
Certifying international adoption agencies



The Minister of Health and Social Services is responsible for certifying international adoption agencies. Certification is issued for one country at a time and may include conditions or restrictions. Valid for an initial period of two years, it may be renewed for a period of three years or less, if circumstances warrant.

Certifications Issued by the Health and Social Services Minister

Adoption internationale inc.
Ukraine (2006 04 01 to 2009 03 31)

L'Agence d'adoption africaine "Child of Mine"
Ghana (2008 04 23 to 2010 04 24)

Agence d'adoption les enfants du Mandé
Mali (2009 01 10 to 2012 01 11)
Niger (2007 09 11 to 2009 09 12)

Alliance des familles du Québec
Kazakhstan (2008 01 01 to 2011 01 02)
Kyrgyz Republic (2007 11 21 to 2009 11 22)

Appel inc.
Colombia (2007 08 15 to 2009 08 16)

Corporation accueillons un enfant
Haiti (2009 03 31 to 2012 04 01)

Enfants d'Orient, adoption et parrainage du Québec inc.
South Korea (2007 06 14 to 2009 06 15)
Taiwan (2007 05 15 to 2009 05 16)
Thailand (2007 05 30 to 2009 05 31)

Enfants du monde
China (2007 05 30 to 2009 05 31)
Vietnam (2008 09 17 to 2010 09 18)

Société d'adoption internationale un enfant heureux inc.
Ukraine (2007 12 28 to 2009 06 29)

Société d'adoption parents sans frontières
China (2007 06 21 to 2009 06 22)

Société d'adoption québécoise une grande famille
Russia (2006 07 29 to 2009 07 28)

Société formons une famille inc.
Cambodgia (2007 07 28 to 2010 07 29)
China (2007 06 11 to 2009 06 12)
Ethiopia (2008 02 22 to 2010 02 23)
Peru (2005 04 01 to 2008 04 01)
Philippines (2006 10 25 to 2009 10 24)
Vietnam (2008 10 02 to 2011 10 03)

Soleil des nations
Colombia (2007 06 07 to 2009 06 08)
Haiti (2007 06 07 to 2009 06 08)

TDH pour les enfants inc.
Honduras (2007 07 27 to 2009 07 28)
Moldavia (2006 09 20 to 2009 09 21)
Russia (2006 09 20 to 2009 09 21)
Ukraine (2007 03 31 to 2010 02 28)
Vietnam (2006 12 14 to 2009 12 23)

Curriculum vitae Kees Waaldijk

Curriculum vitae Kees Waaldijk
Full name: Cornelis Waaldijk
Born: 25 November 1958
Nationality: Dutch
Senior Lecturer and Head of PhD Studies
E.M. Meijers Institute of Legal Studies, Faculty of Law, Universiteit Leiden,
PO Box 9520, 2300 RA LEIDEN, The Netherlands
E-mail c.waaldijk@law.leidenuniv.nl
Telephone +31 (0) 71 527 5206 / 5200
Fax +31 (0) 71 527 5221
Home page www.emmeijers.nl/waaldijk
Ph.D., Rijksuniversiteit Limburg (now University of Maastricht), thesis defended on 10 November 1994 (Motiveringsplichten van de wetgever - The Legislature’s Duties to Give Reasons, published by Vermande in Lelystad; full text including Summary in English and Résumé en français available at http://oal.leidenuniv.nl/index.php3?m=16&c=86).
Master Degree in Dutch Law (cum laude), Faculty of Law, Erasmus University Rotterdam, 1977-1982.
Professional experience
From 2000, E.M. Meijers Institute of Legal Studies, Faculty of Law, Universiteit Leiden: senior lecturer and head of PhD studies. Tasks include: running the training programme for around 70 PhD candidates, coaching them and their supervisors, providing training in research methods, and developing Faculty policy with respect to PhD candidates; and - as research fellow in the Institute’s research programme Securing the rule of law in a world of multilevel jurisdiction (sub-programme Fundamental rights in an integrating Europe) - doing research on sexual orientation and the law.
From 2001, Centre for research and comparative legal studies on sexual orientation and gender identity (CERSGOSIG): member of the scientific committee (see www.cersgosig.informagay.it).
2006, member of the supervisory committee of the government-funded evaluation research of the Dutch legislation on the introduction of registered partnership and the opening up of marriage, carried out at the Universiteit Utrecht.
2002-2004, coordinator, and member for the Netherlands, of the European Group of Experts on Combating Sexual Orientation Discrimination, conducting a comparative study (at the request of and funded by the Commission of the European Communities) on the implementation of the Employment Equality Directive with respect to the ground of sexual orientation (see www.emmeijers.nl/experts).
1999-2007, co-editor of the annual collection and commentary of opinions of the Dutch Equal Treatment Commission.
1996-2000, Faculty of Law, Universiteit Leiden: lecturer of Jurisprudence (until 2000; courses taught: Introduction to Law, Legal Methods, Family Law; also setting up and managing the Faculty’s new Evening Programme in Law at the University’s Campus in The Hague).
2000, Hastings College of the Law, University of California, San Francisco: visiting professor, teaching ‘Human Rights Law in Europe - as applied to family, immigration and sexual orientation’ (Leiden-Hastings exchange programme).
1998-1999, consultant to the government-funded evaluation research of the Dutch equal treatment legislation carried out at the University of Nijmegen.
1994-1999, member of the Dutch Council for Family Affairs.
1994-1998, Netherlands Institute of Human Rights (SIM), University of Utrecht: part-time researcher (focussing on free movement of same-sex partners).
1996-1997, member of the Dutch Government’s Commission of legal experts advising on the opening up of civil marriage to same-sex couples.
1982-1995, Faculty of Law, University of Maastricht: lecturer of public law (courses taught, research done and publications made in the following fields: Constitutional Law, Legal Methods, Legislative Drafting, Homosexuality & Law).
1987-1994, Department of Gay and Lesbian Studies, University of Utrecht: part-time researcher and lecturer. Tasks included the management and supervision of several research projects on sexual orientation discrimination in the Netherlands and in Europe.
1989, Department of Law, University of Lancaster, England: visiting lecturer, teaching British Constitutional Law (ERASMUS staff exchange).
1989, Europa Institute, Faculty of Law, University of Edinburgh, Scotland: senior visiting research fellow (Leverhulme grant).
Selection of books published
(with Matteo Bonini-Baraldi) Sexual orientation discrimination in the European Union: national laws and the Employment Equality Directive, The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2006.
Motiveringsplichten van de wetgever [The Legislature’s duties to give reasons], PhD University of Maastricht, Lelystad: Vermande 1994.
(with Andrew Clapham, eds.) Homosexuality: a European Community Issue - Essays on Lesbian and Gay Rights in European Law and Policy, Dordrecht/Boston/London: Martinus Nijhoff 1993.
For a complete list of publications, see www.emmeijers.nl/waaldijk.
Dutch: mother tongue
English: excellent reading, writing and speaking skills
French: good reading skills, reasonable speaking skills, moderate writing skills
German: reasonable reading skills, moderate speaking skills
From 1999, maintaining own website with information about law & sexual orientation (www.emmeijers.nl/waaldijk).
From 1979, formal and informal ‘law & sexual orientation’ adviser to numerous individuals, organisations, lawyers and politicians, playing an active role in several test cases and legislative lobbies.

The Baby Houses and Orphanages of Kazakhstan

The Baby Houses and Orphanages of Kazakhstan

By Cindy Harding
Executive Director, World Partners Adoption, Inc.

Kazakhstan has an excellent reputation of caring for their children who live in their orphanage system. Often when the children leave the orphanage or baby house through adoption, there are many bittersweet tears from the staff and caregivers, since they love these children so dearly and will miss them- yet they only want them to have a happy life. When post placement reports are sent back and pictures of the children are given to the baby house, the caregivers remember each of the children by name and are delighted to see them thriving in their new homes. Many US doctors have commented on the good care of the children upon their arrival home, and one is even quoted as saying, "We aren't sure what Kazakhstan does right, or what other countries do wrong." They are amazed at how well the children look upon arrival home after being adopted, saying these children do not look like typical children who have lived in an orphanage setting.

There are multiple reasons that children are living in these institutionalized settings, called Baby houses in Kazakhstan, such as relinquishment or termination of parental rights, abandonment, death of birth parents, economic strife, unwed birth mothers, as well as a number of other reasons. When children are abandoned, either at birth or later, the custodianship and guardianship bodies of the local Departments of Education try to locate the child's birth parents, but often time the birth mother has left false information, making it impossible to locate her. In some regions, Hospital officials will go to the address that the birth mother gave at the time of admission, but often they are unsuccessful in finding the birth mother or any other family members. In the case of abandonment, the Akim, Hospital or Department of Health (Depending on the region) will write up an abandonment act which will allows the child to be placed into the Baby House. If a child is considered to be a "foundling" meaning literally "found" outside of the police station, hospital, park, etc. with no identifying information, the Ministry of Internal Affairs (the Militia) will try to find the birth parents or some family member who can be responsible for the child. If they are unsuccessful in their attempts to find a family member, the child is placed for adoption. The children must be on the local registry for 3 months and then on the national registry for 3 more months before they can be adopted internationally. The youngest child to be adopted from Kazakhstan will be at least 6 months old. Not all of the children living in the orphanages are cleared for adoption because parents have written a letter or family comes to visit them from time to time.

All orphans from birth up to 3-4 years old are placed into the Baby Houses regardless of whether they were born in a maternity hospital, the children's hospitals, sent from the hospital or Center for "foundlings" which is regulated by the Ministry of Internal affairs, or directly from their homes where the parental rights have been terminated or relinquished. Once the children are 4 years old, they are moved to a Preschool Orphanage for children age 4-7. The children age 7-16 live in an Orphanage, which is sometimes called a Children's Home. The Baby Houses typically house 60-130 children at a time depending on the budget provided by the Department of Health. Some orphanages in the larger cities can have as many as 400 children residing.

The Baby Houses are unique due to their staff and daily routines with the children. The baby houses are staffed with doctors and nurses and specialists such as speech therapists, physical therapists, neurologists, massage therapists, music teachers, and nannies. It is similar to a residential medical facility. The children have three full meals per day along with 3 snacks per day. Infants, of course, are on their own feeding schedule. The children are divided into groups according to their ages. There are typically 8-12 children per group depending on their age and there is one primary caregiver per group and 2 nannies to care for them at all time. Each child is assigned a primary caregiver so the child is able to establish a bond with someone in the important early stages of brain development and attachment. The daily routine of the children, while a very strict schedule, allows them to engage in playtime with their friends, attend music lessons twice per week, learn dances and poems, and work with a speech therapist every day for up to 30 minutes! Children under one year of age work with a massage therapist and physical therapist routinely to
aid them in developing gross motor skills and muscle development. This interaction with these specialists provides stimulation, which allows them to learn musical patterns, sing memorized songs, enhance gross and fine motor skills, improve receptive and expressive language, and have interaction that will help them with their cognitive and emotional development. Around the holidays or special occasions the children wear costumes and will put on performances to a variety of audiences!

The Preschool Orphanages are much like the baby house in terms of staff, but there are more teachers because the children have a school like setting where they learn academic skills. There are many different activities that include things like arts and crafts, physical play, dance lessons, music lessons, and many other activities to keep the children engaged and well rounded. The children age 7-16 live in orphanages, or Children's Home. The children attend school starting at the age of 7. Up to Middle School, they have their own special school within their setting and do not attend regular school. For the few children who attend High School, they attend the local High School in the city where they live. In the orphanages, in addition to their school, the children also attend music lessons and dance, participate in competitions, participate in sports, and go on field trips.

The Baby Houses and Orphanages are often very stark in the outside appearance, however the inside walls are typically covered with colorful murals of animals and characters which creates a child friendly environment. The baby houses and orphanages are very clean and free of debris, and toys are neatly stored on shelves. The building is usually a two-story facility that has a full kitchen, laundry room, play rooms, therapy rooms, and bedrooms where the children are grouped by age. Several children sleep in the same room in separate beds, which are lined up in rows. The outside often has a playground and a covered area that seats many children for outside play. Often times the playground and outside equipment is in need of updating and repair, however, the orphanage budget does not have the money to replace or repair the equipment, so they do the best with what they have.

The workers are very protective of the children's health, as an illness can quickly spread creating an epidemic throughout the entire house. The children are sent to the hospital for fevers and other illness we might consider to be minor because the caregivers are trying to keep all of the children free from getting sick. The workers are also very careful with the people that come into contact with the children and enter the baby house so they can limit the exposure to germs to the children.

Kazakhstan's first lady Sara Alpysovna Nazarbaeva is the President of "Bobek" Children's Foundation, established in 1992, and is the winner of The International I. Dogramachi World Health Organization Prize and The International Unity Prize. She has dedicated her life to underprivileged children, and has taken upon herself the responsibility for thousands of orphaned and handicapped children. She has created this foundation to help mother and child care, provide supervision of foundling homes and orphanages, provide equipment and supplies to schools, aid gifted children from low-income families, and assist to the child health care system. In 1997 she launched the first National Children's Rehabilitation Center and the "SOS Children's Villages of Kazakhstan" which are the family villages for orphans. Mrs. Nazarbaeva plans on building these children's villages so the orphaned children can live in a family setting. These children's villages consist of several houses build together in a group where many children live in one house with several caretakers. Mrs. Nazarbaeva understands the need for the family, and her plans for the children's villages will enable the orphaned children to grow up in a family atmosphere.

With this type of dedication to the children, stemming all the way from the top of the political structure, it is no doubt the children are so well cared for in Kazakhstan. This is a country that deeply loves it's children and wants what is best for them. It is with great honor that adoption agencies are able to work in this beautiful, kind, and compassionate country. We support them by assisting in providing loving homes and care for these precious orphaned children of Kazakhstan who are so loved by their country.


Russian Orphans Arrive



Published: July 15, 2009

Ten Russian orphans are in Hilton Head on the adventure of a lifetime. At the end of the trip some of them will get to come back to the U.S. permanently, because some of the children’s host families intend to adopt them.

The State Department says Americans completed more than 17,000 international adoptions in fiscal year 2008. Guatemala topped the list with more than 4,100 children adopted from that country. China was second and Russia third in adoptions to the U.S.

Vietnamese Woman Used as Surrogate Wins Competition

Vietnamese Woman Used as Surrogate Wins Competition

By Park Si-soo

Staff Reporter

A court ruled Thursday that a Korean man must pay compensation to a Vietnamese woman that he married in order to have children he and his Korean first wife could raise. The woman had two babies that were both given to the first wife in a case that provoked major controversy over her use as a surrogate mother without her consent.

The Seoul Central District Court ordered the 53-year-old man to pay 25 million won ($19,700) in compensation to the 26-year-old Vietnamese woman, who divorced the man soon after the second baby was given to his first wife in 2005.

it's about Kerry Hasenbalg

Kerry Hasenbalg
Former Executive Director 
Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute

For more than a decade, Kerry Hasenbalg has worked on behalf of abused, neglected and vulnerable children.Kerry is co-founder and former Executive Director of the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute (CCAI),which serves as an informational and educational source to members of the United States Congress concerning adoption and the needs of orphans and foster children.

Well known in the child welfare community as a gifted speaker and teacher, Kerry has spoken on social welfare topics at such notable locations as C-Span live, Capitol Hill, JCICS, NCFA, National Council for Faith-Based Youth, Moody Broadcasting, Family Life, Focus on the Family, and in churches around the nation. She has traveled to over 30 countries and met with many presidents, prime ministers, and various leaders of government regarding the welfare of orphans, including nations such as China, India, Russia, Romania, Guatemala, and Uganda.

Mrs. Hasenbalg is married to Scott Hasenbalg, the Executive Director of Shaohannah's Hope. Kerry invests her time supporting Scott and the Shaohannah's Hope team on a volunteer basis while writing and speaking on occasion, but most importantly, being a mother to their two children.

A newer version of the retailer and / or pederast is the


A newer version of the retailer and / or pederast is the
Adoption of children. So white plain of cases in which more than German
Marriage Agencies Latin Americans looking through a catalog with a child, she
married, adopted children and later started the sexually
. mistreat In a case against a member of a respected
Cologne family identified. A Berlin social worker familiar with the case of a
Man who had adopted a Vietnamese boy to him, then for
Porn movies exploit.



Eine neuere Variante der Händler und/oder Päderasten ist dabei die
Adoption der Kinder. So weiß Zartbitter von Fällen, in denen Deutsche über
Heiratsagenturen per Katalog Lateinamerikanerinnen mit Kind suchten, sie
heirateten, die Kinder adoptierten und später begannen, diese sexuell zu
misshandeln. In einem Fall wird gegen das Mitglied einer angesehenen
Kölner Familie ermittelt. Eine Berliner Sozialarbeiterin kennt den Fall eines
Mannes, der einen vietnamesischen Jungen adoptiert hatte, um ihn dann für
Pornofilme auszubeuten.

About Ilie Coroama

Ilie Coroama

Ilie Coroama, born in Romania, is the founder of Walk in the Light Ministries. As a child he ran through the forest with his mother in front of the invading armies of World War II. He can still remember the terror and hear the bullets whistling past his ears.

As a young man Ilie was involved with the Romanian underground church and was a key regional leader in an organized Bible smuggling operation involving 30 operatives. Taking Bibles and other materials into Russia earned him the title ‘spy’ by the Communist Romanian government.

Ilie was trained to hide and transport Christian materials across the border. As a leader in the underground movement, he had been trained by operatives from the West and knew what to say if captured. Many times he would be stopped on the street and God would give him just the right words to say so that the police would let him go.

On other occasions he was arrested and imprisoned for days and weeks at a time, beaten and interrogated. Each time he was set free but in 1974 word came that he was about to be arrested again and charged with espionage. This time someone in the underground network had talked and Ilie knew that if captured he would be executed.

Keine aktuellen Berichte mehr über Pater Don Demidoff verpassen!

Pater Don Demidoff

Keine aktuellen Berichte mehr über Pater Don Demidoff verpassen!

Don Demidoff - Pater Donatus - Pater Anton Aabenberg - Udo J. Erlenhardt Don Demidoff, der mit bürgerlichen Namen Udo J. Erlenhardt heißt wurde am 28. November 1944 im Kreis Soest geboren. Der Name „Demidoff“ rührt wahrscheinlich von dem Mädchenname seiner Mutter her. Nach einem angeblichen Theologiestudium in Frankfurt und Regensburg (Erlenhardt in seinem Buch „Katholische Geier”), tritt er im Juli 1965, nach eigenen Angaben als Novize in die holländische Provinz des Ordens der „Passionisten” in Mariahoop, Niederlande ein. Wurde dann wieder in der Vorweihnachtszeit 1968 von seinem Provinzial entlassen, der ihn verdächtigte, während eines Seelsorgepraktikums in einem Mainzer Lehrlingsheim zu einem 18-jährigen Heimbewohner homosexuelle Beziehungen aufgenommen zu haben. Nach eigenen Angaben 1969, soll er, in Amsterdam mit fünf anderen von einem Missionsbischof Vandenbosch zum Priester geweiht worden zu sein. Herr Demidoff kann aber bis zum heutigen Tage keine Weiheurkunde vorweisen. Auch die katholische Kirche bestreitet schon 1988, dass Demidoff zum Priester geweiht wurde. Die Publikation „missio aktuell” (5/1994) zitiert ihn mit der Behauptung, die Kirche, in der er geweiht worden sein will, sei abgerissen worden, er könne sich an die Namen der ehemaligen Theologie-Kommilitonen nicht erinnern. Im März 1971, dann das Erscheinen, des autobiografischen Buches „Udo J. Erlenhardt: Katholische Geier - Bekenntnisse eines Homosexuellen”, erschienen im fra andreas verlag Viersen-Süchteln. 1969 auch der Abbruch der priesterlichen Tätigkeiten und das Ausweichen auf zivile Berufe. Von ihm selbst werden Journalist, Lehrer an einem Privatgymnasium, Verkaufstrainer, Manager großer Hotelketten genannt. Weiterhin bekannt ist, dass Udo J. Erlenhardt zwischen Oktober 1969 und Februar 1970 Chefredakteur des Homosexuellen-Magazins „du & ich” war und wegen angeblicher Geldverschwendung und Selbstverherrlichung nach nur zwei Ausgaben wieder entlassen wurde. („Pardon, Frater Andreas, wir distanzieren uns” in „du&ich”, Heft 2,1970). Im Jahre 1984 Führung einer Gastronomiekette als Holding, in der es auch einige Homosexuellenbars gab , zu der auch das Lokal “Tom Tom” gehörte. 1984 ist auch das Jahr in dem die Kießling-Affäre die Politik der Bundesrepublik beschäftigt. Der Militärische Abschirmdienst (MAD) hatte Behauptungen kolportiert, der General Kießling sei homosexuell veranlagt und verkehre in Lokalen, die überwiegend von Homosexuellen besucht werden. Medien nennen Zeugen für die Besuche Kießlings im Kölner Schwulentreff. Einer von Ihnen ist Udo J. Erlenhardt. Auf Drängen des Staatsschutzes, habe er damals dann eine neue Identität angenommen – Don Demidoff. Unter diesem Namen hat er dann die Gaststätte „Cafe Extrablatt“ in Kleve eröffnet. Im Jahre 1987 nimmt die Staatsanwaltschaft Kleve Ermittlungen wegen Steuerhinterziehung, Betrugs, Urkundenfälschung und Unterschlagung von Sozialabgaben, auf. Demidoff kehrt in die Niederlande zurück. Nach eigenen Angaben gründert er dort ein geistliches Oratorium „Papst Pius V“ in welchem er selbst als Straßenpriester von Strichjungen arbeitet. Ein Jahr danach,1988, Inkardinierung als Priester in die Unabhängige Katholische Kirche der Niederlande, eine Teilkirche der Independent Catholic Church von Wilmington, USA, unter Verzicht auf Vorlage der angeblich verschwundenen Weiheurkunde. Ab dem Jahre 1990 massive Warnungen der katholischen Kirche vor Spenden an „Pater Donatus” alias Don Demidoff. Im gleichen Jahr dann Verhaftung und Auslieferung an die deutschen Behörden, nach drei Monaten Untersuchungshaft Freilassung gegen Auflagen. Im darauf folgendem Jahr 1991 die Verurteilung durch die 9. Strafkammer des Landgerichts Kleve zu einem Jahr Gefängnis auf Bewährung wegen Unterschlagung von Sozialabgaben. Im Dezember 1991 dann die Gründung der Fundatia Casa Don Bosco in Cincu, Rumänien. Anhaltend massive Warnungen der römisch-katholischen Kirche, Distanzierung der Salesianer Don Boscos wegen der Verwechselungsgefahr mit Einrichtungen des Salesianerordens. Seit diesem Zeitpunkt betreibt Don Demidoff dort ein Kinderheim „Casa Don Bosco“ für Straßenkinder. Und rührt fleißig die Spendentrommel. Im Jahre 1992 werden dann wieder die Betreuungsfähikeiten des Don Demidoff für Kinder in Frage gestellt. In den Folgejahren werden dann immer wieder Berichte laut, die die Humanität des Kinderheimes und die Tätigkeiten des Paters in Frage stellen. Selbst die rumänische Kirche warnt vor einem „Betrüger“ Don Demidoff. 1994 warnt der deutschen Spendenrat das erste Mal vor der angeblich humanitären Stiftung „Cas Don Bosco“ in Rumänien und weist darauf hin, dort keine Spenden mehr zu tätigen. Im Jahre 1996 warnt der STERN in einem größeren Artikel davor, dem Pater, Spenden nach Rumänien zu schicken. Es gibt in dieser Zeit nicht nur Mutmaßungen, sondern auch Erfahrungsberichte von Mitmenschen, die vor Ort waren und sich davon überzeugen konnte, das dem Pater nur das Geld wichtig ist und nicht die Kinder. Woher hat Don Demidoff, der sein Leben lang nicht mit Geld umgehen konnte, sonst das Geld, für seine ganzen Zivilprozesse die er nach eigenen Angaben so oft erfolgreich führte. Im Jahre 2002 versucht Don Demidoff sogar über den Grenzübergang Turno einen rumänischen Jungen aus Rumänien hinaus zu schmuggeln. Diese Meldung rückt den Pater in die pädophile Nähe von Kinderhändlern, was angesichts seiner homesexuellen Neigungen nicht ungewöhnlich wäre. Beweise hierfür, gibt es allerdings keine. Im Jahre 2003 beschwert sich die Vereinigung Don Bosco Werk „Jugendhilfe Lateiamerika“ bei der Dietker Finanz- und Treuhand AG das Don Demidoff versucht den rührseligen Eindruck zu erwecken, er handele im Auftrag ihres Werkes. Fazit: Ein Mann der 47 Jahre in Deutschland nicht mit Geld umgehen kann und immer nur um sein eigenen Vorteil besorgt war, geht nach Rumänien und kümmert sich uneigennützig um Straßenkinder. Wir können es NICHT glauben!

Spanish civil code on adoption

Family Code: Title V
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TITLE V Adoption
Chapter I. Requirements
Article 115. People can take
1. To adopt requires:
a). To be in full exercise of civil rights.
b). Being more than twenty-five years and be at least fourteen years older than the person adopted.
2. Only by adopting more than one person in the case of spouses or partners that coexist with a stable. In these cases, it is sufficient that one of the people who adopt have met twenty-five years.
[This article is written under Law 3 / 2005, dated April 8, to amend the Law 9 / 1998 of the Family Code, Law 10/1998 of stable marital unions, and Law 40/1991, of the Code of Inheritance by cause of death in the civil law of Catalonia, in terms of adoption and guardianship (DOGC. 4366, on 19-04-2005, p.9935). If you want to see the previous wording of this article, click here.]
Article 116. People who can not take
They can take:
a). The father and mother have been deprived of power or who have been removed while they are caring for a position in this situation.
b). The guardian or guardian regarding his tutelage, was not approved until the end of the guardianship account.
Section 117. People that can be taken
1. People can be taken emancipated minors in the following circumstances:
a) the spouse or child of the person who lives in adopting a stable relationship with partner. In these cases, adoption requires that the affiliation is not legally certain about the other parent, or that has died or is deprived of power, or is subjected to a deprivation of due authority, or to have given assent.
b) The relatives of the orphans are taken to the third degree of consanguinity or affinity. "
c). People who are under the supervision of people who want to adopt, once approved the final account of the guardianship.
d). People who are suffering from pre-adoptive foster care, for those who have welcomed.
e). Exceptionally, persons who are in foster care situation of those who simply want to adopt, if circumstances have changed and is no longer possible return of those in your family, because there contributes some of the circumstances of l 'pre-adoptive foster care or other that make repayment impossible.
2. You can take a person of legal age or an emancipated minor provided that in either cases have lived continuously since before the taking having served fourteen years or has been in a situation of pre-adoptive foster care, or While simple, if there are circumstances in paragraph e of section 1, at least during the year immediately preceding the majority or emancipation and continued living there without interruption.
3. In the case of the letters a, b, c and d of paragraph 1 may be adopted, although one of the adopters have killed if he gave his consent to adoption before the judicial authority either in a will, codicil or deed.
4. In case of death of the adopting individual or, if combined, both, or when incurred due to loss of power, making possible a new person who was in the process of being adopted or In the second case, when the adoption is declared extinct.
[This article is written under Law 3 / 2005, dated April 8, to amend the Law 9 / 1998 of the Family Code, Law 10/1998 of stable marital unions, and Law 40/1991, of the Code of Inheritance by cause of death in the civil law of Catalonia, in terms of adoption and guardianship (DOGC. 4366 of 19-04-2005, p. 9935). If you want to see the previous wording of this article, click here.]
Article 118. People who can not be taken
May not be taken the following persons:
a).'s descendants.
b). second degree relatives in the collateral line by affinity or consanguinity, while the marriage lasts that causes this relationship.
Chapter II. Constitution and system
Section one. Constitution
Section 119. Procedure
The adoption must always bear in mind the interest of the adopted person and constitutes grounds for judicial resolution in accordance with the rules of this Code and the Procedural Law of Civil Procedure.
Article 120. Proposed adoption
1. If there were pre-adoptive foster care, or simply, in the cases of paragraph e of section 117.1, to initiate the adoption proceedings should the proposal prior to the competent authority, which must to record, duly certified, the following data:
a). The suitability of the reasonable person or persons wishing to adopt given their personal, social, familial, economic and educating their fitness. Those who wish may take recourse through the appropriate procedure for transactions of voluntary jurisdiction, the refusal of approvals by the competent body.
b). The last address, if known, of father and mother, guardian or guardians of adopted or adopted.
2. In the case of adoption of the person receiving in simple form, the proposal must demonstrate, in addition, the change of circumstances that justify the passage of a measure to another and concur that the requirements of rating pre-adoptive foster care.
3. It is not necessary prior to the proposal in the cases of the letters a, b of paragraph 1, or in cases of paragraph 2 of Article 117, or if less than a year ago which is in a position of 'pre-adoptive foster care and has not been revised measure when it started making the record.
Article 121. Consent to adoption
The adopter or adopters and the adopted child or adopted, if you have twelve or more years must give their consent to adoption before the judicial authorities.
Article 122. Assent to the adoption
1. Must give assent to the adoption, if not impossibilities to do:
a) The spouse of the taking, except in cases of judicial separation or deed, or the person who lives in adopting a stable relationship with partner. "
b). The father and mother taken or adopted, unless they are legally deprived of the authority or are subject to a cause of this deprivation, or in the event that the minor has been in a situation of pre-adoptive foster care unopposed, for over a year, or judicially dismissed opposition.
2. The assent is always given to the judicial authority. The mother can not give it until thirty days have elapsed from the party.
3. The assent of the father and mother can not refer to a person who wants to take determined, unless a reasonable cause outstanding warrants.
[This article is written under Law 3 / 2005, dated April 8, to amend the Law 9 / 1998 of the Family Code, Law 10/1998 of stable marital unions, and Law 40/1991, of the Code of Inheritance by cause of death in the civil law of Catalonia, in terms of adoption and guardianship (DOGC. 4366 of 19-04-2005, p. 9935). If you want to see the previous wording of this article, click here.]
Article 123. People must be heard
The judicial authority shall hear the case of adoption
a). The father and the mother of the elderly and people of which the assent is not necessary, except that they are deprived of power.
b). People who exercise supervision or guardianship or have actually saved the adopted or adopted.
c). The adopted child or adopted child under twelve years, if you have enough knowledge.
d). The children of the adopter or adopters and, if appropriate, the adopted person, if they have enough knowledge and possible.
  Section two. International Adoption
Article 124. Adoption of foreign children
Those children may only be taken if foreign authorities confirm that the state of origin:
a). The child may be adopted.
b). The adoption meets the interests of the child.
c). consents required for adoption have been given freely and without receiving any compensation, knowing the consequences and effects that arise, especially as regards the breach of any legal relationship with the family of origin.
d). The minor, if you have enough knowledge has been heard.
Article 125. Processing
1. If no international agreement on the matter, the only competent body handles adoptions of children originating from countries which remain sufficiently ensured respect for the principles and norms of international adoption and proper operation of its administrative bodies and Legal.
2. To ensure full respect for the rights of minors, in the case of international adoptions, the competent authority exercises the following functions:
a). Take measures to avoid and prevent undue nonprofit practices contrary to the interest of the child.
b). Collect and maintain information concerning adopted and their sources and to the extent permitted by law, ensure their access.
c). Facilitate and follow the procedures for adoption.
d). Advise on the adoption and, if necessary and to the extent permitted by law, keep track of adoptions, when required by the country of origin of the person to be adopted.
e). Selecting individuals and families by evaluating applicants according to their suitability criteria and processes established, aimed at promoting the success of the adoptive process.
Article 126. Functions of Mediation
1. It can only interfere with functions of mediation to the competent international adoption of the Government. However, the Government can prove Partner organizations for the exercise of these functions in compliance with the terms and requirements established by regulation. In any case, these organizations must be nonprofit, must be legally constituted, be aimed at the protection of minors and must defend the best interests of the child over another, according to applicable rules of international law. Be subject to the guidelines, inspection and control of the competent authority.
2. In the case of an adoption abroad constituted without the intervention of the competent agency of the Government, this comes at the request of the competent judicial authority in the study and appreciation of the person or persons want to adopt, to determine if they meet the necessary approvals to ensure the development of a child and an adequate fitness educator.
Section three. Specific effects of adoptive filiation
Article 127. Specific effects of the adoption
1. The adoption of kinship between the rise and take his family and the adopted person and their descendants, and produces the same effects as the affiliation for nature.
2. The adoption kinship between extinct adopted person and their family of origin, except in cases provided for in Article 117.1.ai adoption among relatives to the fourth grade.
3. The links to the adopted or adopted with her family of origin are kept only in cases established by law and in particular the effects of impediments to marriage and in cases where the rights are kept succession .
[This article was amended by Law 10/2008 of 10 July, the fourth book of the Civil Code concerning successions of Catalonia (DOGC. 5175 of 17-07-2008, p. 55923-56024). To see the old wording click here]
Article 128. Surname of adopted child or adopted
1. The person is taken jointly take the surnames of adopters in the order established by law or this Agreement in order to register the first child they have in common. If the adopters are the same sex, the order of their choice of surnames is common agreement. If no agreement, the order is decided by the judge or judge of first instance, in the adoption procedure.
2. The adopted or adopted by a person carries the surname of this, except in cases referred to in Article 117.1.a, which retains the name of the person who has previously established the bond of filiation, of accordance with the rules of paragraph 1 in respect of the order of surnames. If this person is taking the same sex, both should establish the order of surnames common agreement at the time of adoption. If no agreement, the order is decided by the judge or judge of first instance. "
3. The order of surnames can be invested at the request of taking in the time of adoption or the person taken from the majority or emancipation.
4. People of age or emancipated taken can preserve original surname, if they request it at the time of adoption.
5. In the above cases of choice of investment demand and conservation, at the time of adoption, the surname of the person adopted must be expressly agreed in the enacting of the court ruling by establishing rating adoption.
[This article is written under Law 3 / 2005, dated April 8, to amend the Law 9 / 1998 of the Family Code, Law 10/1998 of stable marital unions, and Law 40/1991, of the Code of Inheritance by cause of death in the civil law of Catalonia, in terms of adoption and guardianship (DOGC. 4366 of 19-04-2005, p. 9935). If you want to see the previous wording of this article, click here.]
Section 129. Knowledge of biological data
1. The adopted person, from the majority or emancipation, can perform actions leading to ascertain what were his father and his biological mother, which does not affect the adoptive parentage.
2. The request may be taken or adopted in the interest of your health data biogenètiques of their parents. So can the adopters or adopted while the minor is taken.
3. The exercise of the rights specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 is carried out without detriment to the duty of reserve actions. 
Article 130. Irrevocability
1. The adoption is irrevocable. However, the judicial authority may establish, in the interest taken or adopted, the adoption of extinction if the father or mother nature had not intervened in accordance with the law in the case of adoption by cause that was not attributable.
2. The parent must play action within two years following the adoption. 
Section four. Extinction 
Article 131. Effects of extinction
1. The termination of the adoption of re-establishing their parentage in nature. The judicial authority may order the restoration of affiliation will be the only parent who has played action.
2. The effects produced assets prior to the adoption remain. 




Codi de família: Títol V
Anterior Amunt Següent
TÍTOL V. L'adopció
Capítol I. Requisits
Article 115. Persones que poden adoptar
1. Per a poder adoptar es requereix:
a).Estar en ple exercici dels drets civils.
b).Ésser major de vint-i-cinc anys i tenir com a mínim catorze anys més que la persona adoptada.
2. Només s'admet l'adopció per més d'una persona en el cas dels cònjuges o de les parelles que conviuen amb caràcter estable. En aquests casos, n'hi ha prou que una de les persones que adopta hagi complert vint-i-cinc anys.
[Aquest article està redactat conforme a la Llei 3/2005, de 8 d'abril, de modificació de la Llei 9/1998, del Codi de Família, de la Llei 10/1998, d'unions estables de parella, i de la Llei 40/1991, del Codi de Successions per causa de mort en el Dret Civil de Catalunya, en matèria d'adopció i tutela (DOGC núm. 4366, de 19-04-2005, p.9935). Si vol veure l'anterior redacció d'aquest article, cliqui aquí.]
Article 116. Persones que no poden adoptar
No poden adoptar:
a).El pare i la mare que hagin estat privats de la potestat o les persones que hagin estat remogudes d'un càrrec tutelar mentre estiguin en aquesta situació.
b).El tutor o tutora pel que fa al seu tutelat, fins que no hagi estat aprovat el compte final de la tutela.
Article 117. Persones que poden ésser adoptades
1. Poden ésser adoptades les persones menors no emancipades en els supòsits següents:
a) Els fills del cònjuge o de la persona amb qui l'adoptant conviu en relació de parella amb caràcter estable. En aquests casos, l'adopció requereix que la filiació no estigui determinada legalment respecte a l'altre progenitor, o que aquest hagi mort, o que estigui privat de la potestat, o que estigui sotmès a una causa de privació de la potestat, o que hi hagi donat l'assentiment.
"b) Els orfes que són parents de l'adoptant fins al tercer grau de consanguinitat o afinitat."
c).Les persones que estiguin sota la tutela de qui vol adoptar, un cop aprovat el compte final de la tutela.
d).Les persones que estiguin en situació d'acolliment preadoptiu, per qui les té acollides.
e).Excepcionalment, les persones que estiguin en situació d'acolliment simple dels qui els volen adoptar, si les circumstàncies han canviat i ja no és possible el retorn d'aquelles a la seva família, perquè hi concorri alguna de les circumstàncies de l'acolliment preadoptiu o altres que en facin impossible el reintegrament.
2. Es pot adoptar una persona major d'edat o una persona menor emancipada sempre que en qualsevol dels dos supòsits hagi conviscut ininterrompudament amb l'adoptant des d'abans d'haver complert catorze anys o si ha estat en situació d'acolliment preadoptiu, o bé simple, si hi concorren les circumstàncies de la lletra e de l'apartat 1, almenys durant l'any immediatament anterior a la majoritat o l'emancipació i ha continuat convivint-hi sense interrupció.
3. En els supòsits de les lletres a, b, c i d de l'apartat 1 es pot constituir l'adopció, encara que un dels adoptants hagi mort si ha donat el seu consentiment a l'adopció davant l'autoritat judicial o bé en testament, codicil o escriptura pública.
4. En cas de mort de l'adoptant individual o, si és conjunta, de tots dos, o quan s'incorri en causa de pèrdua de la potestat, és possible una nova adopció de la persona que es trobava en procés d'ésser adoptada o, en el segon cas, quan es declari extingida l'adopció.
[Aquest article està redactat conforme a la Llei 3/2005, de 8 d'abril, de modificació de la Llei 9/1998, del Codi de Família, de la Llei 10/1998, d'unions estables de parella, i de la Llei 40/1991, del Codi de Successions per causa de mort en el Dret Civil de Catalunya, en matèria d'adopció i tutela (DOGC núm. 4366, de 19-04-2005, p. 9935). Si vol veure l'anterior redacció d'aquest article, cliqui aquí.]
Article 118. Persones que no poden ésser adoptades
No poden ésser adoptades les persones següents:
a).Els descendents.
b).Els parents en segon grau de la línia col.lateral per consanguinitat o per afinitat, mentre dura el matrimoni que origina aquest parentiu.
Capítol II. Constitució i règim
Secció primera. Constitució
Article 119. Procediment
En l'adopció s'ha de tenir en compte sempre l'interès de la persona adoptada i es constitueix per resolució judicial motivada, d'acord amb les normes d'aquest Codi i amb les de procediment de la Llei d'enjudiciament civil.
Article 120. Proposta d'adopció
1. Si hi ha hagut acolliment preadoptiu, o bé simple, en els casos de la lletra e de l'article 117.1, per a iniciar l'expedient d'adopció cal la proposta prèvia de l'organisme competent, en la qual s'han de fer constar, degudament acreditades, les dades següents:
a).La idoneïtat raonada de la persona o les persones que volen adoptar ateses llurs condicions personals, socials, familiars, econòmiques i llur aptitud educadora. Els qui volen adoptar poden recórrer, mitjançant el corresponent procediment pels tràmits de la jurisdicció voluntària, contra la denegació de la idoneïtat per l'organisme competent.
b).L'últim domicili, si és conegut, del pare i de la mare, dels tutors o dels guardadors de l'adoptat o adoptada.
2. En el cas d'adopció de la persona acollida en forma simple, la proposta prèvia ha d'acreditar, a més, el canvi de circumstàncies que justifica el pas d'una mesura a l'altra i que hi concorren els requisits de l'acolliment preadoptiu.
3. No cal la proposta prèvia en els casos de les lletres a, b i c de l'apartat 1, ni en els casos de l'apartat 2 de l'article 117, ni si el menor fa més d'un any que és en situació d'acolliment preadoptiu i no ha estat revisada la mesura adoptada en el moment d'iniciar-se l'expedient d'adopció.
Article 121. Consentiment de l'adopció
L'adoptant o els adoptants i l'adoptat o adoptada, si té dotze anys o més, han de donar el seu consentiment a l'adopció davant l'autoritat judicial.
Article 122. Assentiment a l'adopció
1. Han de donar l'assentiment a l'adopció, si no estan impossibilitats per a fer-ho:
a) El cònjuge de l'adoptant, llevat del cas de separació judicial o de fet, o la persona amb qui l'adoptant conviu en relació de parella amb caràcter estable."
b).El pare i la mare de l'adoptat o adoptada, llevat que estiguin privats legalment de la potestat o estiguin sotmesos a una causa de privació d'aquesta, o en el supòsit que el menor hagi estat en situació d'acolliment preadoptiu sense oposició, durant més d'un any, o amb oposició desestimada judicialment.
2. L'assentiment s'ha de donar sempre davant l'autoritat judicial. La mare no pot donar-lo fins que hagin passat trenta dies del part.
3. L'assentiment del pare i de la mare no es pot referir a una persona que vol adoptar determinada, llevat del cas excepcional que una causa raonable ho justifiqui.
[Aquest article està redactat conforme a la Llei 3/2005, de 8 d'abril, de modificació de la Llei 9/1998, del Codi de Família, de la Llei 10/1998, d'unions estables de parella, i de la Llei 40/1991, del Codi de Successions per causa de mort en el Dret Civil de Catalunya, en matèria d'adopció i tutela (DOGC núm. 4366, de 19-04-2005, p. 9935). Si vol veure l'anterior redacció d'aquest article, cliqui aquí.]
Article 123. Persones que han d'ésser escoltades
L'autoritat judicial ha d'escoltar en l'expedient d'adopció:
a).El pare i la mare dels majors d'edat i de les persones de les quals no cal l'assentiment, llevat dels que estan privats de la potestat.
b).Les persones que exerceixen la tutela o la curatela o tenen la guarda de fet de l'adoptat o adoptada.
c).L'adoptat o adoptada menor de dotze anys, si té prou coneixement.
d).Els fills de l'adoptant o adoptants i, si és el cas, els de la persona adoptada, si tenen prou coneixement i és possible.
 Secció segona. Adopció internacional
Article 124. Adopció de menors estrangers
Les persones menors estrangeres només poden ésser adoptades si les autoritats de l'estat d'origen confirmen que:
a).El menor pot ésser adoptat.
b).L'adopció respon a l'interès del menor.
c).Els consentiments requerits per a l'adopció han estat donats lliurement i sense rebre cap tipus de contraprestació, amb coneixement de les conseqüències i els efectes que en derivin, especialment pel que fa al trencament de tot vincle jurídic amb la família d'origen.
d).El menor, si té prou coneixement, ha estat escoltat.
Article 125. Tramitació
1. Si no hi ha conveni internacional en la matèria, l'organisme competent només tramita les adopcions de menors originaris dels països en els quals quedi suficientment garantit el respecte als principis i a les normes de l'adopció internacional i la intervenció deguda dels seus organismes administratius i judicials.
2. Per tal de garantir el ple respecte als drets dels menors, en el cas d'adopcions internacionals, l'organisme competent exerceix les funcions següents:
a).Prendre les mesures per a evitar lucres indeguts i impedir pràctiques contràries a l'interès del menor.
b).Reunir i conservar la informació relativa als adoptats i als seus orígens i, en la mesura permesa per la legislació vigent, garantir-ne l'accés.
c).Facilitar i seguir els procediments d'adopció.
d).Assessorar sobre l'adopció i, en cas necessari i en la mesura permesa per la legislació vigent, fer el seguiment de les adopcions, quan ho exigeixi el país d'origen de la persona que es vol adoptar.
e).Seleccionar les persones i les famílies demandants tot valorant-ne la idoneïtat segons uns criteris i uns processos establerts, adreçats a afavorir l'èxit del procés adoptiu.
Article 126. Funcions de mediació
1. Només pot intervenir amb funcions de mediació per a l'adopció internacional l'organisme competent de la Generalitat. No obstant això, la Generalitat pot acreditar entitats col.laboradores per a l'exercici d'aquestes funcions en els termes i amb el compliment dels requisits que s'estableixin per reglament. En tot cas, aquestes entitats han d'ésser sense ànim de lucre, han d'estar legalment constituïdes, tenir com a finalitat la protecció dels menors i han de defensar l'interès primordial del menor per damunt de cap altre, d'acord amb les normes de dret internacional aplicables. S'han de sotmetre a les directrius, la inspecció i el control de l'organisme competent.
2. Quan es tracti d'una adopció constituïda a l'estranger sense la intervenció de l'organisme competent de la Generalitat, aquest procedeix, a instància de l'autoritat judicial competent, a l'estudi i la valoració de la persona o les persones que volen adoptar, per a determinar si reuneixen les condicions necessàries d'idoneïtat per tal de procurar el desenvolupament integral del menor i una aptitud educadora adequada.
Secció tercera. Efectes específics de la filiació adoptiva
Article 127. Efectes específics de l'adopció
1. L'adopció origina relacions de parentiu entre l'adoptant i la seva família i la persona adoptada i els seus descendents, i produeix els mateixos efectes que la filiació per naturalesa.
2. L'adopció extingeix el parentiu entre la persona adoptada i la seva família d'origen, llevat dels casos establerts per l'article 117.1.a i de l'adopció entre parents fins al quart grau.
3. Els vincles de l'adoptat o adoptada amb la seva família d'origen es mantenen només en els casos que estableix la llei i, en especial, als efectes dels impediments per a contreure matrimoni i en els casos en els quals es mantenen els drets successoris.
[Aquest article ha estat modificat per la Llei 10/2008, de 10 de juliol, del llibre quart del Codi civil de Catalunya relatiu a les successions (DOGC núm. 5175, de 17-07-2008, p. 55923-56024). Per veure l'antiga redacció feu click aquí]
Article 128. Cognoms de l'adoptat o adoptada
1. La persona que és adoptada conjuntament porta els cognoms dels adoptants en l'ordre que estableix la llei o en l'ordre que aquests acordin en la inscripció del primer fill o filla que tinguin en comú. Si els adoptants són del mateix sexe, l'ordre dels cognoms és el que elegeixin de comú acord. Si no hi ha acord, l'ordre el decideix el jutge o jutgessa de primera instància, dins el procediment d'adopció.
2. L'adoptat o adoptada per una persona porta els cognoms d'aquesta, llevat del cas a què es refereix l'article 117.1.a, en el qual conserva el cognom de la persona amb qui té el vincle de filiació establert prèviament, d'acord amb les normes de l'apartat 1 respecte de l'ordre dels cognoms. Si aquesta persona és del mateix sexe que l'adoptant, ambdós han d'establir l'ordre dels cognoms de comú acord en el moment de l'adopció. Si no hi ha acord, l'ordre el decideix el jutge o jutgessa de primera instància."
3. L'ordre dels cognoms es pot invertir a petició de l'adoptant en el moment de l'adopció o de la persona adoptada a partir de l'emancipació o de la majoritat.
4. Les persones adoptades majors d'edat o emancipades poden conservar els cognoms d'origen, si així ho sol.liciten en el moment de l'adopció.
5. En els supòsits anteriors d'elecció, petició d'inversió o conservació, en el moment de l'adopció, els cognoms de la persona adoptada han d'ésser acordats expressament en la part dispositiva de la resolució judicial per la qual es constitueix l'adopció.
[Aquest article està redactat conforme a la Llei 3/2005, de 8 d'abril, de modificació de la Llei 9/1998, del Codi de Família, de la Llei 10/1998, d'unions estables de parella, i de la Llei 40/1991, del Codi de Successions per causa de mort en el Dret Civil de Catalunya, en matèria d'adopció i tutela (DOGC núm. 4366, de 19-04-2005, p. 9935). Si vol veure l'anterior redacció d'aquest article, cliqui aquí.]
Article 129. Coneixement de dades biològiques
1. La persona adoptada, a partir de la majoritat o de l'emancipació, pot exercir les accions que condueixin a esbrinar quins han estat el seu pare i la seva mare biològics, la qual cosa no afecta la filiació adoptiva.
2. L'adoptat o adoptada pot sol.licitar, en interès de la seva salut, les dades biogenètiques dels seus progenitors. També ho poden fer els adoptants mentre l'adoptat o adoptada és menor d'edat.
3. L'exercici dels drets especificats en els apartats 1 i 2 es duu a terme sense detriment del deure de reserva de les actuacions.
Article 130. Irrevocabilitat
1. L'adopció es irrevocable. Nogensmenys, l'autoritat judicial pot establir, en interès de l'adoptat o adoptada, l'extinció de l'adopció si el pare o la mare per naturalesa no havien intervingut d'acord amb la llei en l'expedient d'adopció per causa que no els fos imputable.
2. El pare o la mare han d'exercir l'acció dins els dos anys següents a l'adopció.
Secció quarta. Extinció
Article 131. Efectes de l'extinció
1. L'extinció de l'adopció comporta el restabliment de la filiació per naturalesa. L'autoritat judicial pot acordar que el restabliment de la filiació ho sigui només del progenitor que ha exercit l'acció.
2. Els efectes patrimonials de l'adopció produïts amb anterioritat es mantenen.