
Adoption Fee Adoption Link

Kenya Adoption Program Adoption-Link is pleased to announce our new adoption program in Kenya!

Adopting from Kenya:
Adopting from Kenya can be a demanding process, largely because the Kenyan government requires adoptive parents to relocate to Kenya for 6 - 10 months. Though living in Kenya would be an incredible experience for any family that can make it possible. Kenya is a major tourist destination and people from all over the world visit Kenya to go on safari, enjoy the country’s beautiful landscapes and experience their diverse culture.

Eligibility requirements include:
1. Married couples who have been married for at least three years.
2. At least one of the applicants must be between 25 years old and 65 years old, and more than 21 years older than the child. The applicants may be related to the child.

The Kenyan government will not grant adoptions to the following::
1. To a single foreign applicant (exceptions made for special needs children);
2. If one or both applicants is not of sound mind, as defined by the Kenyan Mental Health Act;
3. To applicant(s) who have been charged and convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction for or of any offence against children under Kenyan laws. (Note: USCIS also requires a criminal background check to be done on all petitioners and may find families ineligible as well);
4. To gay and lesbian individuals or couples;
5. To joint applicants not married to each other.

Residency Requirements:
At least one of the adopting parents must reside in Kenya with the child for at least three months before legal procedures begin, though both parents would be required to go initially to meet the child and to attend the court proceedings Adoption-Link has an in country facilitator that will arrange lodging and make sure you are comfortable throughout your stay. Although some legal adoption steps can be initiated before the three months period has been completed, most of the legal work will only begin after the three month “homestay” with the child is finished.

Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam's letter to Senator Inhofe

Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam's letter to Senator Inhofe

October 22, 2007

Senator James Inhofe

453 Russell Senate Office Bldg.

Washington, D.C. 20510


Children in child protection institutions

In practice, the results of the Government Strategy for the Protection of Child in Difficulty are

as follows:

? number of institutionalised children dropped from 57,181 in December 2001 to 27,188

in June 2006;

Part of Euradopt minutes - written by Elisabeth Sandberg

October 2007


Part of Euradopt minutes - written by Elisabeth Sandberg

- Jennifer Degeling from the Permanent Bureau in the Hague and representatives of four Central Authorities had a meeting with the NAC delegates. All parties agreed that we need a concerted effort to try and influence the ideas within the European Union, where it has been argued that inter-country adoption is not a child protection measure and is a last resort. I regard our discussion as a step forward in the EU issue.

We were also informed that the Good Practise Guide on the Hague Adoption Convention will be published soon, probably before the end of the year.

A foundation suspected of -exporting- children keeps -the business-

A foundation suspected of -exporting- children keeps -the business-

Of Andreea Anghel - 03:00, September 30, 2007

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The -Walk in the Light- Foundation, which currently has 39 children in care, is under the patronage of a former criminal investigator precisely for the -export- of children, Ilie Coroam?, and who was said to go out of the way because the children they will be transferred to the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection (DGASPC) Bistri?a-N?s?ud, it remains -in the business-.

According to the director of DGASPC Bistri?a-N?s?ud, Marin Rus, the process that was written to be based on accusations of organ trafficking was put in place to move from the above-mentioned foundation nine of the 39 children he has in the foundation is currently under the care of the state authorities, this being the only way for these souls to be transferred. Nine, because the businessman Ilie Coroam? declares that he can only finance them for the rest of 30. The story of this foundation is quite confusing and bizarre, considering the fact that until April it worked in Suceava. Trying to establish a route regarding the fate of these children, who are under the care of a former criminal investigator precisely for the -export- of children, I found out from DGASPC Suceava that the Center would have been closed a year ago and that there would have been a pending trial in the courts. However, in an attempt to detail the subject, we found out from the same representatives that the foundation has not been operating since April in Suceava and moved to Bistri?a-N?s?ud, for reasons not yet elucidated by the Suceava authorities. Why in Bistri?a-N?s?ud? Because the city is famous in terms of scandals for international adoptions, an activity that Ilie Coroam? also seems to practice. Why in Bistri?a-N?s?ud? Because the city is famous in terms of scandals for international adoptions, an activity that Ilie Coroam? also seems to practice. Why in Bistri?a-N?s?ud? Because the city is famous in terms of scandals for international adoptions, an activity that Ilie Coroam? also seems to practice.

Why did an adoption agency tell Angelina Jolie I had died of AIDS when they gave her my baby?

Why did an adoption agency tell Angelina Jolie I had died of AIDS when they gave her my baby?


Last updated at 07:58 26 November 2007

She's happy her daughter Zahara has a better life in America with Angelina Jolie, but in her first-ever interview the child's mother raises disturbing questions about how she was adopted...

Her credentials as a caring superstar could hardly be bettered. Angelina Jolie, mother of four, is as famous for her well-publicised adoptions of children from Third World countries as she is for her Oscar-winning movies and marriage to Brad Pitt.

Foundation suspect remains without children adopted

Foundation suspect remains without children adopted



39 children entrusted to the NGO "Walk in the Light" in orchards, Bistrita, will be transferred to state Establishments as financial foundation no longer has the option to care for them. Between 1997-1998, the Foundation 'Love Basket "and Society Charity 'Walk in the Light "have been involved in many scandals of international adoptions. In the book" Souls of child affairs, high medical Goron, who worked in the center placement of the orchards, relates how the children were taken from hospitals and brought for a time in orchards, where they were kept till the age of 4 years, after which they were taken to the Placement Center at Dornesti, in Suceava county, which belongs to the businessman Steve Wagner Coroam? Elijah, to foil them. The charges under which you would have done these adoptions for organ trafficking have been but never proven. DGASPC opened six trials for emergency placement. Trials are scheduled on October 4.



Fundatie suspecta ramâne fara copiii adoptati

Blog - Bert & Gretha en Jonneke & Abush, 22 september 2007

Bert & Gretha en Jonneke & Abush, 22 september 2007


De laatste week adoptieverlof

Zaterdag 22 september 2007

Onze laatste week adoptieverlof is voorbij, wat gaat die tijd toch snel. Vier weken lijkt heel lang maar het vliegt om. Maar goed dat we nog vakantiedagen gespaard hebben. Afgelopen week hebben we op het werk van Bert kunnen regelen dat hij in oktober nog 2 weken vakantie kan opnemen. Ik ben nog 3 weken vrij nu. Bert gaat maandag weer werken en is dan vanaf 15 oktober nog 2 weken vrij.

Klacht Hogar ten aanzien van Colombia ICBF

17-09-2007 - Klacht Hogar ten aanzien van Colombia ICBF

Wereldkinderen is onlangs door de stichting Hogar op de hoogte gebracht van de klacht die Hogar ten aanzien van de ICBF Colombia bij Justitie heeft ingediend. Hogar heeft een aantal maal voldoende informatie over een voorstel ontvangen en het is dan ook terecht dat dit gemeld wordt bij de Centrale Autoriteit. Wereldkinderen heeft deze ervaring echter niet.

Er is overleg geweest tussen Wereldkinderen en het ministerie van Justitie; Wereldkinderen zal de samenwerking met de ICBFvoortzetten zoals die nu bestaat maar wel extra kritisch aanstaande voorstellen beoordelen.


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CDU fordert Klarheit von Verheugen

CDU demands clarity from Verheugen

Hamburg (RPO). The CDU increases the pressure on the Vice President of the European Commission, Günter Verheugen (SPD). The Chairman of the European Committee in the Bundestag, Gunther Krichbaum, asked Verheugen to "finally explain in all its depth to his alleged affair with his cabinet boss Petra Erler.

If the statements of the SPD politician Katrin Fuchs about Verheugen are correct, "the suspicion of favoritism is confirmed," said Krichbaum of the "Bild am Sonntag". If Verheugen does not explain himself, he will continue to damage himself and the office. If Verheugen can not clear the suspicion, "it will be tight," said Krichbaum.

The former SPD member of parliament Fuchs had contradicted Verheugen in the magazine "Bunte", he had no more than a personal friendship relationship with his cabinet boss Petra Erler - neither today nor at the time of Erler's appointment in April 2006. Fuchs said, citing Gabriele Verheugen Her husband has had a relationship with Erler since spring 2005. Gabriele Verheugen had recently separated from her husband.

Verheugen himself rejected the allegations against him. "Politically relevant is a question: when my colleague Ms. Erler was promoted to my cabinet chief, was there a relationship of friendship beyond ours, and does it exist today?" The answer is no, that's the truth, "Verheugen said News magazine "Der Spiegel".