
Jack Preger's Book

As a newly-graduated doctor aged 42, he answered an appeal in Bangladesh where he worked tirelessly amongst massive human suffering in refugee camps, and set up various clinics and medical centres for the poor. He uncovered a heinous trafficking of young children in 1977 that implicated several highly placed officials. His subsequent vociferous campaign against it, and attempt to trace a large number of missing children led to his deportation in 1979. His medical facilities were requisitioned, and his patients thrown out on the street. Some died as a result. His actions however finally led to a tightening of the regulations governing child adoptions, and to the arrest of some of the perpetrators. On behalf of some of the heartbroken parents, he continued trying to trace the whereabouts of some of the children who disappeared during this time, but in most cases was unsuccessful. Their fate is still not known.

2009/6 gegrond Beslissing van de Raad voor de Journalistiek inzake de klacht van UAI

2009/6 well-founded Decision of the Council for Journalism on the complaint from   United Adoptees International Netherlands Foundation.

against   the editor-in-chief of the Adoption Magazine   By letter of 29 October 2008 with six appendices, mrs. J. Hansink, vice-chairman, on behalf of Stichting United Adoptees International Nederland in Sint-Michielsgestel (hereinafter: the complainant) filed a complaint against the editor-in-chief of the Adoption Magazine (hereinafter: defendant). P.M. Benders, chairman of the editorial board and director of the Adoption Facilities Foundation in Utrecht, answered on behalf of the defendant in a letter dated 1 December 2008 with three appendices.   The case was dealt with at the Council meeting on 12 December 2008. On behalf of the complainant, H. Westra, chairman, and the aforementioned Hansink appeared there. On behalf of the defendants, mrs. L. Waanders, editor-in-chief, appeared, accompanied by the aforementioned Benders. Hansink explained the complainant's position on the basis of a pleading.   Due to the sudden absence of one of the members of the Council, the parties have requested that they do not object to the chairman and three members handling the case.   THE FACTS   In the Adoption Magazine No. 2 of 2008, an article appeared by Waanders under the heading "The trap of involvement" under the heading "The trap of involvement" with the subtitle "An investigation that does not cover the title" (hereinafter: the article). The lead of the article is:  “Barely a day after the publication of the Kalsbeek commission report, United Adoptees International (UAI) opened the attack on the commission. Strangely enough, it was not the conclusions and recommendations that it had to suffer, but the alleged partiality of the committee, which would appear from its composition. The integrity of a number of committee members was questioned, their expertise ignored. A week later, four students from the "Social Legal Services" course at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam presented their graduation thesis: "Intercountry Adoption: child protection or child trafficking?" UAI sponsored this study. "

The article also includes the following passages: "The students operating under the JJAG Research Group named their report" Intercountry Adoption: Child Protection or Child Trafficking? ". Their main research question, however, is: "Should the Netherlands continue to apply current laws and regulations with regard to intercountry adoption, since this leaves room for abuses and lack of clarity in the role of the organizations involved?" or suspicion from outside. Everything - but especially the report itself: position, discussed cases and sources - seems to point to the latter. Much of what has been written can be traced back to the spearheads and the reasoning and argumentation of the UAI. ” and "The UAI in the person of Hilbrand Westra, however, should have known better. At least in two respects. His attack on a number of members of the Kalsbeek commission was not pure yet, but is even quite hypocritical due to his own role as sponsor and gossip in the research of the students of the Hogeschool van Amsterdam. It is also serious that once again - after all the previous statements in the media - he directs and manages an alleged relationship between adoption and child trafficking. Abuses occur at intercountry adoption in different degrees and at different moments in the procedure, and more than any person involved - personally or professionally - is dear. To expose that and expel it in the long term apparently requires an objectivity and expertise that cannot be attributed to experience experts. ”

PARTIES VIEWS   The complainant states first and foremost that she wants adopted persons to be seen as full partners in the (inter) national adoption debate. It strives for a proportional representation of adopted persons as a discussion partner for governments, authorities and adoption organizations. According to the complainant, the article discredits her and her president Westra. The complainant finds content criticism to enter into dialogue more than welcome. However, the defendant wrongly failed to hear a reply with regard to the contested publication, so that it was denied the opportunity to respond to the allegations, according to the complainant. It considers that the sole purpose of the article was to make known the personal grievances and aversion to the complainant, in the person of Westra, and to damage the complainant's good name. The complainant points out that she works with various organizations from the adoption field, including various adoptive parent associations. Many adoptive parents receive the Adoption Magazine. The article may, by creating a negative impression on the complainant, complicate or even prevent future cooperation with the aforementioned associations. At the hearing, the complainant adds that, although the defendant argues that this is an opinion article, this does not mean that no rebuttal can be omitted. The complainant also wonders whether the article can be regarded as an opinion piece. According to the complainant, given her position as editor-in-chief and final editor, Waanders should have stated more clearly that this article only concerns her personal opinion and is not based on any authority by virtue of her position. In view of her experience within the adoption field, it cannot be other than that Waanders was aware of, or should have been, the fact that the publication of her article could (could) negatively influence the position of the complainant within the adoption field. Careful consideration of interests has not been demonstrated. The complainant points out that in the article, in the person of Westra, she is accused of hypocritical behavior. The concluding remarks "that objectivity and expertise are qualities that cannot be attributed to all experienced experts" clearly relate to the complainant and Westra.

The respondent states - summarized - that this is an opinion article and that the publication mainly concerns the author's personal vision, whereby factual reporting is not a priority. The intention and nature of the article are sufficiently clear to the average reader. The article contains no qualifications for journalism that are unacceptable, according to the defendant. He further states that, in principle, this type of publication does not need to be heard. The defendant is of the opinion that the complainant's interests were not so seriously affected that a rebuttal was still required. In addition, the defendant observes that the complainant seeks publicity in all possible ways, while not avoiding hefty statements. She could have expected a publication like this. Moreover, the importance of publication has been carefully weighed against the interests that could possibly be harmed by the article. Finally, the defendant notes that Westra already sent his commentary on the article to a selection of players within the adoption field in July. This means that the complaint is actually "mustard after meals," according to the defendant.   COMPLAINT ASSESSMENT   The core of the complaint is that the defendant wrongly failed to apply rebuttal.   The Council first of all states that when publishing accusations, the journalist should investigate whether there is a sound basis for the accusations. Furthermore, if this is reasonably possible, the journalist applies rebuttal to those involved who are disqualified by a publication. The accused is given sufficient opportunity, without undue pressure of time, to respond to the allegations preferably in the same publication. (see point 2.3.1. of the Council Guideline) The principle of rebuttal does not apply to publications that contain a personal opinion (for example columns, reviews and opinion submissions). Nevertheless, such a publication can affect someone's interest in such a way that it is necessary to be heard. (see point 2.3.4. of the Guideline)

Furthermore, the Council considers that a journalist is free to express his opinion on a particular fact, provided that it is clear that this is his personal opinion. However, that did not happen here. The disputed article was not posted and formatted as a column or opinion piece, and also contains factual reporting. Thus, in the opinion of the Board, there is no question of a publication that, in principle, does not require a rebuttal. (cf. CoE 2006/59)   In the article it is stated that the complainant is at least her chairman "quite hypocritical due to his own role as sponsor and souffleur in the research of the students of the Hogeschool van Amsterdam". It is also stated that the complainant at least "re-directs and directs its chair to have its chair re-directed in an impure manner about an alleged relationship between adoption and child trafficking". Thus there is such a disqualification of the complainant or its chairman that the defendant should not have been allowed to publish these statements without being heard. The defendant wrongly failed to do so, while extra care could be expected from him - given the status of the magazine in the adoption field.   The Council therefore concludes that the defendant has thus exceeded the limits of what is socially acceptable in view of the requirements of journalistic responsibility. DECISION   The complaint is well-founded.   The Board requests the defendant to publish this decision in its entirety or in summary in the Adoption Magazine.   Adopted by the Council on 6 February 2009 by Ms. H. Troostwijk, chairman, G.T.M. Driehuis, mrs. E.H.C. Salomons and A.H. Schmeink, members, in the presence of mrs. D.C. Koene, secretary, and mrs. F.G. Jansma, deputy secretary.


2009/6 gegrond

Beslissing van de Raad voor de Journalistiek
inzake de klacht van
Stichting United Adoptees International Nederland
de hoofdredacteur van het Adoptietijdschrift
Bij brief van 29 oktober 2008 met zes bijlagen heeft mw. J. Hansink, vice-voorzitter, namens Stichting United Adoptees International Nederland te Sint-Michielsgestel (hierna: klaagster) een klacht ingediend tegen de hoofdredacteur van het Adoptietijdschrift (hierna: verweerder). Hierop heeft P.M. Benders, voorzitter van de redactieraad en directeur Stichting Adoptievoorzieningen te Utrecht, namens verweerder geantwoord in een brief van 1 december 2008 met drie bijlagen.
De zaak is behandeld ter zitting van de Raad van 12 december 2008. Namens klaagster zijn daar H. Westra, voorzitter, en voornoemde Hansink verschenen. Namens verweerders is mw. L. Waanders, hoofdredacteur, verschenen, vergezeld door voornoemde Benders. Hansink heeft het standpunt van klaagster toegelicht aan de hand van een pleitnota.
Vanwege plotselinge ontstentenis van een der leden van de Raad, hebben partijen desgevraagd laten weten geen bezwaar te hebben tegen behandeling van de zaak door de voorzitter en drie leden.
In het Adoptietijdschrift nr. 2 van 2008 is in de rubriek ‘achter de feiten aan’ een artikel verschenen van de hand van Waanders onder de kop “De valkuil van betrokkenheid” met de ondertitel “Een onderzoek dat de titel niet dekt” (hierna: het artikel). De lead van het artikel luidt:
 “Amper een dag na het verschijnen van het rapport van de commissie Kalsbeek opende United Adoptees International (UAI) de aanval op de commissie. Vreemd genoeg waren het niet de conclusies en aanbevelingen die het moesten ontgelden, maar de vermeende partijdigheid van de commissie, die zou blijken uit haar samenstelling. De integriteit van een aantal commissieleden werd in twijfel getrokken, hun deskundigheid genegeerd. Een week later presenteerden vier studentes van de opleiding ‘Sociaal Juridische Dienstverlening’ van de Hogeschool van Amsterdam hun afstudeerscriptie: ‘Interlandelijke Adoptie: kinderbescherming of kinderhandel?’ UAI was sponsor voor dit onderzoek.”
Het artikel bevat verder onder meer de volgende passages:
“De onder de naam Onderzoeksgroep JJAG opererende studenten gaven hun rapport de titel ‘Interlandelijke Adoptie: Kinderbescherming of Kinderhandel?’. Hun belangrijkste onderzoeksvraag is echter: ‘moet Nederland de huidige wet- en regelgeving met betrekking tot interlandelijke adoptie blijven hanteren, aangezien deze ruimte openlaat voor misstanden en onduidelijkheid in de rol van de betrokken organisaties?’ (…) De vraag doet specifieke kennis, vooringenomenheid of beïnvloeding van buitenaf vermoeden. Alles – maar vooral het rapport zelf: stellingname, besproken casussen en bronnen – lijkt te wijzen op het laatste. Veel van wat geschreven is, is te herleiden tot de speerpunten en de wijze van redeneren en beargumenteren van de UAI.”
“De UAI in de persoon van Hilbrand Westra had echter wel beter moeten weten. In ieder geval in twee opzichten. Zijn aanval op een aantal leden van de commissie Kalsbeek was al niet zuiver, maar is zelfs behoorlijk hypocriet door zijn eigen rol als sponsor en souffleur bij het onderzoek van de studenten van de Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Ernstig is ook dat hij opnieuw – na al eerdere gedane uitingen in de media – op een onzuivere manier over een vermeende samenhang tussen adoptie en kinderhandel aanstuurt en aan laat sturen. Misstanden komen bij interlandelijke adoptie in verschillende gradaties en op verschillende momenten in de procedure voor, en meer dan welke betrokkene – persoonlijk of professioneel – lief is. Dat aan de kaak stellen en op termijn uitbannen vraagt blijkbaar een objectiviteit en deskundigheid die ervaringsdeskundigen niet alle kan worden toegedicht.”
Klaagster stelt voorop dat zij wenst dat geadopteerden als volwaardig partner worden gezien bij het (inter)nationale adoptiedebat. Zij streeft naar een evenredige vertegenwoordiging van geadopteerden als gesprekspartner voor overheden, instanties en adoptieorganisaties.
Volgens klaagster brengt het artikel haar en haar voorzitter Westra in diskrediet. Klaagster vindt inhoudelijke kritiek om de dialoog aan te gaan meer dan welkom. Echter, verweerder heeft ten aanzien van de gewraakte publicatie ten onrechte geen wederhoor toegepast, zodat haar de mogelijkheid is ontnomen te reageren op de aantijgingen, aldus klaagster. Zij meent dat het artikel alleen ten doel heeft gehad om de persoonlijke grieven en aversie tegen klaagster, in de persoon van Westra, kenbaar te maken en de goede naam van klaagster aan te tasten.
Klaagster wijst erop dat zij werkt met verschillende organisaties uit het adoptieveld, waaronder diverse adoptieouderverenigingen. Veel adoptieouders ontvangen het Adoptietijdschrift. Het artikel kan, door een negatieve indruk over klaagster te wekken, een toekomstige samenwerking met de hiervoor bedoelde verenigingen bemoeilijken of zelfs verhinderen.
Ter zitting voegt klaagster hieraan nog toe, dat hoewel het volgens verweerder een opiniërend artikel betreft, dit niet maakt dat wederhoor achterwege kan worden gelaten. Klaagster vraagt zich overigens af of het artikel als opiniestuk kan worden aangemerkt. Volgens klaagster had Waanders – gelet op haar functie als hoofd- en eindredactrice – duidelijker moeten aangeven dat dit artikel slechts haar persoonlijke mening betreft en niet op enige autoriteit uit hoofde van haar functie is gebaseerd. Gelet op haar ervaring binnen het adoptieveld kan het niet anders dan dat Waanders zich bewust is geweest, dan wel had moeten zijn van het feit dat publicatie van haar artikel de positie van klaagster binnen het adoptieveld op negatieve wijze zou (kunnen) beïnvloeden. Van een zorgvuldige belangenafweging is niet gebleken. Hierbij wijst klaagster erop dat zij in het artikel, in de persoon van Westra, wordt beschuldigd van hypocriet gedrag. Ook de afsluitende opmerkingen ‘dat objectiviteit en deskundigheid kwaliteiten zijn die niet alle ervaringsdeskundigen kunnen worden toegedicht’ hebben duidelijk betrekking op klaagster c.q. Westra.
Verweerder stelt – samengevat weergegeven – dat het hier een opiniërend artikel betreft en de publicatie met name de persoonlijke visie van de auteur behelst, waarbij feitelijke verslaglegging niet voorop staat. De intentie en aard van het artikel zijn voor de gemiddelde lezer voldoende duidelijk. In het artikel komen geen kwalificaties voor die journalistiek onaanvaardbaar zijn, aldus verweerder.
Voorts stelt hij dat bij dit soort publicaties in beginsel geen wederhoor behoeft te worden toegepast. Verweerder meent dat de belangen van klaagster niet zodanig ernstig zijn geraakt, dat alsnog wederhoor was geboden.
Daarbij merkt verweerder op dat klaagster op alle mogelijke manieren de publiciteit opzoekt, waarbij zij forse uitspraken niet schuwt. Zij had een publicatie als de onderhavige kunnen verwachten. Bovendien is het belang van publicatie zorgvuldig afgewogen tegen de belangen die door het artikel mogelijkerwijs zouden kunnen worden geschaad.
Ten slotte merkt verweerder op dat Westra in juli zijn commentaar op het artikel al aan een selectie spelers binnen het adoptieveld heeft gestuurd. Daarmee is de klacht feitelijk ‘mosterd na de maaltijd’, aldus verweerder.
Kern van de klacht is dat verweerder ten onrechte heeft nagelaten wederhoor toe te passen.
De Raad stelt voorop dat de journalist bij het publiceren van beschuldigingen behoort te onderzoeken of voor de beschuldigingen een deugdelijke grondslag bestaat. Verder past de journalist, indien dit redelijkerwijs mogelijk is, wederhoor toe bij betrokkenen die door een publicatie worden gediskwalificeerd. De beschuldigde krijgt voldoende gelegenheid om, zonder onredelijke tijdsdruk, bij voorkeur in dezelfde publicatie te reageren op de aantijgingen. (zie punt 2.3.1. van de Leidraad van de Raad)
Het beginsel van wederhoor geldt niet voor publicaties die een persoonlijke mening bevatten (bijvoorbeeld columns, recensies en opiniërende bijdragen). Desalniettemin kan een dergelijke publicatie iemands belang zodanig raken dat wederhoor geboden is. (zie punt 2.3.4. van de Leidraad)
Voorts overweegt de Raad dat het een journalist vrijstaat over een bepaald feit zijn mening te verkondigen, mits duidelijk is dat het om zijn persoonlijke opvatting gaat. Dat is hier echter niet gebeurd. Het gewraakte artikel is niet geplaatst en opgemaakt als column of opiniërend stuk, en bevat tevens feitelijke berichtgeving. Aldus is naar het oordeel van de Raad geen sprake van een publicatie waarbij in beginsel geen wederhoor behoeft te worden toegepast. (vgl. RvdJ 2006/59)
In het artikel is vermeld dat klaagster althans haar voorzitter ‘behoorlijk hypocriet is door zijn eigen rol als sponsor en souffleur bij het onderzoek van de studenten van de Hogeschool van Amsterdam’. Voorts is vermeld dat klaagster althans haar voorzitter ‘opnieuw op een onzuivere manier over een vermeende samenhang tussen adoptie en kinderhandel aanstuurt en aan laat sturen’.  
Aldus is sprake van een zodanige diskwalificatie van klaagster c.q. haar voorzitter dat verweerder deze uitlatingen niet zonder toepassing van wederhoor had mogen publiceren. Verweerder heeft dit ten onrechte nagelaten, terwijl van hem – gezien de status van het tijdschrift in het adoptieveld – ter zake extra zorgvuldigheid mag worden verwacht.
De Raad komt derhalve tot de slotsom dat verweerder aldus de grenzen heeft overschreden van hetgeen, gelet op de eisen van journalistieke verantwoordelijkheid, maatschappelijk aanvaardbaar is.

De klacht is gegrond.
De Raad verzoekt verweerder deze beslissing integraal of in samenvatting in het Adoptietijdschrift te publiceren.
Aldus vastgesteld door de Raad op 6 februari 2009 door mw. mr. H. Troostwijk, voorzitter, drs. G.T.M. Driehuis, mw. E.H.C. Salomons en mr. A.H. Schmeink, leden, in tegenwoordigheid van mw. mr. D.C. Koene, secretaris, en mw. mr. F.G. Jansma, plaatsvervangend secretaris.

Paris implicated in Zoe's Ark orphan fraud?

Paris implicated in Zoe's Ark orphan fraud?
Sat, 30 May 2009 02:07:25 GMT
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The Zoe's Ark head Eric Breteau

`Mistaken orphan' to meet lost father after 34 years

`Mistaken orphan' to meet lost father after 34 years
By Bruce Ward, Canwest News ServiceMay 30, 2009
OTTAWA - Thirty-four years after he was mistakenly whisked away from a Saigon orphanage, Thanh Campbell - Orphan 32 - is returning to his homeland.
Campbell, one of 57 children spirited from a Saigon orphanage to Canada in April 1975, is returning Saturday to be reunited with his biological father and the brothers who never stopped searching for him after losing him in the chaotic fall of Saigon.
``The anticipation is from something you never think could possibly happen and is actually happening. I just think of my father and how long it has been for him, searching,'' said Thanh, who is travelling with his wife, Karina, their four children, and his adoptive father William Campbell.
The flight arrives Sunday evening, and Thanh expects to meet his father and brothers Monday morning.
``I think, first of all, what's the reaction going to be from family members over there? What's their first impression going to be like? I don't speak the language. How can you express yourself through an interpreter and get them (his biological family) to know you?''
Thanh knows the broad strokes of his early life, told to him by his birth father after discovering him two years ago thanks to an astonishing chain of events.
As Nguyen Ngoc Minh Thanh, he was airlifted to Canada in April 1975, with a copy of his birth certificate tied to his wrist. It showed Thanh's second birthday was still months away.
The child listed as Orphan 32 had been taken to a Saigon orphanage with two of his older brothers because their parents thought it was a safe haven during the fall of the city.
But when they went to reclaim their children, Thanh was gone - mistakenly placed among a group of orphans sent abroad for adoption, likely to the United States.
Thanh was adopted by Rev. William Campbell, a Presbyterian minister, and his wife, Maureen, and grew up in Cambridge, Ont.
But in 2003 he connected with Trent Kilner, who had been on that fateful flight out of Saigon.
The two tracked down 44 of the 57 people on that plane, and after the photos and story of the orphans' 2006 reunion was covered by a Vietnamese magazine, Thanh got an e-mail from someone saying he could be Thanh's brother.
``Everyone see you very very like my brother . . . My father still keep Thanh's birth certificate. If you have some information like that, please contact with us.''
The original and the copy of the birth certificate matched. DNA testing carried out by a Toronto company proved the genetic link. Thanh had found his biological father and family.
Thanh uses the word ``providence'' to describe his astounding journey.
``It's more than just a father reuniting with a son. It goes beyond that. We want to see the country, we want to meet the people. We also want to be able to share who we are.''
Ottawa Citizen

From fast track to mommy track to adoption activist

Published: May 31, 2009 02:00 AM
Modified: May 30, 2009 09:25 PM

Diane Kunz of Durham with Elizabeth, 4, the youngest of her eight children. Four sons are biological, and four daughters are adopted.
Harry Lynch, Staff photo by Harry Lynch
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From fast track to mommy track to adoption activist
Diane Kunz started with the desire to change one child's life.
But 13 years after adopting her first daughter from China, she now has hopes of helping every child, at home or abroad, who is growing up without a family.
Kunz, of Durham, is the mother of eight children, four adopted and four biological. She is also one of the nation's leading advocates for adoption, quietly changing national policy and helping thousands of families bring home children.
She and another adoptive mother are the founders of a think tank, the Center for Adoption Policy, based in New York, which aims to remove barriers to adoption. The group's work has won national awards and made Kunz a player on an international stage. Along the way, Kunz has also become a sort of guru for people going through the complex process of adoption.
She does most of her work from her home in Durham, baking chocolate chip muffins one minute and sitting in on a conference call with the State Department the next.
She has been a corporate lawyer in New York and a professor at Yale, but she says this job -- for which she receives no pay -- is the true work of her life.
"Every child has the right to a permanent, loving family," Kunz says.
A life of surprises
Kunz, 56, seems as surprised as anyone at the turn her life has taken since she helped found the center eight years ago. As a young woman, she never imagined herself as an impassioned social activist or a Brady Bunch-style mom.
The only child of Jewish immigrants, Holocaust survivors who settled in New York City, she spent much of her early life earning a law degree at Cornell University and working long hours at a corporate law firm in her native city. She and her husband, Tom, whom she met in law school, didn't have their first child until 1986, 12 years after they married.
She eventually had four sons and went on to become a history professor at Yale. She never even thought of adopting until the mid-1990s, when Chinese children became available for international adoption and she and Tom read a story about the phenomenon in The New York Times Magazine.
Once they learned more about it, they felt compelled to use their wealth, earned in successful law and academic careers, to help an orphaned child. Adoptions often cost tens of thousands of dollars, but that was no obstacle for them.
"We just had a feeling that we could do this," Kunz says. "We've been very lucky, and we felt this was the right thing to do."
They brought Eleanor home in 1996 and watched the child, who might have been doomed to life in a Spartan orphanage, blossom under their care. Soon, one child led to the next.
Their spacious home and the help of a nanny has made a large family easier for the Kunzes than for most. The younger children attend private school, and the Kunzes still get to go out alone once a week for dinner. Because of their advantages, they came to see helping unparented children as a moral obligation.
"Once you save one person's life," Tom Kunz says, "it's kind of hard to sit back and say, 'That's enough.' "
Hurdling barriers
Over the years, Kunz, like many adoptive parents, became something of an expert in the tricky process of adoption. She met another adoptive mother in New York, Ann Reese, who has two children from Romania, and they began to talk about all the many difficulties of bringing parentless children into their homes.
Some of the barriers were ideological, such as a bias against placing black children with white parents, but others were simply bureaucratic snags, problems such as transferring health insurance between states.
"We just started conversations about, gee, this is wrong, and why aren't there people working on this?" Reese says.
Eventually, they decided to combine their expertise to help children stuck in foster homes or orphanages.
Four years ago, Kunz and her husband moved to Durham, and she continues her work from her home beside a golf course.
Now, Kunz and Reese are a sort of SWAT team for adoptive parents in desperate situations.
When thousands of Chinese adoptions were nearly stalled last year because of the technicalities of an international treaty, they negotiated with the State Department to allow those families already in process to bring their children home.
Also last year, when the U.S. government refused to issue visas to several hundred children given up for adoption in Vietnam, Kunz became both a sort of social worker and lobbyist on their behalf. U.S. immigration officials said there were problems verifying that the children had been abandoned by their parents.
Barry and Donna DeLong of Durham were among those denied visas for the boy they wanted to adopt from Vietnam. Barry DeLong said there was no evidence of wrongdoing in their case, and the Vietnamese government was willing to allow the adoption. So they joined several Americans who went to Vietnam and adopted their children, even though they were not allowed to bring them back to the United States.
They, like many, were prepared to stay in Vietnam permanently if the U.S. government refused to issue their children visas. They had been living in Vietnam in a state of near-panic for weeks when Kunz began offering legal advice to them and several other families via e-mail and conference calls.
Barry DeLong said she was a calm yet forceful voice in a time of chaos. And he thinks it was partly her influence that, after several months, persuaded U.S. officials to relent and grant the children visas.
"I got a sense from her that this was where she was going to stay," DeLong said. "And if this person [in the U.S. government] wanted to continue in a happy career, they couldn't just blow her off."
Looking at each child
In addition to helping would-be parents, Kunz is also working to mute growing opposition to international adoption. Groups such as UNICEF say that allowing wealthy Westerners to adopt children from poor nations is a Band-Aid solution that fails to address the fundamental issues that cause child abandonment.
Kunz says she looks at the issue from the perspective of each child. "I would be happy to have a world where there is no prejudice and no poverty and no war," she says. "But right now, there are unparented children."
She says the best solution to problems that have stymied international adoption in recent years is to ensure an ethical process. The center is helping the State Department create more stringent guidelines for adoption agencies and pushing for harsher penalties for those who perpetrate fraudulent adoptions.
Kunz can talk about her work for hours. But on this day, she is interrupted by the patter of feet. Her three youngest girls bound into the room, giggling and shouting, followed by their nanny. Soon they are jumping into Kunz's lap, crawling around her feet, demanding hugs.
The center's work has become her vocation, but she says her own family -- built in part by adoption -- is her greatest reward.
"It's a cliché," she says, "but it's true."
kristin.collins@newsobserver.com or 919-829-4881
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Diane Bernstein Kunz
Born: Nov. 9, 1952 in Queens, N.Y.
Family: husband, Tom Kunz; sons, Charles, 23, James, 22, William, 17, and Edward, 15; daughters, Eleanor, 13, Sarah, 8, Catherine, 5, and Elizabeth, 4.
Education: bachelor's degree from Barnard University; Law degree from Cornell University; master's degree from Oxford University; doctorate in history from Yale University
Career: corporate lawyer, 1976-1983; history professor at Yale, 1988-1998; history professor at Columbia University, 1998-2001; founder and member of board of directors, Center for Adoption Policy, 2001-present.
Honors: authored several award-winning books on diplomatic history. In 2008, won the Angels In Adoption award from the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute.
Hobbies: running, travel, reading.
© Copyright 2009, The News & Observer Publishing Company
A subsidiary of The McClatchy Company


Family changes adoption laws

Family changes adoption laws


By Belinda Chaplin with Molly Petersen McDonald

"As long as we live, we will never forget December 21, 2007. It was the day we met our beautiful daughter, Emma Estera, for the very first time." Even now, over a year later, Aaron and Ana Stafford recall the day like it was yesterday. "She was then 8 months old. Emma was abandoned at birth by her birth mother. She was moved to three different hospitals and at 2 months old she was placed in a foster home where she remained for six months."

Emma is one of the lucky ones, of the estimated 4,000 children abandoned each year in Romania, Aaron and Ana, staff of YWAM Cluj-Napoca, Romania, adopted her.

French men's insecurity over paternity of offspring creating 'a society of doubt'

IMAGINE AN anguished French father sneaking into a bedroom at night to snip a lock of hair, or cajoling an infant to obtain a trace of saliva or fingernail cutting. It may sound melodramatic, but there is evidence that thousands of Frenchmen are commissioning genetic paternity tests from foreign laboratories every year.

“It enabled me to move forward in my relationship with my child,” an anonymous father told France 2 television on May 28th. “If I hadn’t done it, I’d still be wondering whether I was the father.”

Paternity tests were banned in France 15 years ago. If French customs intercept DNA samples or results in the mail, the perpetrators in theory risk up to a year in prison and a €15,000 fine. The French Council of State upheld the law on May 6th, saying it did not want “to upset the French regime of filiation” and that the intent of lawmakers was to preserve “the peace of families”. On May 15th, the German Bundesrat adopted a similar measure.

Yet the tests are widely available on the internet, and are reportedly sold over the counter in the US.

If you google “paternity tests”, you’ll find 1,180,000 entries, the first of which offers a test in Dublin for €259 in five days.

DAY FOUR: Landrieu, Congressional Delegation Conclude Study of Dutch Water Management

Press Release



DAY FOUR: Landrieu, Congressional Delegation Conclude Study of Dutch Water Management

KAMPEN -- United States Senator Mary L. Landrieu, D-La., today concluded her Congressional Delegation trip to the Netherlands where she studied the Dutch integrated water management system with federal government officials, including Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lisa P. Jackson and representatives from the Army Corps of Engineers. The Dutch's ability to manage water is world-renowned, and the Netherlands shares many of Louisiana's challenges with protecting populations and economic infrastructure below sea level.

"The people of Louisiana need a new model, and I believe we can incorporate some of the state-of-the-art technologies the Dutch have developed to protect their communities," Sen. Landrieu said. "I am working to ensure we continue sharing ideas and best practices.

"I am also pushing the federal government to recognize the importance of South Louisiana and America's only Energy Coast to the nation. We must commit our country to protecting our communities and way of life.

"The friendship we have with the Netherlands, forged by water, will be an important part of the equation as we continue to rebuild and recover. I want to thank the Netherlands and the Royal Netherlands Embassy for helping our Louisiana delegation understand what it takes to be truly safe."

Site visits and briefings Tuesday through Friday included water management experts and officials in Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam, Delft and Kampen. The delegation focused on the nuts and bolts of internal water management, both in urban and rural environments. Friday's agenda included a tour and briefing about land that the Netherlands reclaimed from the water, including the Zuyder Zee Project, and a visit to Kampen, a medieval city that has incorporated modern flood protection.

Following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, the Netherlands was one of the first nations to extend support to Louisiana and the Gulf Coast, including civil engineers and mobile pumps to remove floodwaters in the New Orleans region. The relationship between the Netherlands and Louisiana has continued to grow stronger. In early 2006, Sen. Landrieu and the Royal Netherlands Embassy led an initial CODEL to the Netherlands. Since 2006, Louisiana has made progress in protecting coastal communities, including 100-year flood protection for the New Orleans region to be completed by 2011. This trip will help the state assess remaining challenges. Sen. Landrieu will also explore policies, which include innovative Dutch technologies and practices that can reduce the persistent delays and cost overruns of Corps projects.

Following their historic food of 1953, Dutch officials and engineers developed a comprehensive flood control system to protect the country and emerged as international leaders in the field of integrated water management. While Louisiana and the Netherlands share similar characteristics, Holland has built a10,000-year flood protection system.

Also joining this CODEL: Jackie Clarkson, President of the New Orleans City Council; Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority East Regional Director Bob Turner; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: Claudia Tornblom, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Management and Budget), and Zoltan Montvai, Civil Works Deputy with the Mississippi Valley Division; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works Staff Director/Chief Counsel Bettina Poirier; New Orleans Director of Disaster Mitigation Dr. Earthea Nance; American Planning Association Executive Director/CEO Paul Farmer; American Society of Engineers President Wayne Klotz; Levees.Org Executive Director Sandy Rosenthal; Center for Planning and Excellence, Camille Manning-Broome; Louisiana Speaks, Lee Einsweiler; and LSU Hurricane Center Interim Director Joseph Suhayda.

Photographs are available for publication:

• Ramspol is home to the world's largest inflatable dam, which is designed to serve as a storm surge barrier: http://landrieu.senate.gov/media/09.05.29_Netherlands4.jpg

8th Romanian Trip Part I

8th Romanian Trip Part I   Message List  
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Last August, my husband and I, accompanied by two of our four adopted Romanian children, spent a wonderful two weeks in Romania.  We traveled, visited birth families, and saw on that occasion Roman ruins, the beautiful Turda Gorge and an ancient salt mine.

I began to write of this visit on the e-group but time, commitments (disorganization?) got in the way and I never did finish my story. Suffice it to say, it was yet another wonderful trip, made even more so by having Vali and Mariana as our friends and guides along the way. We alsomanaged an adoption of a different kind during that trip – bringing back to Canada an adorable six-month old street dog. Mica, who appears to be mainly Jack Russell, is now the Ruler of Our Household and definite boss over our Doberman, Kysar.

I vowed on that trip, having seen more of Romania that most Romanians during my seven visits there, that I would never again return as a tourist but instead try to help or volunteer in some way on subsequent visits. Although much progress has been made throughout the country  this is most visible in the reduction of air and street pollution and seeing the ever-encroaching spread of western influence  there are still so many areas where assistance in all forms is a dire need.

Accordingly, when my 23 year son Jesse Mitica (adopted August 1990 from Calarasi) decided in late April to spend a month in Romania, I was more than eager to accompany him for a 2-week period, deciding to volunteer at a children’s home or mission.

Our plane tickets booked, Jesse’s family(ies) expecting him, my volunteer dossier completed and accepted, we set out with high expectations and happy hearts on May 22nd.

Tomorrow’s installment of this story will begin the story of my trip, including seven days helping to care for 21 children from an institution for the handicapped. Consisting mostly of notes from my journal (which was actually nightly e-mails to my family at home), it will document how those seven days unfolded with a chain of events and  experiences that went beyond anything I could ever have imagined. 


Ga. set to become 1st state with embryo adoption law

Ga. set to become 1st state with embryo adoption law-->-->
Posted on May 28, 2009 | by Michael Foust

ATLANTA (BP)--The nation's first law governing the adoption of embryos is set to take effect in Georgia after being passed by the legislature and signed by the governor.

The "Option of Adoption Act," which will go into effect July 1, will provide safeguards for both parties involved in an embryo adoption, which is a unique form of adoption in which a couple -- often an infertile one -- adopts one or more surplus embryos from a couple who has undergone in-vitro fertilization (IVF).

Embryo adoption allows the adopting mother to experience pregnancy and has been promoted by pro-lifers for years but, until now, has not been governed by the laws of any state. Significantly, the Georgia bill amends Georgia's adoption laws to make clear that embryo adoption in fact is a form of adoption. The law also allows adoptive parents to file in court for a final order of adoption (for the child who is born as the result of the embryo adoption), which supporters of the new law say clarifies that the adopting parents are eligible for claiming some but not all of their expenses for the federal adoption tax credit, which this year is more than $11,000.

Although embryo adoption tends to be cheaper than traditional adoption it nevertheless can still cost several thousands of dollars.

Couples who undergo an embryo adoption in a state without such a law as Georgia's must sign private legal contracts that treat the embryo as property. The new Georgia law defines an embryo as "an individualized fertilized ovum of the human species from the single-cell stage to eight-week development."

The law has the support of the nation's embryo adoption programs, including Nightlight Christian Adoptions, which runs the nation's oldest embryo adoption program -- the Snowflakes program.

"Science has outpaced our legislation in clarifying the rights of the parties in potential disputes involving embryo transfer between families," Ron Stoddart, executive director of Nightlight Christian Adoptions, previously told Baptist Press. "There needs to be certainty, particularly before an embryo is thawed and implanted in the womb of an adopting mother."

The law makes clear that once the biological parents of the embryos and the adoptive parents have entered into a written contract, "the legal transfer of rights to an embryo shall be considered complete."

"A child born to a recipient intended parent as the result of embryo relinquishment ... shall be presumed to be the legal child of the recipient intended parent," the new law states.

Dan Becker, the president of Georgia Right to Life, said the law is noteworthy not only because of its first-in-the-nation status but also because of the way it defines an embryo.

"We became the first state in the nation to, in our code, define an embryo as beginning at the single stage," he said. "... That's a huge move forward and one that was fought quite aggressively by the pro-abortion side of the equation."

Republican Gov. Sonny Perdue signed the bill into law May 5. It passed the House 108-61 and the Senate 45-9. Both chambers are controlled by Republicans.
Michael Foust is an assistant editor of Baptist Press.