
UN says Russia must not ban adoption

UN says Russia must not ban adoption

THE United Nations said that Russia must not rule out "inter-country adoption" after the country's parliament passed a bill barring Americans from adopting Russian children.

UN Children's Fund executive director Anthony Lake said the government must make sure that the "current plight of the many Russian children in institutions receives priority attention."

"We encourage the government to establish a robust national social protection plan to help strengthen Russian families. Alternatives to the institutionalization of children are essential, including permanent foster care, domestic adoption and inter-country adoption," Mr Lake said.

Mr Lake released his statement after the Russian upper house of parliament passed a bill banning Americans from adopting Russian children.

Boris Altshuler

Altshuler, Boris

Boris Altshuler was born in Moscow in 1939 where he has since lived, except for a period during 1947-1956 when he lived in Sarov where his father Lev Altshuler worked at the Soviet Nuclear Centre “Arzamas-16” as a member of the pioneer team of scientists that designed the first Soviet A-bomb. In 1962 Boris Altshuler graduated from the Physics Faculty of Moscow University, receiving his PhD in physics in 1969. In 1962 Boris Altshuler married poet and author Larisa Miller, a member of the Russian Pen-Centre; they have two sons. Boris Altshuler was a participant in the human rights movement in the Former USSR since the early 1970s, and for 20 years he worked closely with Andrei Sakharov. From 1987 until the present he has also been Chief Researcher in the Theoretical Physics Department of the P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences. In the new Russia, Boris Altshuler has been head of the human rights group, Movement without Frontiers, and since 1996 he has been director of the Right of the Child NGO. Both groups were set up at the Russian Research Centre for Human Rights. In 2009 the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia awarded Boris Altshuler the title “Man of the Year 2009” for his public work (see his speech on the occasion at the award ceremony in The Great Kremlin Hall). Boris Altshuler is co-founder of the Positive Childhood Association. He is a member of the Moscow Helsinki Group and of the Public Chamber of Russia.

Indian Born German Reaches Mangalore in Search of her Roots

Indian Born German Reaches Mangalore in Search of her Roots

Mangalore, Feb 12 2013

Maria Chaya Schupp, who was given for adoption to a German couple in 1981 has

returned to Mangalore to track down her biological

mother. With the adoption agency, Nirmala Social Welfare Centre at Ullal

Jean Guyot ou comment faire l'Europe avec la banque Lazard

Jean Guyot ou comment faire l'Europe avec la banque Lazard

Poursuivons notre grande saga européenne, avec cette fois-ci une sorte de zoom sur un illustre inconnu du grand public, qui pourtant est typique de cette atmosphère étrange de laquelle a émergé l’Europe. Zoom, donc, sur Jean Guyot, un personnage qui a allègrement mêlé les affaires et la construction européenne, proche de Monnet et Schuman, associé gérant de la banque Lazard. Un des fans de la technique du tourniquet, en somme…

Jean Guyot : ce personnage fait partie de ce que je qualifierais de « nébuleuse Monnet », c’est-à-dire les hommes qu’on voit dans l’orbite de Monnet, le « père de l’Europe » selon la messe en vigueur depuis 60 ans maintenant, mais aussi –avec d’autres- de la Société des Nations, la SND qui devait nous empêcher de faire la deuxième guerre mondiale. Peu connu de ceux qui ne cherchent pas des poux à l’Europe qu’on nous a construite, Guyot est symptomatique d’un certain système fort peu démocratique : l’Europe.

Très introduit dans le milieu européaniste depuis le début (en langage européen on appelle ça « un pionnier »), via Schuman notamment, dans le cabinet duquel il est inspecteur des Finances dès 1946 avant d’être sous-directeur au Trésor. Cela lui a permis, dixit le site de sa « fondation Hippocrène » (destinée à « renforcer la cohésion entre jeunes européens »), de financer les investissements français via la Commission des Investissements et de répartir l’argent du plan Marshall, dans le cadre du Plan dont Jean Monnet était le responsable à l’époque.

Guyot était d'ailleurs à ce poste au moment où une partie de l'argent dudit plan Marshall était détournée pour le compte de la CIA afin de financer -par exemple- Force Ouvrière (afin de diviser la CGT qui avait le tort, elle, d'être communiste). Sur le même principe, Irving Brown, l'agent qui a permis la scission de la CGT, a aussi financé un certain courant trotskiste (lambertistes) dont ont fait partie Jospin ou Cambadélis à leurs débuts, ainsi que différents think tank européanistes.

Docu: The MISA - Bivolaru files - a blatant counterfeit

From MISA!Description: MISA and Gregorian Bivolaru case - the unknown story beyond the files Because of the lack of evidence on which the first arrest warrant for sexual relationship with a minor, and the extradition request are based, the Bucharest Tribunal issued on 15 April 2005 a new arrest warrant against Gregorian Bivolaru for the crime of trafficking persons. It is strange that this court issued this warrant since only few months ago, the High Court admitted that the Bucharest Tribunal could not impartially judge the cause of Gregorian Bivolaru and reassigned the case to Sibiu Court. Not to talk about the fact that anyway a person cannot not be arrested twice at the same time… It is also strange that, although the court knew the names of Mr. Bivolaru's lawyers, they found out about the new warrant through media. Moreover, although the authorities knew Mr. Bivolaru was detained in Sweden, the subpoena was send to his residence in Bucharest. It's obvious that the Prosecutors' Office and the Bucharest Tribunal try to cover the serious abuses, so obvious in the first file, by making up new accusations that are pathetically wick. The assimilation of the activity of an artistic intermediate agency, with which Mr. Bivolaru has no connection whatsoever, and the ancient practice of Karma Yoga, with trafficking persons, show the despair and uncertainty of part of the judiciary, guilty of the huge number of abuses presented above. Taking into account that Gandhi himself has practiced and taught his


Adoption agency yet to shift babies

Adoption agency yet to shift babies

R Gokul,TNN | Jul 3, 2014, 06.33 AM IST

TRICHY: More than two weeks after the Madurai bench of the Madras high court ruled that babies at the Sisters of Cross Society for Education Development (SOCSEAD) in Trichy should be shifted to other registered adoption agencies, the process is yet to begin at the centre.

The high court ruling came as the renewal of recognition for SOCSEAD is not yet complete. The centre is now waiting for the state adoption resource agency (SARA) to shift the babies soon.

In its order dated June 17, the high court bench comprising justices V Ramasubramanian and V M Velumani said, "SOCSEAD does not hold any valid recognition as on date either for keeping the children or for giving them in adoption. So long as they do not have a valid recognition, custody of the children and their attempt to give the children in adoption are only illegal."

Teemu Lehtinen - life story

Teemu Lehtinen

Teemu Jussi Eerikki Lehtinen, born 31 October 1969 in Kauhajoki, Finland, is a senior business adviser helping large corporations to assess reactions to public pressure and advising on preventive or corrective strategy and action. Currently Vice-President at , he has more than a decade of experience in working with business across Europe and beyond.

Education and early career

Having finished , Lehtinen spent a year in military service in Uudenmaan prikaati prior to starting at University of Helsinki and its Faculty of Social Sciences in 1989. During his studies, he spent a year in France studying at Institut d'études politiques de Strasbourg and working for a Member of the European Parliament, . After this year in ERASMUS programme, Lehtinen moved to Luxembourg and worked as trainee at the Secretariat General of the European Parliament.

Upon his return back to Finland and the university in the autumn of 1993, he started working on free-lance basis for and for the campaign of Finnish membership in the European Union. He also got involved with youth training on European issues and delayed his Masters Thesis in Political Science until spring 1996.

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U.S. organization donates over $26,800 for Vietnam orphans

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U.S. organization donates over $26,800 for Vietnam orphans

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Báo Tu?i Tr? English - 1 month(s) ago readings

U.S. organization donates over $26,800 for Vietnam orphans

Genetics, not upbringing, main influencer in a child’s IQ, study says

Genetics, not upbringing, main influencer in a child’s IQ, study says

Published October 30, 2014FoxNews.com

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