
Halen en betalen

President Ion Iliescu van Roemenie heeft deze week een wet ondertekend die een eind moet maken aan een van de vreemdste uitwassen van de 'bevrijding' van Oost-Europa. In Roemenie, waar het regime van voorheen N. Ceausescu nog voor generaties ongesorteerd verdriet zal zorgen, is de handel in baby's in korte tijd de huisindustrie van de jaren negentig geworden. Prijzen van twintigduizend dollar per kind zijn geen uitzondering.

Marc Chavannes

20 juli 1991

Leestijd 3 minuten

Navrant genoeg is het Westerse goedertierenheid die de vraag en daarmee de prijs zo heeft opgedreven. Hartelijke burgers uit 'de vrije wereld' worden aangetrokken door de eerste reportages over Roemeense pakhuizen vol verwaarloosde, zieke of misvormde weeskinderen. Zij willen iets doen voor de vruchten van het dictatoriale gebod tot voortplanting en het bijbehorende verbod op voorbehoedmiddelen en abortus. Zo is een mensenmarkt ontstaan.

FIOM Fusie (Ambulante and local offices)

Limburgsch dagblad



Officials Urge New Romanian Adoption Law

Officials Urge New Romanian Adoption Law


June 7, 1991

BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) _ Government and international officials on Friday urged Romania’s Senate to pass a controversial adoption law that would crack down on a growing practice of selling babies.

The proposed law establishes jail sentences of up to five years for biological parents and baby dealers who accept payment to facilitate adoptions. It also forbids the adoption of children who have been abandoned less than six months.

Officials Urge New Romanian Adoption Law

BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) _ Government and international officials on Friday urged Romania’s Senate to pass a controversial adoption law that would crack down on a growing practice of selling babies.

The proposed law establishes jail sentences of up to five years for biological parents and baby dealers who accept payment to facilitate adoptions. It also forbids the adoption of children who have been abandoned less than six months.

On Monday, the Senate postponed debate on the bill, which was proposed by the government last month and was passed two weeks ago by Parliament’s lower house, the Chamber of Deputies.

If the law is passed, a government committee would control all adoptions instead of the present practice of allowing local courts to handle many of the procedures. This means adoptions would be halted about three months because the government’s Adoption Committee stopped operating last week and doesn’t plan to resume before September.

That has raised a furor of dissent among hundreds of Western couples who are in Romania searching for children to adopt. Some have begun lobbying senators to block the bill.

Officials Urge New Romanian Adoption Law

BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) _ Government and international officials on Friday urged Romania’s Senate to pass a controversial adoption law that would crack down on a growing practice of selling babies.

The proposed law establishes jail sentences of up to five years for biological parents and baby dealers who accept payment to facilitate adoptions. It also forbids the adoption of children who have been abandoned less than six months.

On Monday, the Senate postponed debate on the bill, which was proposed by the government last month and was passed two weeks ago by Parliament’s lower house, the Chamber of Deputies.

If the law is passed, a government committee would control all adoptions instead of the present practice of allowing local courts to handle many of the procedures. This means adoptions would be halted about three months because the government’s Adoption Committee stopped operating last week and doesn’t plan to resume before September.

That has raised a furor of dissent among hundreds of Western couples who are in Romania searching for children to adopt. Some have begun lobbying senators to block the bill.

Factsheet Contemporary Slavery

Sale of children
Unscrupulous go-betweens have found that large profits can be made by arranging the transfer of
children from poverty-stricken homes to people with means-without guarantees and supervision to
ensure that the child's interests will be protected. In such cases, financial gain-for the parents as
well as the intermediaries-takes on the character of trading in children.



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By Brent Israelsen, Staff Writer

Published: Friday, May 24 1991 12:00 a.m. MDT

U.S. Issues Warning of Obstacles In Adopting Romanian Children

U.S. Issues Warning of Obstacles In Adopting Romanian Children


Published: May 24, 1991



Surrogate Mother Gets Rights of Legal Parent : Custody: Elvira Jordan will be allowed to visit her baby daughter three days a week until the judge decides on a permanent arrangement.


In a decision that could bolster the rights of surrogate mothers in California, an Orange County judge ruled Thursday that a surrogate mother is the legal parent of the baby girl she bore for a couple who are now divorcing.

Surrogate mother Elvira Jordan, who has seen her 10-month-old daughter only four times since the child went home from the hospital with Robert and Cynthia Moschetta, will be permitted to visit the baby three days a week until the judge decides on permanent custody arrangements.

Jordan said she would seek primary custody of her daughter, who is now living with Robert Moschetta in Lakewood. But Jordan said she would allow visitation by Cynthia Moschetta, who raised the baby for the first six months of life and now has no legal rights to the child.

“I’m overwhelmed, I’m happy,” said Jordan, a 42-year-old mother of three other children. “I want her to be all of the time with me--full custody.”