

Book Summary of Kanthapura To Malgudi : Cultural Values And Assumptions In Selected South Indian Novelists In English

The present book makes a scholarly attempt to examine the portrayal of South Indian ;culture in thirty-seven Indian English novels written by seven eminent authors: K.S Venkataramani, K.Nagarajan,Kamala Markandaya,Raja Rao, R.K.Narayan B.Rajan and Santha Rama Rau. The novels under study were published during the years 1925-85. The book sketches and evaluates critically the cultural values and assumptions such as the idea and role of womanhood the role relationship the role of myths and puranas the role of the guru the role of religion and bhakti and the role of proverbs. It makes an attempt to evolve a cultural criteria that is ;native and indigenous and demonstrates a paradigm that could as well be applied to Indian English poetry,drama and short story. While establishing a close relationship between literature and culture the book makes a rich contribution to the disciplines of indological studies,Comparative literature and Indian English literature.
About Author :
Rev. Dr. S.Xavier Alphonse, S.J. is a Jesuit Priest of the Tamilnadu province. He completed his doctorate from Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli, in 1992. He taught at St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Tiruchirapalli and was the Principal of Loyola College (Autonomous) Madras from 1992-95. At present,he is the Director of Curriculum Development and Project planning of the Madras Community College. In 1987, he went to great Britain as a British Council visiting scholar and interacted with scholars at various British universities including the well known fiction critic Professor David Lodge at the University of Birmingham. Also, he spent a year in the USA and visited various universities, He published a biokgraphy of Mother Teresa in Tamil entitled The Spring Returns Not in 1978 and a book on community colleges in India entitled Changing Track in 1996.
Contents :
Introduction Part I Indian English Literature : Some Problem Part II Indian English Fiction: Critical Approaches : A Review Part III The Cultural Approach : The South Indian Element Part IV The Cultural Values and Assumptions The Idea and Role of Womanhood The Significance of Relationship The Role of Myths and Puranas The Absorption of Native Preoverbs,Expressions,Festivals and Customs The Role of the Guru and Asceticism The Role of Bhakti and the Idea of Religion Part V Kanthapura to Malgudi Index The List of Charts

Recent Sex Scandal Is Tip Of The Iceberg

Recent Sex Scandal Is Tip Of The Iceberg

Revelations about Senator Larry Craig that have mired the Republicans in another sex scandal over the past few days continue to rumble across the media spectrum - but the true scale of perversion, organized child sex slavery rings and their connections to the elite is uniformly omitted from polite conversation. 

Last year, Republican Rep. M More..
ark Foley was investigated by the FBI after he sent sexually suggestive e mails to boys working as congressional pages. It later emerged that House leaders had known for months about Foley's lurid behavior yet chose to look the other way. Foley was co-chairman of the Congressional Missing and Exploited Children's Caucus. 

Larry Craig, albeit on a lesser scale, has now been exposed as a pervert and the media treadmill continues to afford this individual case blanket coverage - a deluge of attention not received by the thousands of missing children and victimized young men who were and continue to be the victims of gargantuan forced child prostitution rings that operate to service political, corporate and media elites all across the globe. 

On June 29 1989, the Washington Times' Paul M. Rodriguez and George Archibald reported on a Washington D.C. prostitution ring that had intimate connections with the White House all the way up to President George H.W. Bush. Male prostitutes had been given access to the White House and the article also cited evidence of "abduction and use of minors for sexual perversion."

In July 1990 a Nebraska Grand Jury was convened to hear allegations that Lawrence "Larry" King, then manager of the Franklin Community Federal Credit Union and a rising Republican party star, along with Washington lobbyists, had set up a child prostitution ring in which minors were transported around the country and forced to have sex with King, other top officials, and according to victims who some allege were later harassed into recanting, then-Vice-President Bush. 

Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA) was identified by victims as having engaged in the abuse and in a bizarre twist of fate, appeared on Bill Maher's show last year and made jokes about the outing of Larry Craig as another homosexual Republican.

The Grand Jury dismissed the case as a hoax but former Nebraska State Senator John DeCamp later investigated the claims and was horrified to learn that they were indeed legitimate.

The video which you can watch in full below, Conspiracy of Silence, was produced by British Yorkshire Television and was scheduled to air nationwide in the U.S. on the Discovery Channel on May 3, 1994. Despite appearing in TV guides, the documentary was pulled at the last minute. Key politicians implicated in the scandal intimidated Discovery into canning the program and it was never shown in the U.S.

The documentary team interviewed victims of the Franklin cover-up scandal and proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Washington's political elite had been involved in Larry King's pedophile ring.

Connections between male prostitutes and the White House emerged again in early 2005, when James Dale Guckert, working under the pseudonym Jeff Gannon, was given privileged access to the White House despite his lack of suitable press credentials. Gannon first came under scrutiny when he repeatedly gave President Bush softball questions during press conferences - leading many to charge Gannon was a White House plant. Photos emerged of Bush embracing Gannon and appearing very affectionate towards him during meetings. It later came out that Gannon had previously placed ads on homosexual escort service websites.

In almost every case of human trafficking for child sex slavery, from Chile to Australia, to Bosnia, to Portugal, to Belgium, court proceedings get shut down or diverted when a clear connection to the elite arises.

In the mid 1990's, convicted child rapist Marc Dutroux built a secret prison cell in his Charleroi basement where he kept abducted young girls hostage at the behest of what he called "a big crime ring," which in the 2004 court case was thought by many to encompass some of Belgium's top politicians, judges and policemen. The reason why it took so long to apprehend Dutroux was that he was being legally protected by these same individuals.

Material witnesses at the trial described "child sex parties involving judges, politicians, bankers and members of the royal family." Victims that managed to survive (most were butchered snuff style after being raped) verified the claims.

Police actually visited Dutroux's home and heard the cries of help from children concealed in his basement yet believed Dutroux's explanation that the sounds were coming from kids playing in the street.

Dutroux was eventually convicted for his role in the pedophile ring but the involvement of the elite of the country was never properly investigated.

After Dyncorp and Halliburton contractors were exposed as having operated child prostitution rackets in the Balkans from the late 1990's onwards (and more recently in the case of Halliburton), Rep. Cynthia McKinney attempted to get answers as to why the U.S. government continued to do business with these corporations.

On March 11th 2005, McKinney grilled Secretary Rumsfeld and General Myers on the Dyncorp scandal and its protection by the U.S. government.

"Mr. Secretary, I watched President Bush deliver a moving speech at the United Nations in September 2003, in which he mentioned the crisis of the sex trade. The President called for the punishment of those involved in this horrible business. But at the very moment of that speech, DynCorp was exposed for having been involved in the buying and selling of young women and children. While all of this was going on, DynCorp kept the Pentagon contract to administer the smallpox and anthrax vaccines, and is now working on a plague vaccine through the Joint Vaccine Acquisition Program. Mr. Secretary, is it [the] policy of the U.S. Government to reward companies that traffic in women and little girls?"

In late 2005, Halliburton subsidiary KBR and Dyncorp lobbyists worked in tandem with the Pentagon to stall legislation that would specifically ban trafficking in humans for forced labor and prostitution by U.S. contractors.

Where were the investigations and convictions in other cases of establishment orchestrated child slavery and prostitution? Like the NATO officials responsible for the mushrooming of child prostitution in Kosovo?

What happened to UN officials identified as using a ship charted for 'peacekeepers' to bring young girls from Thailand to East Timor as prostitutes?

The U.S. media largely failed to even report many of these cases at the time yet Larry Craig's bathroom activities, which are without a doubt perverted, creepy and fully worthy of a disorderly conduct charge, are given a hundred times more press coverage than huge sex slavery scandals with ties to the elite that resulted in the abduction, abuse, rape and murder of thousands of children across the globe - many of which are still missing today.

The Global Horizons Immigrant Investor Program

Immigrant Investor Program

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The Global Horizons Immigrant Investor Program

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China tries out changes to one-child rule

China tries out changes to one-child rule

EnlargeBy Calum MacLeod, USA TODAY

In Cloudy Ridge, China, census worker Wang Xiurong, left asks Cao Xiurong, center, to check her household documents for the national tally.

By Calum MacLeod, USA TODAY
BEIJING — With a wide smile and a newly issued census bag, Wang Xiurong walked the lanes of Cloudy Ridge, a village beside the Great Wall.
Wang and 100,000 others had fanned out across the Chinese capital to register residents for a once-a-decade census that begins nationwide Nov. 1. Wang, 45, said she's happy with one child, a daughter, 21, but it's a different story at the first household she registers.
PILOT PROJECTS: Feedback sought on one-child rule
"I wanted to have another child, preferably a girl, but the policy doesn't allow it, nor our own economic situation," said farmer Cao Xiurong, 39, whose son is 15. "I really hope my son will be allowed to choose how many children he has."
That choice may become reality for increasing numbers of parents, said Peng Xizhe, a professor at Shanghai's Fudan University, as the census data will prove crucial to planned reforms of China's "one-child policy."
"We do not have widely accepted population figures, especially fertility figures," Peng said. "If society and government get a better understanding of the situation, then it will be easier to make population policy."
Debates about policy change have gone on for years, but "hopefully we can see the policy changes happening early next year," he said.
Liang Zhongtang, a former senior adviser to China's family planning commission, said "officials are now working out plans for pilot projects in some provinces" that will relax birth restrictions.
Independent demographer He Yafu agrees that 2011 will see change.
"Using the new statistics, officials and experts will draft new laws on family planning," he said.
For 30 years, China has strictly limited family sizes. The policy was set to keep the population at a level that the Communists felt the country could handle. In 1980, the Communist Party stated that the policy would last for 30 years, said professor Siu Yat-ming, who researches Chinese family planning at Hong Kong Baptist University. "Now it's 30 years later, a lot of people are asking, 'Will they relax the policies?' " he said.
The first change will come in five areas, demographer He said. With a population of 230 million, the provinces of Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning, in northeast China, and Zhejiang and Jiangsu, in eastern China, will allow couples with one spouse who is an only child to have a second child, he said.
This represents an easing of current rules that permit second births where both parents are single children. Rural families have long been allowed to have a second child if the first is a girl.
Small-scale experiments in a handful of cities have already shown that birth rates do not necessarily rise if the restrictions are eased, Siu said. The pilot areas also produced a more normal gender balance, he said, compared with the stark imbalance nationwide caused by the traditional preference for boys, and abetted by illegal use of ultrasound technology, followed by selective abortions.
But he said top officials are still reluctant to make big changes, even though China is facing a problem of not enough babies being born, especially girls.
The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, a Beijing think tank, suggests that by 2020 there will be 24 million more men of marriageable age (roughly 19 to 45) than women.
"The sharp rise in the number of men of marriageable age who fail to find wives will become a big hazard," Tian Xueyuan, deputy director of the Population Association of China, told the China Daily newspaper.
"It will increase incidences of women being bought as wives, as well as abduction and trafficking, and prostitution and pornography," Xueyuan said.
All Chinese should enjoy the right to choose, said Steven Mosher of the Population Research Institute, an anti-abortion organization based in Virginia.
Mosher said the pilot program is a step in the right direction, "but it's not reproductive freedom."
"As long as the state declares it has the right to dictate the number of children, you will continue to have" abuses including forced abortions and sterilizations," which are widespread, he said.
"The whole exercise is one of government exercising control rather than any economic argument," Mosher said.
In response to an interview request, the Shanghai bureau of the National Population and Family Planning Commission issued a statement reiterating current policy: "encourage citizens to have late marriage and late childbirth, one child per couple. Those who meet the legal conditions can ask to arrange having another child."
Yet in Shanghai, family planning officials have for the past year been urging wider adoption of a "two child policy" for single children who marry, a loophole long permitted but only relevant in recent years as the first generation of single children reached marriage age.
Now the city aims to be part of reforms allowing a second birth if just one spouse is an only child, Xie Lingli, director of the city's Population and Family Planning Commission, told the Shanghai Daily in July.
"We know the one-child policy is unfair, but, to most Chinese people, it's not about fairness, but about money," said Shi Huili, a Beijing–based photographer who married this June. "If you have enough money, you can give birth to three, four or even more children, you only have to pay the fine."
As single children, Shi and wife Zhang Xue, both 26, can have two of their own, but the rising cost of kindergarten may restrict them to one, he said.
Back at Cloudy Ridge, farmer Cao Xiurong dreams of having a grandson and granddaughter. But she worries that even if it is allowed, the cost of raising children is soaring too high for her son, who will have to support his parents and grandparents.
"The pressure on him could be even greater," Cao said.
Contributing: Sunny Yang

pubblicazioni Amici dei Bambini

Ai.Bi. è una casa editrice (iscrizione n°3017 del 28.01.1991 Registro Nazionale Stampa
specializzata in pubblicazioni sulle tematiche minori in difficoltà familiari
(adozione, affido, sostegno a distanza, accoglienza minori)

| Il Foglio dell'Ai.Bi. | Ai.Bi. Notizie | Manuale in Portoghese ad uso dei genitori adottivi |
| Come parlare ai bambini delle mine?
| Adozione Internazionale Le due culture: scontro-incontro? |
Adottare un bambino | Il Sostegno a Distanza |

La rivista dell'Adozione Internazionale e del Sostegno a Distanza

Pubblicato IL FOGLIO n°60 - Speciale: "BAMBINI DELL'EST"

Come posso accogliere un minore se non conosco neppure i suoi problemi?

Il Foglio è lo strumento indispensabile per l’orientamento, l’aggiornamento e la formazione di tutti coloro che in ogni ambito lavorano per l’affermazione e la promozione del diritto del minore alla famiglia.

Perché accogliere un minore non è solo un gesto, ma un percorso di crescita e condivisione.


Il Foglio si caratterizza come strumento di informazione su tutti gli ambiti di intervento dell’associazione:

- E' un riferimento certo per quanti operano nel settore dell’Adozione Internazionale.

- E' testimonianza concreta dell’efficacia del Sostegno a Distanza, dove la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo si pone al servizio dei minori.

- E' luogo di elaborazione a favore della promozione dei diritti del minore e della sua famiglia.

- E' uno strumento di crescita a livello di mass media e opinione pubblica della cultura dell’accoglienza.

- E' una straordinaria occasione di informazione e approfondimento per gli operatori che a diversi livelli e nelle varie istituzioni si occupano di minori.

- E' un momento importante.


Il Foglio è una rivista bimestrale agile da consultarsi.

Ogni numero presenta:

- fatti di attualità.

- iniziative in atto negli ambiti di lavoro di Ai.Bi.: adozione internazionale, cooperazione internazionale, promozione dei diritti del minore, servizi di prossimità.

- inserto centrale.

- segnalazione di appuntamenti, lettere, racconti e testimonianze.


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Notiziario dell'Associazione

Periodico bimestrale inviato esclusivamente agli amici dei bambini.


Questo libro è rivolto alle coppie adottive di bimbi brasiliani.

Non ha la pretesa di insegnare il portoghese e non è semplicemente un manuale.

Vuole essere un buon supporto per coloro che desiderano adottare facendo propria la cultura del figlio, uno strumento snello e di facile consultazione per accostarsi alla sua lingua.

Il caso di una campagna di sensibilizzazione dell'infanzia al pericolo delle mine in Bosnia.

L'Adozione Internazionale appare oggi sotto accusa.

Da più parti si levano dure condanne nei confronti di quanti hanno adottato un minore all'estero.

Essi vengono spesso considerati come dei mercanti o, nella migliore delle ipotesi, dei neo-colonizzatori intenzionati a depauperare i paesi in via di sviluppo della loro ricchezza più grande: i figli.

Ma fino a che punto si può considerare sradicato un bambino sottratto ad una "storia" priva di futuro?

L'Adozione Internazionale è, sempre e comunque, un atto di forza nei confronti di un minore al quale la permanenza nella propria terra d'origine non avrebbe garantito alcun diritto, talora neppure quello di esistere?

In questo volume abbiamo affrontato i vari aspetti del problema.

Ne abbiamo esaminato i risvolti sociologici e le implicazioni di carattere psicologico attraverso il supporto non solo di qualificati esperti, ma anche attraverso le esperienze di genitori e figli adottivi.

Il criterio di valutazione, nell'affrontare questi interrogativi è sempre stato l'assoluto rispetto del minore e della sua unicità, criteri ai quali dovrebbe ispirarsi chiunque intenda avventurarsi sul cammino dell'Adozione Internazionale.


Il Cammino di Ai.Bi.

La Cooperazione Internazionale al servizio dei minori.

Per sostenere i propri progetti Ai.Bi. lancia varie campagne

Per sostenere i propri progetti Ai.Bi. lancia varie campagne




















N.I.C. (Nazionale Italiana Cantanti)

Missione Arcobaleno (this was linked from Aibi website)

Missione Arcobaleno

Fondi raccolti al 10 Marzo 2000



Gestione Fondi Privati

Gli interventi di Missione Arcobaleno


Mappa dei luoghi di intervento di Missione Arcobaleno


I centri di accoglienza, gli aiuti, i progetti, le realizzazioni

in Italia

in Albania

in Kosovo e Montenegro


Trasparenza sulla Missione Arcobaleno
L'Intervento del Presidente del Consiglio al Senato, la relazione finale sulla gestione dei Fondi Privati, la Missione Arcobaleno raccontata ai bambini

Il Ministro degli interni Bianco interviene alla Camera: Question Time del 26 gennaio 2000

Non abbiamo sprecato una lira dei soldi degli italiani: Intervista a Marco Vitale - Corriere della Sera 23/01/2000

Un progetto speciale per il Kosovo: Grameen - Missione Arcobaleno Microcredit Fund
Il 'Banchiere dei poveri' Muhammad Yunus si appresta ad aprire il microcredito in Kosovo anche grazie ad un finanziameno di 5 milioni di dollari della Missione Arcobaleno - Gestione Fondi Privati.

La relazione del Commissario Delegato Marco Vitale
Il Prof. Vitale fa il punto della situazione al 29 novembre 1999 sui fondi raccolti dalla Missione Arcobaleno.

Progetto per la cura delle neoplasie infantili nei Balcani
Sottoscritta la Convenzione che avvia, finanzia e regola un impegnativo programma di cooperazione internazionale per l'assistenza sanitaria di bambini e adolescenti dei paesi balcanici affetti da patologie neoplastiche e altre patologie complesse che richiedono interventi di alta specializzazione.

In memoria dei caduti di Pristina
Marco Vitale commemora le vittime della sciagura aerea di venerdì scorso in Kosovo

Tutti a destinazione i 914 container della Protezione Civile stoccati al porto di Bari dopo il rientro dei profughi kosovari nel loro Paese.

Precisazioni sul servizio di "Striscia la Notizia" del 28 ottobre
I documenti sull'episodio relativo ai container inviati al Centro LORIZZONTE denunciato dalla trasmissione televisiva.

Avviso importante del Comissario Delegato.
Sospeso il ricevimento di nuovi progetti.

Potenziato l'ufficio di Pec
L'ufficio della Missione Arcobaleno Gestione Fondi Privati viene potenziato onde seguire da vicino la realizzazione dei progetti.

Comunicato stampa del 9/10/99
Incontro a Pristina tra Bernard Kouchner, Capo della Missione ONU in Kossovo e Marco Vitale, Commissario Delegato alla Gestione Fondi Privati di Missione Arcobaleno.

Operazione Containers
Decisioni sulle modalità di smaltimento dei containers della Missione Arcobaleno presenti nel Porto di Bari.

Comunicato stampa del 27/09/99
firmate cinque nuove convenzioni.

Comunicato stampa del 23/09/99
Sottoscrizione di nuove convenzioni per gli aiuti umanitari e ricostruzione del Kosovo.

Relazione generale e bilancio dei progetti e delle iniziative al 13 settembre 1999.
La relazione illustra la Gestione Fondi Privati al 13 settembre 1999, con bilancio analitico di tutti i progetti ricevuti e di tutte le iniziative avviate a tale data.

La vicenda dei containers


Intervento del Prof. Barberi al Senato - 29 settembre 1999
Risposta ad interrogazioni urgenti sulla Missione Arcobaleno


Intervento del Prof. Barberi alla Camera - 16 settembre 1999
Risposta ad interrogazioni urgenti sulla Missione Arcobaleno


Dossier sulla Missione Arcobaleno del Dipartimento della Protezione Civile
Il dossier presentato dal Sottosegretario Franco Barberi alla conferenza stampa del 9 settembre 1999 in risposta alle polemiche giornalistiche.


Attività del Dipartimento degli Affari Sociali nella Missione Arcobaleno
Di fronte all’emergenza determinata dalla drammatica situazione in Kosovo e il conseguente flusso di profughi in Albania, il Dipartimento Affari Sociali ha istituito un’apposita Unità di Crisi.


La Commissione Pari Opportunità per il Kosovo
La Commissione Nazionale per le Pari Opportunità, di fronte al conflitto nei Balcani, ha deciso lo scorso 31 marzo di operare su tre fronti..

Perchè la Missione Arcobaleno ha funzionato


Lettera aperta di Eugenio Scalfari al Presidente del Consiglio Massimo D'Alema
Onorevole Presidente del Consiglio, da parecchi giorni è in atto una polemica che riguarda la Missione Arcobaleno.


La risposta del Presidente del Consiglio
Gentile dottor Scalfari, "Missione Arcobaleno" è una pagina nobile che il nostro Paese ha scritto in giorni difficili: è stata un'occasione per mostrare il volto generoso e solidale dell'Italia....

Dall'archivio di Missione Arcobaleno


Missione Arcobaleno


L'appello di Bobbio, Montanelli e Scalfari e la risposta del Presidente D'Alema.


Come è organizzata Missione Arcobaleno


La Missione Arcobaleno nei comunicati stampa del Governo.

Iniziative in favore della Missione Arcobaleno.



Gestione Fondi Privati


Relazione del 6/9/99
La relazione illustra le attività sino ad oggi svolte nella seconda fase della Missione Arcobaleno, Gestione Fondi Privati.


Intervista di Marco Vitale all'ANSA (30.8.99)


Comunicato Stampa del 25.8.99


Comunicato Stampa del 3.8.99


Comunicato Stampa del 26.7.99


Comunicato stampa del 14.7.99


Rapporto sulle attività al 30 giugno 1999


Le statistiche sulle donazioni al 30 giugno 1999


La prima fase delle attività del Commissario Delegato alla Gestione dei Fondi Privati
