samtidig finder CBI, Det Indiske Forbundspoliti, ud af, at der er korrupte embedsmænd ansat i CARA, den indiske adoptionsmyndighed, som også i ledtog med børnehjemmet i Preet Mandir.
  • Nu vil Ramesh Kulkarni have sine børn tilbage til Indien.

CCAA Delegation Headed by Deputy Director-General Ms. Chu Xiaoying Visited Sweden and Norway

CCAA Delegation Headed by Deputy Director-General Ms. Chu Xiaoying Visited Sweden and Norway
Date of Release:June 22, 2010 ??Source:CCAA

At the invitation of Swedish and Norwegian adoption agencies and approval by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, a CCAA delegation headed by Deputy Director-General Ms. Chu Xiaoying travelled to Sweden and Norway for an official visit from May 21 to 30, 2010. The members of the delegation are: Director of Domestic Adoption Department of CCAA, Mr. Ji Gang; Deputy Director of the Finance Department of CCAA, Ms. Huang Yue; Director of the Centre for International Adoptions in Yunnan Province, Ms. Zhang Ling; Deputy Director of Beijing Children’s Welfare Institution, Mr. Zhang Yingjie.

During the visit, the delegation had meetings with the Swedish central authority Inter-country Adoption Authority and Norwegian central authority Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs. The delegation introduced to the two authorities updated development of China’s inter-country adoption and familiarized themselves with the working procedure in both countries. The post-placement tracking system and placement of special needs children were also discussed in depth. The delegation also listened to the advices and suggestions of the two governments on China’s inter-country adoption.


Group photo with Swedish central authority Inter-country Adoption Authority

Meeting with Norwegian central authority Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs

Meeting with the three Swedish agencies


Group photo with staff from the three Swedish agencies

In the office of Sweden agency Family Association for Inter-country Adoption

In the office of Norwegian agency Adopsjonsforum


In the office of Norwegian agency Verdens Barn

Attending family gatherings Face-to-face communication with adoptive families

During the visit, the delegation also had seminars with all the agencies in Sweden and Norway working with China, and visited the offices of Adoption Center Swedish Society for International Child Welfare, Family Association for Inter-country Adoption of Sweden, Adopsjonsforum and Verdens Barn in Norway. Through thorough communication, the delegation shared with agencies the status quo and trends of China’s inter-country adoption, and gave detailed explanations to questions on special needs children adoption. Besides that, the delegation attended adoptive family gatherings and visited homes of adoptive families. Through face-to-face communication with the adoptive parents and adopted children, the delegation had the opportunity to understand the life and education of adopted children abroad and felt the close connection between the children and their adoptive parents.

In a word, the delegation enhanced understanding with the governments and adoption agencies in Sweden and Norway, built up relationship between the two countries, and promoted cooperation in inter-country adoption through meetings, seminars, face-to-face communication and on-the-spot visiting. The visit received good effects and achieved its expected goal.




Charity ball assists orphanage

FORGET Me Not Children's Home founder Lars Olsen was still in awe yesterday at what his latest charity ball had raised for the orphanage project in Nepal.

“We realised that things were tight in the business community, but to have raised $171,000 was an overwhelming response,” Lars said.

“Our goal was to hopefully make $100,000 so we could start stage one of the eco village we are creating at Rani Rauwa on the outskirts of Nepal. Now we have enough to finish that stage and also to move forward on stage two.”

The Forget Me Not orphanage looks after 60 young children and recently expanded by purchasing five acres of land.

The land which is now cleared will see a visitors quarters for 10 volunteers built in the next few months and a two-storey administration centre with medical centre and training rooms started shortly after.

Agency to review adoptions from India

Agency to review adoptions from India
21. jun. 2010 13.26 English
The Department of Family Affairs is going to review new information from India before making a decision on whether to suspend adoption of children from India. Thus, couples on the waiting list to adopt children from India, and even couples who have already adopted Indian children, are thus left in an uncertain position.
Following new information from Indian police authorities revealing corruption at high levels in the Indian adoption authorities, Dansk Folkeparti has demanded an immediate halt to adoptions from India. Socialdemokratiet, SF, and Det Konservative Folkeparti likewise demand a thorough inquiry into the Indian adoption market.
Single father conned out of children
Last night, DR news show 21 Søndag revealed that Indian authorities believe that an Indian orphanage conned a single Indian father out of his children, and subsequently adopted the children to Denmark.
The case grabbed media attention in 2007 and back then, the Department of Family Affairs suspended all adoptions from India while the case was under investigation. At the time, the Indian police concluded that the father of the children, Ramesh Kulkarni, had agreed to the adoption. Now, however, the Indian authorities back Mr. Kulkarni in his claims that he was conned out of the children.
Cut ties in 2003
Danish organization AC Børnehjælp was the go-between in adopting away the children to a Danish couple. Back in 2003, AC Børnehjælp cut all ties with the orphanage handling the adoption of Ramesh Kulkarni's children. At the moment, the organization has five couples on the waiting list to adopt Indian children.
A total of 24 children from India were adopted to Denmark last year.

Nepal skips the Hague meet on adoption

Nepal skips the Hague meet on adoption  


KATHMANDU, June 21: Nepal has remained absent in an international meeting on adoption that is underway in the Hague where it is likely to find itself in an uncomfortable position to defend its inter-country adoption which is marred by alleged fraudulent activities.

The Secretariat of The Hague Conference on Private International Law, an intergovernmental organization, had sent an invitation to Nepal to send representatives to participate in the week-long meeting of the Special Commission which is for the first time taking up adoption trafficking. The meeting kicked off last Thursday and ends on Friday. “

"We were invited. We had even decided to send a under secretary but did not at last because we came to know that a documentary was being screened during the meeting," said Secretary at the Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare Mahendra Shrestha in a question why Nepal decided not to take part the meeting.

By a documentary Shrestha referred to one prepared by the Terre des hommes Foundation, a Swiss NGO working for child rights and welfare. The 20-minute documentary exposes frauds in Nepal´s inter-country adoption practice.

Nepal even lodged an objection to the Secretariat to drop the documentary from the meeting´s agenda, saying that the documentary does not reflect the current ground realities.

But diplomatic sources who are following adoption issues interpret the government´s deliberate absence in a different way.“

"It shows Nepal does not want to improve its adoption system so as to make it of international standard," said an official working at an embassy of a western country.

Nepal-based embassies of the EU countries and the United States have already asked Nepal government in a diplomatic memorandum to ensure transparency in adoption system and keep child rights protection mechanism in place.
A member of adoption working group, who is participating in the meeting in The Hague, told myrepublica.com in an email message, "This means Nepal missed the boat and a historic opportunity to join the Special Commission. All countries condemn trafficking against their children. But Nepal was not here to join its voice and say that yes, trafficking happened, but that from now on it will be completely stopped."

Nepal´s adoption system has been questioned internationally following publication of a report The Hague Conference on Private International Law in February this year.

The report based on an investigation on ground by a group of lawyers accused Nepal´s adoption system of being subject to widespread abuse. It also called suspension of adoption from Nepal until reforms are ushered in the system.

Nepal-based embassies of the EU countries and the United States have already asked Nepal government in a diplomatic memorandum to ensure transparency in adoption system and keep child rights protection mechanism in place.

In addition, in March, the United States had issued an alert to prospective adoptive US parents, expressing concern over Nepal´s adoption system and the accuracy of the information in children´s official files.

But Secretary Shrestha said, "We are trying to improve the system. We do not want to see trafficking of children."

Following the publication of the Hague report in February, eight western countries have suspended adoption officially and unofficially from Nepal. They included Canada, Denmark, Germany, France, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.




Ingen ophævelse af indiske adoptioner

Ingen ophævelse af indiske adoptioner


Indtil videre ingen ophævelse af adoptioner fra Indien
21. juni 2010

Familiestyrelsen er blevet bekendt med en foreløbig rapport fra det indiske forbundspoliti, CBI, som retter anklager mod børnehjemmet Preet Mandir om ulovlige handlinger i forbindelse med formidling af børn til international adoption. Rapporten anklager i øvrigt medarbejdere i den indiske centralmyndighed, CARA, for at være involveret i ulovlige aktiviteter i forbindelse med international adoption.

21 Søndag bragte den 20. juni 2010 et indslag med baggrund i den foreløbige rapport. Indslaget omtaler bl.a. en konkret sag, hvor en far har afgivet sine børn til adoption, angiveligt fordi han troede, han foretog en midlertidig anbringelse af børnene på børnehjemmet Preet Mandir.

Familiestyrelsen ser med stor alvor på både den konkrete sag og de mere overordnede anklager i rapporten.

Familiestyrelsen finder dog ikke på det foreliggende grundlag og på nuværende tidspunkt, at formidlingen fra Indien bør indstilles. Der er således lagt vægt på, at CBI’s rapport er en foreløbig politirapport, som ifølge styrelsens oplysninger skal danne grundlag for videre politiundersøgelser. Resultaterne af de videre undersøgelser skal indgå i en retssag, som verserer ved Mumbai High Court. Der er desuden lagt vægt på, at det ikke fremgår af undersøgelsen, om de pågældende personer fra CARA stadig er ansat i CARA, herunder om CARA eller ministeriet selv har foretaget sig noget i forhold til beskyldningerne.

Styrelsen retter nu henvendelse til det indiske Ministry of Women & Child Development, som CARA hører under, og beder dem gøre rede for beskyldningerne mod CARA. Det er af afgørende betydning, at styrelsen snarest får en tilbagemelding fra de indiske myndigheder om deres vurdering af sagen, og styrelsen meddeler derfor Ministry of Women & Child Development, at adoptioner fra Indien vil blive suspenderet, hvis der ikke er modtaget et svar senest ved udgangen af august måned i år.

AC Børnehjælp, der formidlede børnene i den konkrete sag, stoppede samarbejdet med Preet Mandir i 2003. AC Børnehjælp har over for Familiestyrelsen oplyst, at ingen af de andre sager, som er nævnt i politiundersøgelsen, vedrører børn der er adopteret til Danmark.

Yderligere spørgsmål kan rettes til kontorchef Trine Hede, 33 92 33 02 eller kommunikationskonsulent Joan Thaysen, tlf. 51 72 03 97, joat@famstyr.dk.