
French Forum: AFA - maffieux

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Nouveau messagePosté: Ven 8 Mai 2009 14:30
de christel
Bonjour, j'ai lancée une procédure d'adoption en Albanie via l'AFA mais je n'ai aucune nouvelle pour savoir comment ça se passe : les délais d'attente, la procédure dans le pays, la France est-elle bien représentée au niveau de l'adoption. Mon correspondant AFA ne répond pas aux mails et les réponses par téléphone sont très vagues...!!! Si quelqu'un à plus de renseignements par avance merci A bientôt.

Re: Albanie

Nouveau messagePosté: Ven 8 Mai 2009 14:58
de sand33
La France n'y est pas très présente (2 adoptions en 2008).

Voici 2 liens qui peuvent vous intéresser :
- France diplomatie, MAI
http://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/action ... _9422.html
- le wiki de l'adoption
http://www.coeuradoption.org/wiki/doku. ... ys:albanie

Bonne route, Sandrine

Re: Albanie

Nouveau messagePosté: Ven 8 Mai 2009 18:52
de mlo
En ce qui concerne l'Albanie : ce pays ne souhaite traiter que 15 dossiers français simultanément
Les délais entre l’enregistrement du dossier et la proposition d’enfant sont variables selon les caractéristiques des enfants adoptables et les projets des adoptants tels qu’indiqués dans l’agrément, la notice et la lettre de motivation.
En fonction de l’âge souhaité de l’enfant ou des particularités possibles les délais moyens peuvent être tès variables.
L'Albanie en effet favorise les demandes d’adoption pour des fratries (3 enfants ou plus) et des enfants à partir de 8 ans.
Mais je pense que vous avez la brochure Albanie de l'AFA, concernant les délais, la procédure ds le pays etc ?
http://www.agence-adoption.fr/home/IMG/ ... _2007_.pdf
n'hésitez pas à contacter l'AFA pr connaitre l'avancement de votre dossier : envoi de votre dossier ds le pays, réception du dossier par le Comité des Adoptions Albanais, etc

Re: Albanie

Nouveau messagePosté: Sam 9 Mai 2009 10:02
de lolococo
Bonjour, il y a un an, nous avions fait une demande à l'afa pour l'Albanie et nous avions reçu 15 jours plus tard un appel de leur part très pessimiste sur la réalisation de notre projet (notamment sur le fait que c'est un pays très mafieux et que des couples se font plumer et reviennent sans enfants, ils ne garantissaient pas notre sécurité sur place et certainement de gros problème administratif, sauf si des gros billets sont distribués à tour de bras, et l'issue très incertaine de la procédure et même des gros doutes sur le fait que les enfants soient vraiment des orphelins ou des enfants abandonnés malgré le fait qu'ils aient ratifiés la convention de La Haye) Ils nous conseillaient de laisser tomber ce projet et ils souhaitaient nous réorienter vers un autre pays. Nous n'avons donc pas donner suite... Je ne sais pas depuis, si cela a changé là-bas et si l'afa est plus sûre de la procédure sur place. Vous devriez essayer de les contacter en demandant à parler à la personne chargé des procédures en Europe. Voilà, ce n'est pas très encourageant mais peut-être que vous y arriverez sans encombres, nous perso avons eu peur et avons préférez ne pas continuer davantage vers ce pays. Peut-être qu'à efa, vous pourriez entrer en contact avec des gens ayant adopté en Albanie qui pourront vous parler de la procédure sur place. Bonne chance

Re: Albanie

Nouveau messagePosté: Sam 9 Mai 2009 15:53
de christel
Merci à tous pour vos réponses et à bientôt.

Juliana pregnant by her father Hendrik

On April 30, 2009 Micha Kat revealed on Argusoog Radio that Juliana was made pregnant by her father Prince Hendrik at the age of 17 or eighteen.

The name of the illegitimate - but not 'out-of-wedlock' daughter is Maria or MarieClaire Rovers (or Roovers).

Ro(o)vers was given access to her adoption file by the Supreme Court in a 1994 judgment, but the archives nevertheless remained closed to her. This bizarre 'stalemate' was broken when an HR counselor gave her a letter revealing her parents' identities. This letter went with her to her grave. Ro(o)vers was born in 1927 and died between 1996 and 1998.

The 'Roovers case' is described in an article on the site of The Guardian. In a few places in the public sources the possibility has already been suggested that Juliana gave birth to a daughter at the age of 18 and 'dumped' her in Huize Moederheil (later Valkenhorst) in Tilburg, namely on Mokum TV from 8 to 17 February 1999. (broadcast 164)

nl - Around 1926/1927 Juliana took private (home) lessons for several months.

Stricter requirements in respect of adoption from the United States

Stricter requirements in respect of adoption from the United States
Press release | 28-04-2009
Adoption of children from the United States will become subject to stricter requirements. Minister Hirsch Ballin has submitted this policy directive in writing to the Lower House of Parliament. The reason for the above development is that there is currently some doubt as to whether current practice in the United States is in line with the basic principles of the Hague Adoption Convention, which has been signed by both the Netherlands and the United States.
The Hague Adoption Convention provides that, in respect of children to be adopted, it must first be established whether they can be adopted in their own environment or in their country of birth. Contacts conducted by the Ministry of Justice and the licensed adoption agency (accredited adoption agency) Stichting Kind en Toekomst with the American central authority and American licensed adoption agencies have shown that it is apparently easy to place very young children with American families. It seems, therefore, that there is no reason or necessity to justify the placement of these children outside the United States. There is also doubt as regards compliance with other provisions of The Hague Adoption Convention.
Minister Hirsch Ballin has decided, on the basis of the findings of the Ministry of Justice and Stichting Kind en Toekomst, to impose stricter testing of compliance with the conditions for mediation through a private or independent adoption agency or mediator. In addition, requests for mediation through an accredited body under the Convention will only be taken into consideration if these requests concern children of approximately five years of age and older, children who have been placed in the American foster care system, or children in respect of whom special conditions apply, for example on the basis of a medical indication, or where brothers and/or sisters are concerned, who, become demonstrably harder to place as a result of the desire to have them adopted together, into the same family.
The Ministry of Justice and Stichting Kind en Toekomst will continue to look for possibilities to cooperate with American licensed adoption agencies. This cooperation will, however, be subject to the condition that the working method in the United States is consistent with the Dutch interpretation of The Hague Adoption Convention.

Nonprofit adoption agencies often profit someone other than children, families

Metro Atlanta / State News 4:53 a.m. Monday, April 26, 2010

Nonprofit adoption agencies often profit someone other than children, families

AJC investigation: Big portions of agency budgets go to top executives



Blog - RAy of Hope


3 maanden later - 3 months later

Wel, het is nu bijna 3 maanden dat ik op die eerste plaats sta, en weinig is verandert. Door stress eens een paar dagen ziek geweest en daarna het knoppeke omgedraait. Die telefoon zal wel rinkelen als hij rinkelt. Het is nog wachten op de thuiskomst van 3 dossiers uit gelgela alvorens daar na evaluatie volop gestart kan worden met toewijzingen. En deze week zou er bezoek zijn van de ambassade aan het 4de weeshuis, Almaz Ashene! Als daar alles vlot verloopt kan men ook starten met proefdossiers. Een termijn durf ik daar echt niet op kleven. Wie nu een toewijzing krijgt zal waarschijnlijk kunnen afreizen in de zomermaanden. Nog even geduld dus!

Almost 3 months now I have been in the first spot! Little has changed! Due to stress I have had a few sickness days, after that I decided I needed to chill down, and the telephone will ring when it rings. Nothing I can do to speed it up! 3rd orphanage, Gelgela, its still waiting for the trial files to come home, but those people left this week! And the embassy is visiting the 4th orphanage Almaz Ashene this week. If all goes well, then soon they can start 6 trial files. But I can not put a timeframe on that! People who get a matching now or in May will be able to travel in the summer holidays! A little more patience :)

Geplaatst door Bri op 4/23/2

Older Children Find Homes in Germany

Monday, April 20, 2009 Older Children Find Homes in Germany Recently, I was reading some information that I found on the ICBF website. In January, there was a great article about some older children that found adoptive homes in Germany. Here is a translation: Thanks to the project “Summer Miracles”, developed between the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare (ICBF), the Kid Save Foundation, and the German adoption organization -- ADA -- five foreign families are celebrating the end of their adoption process. In the final phase of their adoptions, the five German families were visiting Colombia after having spent 4 months in Germany with 7 Colombian children between the ages of 4 and 10. This experience was part of a pilot plan that ICBF is trying out in Germany, and fortunately it has had very positive results -- having opened a way for children that are difficult to place for adoption find homes. The parents, that had met all of the legal requirements to be adoptive parents, had been on the waiting list to receive children younger than 6 years of age. However, after experiencing life with these older children -- which was overseen by German authorities -- they decided to accept the boys and girls as their own children. The German families proclaimed that not only was the Vacation time spent in Germany a successful, but also the adoption process in Colombia. They recognized the dedication and toughtfulness that ICBF put into each case. Isabelle and Berend Marks, the adoptive parents of one of the Colombian girls reported, “ We are happy because our daughter has adapted so well to our family. We are grateful for this opportunity that was given to us.” The novelty of this new pilot program is that the children were able to spend 4 months in what would be their new country. This situation allowed them to create ties and offered them the emotional stability to accept their new life in a new culture. In order to guarantee the sustainability of this project, the ICBF, headed by the Director General, Elvira Forero Hernández, seeks the support of the Ministry of Foreign Relations in order to receive support from other embassies. Posted by Colombian Mommy at 12:00 AM


Child Law Under Revision - by Wezi Tjaronda

Child Law Under Revision - by Wezi Tjaronda

20 April 2009

WINDHOEK – The Child Care and Protection Bill will be revised to suit the needs of the Namibian children.
The Bill, first drafted in 1994 and revised a number of times, is intended to replace the Children’s Act 33 of 1960, which is outdated and is not in keeping with the interest of children in the country. The Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare is revising the piece of legislation, with technical support from the Legal Assistance Centre. The technical working group includes the ministry, LAC, Ministry of Health and Social Services and the Ministry of Justice.

The LAC said last week law reform in the area is needed for children in Namibia to receive the care and protection they deserve.

The Bill addresses children’s courts, early intervention services, procedures for removing endangered children from the home, foster care, adoption, child trafficking and child headed households, which are critical areas that are needed to ensure that the rights of children in Namibia are protected and upheld.

Barbara Stamm, de 78 de ori în Neamt

Monitorul de Neamt » Stiri Locale 17 Aprilie 2009

Barbara Stamm, de 78 de ori în Neamt

• de 20 de ani, presedinta Parlamentului Landului Bavaria viziteaz? Centrul de la P?str?veni, unde tr?iesc 187 de asistati cu handicapuri severe n

Centrul de Recuperare si Reabilitare a Persoanelor cu Handicap P?str?veni a fost vizitat zilele acestea pentru a 78-a oar? de c?tre Barbara Stamm, presedinta Parlamentului Landului Bavaria. Aceasta de 20 de ani se ocup? de sustinerea financiar? a unit?tii si de asigurarea confortului celor 187 de asistati. Barbara Stamm, însotit? de c?tre o delegatie german?, a v?zut un spectacol de Paste, sustinut de c?tre asistatii centrului pe scena Teatrului Tineretului. Ea a fost primit? de c?tre conducerea Consiliului Judetean. Vasile Pruteanu, presedinte al CJ Neamt a declarat c? este foarte interesat de colaborarea dintre CJ si partea german?. „Urm?rim colaborarea la nivel institutional între CJ Neamt si Landul Bavaria, ca s? deschidem c?i pentru a realiza schimburi economice, în domeniul investitiilor, atragerii de fonduri europene. V? multumim pentru tot ce ati f?cut la P?str?veni“, a declarat Vasile Pruteanu. Barbara Stamm a spus la rîndul ei: „V? multumim si noi din inim? pentru primirea c?lduroas? pe care ne-o asigurati. Ce am v?zut în timpul spectacolului este cea mai bun? dovad? c? viata persoanelor cu handicap sever trebuie dezvoltat? si c? acesti oameni, care tr?iesc lîng? noi, pot s? îsi manifeste bucuria. Au transmis un emotionant mesaj de Paste, de Înviere. Multi dintre tinerii din centru au peste 18 ani. Cea mai mare lupt? pe care am dus-o acolo a fost s?-i p?str?m pe tineri si dup? împlinirea acestei vîrste. Iar cei care plecaser? deja, au fost adusi înapoi. Asa, am transformat centrul în c?min. Acum, adulti fiind, cu handicapuri severe, lucreaz? în ateliere, în agricultur?, pe cîmp, iar mai tîrziu vor înv?ta s? munceasc? în tîmpl?rie, în croitorie etc. M? bucur de propunerea privind viitoarea colaborare cu Consiliul Judetean. Vom discuta despre ea în prezidiul Parlamentului Landului Bavaria“, a precizat Barbara Stamm, care a mai spus c? dup? discutiile cu colegii de parlament, va invita la Munchen, în Germania, o delegatie a CJ, cu care va identifica punctele în care va putea colabora judetul Neamt cu zona Bavaria. Delegatia german? le-a adus asistatilor de la P?str?veni mici atentii, constînd în fructe si dulciuri.

Articol afisat de 386 ori | Alte articole de acelasi autor | Trimite mesaj autorului

Woman sentenced to death for trafficking 49 children

Woman sentenced to death for trafficking 49 children

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Print Pdf

Beijing, April 17: A court in China has sentenced a woman to death for trafficking at least 49 children, a media report said Saturday.

The court in Hubei province sentenced Yu Lixiang to death while two others -Du Minghua and Yu's sister Yu Xiaofen - were sentenced to life terms in prison Friday.

Law allows foreigners to adopt Turk children

GündemHurriyet Daily News Haber Giri?: 17.03.2009 - 00:00 | Son Güncelleme: 17.03.2009 - 09:44

Law allows foreigners to adopt Turk children



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