
Adoptie van kinderen uit de derde wereld, 2 - Het Spoor - VPRO

Adoption of children from the third world, 2 - Het Spoor - VPRO

In fifteen years, the Netherlands adopted fifteen thousand third-world children, development work in their own country. For years, adoption has been enveloped by a pink cloud. Then came the scandals: long waiting times, high costs, illegality, child trafficking, out-of-home placements. Series of two documentaries about foreign adoption, which were positively approached for years. Until the problems came: frustrations of eternally waiting adoptive parents and financial scandals. And then the practices of very lucrative child trafficking in third world countries and the involvement of Western rogue adoptive associations. This part is mainly about the problems that parents can have with their adopted children and also about the circumstances in the country of origin. Interviews with, among others: - journalist and mother Helma van der Berg; - Mr Walenkamp, ??board member of Adoption Association Wereldkinderen; - mother Geertje; - clinical psychologist Dr. Wolters; - Jan and Sylvia Jongepier; Willie Koudstaal, who worked in an adopted home in Bogota for many years; - parents Paul and Anna; - Secretary of State Korte-van heaven; - adoption professor Prof. dr. Hoksbergen; Composition: Lida Iburg and Michal Citroen, Contributions from Ton van der Graaf and Jan Willem Dolk (India); Excerpt from broadcast by Karel van der Graaf.


In vijftien jaar tijds adopteerde Nederland vijftienduizend derde-wereld-kinderen, ontwikkelingswerk in eigen land. Jarenlang is adoptie gehuld geweest door een roze wolk. Daarna kwamen de schandalen: lange wachttijden, hoge kosten, illegaliteit, kinderhandel, uithuisplaatsingen.
Serie van twee documentaires over buitenlandse adoptie, die jarenlang positief werd benaderd. Tot de problemen aan het kwamen: frustraties van eeuwig wachtende adoptief ouders en financiële schandalen. En dan de praktijken van zeer lucratieve kinderhandel in derde wereldlanden en de betrokkenheid van westerse malafide adoptieverenigingen.
Dit deel gaat vooral over de problemen die ouders kunnen krijgen met hun geadopteerde kinderen en ook over de omstandigheden in het land van herkomst.
Interviews met o.a.:
- journaliste en moeder Helma van der Berg;
- De heer Walenkamp, bestuurslid van Adoptievereniging Wereldkinderen;
- moeder Geertje;
- klinisch psycholoog dr. Wolters;
- Jan en Sylvia Jongepier;
Willie Koudstaal, die jarenlang in Bogota in een adoptietehuis heeft gewerkt;
- ouders Paul en Anna;
- staatssecretaris Korte-van hemel;
- adoptiehoogleraar Prof. Hoksbergen;

Samenstelling: Lida Iburg en Michal Citroen,
Bijdragen van Ton van der Graaf en Jan Willem Dolk (India);
Fragment uit uitzending van Karel van der Graaf.

Adoptie van kinderen uit de derde wereld, 1 - Het Spoor - VPRO

Adoption of children from the third world, 1 - Het Spoor - VPRO

In fifteen years, the Netherlands adopted fifteen thousand third-world children: development work in their own country. For years, adoption has been enveloped by a pink cloud. Then came the scandals: long waiting times, high costs, illegality, child trafficking, out-of-home placements. Series of two documentaries on foreign adoption, which were positively approached for years. Until the problems came: frustrations of eternally waiting adoptive parents and financial scandals. And then the practices of very lucrative child trafficking in third world countries and the involvement of Western rogue adoptive associations. In this part we focus on successful adoptions. Interviews with, among others: - journalist and mother Helma van der Berg; - Mr Walenkamp from Wereldkinderen; - mother Geertje; - clinical psychologist Dr. Wolters; - Jan and Sylvia Jongepier; - Prof. dr. Dr. Hoksbergen; - parent and journalist Alexander Munninghof, who adopted a child in Sri Lanka four years ago and of which Ronald van den Boogaard made recordings in Sri Lanka at the time. Now, four years later, Lida, Michel and Ronald are visiting Alexander again.


In vijftien jaar tijds adopteerde Nederland vijftienduizend derde-wereld-kinderen: ontwikkelingswerk in eigen land. Jarenlang is adoptie gehuld geweest door een roze wolk. Daarna kwamen de schandalen: lange wachttijden, hoge kosten, illegaliteit, kinderhandel, uithuisplaatsingen.
Serie van twee documentaires over buitenlandse adoptie, die jarenlang positief werd benaderd. Tot de problemen aan het kwamen: frustraties van eeuwig wachtende adoptief ouders en financiële schandalen. En dan de praktijken van zeer lucratieve kinderhandel in derde wereldlanden en de betrokkenheid van westerse malafide adoptieverenigingen.
In dit deel vooral aandacht voor goed verlopen adopties.
Interviews met o.a.:
- journaliste en moeder Helma van der Berg;
- De heer Walenkamp van Wereldkinderen;
- moeder Geertje;
- klinisch psycholoog dr. Wolters;
- Jan en Sylvia Jongepier;
- Prof. Hoksbergen;
- ouder en journalist Alexander Munninghof, die vier jaar geleden in Sri Lanka een kindje adopteerde en waarvan Ronald van den Boogaard indertijd in Sri Lanka opnamen maakte. Nu, vier jaar later, gaan Lida, Michel en Ronald weer op bezoek bij Alexander.

Samenstelling: Lida Iburg en Michal Citroen

Haags incest (klein)kind overleden

The Hague incest (grand) child died

In February 1985 Panorama brings the disconcerting story of the then 35-year-old Corrie S. from The Hague: "I had four children from my own father". From her early childhood she was abused by her father, nine times she became pregnant, and four children survived. Corrie told her story after she caught her father with one of those four children, the then 14-year-old Zarah. Almost thirty years later, this Zarah wants to tell how things went on at the time. How the assisting The Hague abandoned her and after the article she was abused for five years by her father.

“I remember that you came to us, I was then 14. You wanted to make an article about fathers who have to raise their children on their own. And then you all started asking questions about my mother. He was a lizard! "

Zarah S. remembers the visit of the Panorama reporter at the end of 1984 as yesterday. The report about her mother and the incest children struck the emergency services in The Hague like a bomb, but in 2009 it is staggering to find that it didn't help much: father S. just kept going. The judges and child protectors did not reach out and Zarah was abused until her father's death (in 1996).

When the article appeared in February 1985, the originally S. family from The Hague lived in The Hague again. Corrie S. (35) had fled from home and lived on the Bierkade, father S. lived with the children Renata (18), Zarah (14) and Eduard (11) in Westlandsestraat. The previous residence of the family was Leeuwarden: father S. was reluctant to relocate if social workers were too concerned with him. That had been the case in Friesland.

Adoptions to NL via Belgium (Haiti)

drie geadopteerde Haïtiaanse meisjes

* Immacula Bongard (Moumoune), geboren in Haïti in 1977 en in 1985 geadopteerd

* Immacula haar Haïtiaanse broer heet Ason

* Marie Narcisse Lauture (Miyou), geboren in Haïti in 1980 en in 1984 geadopteerd

* Jesumene Gere, geboren in 1982 in Haïti en in 1987 geadopteerd

Madras High Court P.K. Subramani vs Paster Mani And Anr. on 4 April, 1984

Madras High Court

P.K. Subramani vs Paster Mani And Anr. on 4 April, 1984

Equivalent citations: AIR 1986 Mad 181

Author: S Natarajan

Bench: Natarajan, Venkataswami

Shradhanand Anathalaya - In Re: Joseph Eleouet vs Unknown on 25 January, 1984

1. This matter is placed before me for directions in view of unusual circumstances, which would be set out hereinafter.

2. The petitioner - Joseph Eleouet, a national of France, of France, has filed this petition in this Court on September 8, 1983, under the provisions of the Guardians and Wards Act, 1890, for his appointment as guardian for the person of a female minor by name Alisha. The minor was an inmate of Shraddhanand Anathalaya, which is a public Trust registered under the Bombay Public Trusts Act, 1950. The relief sought by the petitioner was supported by the rustees of the Sharddanand Anathalaya.

4. In spite of the order passed by this Court, the petitioner is unable to take custody of the minor child and to carry the said child with him to France, the place of residence of the petitioner. The petitioner is prevented from taking advantage of the order of this Court in view of certain proceedings adopted under Section 41-A of the Bombay Public Trusts Act, 1950 before the Joint Charity Commissioner, Nagpur, and it is now necessary to advert to those proceedings.

5. One Smt. Pushpa w/o Shashikumar Pradhan has instituted Application No. 6 of 1982 before the Joint Charity Commissioner, Nagpur under Sec. 41-A of the Bombay Public Trusts Act, 1950, against the Trustees of the Shraddhanand Anathalaya, and the Superintendent of the said Anathalaya. The applicant had made several allegations against the Trustees about Trust, failure to account for the funds and has sought certain directions from the Joint Charity Commissioner as regards the finances and accounts of the Trust. In the application, and allegation is made that the Trustees are indulging in giving the minor inmates of the Trust in adoption to the foreigners and that is in contravgention of the provisions of the Trusts Act. The proceedings are resisted by the Trustees and the hearing is adjourned from time to time. The proceedidngs came up before the Joint Charity Commissioner on April 16, 1983 and it appears from the order passed by the Joint Charity Commissioner that he was not merely impressed but was carried away by certain adverse reports appearing in the newspapers about the Trust giving its minor inmates in adoption to the foreigners. The order passed by the Joint Charity Commissioner indicates that the Joint Charity Commissioner posed a question as to whether in each and every case of adoption the governing body is required to consider the case and approve the adoption. The Deputy Charity Commissioner made numbner of observations about how, in his judgment the adoption should be carried out, but it is not necessary to make any reference to those observations because the jurisdiction to appoint guardian is vgested in this Cpourt and the Charity Commissioner need not have made any such observations in respect of matters over which nhe had no jurisdiction. Be that as it may, what has created problem for the institution is an undertaking given by the Advocate for the Anathalaya and recorded by the Joint Charity Commissioner in paragraph 11 of the order. The relevant portion reads as under:

8. A mere perusal of the Section makes it crystal clear that the Charity Commissioner can give direction to the Trust or to the Trustees if he finds that the property of the trust is in danger of being wasted, damaged, alienated or wrongfully sold etc. It hardly requires to be stated that the inmates of the Shraddhanand Anathalaya cannot to treated as the property of the Trust. Surely, the Charity Commissioner should have exercised more care before giving directions in pursuance of the undertaking given by the Advocate for the trustees and preventing the operation of the orders passed by this Court. The High Court has exercised the powers under Section 7 of the Guardians and Wards Act for the benefit of the minor inmates of Shradhanand Anathalaya and the Advocate for the Trustees by giving an undertaking and the Joint Charity Commissioner by accepting the same has defeated the order of the High Court, which was passed for the benefit of the minor.

Adoptiefonds Cloeck

Adoptiefonds Cloeck

Dit fonds is opgericht in 1984 uit de nalatenschap van de heer Cloeck. Het fonds, ter waarde van ongeveer € 260.000,=, heeft als bestemming ‘het doen bestuderen van adoptievraagstukken in de meest uitgebreide zin van het woord’.
