
A few words to FFIA's adoptees from India

In the 80s and 90s, Henri Tiphagne was a lawyer in the FFIA adoption cases

had in South India. His wife Cynthia served for a time as FFIAs

contact person. Since the mid-90s, Henri has built up

the human rights organization People's Watch in Madurai,

South India. FFIA Aid has been supporting Sudhanthra for many years, which is a

FFIA - India


Adoptions have been taking place since the 60s from India. During the 70s, some children came to Sweden privately and the rest through AC. One of the private routes was our Poona contact, when Eva Minton placed children with the help of SOFOSH and Dipika Maharaj Singh. That contact came to FFIA during the mid-80s.

The FFIA's first authorization in 1979 was for the Juvenile Court in Mumbai (Bombay). It was about children who were placed partly in state orphanages and partly in private orphanages, but who were responsibly sorted under the court. The court assigned us children who had been fully investigated and declared abandoned, usually foundlings.

FFIA received 90 children from the Juvenile Court during the years 1980 - 1985.

A judgment of the Supreme Court of India in 1985 changed and systematized the adoptions. It was regulated how the orphanages should handle children who were placed with them from the courts. After this time, children of this category came directly from the orphanages.

President Biden signs private bill for Rebecca Trimble, military wife and mother government tried to deport

Rebecca Trimble received a rare and long-awaited Christmas present this year. On December 15, the Senate unanimously passed a private bill for Trimble. The bill was introduced by the late Don Young and passed the House unanimously on June 7. President Joe Biden signed it into law today. The bill allows Trimble, who was inadvertently brought into the U.S. illegally by her adoptive parents when she was only days old, to remain in the country indefinitely.

Private bills, which benefit a specific individual or corporation, are extremely rare. Since 2008, 160 private relief bills have been referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Just 22 have passed the House, and only two have been signed into law. The last one signed into law before Trimble’s was in 2012. A private bill for Trimble passed the House during the last Congress but did not make it through the Senate, requiring the process to start over.

On February 10, 2020, Trimble received a letter from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) informing her she has 33 days to leave the country. At the time she was living in Bethel with her husband John, an Army dentist, and their two children.

Trimble, who was born in Mexico, was adopted by an American couple when she was a baby. She was raised in the Pacific Northwest and grew up believing she was an American citizen. But in 2012 when she tried to get a REAL ID, the nightmare started. The government said her adoption had not been performed legally, and because she had voted in 2008 she had broken the law.

The Landmine broke this story in March of 2020. Four months later, the New York Times did a featured story on Rebecca’s situation. This Landmine article explains the long and arduous process the Trimble family has faced over the last ten years.

Why are the media silent about Noah Kraljevi?, councilor Mozemo, being arrested in Zambia on suspicion of human trafficking?

As we already wrote, four couples from Croatia were arrested in Zambia, and eight people have been in custody for more than three weeks on suspicion of human trafficking after they planned to adopt children from the Congo. One child is one year and three months old, and the other three are three years old, and it is suspected that those arrested had forged documents.

Guitarist of Cold beer and the town hall Mozemo

Among those arrested are 44-year-old Damir Magi? (44) and his wife Nadica Magi? (45), guitarist Hladni piva, Zoran Suboši? (52) and his wife Azra Imamovi? Suboši? (41), employee of the Constitutional Court, Zagreb veterinarian Ladislav Perši? (42). with her husband Aleksandra (40) and LGBTIQ activist and councilor Mozemo, who was born under the name Dalija Pintari? (45) and her partner Ivona (36), so the question arises why the media hide their identities, even though the Zambian media reported the police report with their full names and surnames. In fact, Jutarnji list initially published the names, but after someone intervened, it decided to hide them.

Dalija Pintari? was originally a lesbian, and then she decided to make the so-called "gender surgery" and "becoming a man", therefore she changed her name to Noah Pintari?, and then to Noah Kraljevi?. She could therefore be, after the first man in a women's prison, the first case of a woman in a men's prison.

Dalija Pintari? and Noah Kraljevi? were declared LGBTIQ person of the year

Zambia: among the detained Croats is also an LGBTQ activist who 'changed gender'

Zambia: according to information from Zambian portals, among the 4 couples who were arrested at the beginning of the month, there is also an LGBTQ activist, DP, former co-president of the Trans Aid association, now the kolekTIRV association . She became known to the Croatian public for advocating transgenderism and presenting her personal "transition" to the male gender and changing her name to NP, and then to N.K.

The Zambian media published the names and surnames of all those detained and the children who were with them. Jutarnji list announced yesterday that the 52-year-old guitarist of Hladni piva is among those detained.

Eight Croats were arrested on December 6 and detained in Zambia, a country with 19 million inhabitants in southern Africa. They were arrested at Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe Airport with four children aged between one and three. They were taken to the police station on the basis of a report, and because of the suspicion that they brought four children to Zambia from the Congo with falsified documents, writes Zambia News. The authorities there suspect trafficking in people, that is, children . The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has confirmed that the four married couples have been detained in Zambia for 16 days. They were visited by an employee of the Croatian consular office of the Croatian embassy in Pretoria.

Narod.hr sent an inquiry to the Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy about the couples detained in Zambia - whether they are registered as potential adoptive parents in the Republic of Croatia and about the validity of the child adoption procedure in accordance with the laws and the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia and international conventions. In a separate question, we asked for information about a possible procedure in Croatia for the couple NK and I.K, that is, two female persons, one of whom underwent the transition to the male gender and, according to some media, came to Zambia to adopt a child from the Congo. We will publish the Ministry's answers to these questions as soon as we receive them.

Zambia and the Congo: international adoption and the Convention

Delhi HC to UP: Don’t create hurdles in adoption of ‘miracle baby’

BAREILLY: The Delhi high court (HC) has issued an “impleading notice” to the Uttar Pradesh government for “not adhering to an earlier judgment given by the court” regarding the adoption of a “miracle baby” (the court addressed her only as ‘S’) and “delaying the process by harassing the staff of the orphanage in Bareilly where she is housed”, reports Kanwardeep Singh.

The court order, issued on December 23 and made available on Saturday, came a few days after TOI reported that some right-wing activists had lodged an FIR against the orphanage and the Malta-based couple who had adopted the baby, charging them with “wrongful conversion”.

The HC further directed the UP government “not to harass the orphanage staff and stop the proceedings under the unlawful conversion law in the FIR”. It also directed the UP administration “not to create hurdles in the baby’s adoption process or her journey to Malta with her adoptive parents”.

The baby was found abandoned in an earthen pot, having survived a cold night, in Bareilly during the winter of 2019.

She was subsequently referred to as a “miracle baby”.

130 babies do not find a place in French-speaking foster families

No place was found in a foster family for 130 babies between 0 and 1 year old who had to be placed in the past year. So says the non-profit organization Famille d'accueil, which covers 16 foster organizations in the French community.

Of the 166 applications for long-term shelter, only 36 have resulted in a suitable solution in the past year. The other babies, ie 130, could not be taken care of in a family context, the non-profit organization regrets.

The children are then placed in a nursery or moved from one emergency service to another while waiting for a place in a suitable foster home, says Famille d'accueil. In some cases, healthy babies have to stay in a hospital for months or even end up being returned to the family where they were taken and may be in danger.

The organization emphasizes that the children's rights treaty stipulates that children who have to be removed from their families can grow up elsewhere in a family environment. Famille d'accueil is therefore actively looking for more foster families.

alarm bell

Mangaluru: Shettys happily marry off their adopted love child 22 yrs after tragedy struck them

Abhijith N Kolpe

Daijiworld Media Network – Mangaluru

Mangaluru, Dec 25: Since the last 22 years, Dinesh Shetty and Vijayalakshmi Shetty from Urwa are bringing up two girl children who lost their parents during their young age.

Dinesh Shetty owns a granite factory in Moodabidiri where several employees from different parts of the state work. A Bagalkote couple who was working in Dinesh Shetty granite factory lost their lives due to Malaria.

The Bagalkote couple has five children - three daughters and two sons. Among the five children, two daughters Jyothi and Tanuja are taken care by Dinesh Shetty and Vijayalakshmi for the past 22 years after the demise of their parents. While one daughter and one son got married another son is in Bagalkote.

Arrêté du 21 décembre 2022 portant abrogation des habilitations - RSEE

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Arrêté du 21 décembre 2022 portant abrogation des habilitations

d’un organisme autorisé et habilité pour l’adoption

Stolen Generations Reparations Package

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