
Romanian Orphanages Overflowing

Romanian Orphanages Overflowing
Romanian Orphanages Overflowing Due to Financial Crisis. The Romanian periodical Curentul reports that many poor families are abandoning their children in Romania to hospitals or placement centers. As the spokesman for the Child Protective Services of Iasi County explained, "In rural areas there are many families who have no food and no wood to heat their homes. Consequently, they do not have any way to feed their children or to keep them warm..."
Romania has been battered twice over by the world economic recession-its own economy is faltering and many of the millions of Romanian migrant workers who have supported their families by taking jobs abroad are losing their jobs and returning home to impoverished families. Romania remains closed to international adoption.

Radio Interview with Scott Carney

Scott Carney is an investigative reporter based in Chennai, India. In the March/April 2009 issue of Mother Jones, he examines the dark side of international adoption, and asks the question: How did a boy kidnapped from the slums of India wind up adopted by an American family in the Midwest?

Mother Jones multimedia editor Laura McClure spoke with Carney about how families can avoid adoption pitfalls, the ethics of overseas adoption, and what happened to the boy profiled in the story after the story went to press.

Read Carney's article, "Meet the Parents," and click here to listen to and subscribe to MoJo's audio podcast interviews.

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Green street to international adoptions

Green street to international adoptions - 2009-03-13 15:23 On 19 March the Ministry of Justice and organizations-facilitators will hold a joint conference at Sheraton Hotel

Eliana Mitova

It is expected that the conference to be held on 19 March at Royal III Hall, Sheraton Hotel, by the Ministry of Justice and the Association of Licensed Organizations will grant a green street to international adoptions. Ilonka Raychinova, Chairperson of the International Adoptions Council and Deputy-minister of Justice will personally familiarize the audience with the main aspects of this issue. Her report has been expected with great interest by all involved parties, because for four years now international adoptions have been almost a topic under taboo in the Bulgarian society. Directors of homes for bringing up abandoned children will discuss the disastrous effect of the institution on the development of growing-up children. Specialists in the field of law will present the new Family Code (not discussed yet on second reading), which is the basic document in relation to international adoptions implementation. Judge Mariya Georgieva, of Sofia City Court, whose experience in related procedures is extremely valuable and useful, will also render her standpoint from this conference rostrum. The painful topic of placing children with special needs (i.e., children with severe health problems) will also be brought to light. Representatives of foreign central authorities, involved in adoption abroad, will share the difficulties they encounter in the dialogue with their Bulgarian partners. In order to take part in the conference, some adoptive families from abroad will arrive together with their children. The open discussion will enable the presentation of opinions, which may be extremely useful for the future of international adoptions.

Defrosting after ice age

The conference to be held on 19 March is a sign that the ice age in international adoptions (known also among informed people as the Ganev-Kalauzka age) has come to an end forever. For some four years, Margarit Ganev, former Deputy-minister of Justice, has in practice blocked international adoptions, reducing them to some 100 adoptions annually. He explained his actions as depending on some European requirement, which, you see, has imposed that Bulgaria should perform no more than 100 procedures per year. The “requirement” turned out to be just mere talk, however it virtually deprived hundreds of abandoned Bulgarian children of the chance to have families. As a result of this misanthropic policy, adoptive parents from abroad, broken-hearted and disappointed with so much waiting for, withdrew their dossiers and went to other countries. The international adoptions system practically collapsed. The present team of the Ministry of Justice is still fighting the terrifying consequences of such collapse.

Abandonment Act

Republic of the Philippines

Congress of the Philippines

Metro Manila

Fourteenth Congress

Second Regular Session

Het Keniaase avontuur is begonnen

rdag 12 maart 2009

Na een goede vlucht zijn we maandag 9 maart 's morgens aangekomen en werden we naar het gasthuis Hibiscus gebracht. Na een tukje hebben we de omgeving verkend. De volgende morgen hadden we een soort intake gesprek bij de LAN (Little Angels Network). De procedure werd uitgelegd en er werd voor ons een ticket geboekt naar Mombasa.

Woensdag 11 maart zijn we naar
Mombasa gevlogen en werden verwelkomt door Joy (onze gardian in Mombasa) en inmiddels onze vast taxi chaufeur Augustine. Tip voor Kenia gangers die naar Mombasa gaan. Augustine is tot nu altijd op tijd geweest en rijdt veilig. Rechtstreeks van het vliegveld zijn we naar New Life Home Trust gereden. Het kindertehuis waar Elaine verblijft. Nog geen twee stappen uit de taxi gestapt kwamen er kinderen op ons af. Waaronder Elaine. Ik kreeg direct contact met haar. Nadat ik haar foto uit mijn tas haalde ging ze tussen mijn benen zitten. Aan Arjan moest ze nog een beetje wennen. Het was al wat later in de middag en rond half vijf is het etentijd. Ik mocht haar gelijk eten geven. Spaghetti met verdunde Bolognese. Elaine deed steeds haar mond wijd open. Al gauw kreeg ik in de gaten dat ik te kleine hapjes op de lepel deed. De verzorgster schepten flink op de lepel. Na deze aanpassing verliep onze coordinatie beter. Flinke scheppen dus. Na het eten nog even spelen en toen was het baddertijd. Ook dit verliep soepel en voor het slapen gaan wordt er nog een beker warme melk gedronken. Elaine was erg moe en ik heb haar toen naar bed gebracht. Trouwens ze was niet de enigste. Arjan en ik waren ook total loss. Nog ergens een hapje gegeten en toen naar ons hotel vlakbij.

Woensdag 12 maart werden we warm verwelkomt door Elaine. Ze had een oranje hemdje aan met een fluweel zwarte broek. Tot 13.00 zijn we bij haar geweest. Vervolgens zijn we met Joy en Augustine op zoek gegaan naar een appartement. We hebben een goed appartement gevonden in Paradise Appartments. Het is op de begane grond en het is enorm groot. Joy wilde het in eerste instantie niet laten zien omdat ze bang was dat we het te groot vonden. Voor de Arjan kenners onder jullie kan niet zo gauw te groot zijn. Het is in jaren 50 stijl en een strak pand. Met een zwembad en loop afstand van het strand. We hebben het voor een maand gehuurd. Het ligt aan NyaliBeach. Vlakbij is er ook nog een winkelcentrum. Dus dit lijkt allemaal heel goed.
Geplaatst door Irene op donderdag, maart 12, 2009

One HIV+ child, many HIV orphans find new parents

Pune Five years ago, when the Shah family from Thane adopted an HIV-positive child from Society of Friends of Sassoon Hospital (SOFOSH) in Pune, those working in the adoption agency thought the tide had finally turned. But that first adoption remains the last from any such agency.

What is raising fresh hopes is the trend of families adopting children of HIV-positive mothers. Over the past 10 years SOFOSH has successfully placed for adoption 103 children, born of HIV-positive mothers but themselves HIV-negative.

“Also significant is that unlike earlier, when only foreign couples would go for such adoptions, in the last 3-4 years local or NRI parents have taken this step,” said Madhuri Abhyankar, SOFOSH director, who reads this as a change in acceptance level.

Bhartiya Samaj Seva Kendra (BSSK) has seen about 25-30 adoptions of children of HIV-positive mothers in the last few years. “The major concern adoptive parents have is that the child should not contract AIDS later. That’s when our doctor explain to them that if the child is ELISA positive but tests PRC negative at age 18 months, it means he or she is like any other normal child. If anyone wants to take a second medical opinion we encourage them to do so. Once the family doctor says the same thing, the hesitation goes,” said Maina Shetty, assistant BSSK director.

No child’s medical history is hidden from adoptive parents. “Every month we have parent preparation workshops where remaining doubts are cleared,” Abhyankar said.

Sponsor A Child, Adoption Center collaborate on child rights

Sponsor A Child, Adoption Center collaborate on child rights

Written by Kingsley Adegboye  
Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Ahead of its “Caregivers Training Programme” scheduled for  June 2009,
Sponsor A Child (SAC), an NGO involved in health and education mission
delivery projects through community aid and education in collaboration with
Adoption Centre (AC) International Child Support, Denmark recently held a
five-day training programme for community based organisations in the field
of child adoption and social development. Mrs. Olatoun Williams,
Coordinator, SAC noted that  officials from AC International,  would train
local partners from community based organizations across the country in
adoption and social development of children as well as resource persons for
the June training programme.

“Cathe and Lene will help sharpen the skills of staff of SAC and our
partners so that in June, we will be ready to roll out the caregivers
training programme. Our rights campaign reinforces the need to pay attention
to the psycho-social development of children at risk so that they can
develop a deeper sense of well-being and stronger social identities, which
is the right to mental and spiritual health, the right to name, family and

She said the campaign focuses on building the capacity of child caregivers
in remand homes and orphanages to be family for at risk children by
delivering good child care and  builds the capacity of officers of the law
charged with the enforcement of child protection by providing rights
awareness and a clear explanation of rights principles rooted in compassion
and respect as well as a drive to rehabilitate rather than condemn.”

Cathe Pedersen, Programmes coordinator and social worker, AC  International
Child Support said: “our focus primarily is on development of projects in
Bolivia, Colombia and Ethiopia. We would like to expand our activities in
Africa, and since we are already collaborating with Nigeria about
international adoptions.“

Forum : about bribes

Sat Mar 7, 2009 6:16 pm

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linda robak



Adoption Alerte

Translation of original French text

One organization, Global Adoption Services / Sadeem, posing as an adoption agency in Pakistan, is currently circulating an email whose subject is quick Adoption Process in Pakistan "and praised the opportunities to take in 15 to 20 days in Pakistan for children newborn to 8 years.

The General Secretariat of the Central Authority for Intercountry Adoption (GICS) cautioned families against this dubious electronic ad, reported for all purposes to the Department of Justice. In any event, if the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in 1990 ratified the UN Convention of 1989 on the Rights of the Child, the country has made a reservation that the provisions of the Convention must be assessed in the light law and Islamic values, which excluded a priori adoption.

Un organisme, « Global Adoption Services / Sadeem », se présentant comme une agence d’adoption au Pakistan, fait actuellement circuler un mail dont l’objet est « quick Adoption Process In Pakistan » et vante les possibilités d’adopter en 15 à 20 jours au Pakistan des enfants de nouveau-nés jusqu’à 8 ans.

Le secrétariat général de l’Autorité centrale pour l’adoption internationale (SGAI) met en garde les familles contre cette annonce électronique douteuse, signalée à toutes fins utiles au ministère de la Justice. En tout état de cause, si la république islamique du Pakistan a ratifié en 1990 la convention des Nations Unies de 1989 relative aux droits de l’enfant, ce pays a fait une réserve selon laquelle les dispositions de la convention doivent être appréciées à la lumière du droit et des valeurs islamiques, ce qui exclue a priori l’adoption.

Kyrgyz police accuse foreigners of illegal child adoption

Kyrgyz police accuse foreigners of illegal child adoption

05/03-2009 14:35, Bishkek – News Agency “24.kg”, By Daniyar KARIMOV


Kyrgyz police have launched a criminal proceeding on illegal child adoption by foreigners in Bishkek, press service of the Kyrgyz Interior Ministry reported.