


The Romanian government, faced with new White House and congressional demands for improved human rights performance, has renounced American trade benefits given to communist countries with liberal emigration policies, U.S. officials said yesterday.

State Department spokeswoman Phyllis Oakley said Romania informed the United States that it will "renounce" the trade concessions, subjecting Romanian goods to higher tariffs as of July 2. Romanian sources say their country could lose up to $250 million in trade with the United States.

Romania also will lose eligibility for U.S. government-supported export credits through the Commodity Credit Corp. or the Export-Import Bank, Oakley said.

The decision reflects the deterioration of relations between the United States and Romanian leader Nicolae Ceausescu, who has been wooed by U.S. administrations in the past because of his relatively independent line from Moscow.

Adoption STOP

See last sentence of article

Soixante-quatorze enfants roumains pourront rejoindre leurs parents adoptifs en France

Les parents adoptifs de quatre-vingt-douze autres enfants attendent encore cependant l’autorisation du gouvernement roumain.

L’affaire des « bébés roumains »

Publié le 8 août 2016 par AFOR


For orphans, the organisation in 1988 creates an adoption service, different from the “Chain of Hope”, an association created in 1985, administered by MDM until 1994 and which fosters children at distance (between July 1992 and July 1993, for instance, it helps to evacuate 86 wounded children from Sarajevo so that they can be cared for in France). In his book, Olivier Demoinet, explains that he left MDM in November 1998 to personally look after a young girl from Kosovo, getting her all the necessary visas to have a surgical operation in France.


Legislative background uncrc

728. The delegation of Venezuela took the view that an article such as article 21, dealing with adoption,

which had only been studied in its existing form by the plenary Group for a few minutes at its last meeting

without the participants being able to consult experts or theory on the subject, or their respective capitals,

could only lead to serious confusion. The representative of Venezuela said that, while it was true that that

article was largely based on articles 17 and 20 of the 1986 United Nations Declaration on Social and Legal


By Judith HavemannDecember 10, 1987

A White House task force on adoption has recommended that adoption of children by homosexuals "should not be supported," but otherwise called for few innovations in the complex adoption field.

The task force, established in August to make specific recommendations on how adoption could be encouraged, called for legislation providing Social Security benefits for adopted children and health insurance coverage for disabled adopted children.

"The task force has ignored the staggering costs, archaic agency procedures and stifling requirements which have so long burdened the adoption process," said Rep. Patricia Schroeder (D-Colo). "The task force chose to rail against abortion and to judge the appropriateness of homosexuality and transracial adoptions."

Schroeder estimated that adoption costs to a family now run between $5,000 and $10,000.

Memorandum Promoting Adoption

Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies

More than 140,000 children are adopted each year, but thousands of childless families are still waiting for children to adopt. Unfortunately, many thousands of children with special needs, such as those with physical, mental, or legal handicaps, are not adopted. On August 24, 1987, I established the Interagency Task Force on Adoption, and the Task Force will be submitting recommendations to me that are designed to encourage and support adoption, in particular infant adoptions, as an alternative for pregnant women, and the adoption of "special needs'' children who are waiting for a permanent, loving family.

I will be signing a proclamation soon designating November 22 through November 28, 1987, as National Adoption Week. Each department and agency head should encourage National Adoption Week activities designed to increase Federal employee awareness about the benefits of adoption.

Last year, for example, the Office of Personnel Management conducted a number of activities to promote adoption during National Adoption Week. Six children were adopted as a result of the OPM's efforts, and many OPM employees have become involved in community efforts to foster adoption.

We must expand and broaden our efforts to make sure that America's familyless children are adopted. We must do all we can to remove obstacles that prevent qualified adoptive parents from accepting these children into their homes.

FIOM start weer met adoptiegroepen

Het vr?e volk : democratisch-socialistisch dagblad



Uncover UNICEF links to child-sex/espionage ring

Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 14, Number 27, July 3, 1987

© 1987 EIR News Service Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited.

Uncover UNICEF links to

child-sex/espionage ring

by Mark Burdman and Vivian Zoakos