
Mail RP to SDM: Study to harmonise legislation on adoptions (Frattini)

Roelie Post


to Simon.MORDUE


EU Vice President Frattini had an audition with the Italian Parliamentary Commission for Child Protection, where he presented on 15 March initiatives on the rights of the child, in particular concerning adoption. In fact, Frattini announced the presentation, during 2007, of a comparative study on laws in EU Member States with a view to harmonise the different legislations on adoptions. A precise analysis will be the basis for reflexion on the introduction of European adoption: being a new level to be placed between national and international adoption, this new issue may offer to abandoned children in the European region a chance to find a family.

Blog: Treatment Aronson promotes Federici's therapy

See: After 30 minutes or so of extracting our personal histories, she announced that our problems with Peter, and mine in particular, were a direct result of my not having sufficiently grieved over my miscarriages and infertility, as well as the loss of Ben, the baby we turned down in Russia.

October 15, 2007 and Chapter 22

Filed under: Dr. Federici,FAS,Jane Aronson,Post-Institutional,Russian Adoption,Special Needs Adoption,attachment,fetal alcohol syndrome,international adoption,learning disabled,orphan — whenrainhurts @ 5:15 pm

Tags: adoption, international adoption, autism, Dr. Jane Aronson, Dr. Ronald Federici, fetal alcohol, post-institutional autism, suzanne d'aversa, Hansen, "Russian boy"

Apple Picking (October 2007)

Capitularea baronesei

Capitularea baronesei
Ioan:Adoptiile s-au sistat din cauza unor sarlatani ca Vali Nas din Bucuresti, Floreascasi escroaca sa so 
Vineri, 12 Octombrie 2007 01:34

Iata de ce s-au sistat adoptiile si cine sunt vinovatii, care au facut bani din asta transformand adoptiile in industrie si facand din asta si intermedieri de adoptii peste un miliard de USD incasari la peste 30000 de copii scosi din tara:

Vali Nas din Bucuresti, omul de legatura al retelelor de adoptii

S-a facut bine ca s-au interzis interzis adoptiile internationale
pentru ca in spatele lor faceau miliarde traficantii de copii orfani.
Unul dintre oamenii de legatura in afacerile cu copii orfani
exportati din Romania, este Vali(Valentin) Nas din Bucuresti, un
ipocrit impostor care pretinde ca face lobby in favoarea adoptiilor
ICA(internationale), dar de fapt face legatura oamenilor interesati
din afara tarii sa cumpere copii din Romania pe care ii vind cu poze
dupa culoare. Pe impostorul asta ipocrit Vali Nas, infractor inca in
libertate ca multi altii din Romania, unde se profita de lipsa de
vigilenta a autoritatilor, il gasiti demascat aici:


Faptul dl. Nas o acuza, o jigneste, etc. pe "Baroneasa" este mai mult
decat normal.
L-a dat in vileag !
Cititi pozitia personala a "Baronesei" DESPRE dl. NAS, pe la
sfarsitul materialului la:

Domnul Vali Nas, declara ca nu se "ocupa" in nici nu fel de adoptii
si ca nu are nici o legatura cu paginile web in care o doamna explica
cum s-a ocupa familia Nas de problemele sale de adoptie. Si in plus
povesteste si ce bani i-a dat sotiei dl. Nas, ca sa cumpere diverse.
Poate ca doamna respectiva minte, nici nu exista si paginile
respective sunt "montate" de dusmanii domnului Vali NAS. :)

Iata ALTE PAGINI DE MULTUMIRE pentru domnuil Vali Nas si sotia sa
Mariana, insotite de fotografiile in care adoptatorii sunt alaturi de
familia NAS !
"Mariana and Vali Nas, our kind hosts in Romania. Mariana is a former
doctor that now owns a B&B (Bed and Breakfast) and helps foreign
families with adoption issues. Vali is an engineer and moderate of

Adica pe romaneste "dragutii care s-au ocupat ca sa ne descurce cu
diverse probleme legate de adoptie si pe care ii punem pe web ca sa
stie si alta lume ce multumiti am fost" ! Probabil ca domnul si
doamna Nas au fost niste gazde dragute la pensiunea doamnei Mariana


Sau poate nu, dar este clar ca se ocupa de adoptii si urmarile lor !!!

Pagina a fost creata de Rikk Carey, Los Altos, USA, persoana ce a
adoptat un copil din Romania si a fost multumit de serviciile oferite
de familia NAS.

Domnul Rikk Carey, declara ca poate fi contactat la:


Unde aflam ca:

Rikk Carey is the Executive Vice President of Engineering and
Operations for Plaxo. Rikk joined Plaxo in March 2002 as its first
employee and was instrumental in bringing the company from its
inception, to its current success as the market leader. He brings
over 20 years experience in engineering, product development, and
management to his role. Rikk’s previous senior management positions
include General Manager at Yahoo!, Senior Vice President of Product
Development at eGroups, an early founder of Listen.com, and Senior
Director of Engineering at SGI. Prior to SGI, Rikk served at
Vertigo/Cubicomp as Architect and Director of Engineering.

(adica un om cu BANI ! )

Albumul reuniunii familiei Carey, cu familia adoptatei din Romania
incepe cu fotografiile doamnei si domnului Nas impreuna cu


Probabil ca nu sunt decat alte pagini "montate" de mine sau
alti "dusmani" ai domnului Nas.
Dar cine este "interesat" il poate contacta personal pe dl. Carey ca
sa ceara "referinte" despre servicii si preturi. :)

Paginile au fost salvate pe un CD, sigilat intr-un plic ce a fost
trimis prin posta, (data si continutul este important) de
subsemnatul catre subsemnatul.
Plicul constituie proba ce poate fi deschisa in instanta.

Daca dl. Nas citeste sau nu acest post pt. ca s-a retras, este
irelevant. :)
Relevant este ca mai devreme sau mai tarziu adevarul iese ca uleiul
la suprafata.
Daca dl. Nas o sa fie sau nu implicat intr-un proces cu adoptii
internationale "manarite" nu are nici o importanta pentru mine.
Pentru mine conteaza un singur lucru: lobby-ul pe care il face este
din interes material si domnia sa nu este decat un profitor care a
trait de pe urma adoptiilor !

Mary Bonn Sentenced

October 10, 2007

Mary Bonn Sentenced

After eight months since her arrest and the various firestorms that have followed it, the Mary Bonn saga comes to an end. In a long sentencing hearing that went on for hours, she was sentenced to 366 days in prison, followed by two years of supervised release, and fines and restitution of $10,000. The court was filled with Mary's supporters, families who had happlily adopted through her. And the adoptive father in the case she was charged for appeared before the judge as well. We'll get more info on what happened, the judges comments, etc. soon.

Click on more for updates Oct 10

While this may be the end of the saga for Mary, she will have a legacy full of disparate thoughts. She helped create hundreds of families successfully. There are many who sing her praises based on their experience working with her. There are also many who have broken hearts from their experience, some still struggling today to get out of the mess of adoptions started throgh Mary. There are those, like the family in this case, whose description to their kids of how they came to join their family is not as simple as the one I'll tell mine.


INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE TO DISCUSS CHILD ADOPTION ISSUES ________________________________________ 18:6 IST India is hosting three days International Conference from 8th to 10th October, 2007 to discuss child adoption issues in New Delhi. Briefing the media about the agenda of the conference, Smt. Renuka Chowdhury, Minister for Women and Child Development said that the conference would provide a plateform to get feed back from the receiving countries about the adoption of Indian children. It would also apprise them of our concern regarding inter country adoption. She said that the Government wants to make the adoption procedure more transparent, hassle free with all safeguards. With this objective, it would soon come out with new guidelines on adoption. Speedy Redressal of grievances and centralize monitoring of the adoption procedure will be focus of the new guidelines, she added. Underlining the importance of family based care for the children in need of care and protection, she said that adoption is not one time event but a life long celebration which not only provide a family to a children but also a new meaning in the life of a family. The international conference being organized by Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA), an autonomous body under the Ministry of Women and Child Development will discuss the draft UN guidelines on children without parental care and safeguards for children placed for inter country adoption. The issue of trans-cultural adoption and identity issues for children for international adoptions will also be taken up during the conference. Preparing the special needs children for inter-country adoption and their rehabilitation is one of the important subjects besides review of guidelines for inter-country adoption. The conference will be attended by more than 300 delegates including 150 delegates from across the world including Govt. representatives, national adoption agencies, social scientists and child-care experts. NCJ/DT



It is expected that the document, albeit a non-binding document, will prove to be a useful and strong tool in the process, and it is hoped that it will be widely disseminated amongst practitioners involved in all aspects of child protection. As a final conclusion, and opening to further informal discussion, I invite you to read the latest version of the draft UN Guidelines, which are available on the Child Rights Information Network and Better Care Network’s websites (http://www.crin.org/bcn).

Conference Schedule October 8 2007

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Arun Dohle <arun.dohle@gmx.de>
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2007, 07:24
Subject: conference shcedule
To: Roelie Post <roelie.post@gmail.com>, hilbrand westra <uai.hwestra@gmail.com>

I´d offered to make a presentation…..Mr. Pati, Dy Director told me that he thinks I m not “balanced”. There is no speaker from the activist. No real critical person.

This are all the OLD faces…apart from Bharati das Gupta, but she wither organization CSA has the aim of promoting adoptions.












Day 1 (8th Oct. 2007)            


Registration                                     :           4.00 PM to 6.00 PM


Inaugural & Cultural Programme  :           6.15 PM to 8.00 PM


Reception & Dinner                                   :           8.00 PM to 10.00 PM


Day 2 (9th Oct. 2007)                                   


Plenary 1                                                      :           9.30 AM to 1.30 PM


(i)                 Preparing Parents for International Adoption-Sweden Central Authority

(ii)                Hague Compliance & Safeguards - Rep from Hague (proposed)

(iii)              Adjustment of overseas children in USA  - Mr. Adam Pertman, USA

(iv)              Trans-cultural adoption & Identity-Children placed in International adoptions: Mr. Hoksbergen, R.A.C

(v)               United Nations Guidelines on Homeless Children – Issues and Challenges – Representatives from International Social Service – Geneva.


Plenary 2                                                      :           2.30 PM to 5.30 PM


(i)                 Adoption under JJ Act & Child Protection Scheme of Govt of India : Ms. Loveleen Kacker, Joint Secretary, Child Welfare, M/o WCD, Govt. of India.

(ii)                Family preservation issues (family foster care & sponsorship issues) : Dr. Nilima Mehta, Mumbai

(iii)              Heritage Tour and Search of Roots – Mrs. Roxana Kalyanwala, Pune (proposed)

(iv)              Sourcing of Children and Principle of Subsidiary (issues of priority) – Ms. Daisy Narayan, Patna (proposed)

(v)               Preparing older and special needs children – Dr. Aloma Lobo, Bangalore (proposed)


Day 3 (10th Oct. 2007)


Plenary 3                                                      :           9.30 AM to 1.30 PM


(i)                 Presentation by central authorities (to improve mutual relations)

(ii)                Transparency & Ethical issues in Inter-country Adoption – Representatives from JCICS (proposed)

(iii)              Statistics and Global Trends in Inter-country Adoption – Prof. Peter Salman

(iv)              Salient Features of New guidelines on Adoption - to be presented by CARA

(v)               Open session for all participants (the participants are free to raise any particular issue not covered in preceding sessions)


Plenary 4                                                      :           2.30 PM to 3.45 PM


(i)                 Efficacy of chat groups - Mrs. Bharti Dasgupta, Pune (proposed)

(ii)                Feedback from older adoptees - to be contributed by older adoptees


Valedictory                                                   :           4.00 PM to 5.30 PM


Adoptionsstop fra Indien ophævet

Adoptionsstop fra Indien ophævet


Det midlertidige stop for adoptioner fra Indien, som blev indført i juni, ophæves i dag. Det har familie- og forbrugerminister Carina

Christensen besluttet på baggrund af anbefalinger fra Familiestyrelsen.

Familie- og forbrugerminister Carina Christensen siger:

”Jeg har i dag ophævet det midlertidige stop for adoptioner fra Indien. Det gør jeg på baggrund af anbefaling fra Familiestyrelsen, som

dels selv har undersøgt den konkrete sag, dels har haft et revisionsfirma til at gennemgå økonomien i adoptionerne fra Indien.”

Det midlertidige stop blev indført på baggrund af en sag, hvor en indisk far til DR-tv oplyste, at han var blevet ’franarret’ sine børn. Børn

som efterfølgende var blevet bortadopteret til Danmark.

Der blev ved samme lejlighed rejst mistanke om uretmæssige, økonomiske transaktioner mellem AC Børnehjælp og deres indiske


En undersøgelse, som Familiestyrelsen har gennemført, viser, at den konkrete sag blev behandlet korrekt i både Indien og Danmark, og at

faderen med vidner havde givet samtykke på sit eget sprog til bortadoption.

En grundig gennemgang af alle aktuelle sager vedrørende adoption af børn fra Indien til Danmark viste ifølge Familiestyrelsen,

at adoptionsproceduren i alle tilfælde var overholdt.

En revisionsundersøgelse af visse økonomiske transaktioner fra 2000-2007 fra adoptionsformidlere i Danmark til modtagere i Indien,

konkluderer foreløbigt, at der i det analyserede materiale ikke er belæg for at slutte, at adoption sker med økonomisk vinding for øje. Den

endelige revisionsrapport foreligger endnu ikke.

Familieminister Carina Christensen vil på baggrund af denne sag bede Familiestyrelsen om et forslag til, hvordan man kan skabe større

gennemsigtighed i de formidlende organisationers arbejde og økonomi - både hvad angår direkte betalinger, donationer, driftstilskud og

almindeligt børnehjælpsarbejde, som de udfører i de lande, som vi modtager børn fra.


For yderligere information, familie- og forbrugerministerens særlige rådgiver Lars Kaaber: 25408830

The Supreme Court has clarified the rules of international adoption of Kazakh children

The Supreme Court has clarified the rules of international adoption of Kazakh children


Last week, a judge in Astana the Supervisory Board of the Supreme Court gave Galia AKKUOVA official comments on international adoptions Kazakh orphans.

In RK permit foreign citizens to adopt a child gives the court. According to Ms. Akkuovoy, currently the country's 16,884 children living in orphanages, even in 2084 to three years of living in orphanages. 80% of them - the so-called "social orphans", that is, children with living parents. There are 6 children's villages of family type, 29 family houses, 23 houses and 3 youth non-"children's village". These institutions brought up only 16.6% of children. The judge said that "in such a situation, the optimal shape of the device is the adoption of children": "Since the adoption develop not only close, relationship, but there is their legal recognition."

In 1999, the existing Law "On Marriage and the Family," which allowed for the first time in Kazakhstan, international adoption, and put on the courts the duty to take decisions to permit it. According to the Sun, for 8 years, more than 20,000 children are adopted citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, about 6000 - foreigners.

Asistenta din Bavaria

Asistenta din Bavaria



Vicepresedintele Parlamentului bavarez, Barbara Stamm, s-a aflat ieri la Sibiu pentru a vorbi despre succesul programului de asistenta sociala si cel al centrului de ingrijire de pe strada Pedagogilor.

Aproximativ 300 de absolventi ai scolii de asistenta sociala, infiintata de Fundatia Bavaria pentru Romania, au fost pregatiti in profesia de asistent recuperator. Acestea sint datele oferite, ieri, de Barbara Stamm, vicepresedinte al Parlamentului bavarez si delegatul Bavariei pentru relatia cu Romania. „Prin aceasta fundatie dorim sa ridicam nivelul de asistenta sociala. Datorita legaturilor strinse pe care le avem cu Sibiul si cu Forumul German am reusit ca, de la o scoala postliceala, sa ajungem la dezvoltarea unei scoli care este orientata spre formarea de ingrijitori pentru persoanele virstnice", a spus Stramm. Pentru acest proiect a fost nevoie de un milion de euro, bani care au venit din fonduri bugetare, donatii de la cetatenii din Bavaria si colaborarea cu alte fundatii.