
Optimisme over `geroofd' adoptiekind (Brazilie)

Optimisme over `geroofd' adoptiekind (Brazilie)

Het echtpaar Slottje werd maandag door de rechtbank vrijgesproken van mensenroof. Maar wat gebeurt met Lisa?

André Ritsema

25 maart 1999

Ze moet gewoon terug, zegt de Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst (IND). Ze moet natuurlijk blijven, zegt het Leger des Heils. Het echtpaar Slottje is deze week door de rechtbank vrijgesproken van mensenroof, maar als het aan de IND ligt, wordt het driejarige `adoptiekind' Lisa alsnog teruggestuurd naar Brazilië. ,,Ze heeft geen verblijfsvergunning'', zegt C. Menten van de IND. ,,Wat begrijpelijk en menselijk is, is niet altijd het beste voor de samenleving. Het klinkt steriel, maar regels zijn regels.''

'Just bill it to the old whore'

After months of probing damning allegations of fraud in the European Commission, the investigators deliver their verdict today. In an exclusive extract from his book L'Europe des Fraudes, Jean Nicolas, the man who exposed the worst scandal in the history of the EU, traces one man's web of corruption

'I offered to lend him £10,000 to buy an automatic car, a loan secured only on his word. To justify this expense, I arranged a contract for his wife in Software (one of my offshore companies) for three months. I paid this from the company's agreed profit margin with the commission.' This, described in his own words, was Claude Perry's system. It was a network of interlocking favours: a commission official in trouble is helped with a loan that need never be repaid, through a fictitious job for the official's wife in an offshore company whose only job is to work for the commission.

This is also how the man who triggered Europe's worst fraud scandal infiltrated department after department of the commission, building up favours to become its biggest sub-contractor. And this is the system of fraud, operated with the knowledge and connivance of commission officials, that launched the biggest scandal ever to hit the commission and its European ideal.

Now, his house and office are confiscated, his bank accounts blocked and his car is sold for cash. These days he travels by public bus. Still, there is a large villa in Canada, in the name of Perry's former wife, and a network of offshore companies.

The unravelling of Perry's extraordinary story began last July when a German magazine colleague in Brussels called me and said he had heard that an internal commission fraud inquiry into the misuse of some £2 million of its humanitarian budget had been passed to the Luxemburg police. They had started to interview Claude Perry and wanted to question Hubert Onidi, the official in charge of ECHO (European Commission Humanitarian Office).

The roads of baby trafficking

Google translation

The roads of the baby trafficking

Cristina Giudici - published on 26 February 1999 00:00

Despite the controls, one baby out of four arrives in Europe illegally, the fault of judges and lawyers. But something is moving: as in Paraguay, where NGOs have blocked the culprits

Children for sale, for adoption. It happens in countries that have not yet ratified the Hague Convention, where authorities are competent courts and the Pressure from foreign agencies and wealthy couples is a standard, and happens in countries whose governments have ratified the Convention, but where is still possible to 'oil' Officials of central authority that will ensure transparency of procedures. 20 thousand children who each year arrive in Europe to be adopted, about 25% are diverted illegally to their families. This was a Guatemalan non-governmental organization that for years has been fighting against trafficking of adoptions in Latin America. Among the countries put all? Index down? Ong? Casa Alianza? Colombia stands out where no law regulates l? international adoption and about 3,800 children are? exported? every year. But the list of bad guys there are Guatemala, Brazil, Honduras, India and Peru, South Korea, Romania, Thailand and Sri Lanka. Countries where poverty, l? Marginalization, endemic conflicts and natural disasters can turn the sale of poor children but a beautiful rich but unhappy couples in the lesser evil. Apart from Paraguay, where the non-profit associations are able to obtain the suspension of international adoptions after trying every year 600 children were adopted through the system of rent-wombs of young mothers and poor, the system remains unchanged in most South American countries. The court Beethoven selling children in Brazil, for example, in November 1998, a court official of the State of Jundai (58 km from San Paolo) is finished in the viewfinder of the federal police. The scandal broke out when it was published the news that two girls given up for adoption in? 92 were raped by adoptive father, of French nationality. The judge under investigation, Luiz Beethoven Giffoni Ferreira, was accused of promoting International adoption in exchange for money. In 1992 only because the signing of Ferreira has allowed l? Adoption of 484 children, of which 204 are finished in Europe. According to Lawyer Marco Antonio Colagrossi, a member of the Municipal Council of children and adolescents, (a body created to defend the rights of children) and defender of 48 mothers who brought a lawsuit to get back their children, said the Brazilian weekly? Isto? "L? industry exports of children working as a judge put under siege the poorest families and desperate, where there is generally a father figure, accused mothers to be unreliable or of abuse of their daughter. Then, within a short time, takes away their power and entrusts children to foreign couples in exchange for a tow. So it happened to Evelyn, 4 years old, who lived with his mother, the grandfather, an aunt and two brothers. The court received an anonymous complaint that the small Evelyn had been abused by the mother. Then he asked a? Social worker to investigate the stability of family and a month later decided that there were no conditions to offer? Existence worthy to Evelyn. The mother, Elizangela Rodriguez, has appealed and won because the allegations could not be proven by the facts. She has added other mothers who have accused the court of Beethoven steal children from poor families without a genuine reason. By the way, all children in adoption data are beautiful, blond and have white skin. Now? Inquiry (wanted by the Brazilian Minister of Justice, Renan Calheiros) was enlarged and there are nine cases involving illegal adoptions, directed by the same court, a sort of Justice to single mothers, who in Brazil in more classes poor are the norm. The Brazilian case shows how weak is the line between? Regular and irregular adoption. According to the principles that inspired the Hague Convention, in fact, before deciding to? International adoption and uproot a child from the family and the company? Origin, must seek to promote the reintegration and family only when there is no other solution (including? national adoption) then you search all adoptive parents? abroad. But if Brazil is not? Single. In Costa Rica a well-known lawyer, has always been committed to defending human rights, Hermes Navarro de la Valle, at the end of 1998 has complained publicly that some lawyers in his country are buying children from single mothers in financial difficulties. 'Other', said all of the Valley? Ansa, ranging from prostitutes pregnant and promise money and medical care in exchange for the unborn child. There are even specific hotels preadoptive assignment to complete pregnancies clandestine. " Their names? Processing house? in English and are mainly on the border that divides Mexico from the United States. Places where couples can choose the catalogs children, children who are sold all? International pedophiles. At least according? Former deputy Hector Ramirez who for months has been fighting against the Mexican variant of the fairy tale of Hansel and Gretel. "The system is simple, 'said a local newspaper Juan Rincón, father of a child desaparecido in the state of Chihuahua. "The corrupt doctors and nurses called the parents of a baby citing post-natal complications and then make them disappear, with the complicity of the police that makes them move from the border. But even in countries that have signed the Hague Convention strange things happen. According to our sources in Romania, where in 1995 they arrived in Italy far adopted 706 children (in 1997 but were much less: 242) the orphanages continue to be the territory of robbery. On the one hand it is true that today there is a Central authority that must be vigilant on international adoptions and to achieve? Adoption of a child is no longer sufficient to rely on a lawyer and pay out large sums, it is also true that among the ong Local is a fight going underground to make sure the traffic. In Romania there are 100 thousand children in orphanages and an endless waiting list of prospective adoptive parents. Today it takes about 3000 dollars, but to obtain? Adoption often need? Oil? Some government officials. In Paraguay won associations But not all countries will resign to their fate. A great lesson of civilization and democracy comes from Paraguay, where the director of the NGO? Global Infancia?, Rosa Maria Ortiz, tells? Life? "In? 95 we were able to compel the government to suspend international adoptions. In? 96 c? Was the ratification of the Convention? Hague and in? 97 was approved the law for protection of the rights of children. Today in Paraguay does not receive more requests for international adoption, but we do. C? Is a specialized team which tracks families of children and seeks to promote family reintegration. When all attempts fail, we call a? International adoption. But the bankruptcy case for 20% of cases. In any case I do not think that respect for the Convention? Hague is the panacea for all ills because even the countries where there are laws are illegal. Just go all? Register and record a baby with the surname of the adoptive parents or a parent who lends itself to sell. The tricks you can do to circumvent the law, unfortunately, are many ...».



Relates to:

Brazil - Judge Luiz Beethoven Giffoni Ferreira case

Luiz Beethoven Giffoni Ferreira (Judge)

Date: 1999-02-10

Jan and Esther Ekkel-Vorstenbosch

Jan and Esther Ekkel have been waiting for this for years. They have been told that they have been assigned a son. They can pick him up at a children's home in Malawi. Jan and Esther Ekkel have been waiting for this for years. Finally the time has come! They have been told that they have been assigned a son. They can pick him up at a children's home in Malawi. All they have is a photo and his name: Chimwemwe. We follow Jan and Esther to Malawi. We see their first meeting with the still silent Thomas Chimwemwe. Uncomfortable and unreal, for Jan and Esther as well as for Thomas. For the first few weeks they live together on the grounds of the orphanage, while they wait for the legal conclusion of the adoption procedure. Meanwhile, they pay an emotional visit to Thomas

Terre des Hommes Denmark stops adoptions from Romania

Stops adoptions

Terre des Hommes stops the adoption work in Romania after the TV-newspaper's information that the child's medical certificates are still being cheated.

JANUARY 30 1999 KL. 19.00 | UPDATED 01. JAN. 1970 KL. 01:00


Terre des Hommes will immediately cease to work in Romania. This happens after the Minister of Justice Frank Jensen has decided that so far no adoption children from Romania to Denmark through Terre des Hommes. Ministerial intervention comes after the TV newspaper has revealed that there are still scams with medical declarations and social reports in Romania.

Stops adoptions

Terre des Hommes stops the adoption work in Romania after TV-Avisen's information that there is still fraud with adopted children's medical certificates.

erre des Hommes ceases its adoption work in Romania with immediate effect. This is happening after Minister of Justice Frank Jensen has decided that, for the time being, no children may be adopted from Romania to Denmark through Terre des Hommes. The minister's intervention comes after TV-Avisen has revealed that there is still fraud with medical certificates and social reports in Romania.

The accusations against Terre des Hommes and the organization's Romanian partner Domnita Gavenea began in September last year. The DR documentary program Ønskebarnet showed how adopted children, in which the Romanian medical reports were described as retarded, in Domnita Gavenea's English translations were described as completely normal. Last night, TV-Avisen was able to document that the fraud continues.

Terre des Homme's Romanian partner says that there are no perfect Romanian adopted children. But several adoptive parents have openly accused Domnitas Gavernea of ​​embellishing the medical reports, and now they have founded an association to support each other. At the same time, the Danish Parliament's legal committee is dealing with a bill that will tighten the supervision of the organizations that mediate adoptions in the fraud country.

Europe is out to get me

Europe is out to get me

Paul van Buitenen blew the whistle on huge levels of corruption within the European Commission. Now, he says, they've made him a non-person. Stephen Bates reports

Monday 11 January 1999 17.06 GMT Last modified on Wednesday 20 July 2016 05.57 BST

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Bill set to curb sale of children

Tougher controls on overseas adoption are expected after the Government indicated it would back a private member's bill to be published this week.

The bill would make it an offence to bring a child into Britain without prior approval, following concern over the abduction, sale and trafficking of children from developing countries and eastern Europe.

The measure would also enable Britain to ratify the Hague convention on inter-country adoption. Although Britain signed the treaty in 1994, it has faced criticism for failing to pass the legislation necessary for ratification.

Mark Oaten, the Liberal Democrat MP for Winchester, who will introduce the bill, said: "Almost five years is too long to wait and, with Government support, I am glad to have the chance to put that right."

Concern about inter-country adoption came to a head about 10 years ago with a number of cases involving Romanian children.