
Tighten rules for adoption of Russian children by foreign (Lavrov)


MOSCOW, April 16 - RIA Novosti. Russia advocates the strengthening of procedures for adoption of Russian children by foreigners and the establishment of protective measures against violence against them, said Chief of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov in the pages of the Rossiiskaya Gazeta.
"Russia advocates the strengthening of the rights of adopted children and the introduction of protective measures against violence against them in adoptive families. The problems of international adoption are now under the jurisdiction of the Russian Ministry of Education and Research has developed and submitted to the Government of the Russian Federation proposals focused on strengthening control agencies and other foreign organizations responsible for adoption of children in the territory of Russia, "said Lavrov.
The implementation of these proposals "will make it easier for employees consular representations of MID to visit children adopted and timely detect cases of abuse against them."
"It is suggested to introduce the practice of agreements regulating international adoption on the example of the agreement signed in 2008 between Russia and Italy on cooperation in the sphere of the adoption of children" said the minister.
"The resolution of these issues at international level officially dedicate the control functions of organizations mandated for this purpose will prevent those guilty of abuse of children adopted could evade their responsibility," said Sergei Lavrov.
According to the diplomat, only the United States "looking for loopholes in the Russian proposal for bilateral agreements.
"I think the question should be made unequivocally disagree - no adoption," concluded the Russian minister.



MOSCOU, 16 avril - RIA Novosti. La Russie prône le renforcement des modalités d'adoption d'enfants russes par des étrangers et l'instauration de mesures de protection contre la violence exercée contre eux, a déclaré le chef du ministère russe des Affaires étrangères Serguéi Lavrov dans les pages de la Rossiïskaïa gazeta.
"La Russie prône le renforcement des droits des enfants adoptés et l'instauration de mesures de protection contre la violence exercée contre ces derniers dans les familles adoptives. Les problèmes de l'adoption internationale relèvent désormais de la compétence du ministère russe de l'Education et de la Recherche qui a élaboré et présenté au gouvernement de la Fédération de Russie des propositions axées sur le renforcement du contrôle des organismes et autres organisations étrangères chargées de l'adoption d'enfants sur le territoire de la Russie", a précisé M.Lavrov.
La mise en oeuvre de ces propositions "permettra plus facilement aux employés des représentations consulaires du MID de rendre visite aux enfants adoptés et de déceler en temps opportun les cas de maltraitance à leur égard".
"Il est suggéré d'introduire la pratique d'accords réglementant l'adoption internationale sur l'exemple de l'accord signé en 2008 entre la Fédération de Russie et l'Italie sur coopération dans la sphère de l'adoption d'enfants", a souligné le ministre.
"Le règlement de ces questions au niveau international consacrera officiellement les fonctions de contrôle des organisations mandatées à cet effet, évitera que les personnes coupables de maltraitance sur des enfants adoptés puissent se soustraire à leur responsabilité", a ajouté Serguéi Lavrov.
Selon le diplomate, seuls les Etats-Unis "cherchent des échappatoires à la proposition russe d'accords bilatéraux".
"Je pense que la question devra être formulée sans ambages: pas d'accord - pas d'adoption", a conclu le ministre russe.

Programul Bogdan Panait: fraud?, incompeten?? ?i adop?ii

Programul Bogdan Panait: fraud?, incompeten?? ?i adop?ii

Acest articol a aparut si in Academia Ca?avencu din 15 Apr 2009 | Mircea Toma | 0 comentarii | 941 vizualiz?ri


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Doe-het-zelf-adoptie steeds populairder

Doe-het-zelf-adoptie steeds populairder

(Trouw) Beeld


De adoptiebureaus hebben ellenlange wachtlijsten. Een groeiend aantal aspirant-ouders wil de adoptie daarom (deels) zelf regelen. Minister Hirsch Ballin wil dat juist verbieden.

Iris Pronk14 april 2009, 00:00

Woman moves HC to get back grandkids

Woman moves HC to get back grandkids
11 Apr 2009, 0154 hrs IST, Swati Deshpande, TNN
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MUMBAI: Kisabai Lokhande, a 66-year-old illiterate woman from a Satara slum has filed a habeas corpus petition in the Bombay high court to get
back her two granddaughters who were given in an inter-country adoption and sent to Spain.

The issue which highlights the need for greater check in processing eligibility for adoptions, is that the agency had claimed that the two minor girls were abandoned and no consent was required from family members.

Lokhande had initiated a search for her grandchildren last year although they had been adopted in 2005. She moved court as the last resort, wanting the HC to direct the DGP and the local cops to register complaints for various offences including kidnapping, cheating, using forged documents and illegally declaring a child under 12 as being abandoned-an offence attracting up to seven years in jail.

She had complained to the police this January but to no avail, her lawyer Pradeep Havnur said. He added, "She is aggrieved at the police apathy in not registering an FIR against the accused, including Preet Mandir, an adoption agency in Pune. The agency allegedly colluded with the Satara Child Welfare Committee to declare the girls as destitute.''

SOFOSH hopes to find homes for children with special needs

Reema (name changed) needs an injection that costs Rs 250 every day to ensure her steady growth. Identified with a growth hormone deficiency, Reema also needs a loving family that will look after her.

“But that is easier said than done,” rues Madhuri Abhyankar, director of Society of Friends of Sassoon Hospital (SOFOSH) that has given 2,500 children for adoption from their centre. Children with special needs find no takers among adoptive parents, says Abhyankar and now, SOFOSH will try to convince parents at a post-adoption meet on April 18. This time, the society has specifically targetted young couples and has used the Internet apart from meetings with parents to encourage such adoptions.

Like Reema, there are three other children at SOFOSH who are yet to be adopted. While one child also has a blood disorder problem and requires a transfusion, another has not been adopted owing to her age. All these factors prove deterrents, as most adoptive parents want a child who is not very old and has no medical problems. “However, this time, we will generate awareness about this problem at our post-adoption meeting,” she says.

Childcare activities were initiated in 1973 at Sofosh’s centre ‘Shreevatsa’ which has provided shelter and hope to orphans ranging from newborns to six-year-olds.

“Hence, we named our centre Shreevatsa, which means children of God,” she said.

Russia, U.S. discuss treaty on child adoption


Russia, U.S. discuss treaty on child adoption
19:31|07/ 04/ 2009


MOSCOW, April 7 (RIA Novosti) - Russia's Science and Education Ministry is in talks with the United States on a bilateral treaty to specify the responsibilities of U.S. parents who adopt Russian children, the minister said on Tuesday.
The treaty, if signed, would oblige U.S. parents to show more responsibility when raising adopted Russian children. Russia has already concluded a similar treaty with Italy.
"The United States has for the first time shown its interest by requesting documents on this bilateral treaty," Andrei Fursenko said. "They are ready to study it."
The lower house of parliament, the State Duma, has asked Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to speed up the process of concluding bilateral international treaties on child adoption following the death of 18-month-old Dima Yakovlev, who was adopted by a U.S. couple.
The boy died on July 8, 2008, when his adoptive father, Miles Harrison, left the boy shut in his car for nine hours during 50-degree Celsius (122-degree Fahrenheit) heat.
The minister also said that Russia should as soon as possible ratify the Hague Adoption Convention, which it signed on September 7, 2000.
"We think that the convention should be ratified - it poses no threat to our children, on the contrary, it defends their rights to a greater extent," Fursenko said.

For more information in Russian


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Ethiopia's orphans face life of hardship

From Times Online April 4, 2009

Ethiopia's orphans face life of hardship

Jonathan Clayton

The Ethiopian peasant farmer and his wife shuffled painfully into the orphanage. They were in the last stages of Aids and had only weeks to live. However, they were happy. They had heard the Franciscan nuns had found a home for their three children and had come to say farewell.

“I am so happy, they are going to stay together,” the father, Solomon, whispered as he embraced a middle-aged Mormon couple from Salt Lake City, Utah. “Now, I can die peacefully. They will go to school in America and have a future. It is good they leave here.” As they embraced their two daughters, aged 8 and 6, for the last time the tears ran freely. Their four-year-old son did not appreciate the significance of the moment and ran off to play with friends.

Deported mom's case could be 'tip of iceberg'

Deported mom's case could be 'tip of iceberg'

Mayura Janwalkar

Mumbai: The Bombay High Court on Friday took a serious note of the irregularities alleged by Jennifer Haynes, 27, who was deported to Mumbai last year. The central government willhave to give the court an explanation for her deportation.
The Central Adoption and Resource Agency (Cara) had stated in an affidavit that it was not involved with Haynes's adoption as it came into existence in 1990, a year after Haynes was adopted by US nationals Edward and Melissa Hancox. Justice DY Chandrachud and justice RG Ketkar were, however, of the view that the agency could not absolve itself from its responsibility.

Justice Chandrachud remarked, "This may be just the tip of the iceberg." He called for all documents pertaining to Haynes's adoption. The court asked Cara to find out if any supervision was conducted after the high court permitted Haynes's inter-country adoption in November 1989. The court also asked Cara to inquire whether there were any breaches on part of the Americans for International Aid and Adoption and Kuan Yin Charity Trust in Mumbai that processed her adoption.

Haynes's advocate Pradeep Havnur told the court that his client's life in Mumbai "was worse than animal existence."

DNA was the first to report Haynes's case. She was deported to Mumbai in July last year owing to unfinished documentation at the time of her adoption. "I have got some hope after the court has sought an explanation from the government. I see it as a positive step in my case," Haynes said.

The court has asked the Centre to file an affidavit stating on what basis they accepted Haynes's repatriation and adjourned the case till June 10.

Tragic end to troubled journey

Tragic end to troubled journey

By HAYLEY GALE - The Nelson Mail

Last updated 12:00 04/04/2009

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